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March 13, 1926 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-13

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications
Members of Western Conerence Editonal
I i Associated 'Press is exclusively en-
oO Jd to the use for republication of all news
dispatchescredited to it or not otherwise
c teid in this paper and the local news pub-
Entr d it the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
ichigan as second class matter. Special rate
or ,age gi anted by Third Assistant Post-
a t.r GeneraL.
Subscription by carrier. $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
ciard Street.
Phoae t Jditorial, 4925; buslaess, 214.

Telephone 4024

Chairman, Editorial Board....Norman R. Thal
tity Editor........... Robert S. Mansfield
1 . os Editor...........,Manning Housewortb
l ti en's Editor............Helen S. Ramsay
Edor........... Joseph Kruger
eajhEditor.........William Waithour
NIu ic and Drama........Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
RNhert T. DeVore Thomas V. Koykka
W. Calvin Patterson
Assistaut City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito

C~crtrude Bailey
Cha,:rles Behynner
Wti:I am Bryer
. iihp Brooks
l aum Buckingham
t ;t tonlBuck
( rl Burger
1,,,;r Carter;
,. pig Chamberlain
avr Cohen
Sto Champe
I aasDoubleday
. l.;utekunst
ew Goodan
J-ics T. Herald
r i itt
urioni Kubik

Harriett Levy
Ellis Merry
Dorothy Morehouse
Margaret Parker
'tanford N. Phelps
imon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtand Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
Henry Thurnau
David C. Vokes
Marion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilske

Telephone 21214
Advertising................Joseph J. Finn
d'ertising...........Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
,;dvertisitg......... .....Win. L. Mullin
hcti~ilg ........Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
...........Rudolph Bostelman
cAuntsss.................Paul W. Arnold

An individual's friends and position
are likely to determine his behavior.
This statement seems to apply to the
attitude of the New York politicians
in the present discussion of the Great
Lakes-to-the-Sea waterway involving
the New York barge canal. The
arguments which have been con-
cocted for the adoption of this plan
in preference to the St. Lawrence
route are wholly refutable.
The idea that the waterway from
the lakes to the sea should be within
American territory for military rea-
sons becomes absurd when it is re-
membered that the last three admin-
istrations have approved the interna-
tional route. Rven i the event of
war, the American canal coild be put
out of commission as easily as the St.
Lawrence route by the bombardment
of long range guns and aeroplanes.
It has been pointed out by those
who are trying to keep the trade
flowing through New York city that
the distance to the sea is greater by
the way of the St. Lawrence river
than through the old Erie canal
route. This argument has little sig-
nificance, however, since the grain
products of the Middle West, for
which the question is supposedly un-
der consideration, are destined, not
for the coast, but for Europe. The
distance from Lake Ontario to Liver-
pool is actually shorter by the inter-
national route than by the one
through the Empire state.
From an economic standpoint, the
plan advocated by Chairman Dempsey
is greatly inferior to the St. Law-
rence project. While the latter could
be constructed by treaty with and the
joint aid of Canada for $270,000,000,
with the power developed eventually
paying the entire costs, the utilization
of the New York barge canal would
involve an initial expenditure of more
than $650,000.000 with $30,000,000
needed annually for maintenance.
In reality, the action by the New
York interests is not being under-
taken as the "Empire state's contri-
bution to the benefit of the whole na-
tion," but to protect the double-load-
ing business w-hich results from the
present railroad siuation.
Since the price of grain is fixed by
the Liverpool markets, the American
farmer pays the costs of transporta-
tion on the products shipped to Eu-
rope. By elimination of these load-
ing costs, the construction of the St.
Lawrence waterway would tend to
better agricultural conditions by in-
creasing the profit therefrom.
The recent action of President
Coolidge in reiterating his support of
the international route is a hopeful
sign for the proponents of that plan.
While public interest is being shown
in internal water transportation, it
would be well for Congress to seri-
ously consider the subject and give
the needed relief to the midwestern
Not always is it possiile that stu-
dents giving time and money to Uni-
versity improvements may see the
actual results of their efforts. Usually
the student graduates before he sees
the improvement for which he worked
take form. Not so with the Union
swinming pool. Those who labored
in the annual drives to finish it have
now used it for over a year, and will
see it today used for the Big Ten
championships. Its excellent facilities
were the principal factor in taking
a conference championship meet out-
side of Chicago for the first time.
Swimmers from nine of the ten uni-
versities of the Conference will com-
pete today for school and individual
honors. The men will judge the Uni-
versity; they will possibly compare

the swimming pool with their own,
and consider the Union of which it
is a part as representative of the Uni-
versity as a whole. They will find
the swimming tank, as the result of
years of effort on the part of students,
adequate, complete, and meeting well
a definite need. The University is
proud to have the visiting swimmers
in Ann Arbor and to have them ash
her guests. Michigan looks forward
to the time when the championships'
and the visitors will come again.
Meanwhile the student body continues
to benefit from the work of those who
"finished the Union pool."

tv r r CLOTS



We just learned with surprise that
is page, (the editorial page, is the
chnical name) has dignity. Of

George H. Annable, Jr.
'. arl Bauer
h .i Brbink
. JCox
r l n A. Daniel
.. ary Flinternian
i . . De~uy
. Kenneth Haven
Frank [M es
Frank Masher

F. A. Norquist
Loleta G. Parker
.D)avid I 'eirot
Robert Prentiss
Wm. C. Pusch
Joseph D. Ryan
Stewart Sinclair
Mance Solomon
Thomas Sunderland
Wm.. J. Weinman
Margaret Smith
.Sidney Wilson

course we always knew that it was
more or less serious in its purpose,
and that, if we have to say so our-
selves, it is pretty successful at it,
we never really thought that it had
dignity. That is, conscious dignity.
But alas and alack, we find that we
are wrong. It seems that we can't
have any more pretty little pictures
in our noble department because they
detract from the general dignity of
the page. This grieves us for many
reasons. First of all we fear that our
word pictures are rather weak. For
instance we never felt that Effie
Snorp became really a personality
until we ran her picture. The same
may be said of the late lamented
Dean Zilch. Mipp, being somewhat
of an ass, never can hold a very deep
position in the local heart.
Another thing about cuts is that
they do add dignity to this depart-
ment. There is nothing so interest-
Ing as a queer or unique cut seen in
a newspaper. We have long ago be-
come convinced of the fact that, if
this department ever had any readers
at all, they function as such chiefly
on the days when there were excit-
ing looking pictures displayed here.
No matter how intelligent a person
may be, when he sees one of these
cuts, he will read the article just to
see how anyone could write anything
about them.
And the humor comes in here. We
very rarely said anything justifying
them. This is probably one of the
reasons why they spoiled the dignity
of the page.
Now when our neighbor 'runs a cut
it always means something.- That is,
it is always surrounded by reading
matter pertaining to it. Anyway
there will be no more cuts in this
column, so you might as well stop
reading it. We hate to announce this,
but we feel that it is only fair to
those who might give their time to
looking it over in the morning. Please
don't write in the Campus Opinion
about it however, as that would only
make things worse.
* t *.
below we submit an article or
poem or interview or something
which was sent to us by mail and at
the cost of two cents in cash. It has
been in our hands for several days
now, but we have hesitated to run,
I for fear that we might invoke some-
body's wrath. Not because it has a
pointed dig at anybody, but because,
plainly, it is over our head. We can't
make anything out of it at all. There-
fore if it is a wrong thing to print in
any way we hereby deny any respon-
sibility for it. Mayhap i is funny.
Then we are glad to have run it. If
anyone can make it out we will take
them out to tea if they will tell us.
Here it is:
Who'll take the mail to dead man's
I'll take the mail to dead man's
gulch," said little Nell.
"But the Indians they will caught
you and tie you to a tree."
But little Nell was brave, and she
jumped on her giddiap for she was a
good giddiaper and took the mail to
dead man's gulch.
And the Indians they catched her
and tied her to a tree.
Little Nell started calling, "Glow-
ria, Glowria..rascue me!! Glowia,
Glowria..rascup me!!
So Glowria jumped on his giddiap
and galloped away like the weeend,
but all of a sudden the horse got
Well, again Michigan, with two or
three other schools is champion of
the west. Of course in basketball,

that is nothing unusual (we mean the
tie) for every year there are about
the same number, if not more, all Big
Ten champions. What we are wait-
ing for, is to see some season with
ten teams in a tie for first place.
. * s
Then we'll have ten champions of
the west, and everybody will be happy.
Sir Tobby Tiffin.

TONIGHT: The iMimes presenIt W.
S. Gilbert's "Engaged" in the Mimes
theatre at 83:0 o'clock.
A review, by William Lucas.
The Mimes have provided gorgeous
entertainment in their revival of "En-
ed" The 'revival would bie justi-
fled if for no other reason than that
it brings to life that arch lady Be-
linda Treherne-she of the woeful




-- -.'t

countenance and, tremulous voice-
whose decease last semester was only
partially recompensed by her alleged
reincarnation in the festivities of the
Union Opera. But the piece itself is
admirable, a typical Gilbert opus, bur-
lesquing the sentimentalities of the
romantic drama; and the performance;
last night was keyed to a pitch of
high and airy foolery, that did not
slacken pace until the loving ladies
Belinda and Minnie were safely de-
posited in their respective lover's
arms, and the curtain run down on a
characteristic Gilbertian conclusion.
A burlesque of this sort is by no
mneans actor-proof-and in modern re-
vivals there is a tendency to overplay
the absurdities, to caricature a cari-
cature. Happily the cast preserved a
spirit of polite, if facetious satire, that
no-wise interfered with the atmo-
sphere of good natured fun that
characterized the production as a
whole. Belinda Treherne was played
by - well, Belinda Treherne was
Belinda Treherne, and at no time dur-
ing the evening was one conscious
that she was any abut her own fasci-
nating self. The rest of the cast
maintained a high order of excellence,
distinguished particularly by the
work of Philip Collins in the role of
Minne Symperson, and by Neal Ny-
land as Cheviot Hill.
It is perhaps unfair to compare last
night's performance with the produc-
tion of last semester. The present
revival is ostensibly of a higher order,
far more pretentious and elaborate.
There was, however, a noticeable in-
crease in the intensity of the action,
and numerous unsuspected subtleties
in the lines seem to have been dis-
covered. Too much credit can not be
given to the impressionistic settings
of Frederick Hill, done in the manner
of Miguel Covarrubias' settings for
New York Theatre Guild.
The University Girls' Glee Club,
under the direction of Nora Crane
Hunt, and with Nell Stockwell, pian-
ist, as soloist, will present the fol-
lowing program tomorrow afternoon
in Hill auditorium at 4:15 o'clock:
Variations on "Nel cor pin non mi 1
Romance, Opus 28, No. 2...Schumann
"Ensuem" from "Danzas Fan-
"Danzos Montanesas" No. 6.. . .Villar
Miss Stockwell
Indian Mountai Song.......Cadman
Song of the Shepherd Lehl ...... I
.... Riisky-Korsakof
(from Opera Snegourotchka)
To the Spirit of Music........
........-.Percy Rector Stephens
Glee Club
Isolda's Love Death from "Tris-
tan und Isolde"....Wagner-Liszt
Magic Fire from "Die Walkure"
.------... ... Wagner-Brassin
Miss Stockwell
Nocturne.........Mary Helen Brown
Violin Obligato
Jeanette Emmons
Song of the Seasons.........hawley
Glee Club
Accompaniments by Catherine
Jessie Bonstelle, director of the
Bonstelle Playhouse in Detroit, re-
cently replied to an invitation cx-

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f'r A H A S

Night Editor-LEONARD C. HALL
2. he favorite resort of the student
who wants something done, or un-
done, is the petition. Organizations !
on the campus that are dissatistied
with the state of affairs, groups that
are desirous of obtaining concessions
from the University, ranging from
holidays to more "cuts," individualsI
Sho harbor political ambitions--all i
circulate petitions, which are com-
placently signed by their fellow un-
Realizing the ridiculous manner in
which students sign almost anything,
a group of undergraduates at the Uni-
versity of California circulated a pe-
tition requesting the university to
grant them another holiday. Hidden!
halfway down the page was the
'joker," which demanded that "we
be drawn and quartered on Wheeler
steps if this petition for a holiday the
Monday before Charter day is notI
More than 600 students, gathering
vaguely that it meant a holiday, sign-
ed their names without even 'reading
the document, which, in reality, pro-
vided for a death sentence for them.
all. Only six students of the hun-
d red~s approached, according to the
Daily Californian, read enough of the I
paper to see the hoax.
Michigan's case is not much differ-
ent from that of its sister university
of the Far West. Every spring the
campus is flooded with petitions,
lar ely sponsored by impromptu po-
litical ,groups. And long lists of
names are amassed with a rapidity
and ease that is amazing. Students
a papers advocating the candidacy
. i.en they never heard of, and of
.:se quaiifications they know abso-
Iitely nothing.

Chess and Checker Sets
At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk

Score Cards

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Compare the work you get from many
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Look at your hat after we have
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The sweat band is unblemished
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1= yours while the stocks
Pay a little more and have your hat
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We Manufacture hats
Spring Rats Are Ready I -
Save a Dollar or -
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Little investment-big returns, The -
Daily Classifieas.-Adv.1111



;ne right of petition, if used intel-
Iatgeiy, is a fundamental principle
of democracy. However, at present,
i is worse than nothing, for it leads
tue authorities to whom the docu-
i!nt is a(dressed to believe facts
a L iUt probably not true.
1 rping flood of petitions will
sOon be evident-students should
nlW what they are signing before
1 ey consent to affix their names to
any (ocument. Perhaps they are not
signing their death warrants, as was

(The Bangor Commercial)
Another instance of the professor
in politics is seen at Waterville where
Professor Herbert C. Libby of ColbyI
College has been elected mayor of
the city. We have some doubt if Pro-#
fessor Libby was at all anxious for
political office, in fact he says that he
was swayed to accept the nomination
by his belief that everyone should be
responsive to civic duties.
Professor Libby will set a good ex-i

tended her to attend one of the cam-
pus productions. The major portion
of her letter is of such general inter-
est to her friends in Ann Arbor that
we are taking the liberty of publish- I
ing the following excerpt:
"Thank you for your letter. I am
sorry that I have so little opportunity I
to get out and see the work that is
being done at the University.
"I should love to see Engaged.'
Maggie MacFarlane was the first big I
part I ever played when I was an
amateur. I have always loved the
play, and wanted Grace George to re-
vive it doing Belinda. However, when
I saw the revival they gave it in New
York last year I thought it was slow.,
Somehow the producers stupidly in- I
serted songs into it and spoiled the STAUNCH 4
whole charm of the piece.
"So Phyllis Loughton is directing NESS AND
'Why Marry?' I am sure she will do it
well. I love both of Mr. Williams' IN THIS BA
"We will give a good performane OF ADVER
of his 'Why Not?' next week, I feel
certain, and our special production i§ WILL DOI
of 'Romeo and Juliet' in modern dress

M.", .d^. '..da

101-105 S. MAIN ST.--ANN ARBOR; MICH.--330 S. STATE
- -U--...

------------- -

yY y

the Waterville Daily Mail and prior
to that edited and managed a string
of wdekly newspapers and at that
time he acquired an interest in and
knowledge of municipal affairs that
will now be demonstrated to the ad-
vantage of the city of Waterville.
"Novelist Engaged To Write Origi-
nal Stories"-headline. Perhaps there
will be something new under the sun
after all.





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