I SATURDAY, MARCh 13, 192( NSS BIYEBBD N EWICE-BREAKING METHOD TESTED CONTINUESTOSN' ".: . THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE TUM Onhe Theory Would Explain Phenome- non As Being Result Of Old Volcano About To Erupt ADVANCE OTHER CAUSES# Much of Dean Kraus' time has been Dean Kraus Reports Trend In & Krau Rep rtsepors Tend n ndevoted to the study of his own sub- mecth, mineralogy and mineralogical German Colleges Seen On Tourmes, in Europe. He recently vis- ited the famous deposits of potash salts near Berlin, and spent three Dean Edward H. Kraus of the sum-- tall possible step: are taken to gain hours underground at the mine. He mer session, and the College of Phar- that end. also viewed the modern brass and macy, now engaged in a tour of Eu- There are various means of student copper rolling mills at Eberswalde. rope. has established temporary head- self-help which have been introduced He indicated that he had visited the quarters in Berlin according to a let- at the University of Berlin, the letter occurences of ember on the Baltic ter Teceived yesterday by Prof. Thom- I stated, which would not have been tol- coast to observe the preparation of the as E. Rankin of the rhetoric depart- rated 25 years ago. In that institu-, material for market. Dean Kraus has sient, and acting-director of the Sumi- tion there are student-operated lunch- ( also been to Leipsic, Konigsberg and mer session. Dean Kraus sailed from rooms, shoe-repairing shops, and a Dresden, and has interviewed many New York city Jan. 28 and expects to laundry office. The student body of students at the universities and ,ol- return to Ann Arbor about May 15. I the Berlin school includes about ten leges visited. He is occupied chiefly in visiting i per cent of women. the representative German universi- Summer study on the American PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. ties, inspecting laboratories andl la - ;la.n,. he continued, is progressing oratory methods, and tracing the mod- slowly there, although the University ern educational trends in that coun- of Berlin is following the example of try. Dean Kraus said that there were several French universities in at- many changes in university education tempting to enlarge the summer offer- since the War, the whole trendl now ings, with the idea of attracting Amer- being tovar'd the American concept ion icans, especially teachers, during the of e ducation of he masses, and th:'.t summer months. Mazabel, '28, Wins In Essay Contest Jorge Mazabel, '28E, of Bogata, Col- h- Cnih m- ia -- - xx - rA-^ (By Associated Press) SHARON SPRINGS, Kan., March 12. -The bottom continued today to drop gourt of the bed of the Smoky Hill River, :near here, and today the ground was still sinking, although -its motion had slowed up somewhat. A hole slightly over 300 feet in diameter had formedI in the river bed since Wednesday norning. The cause of the phenomenon re- 'mains a mystery, although many theories are advanced. Word was re- ceived. from Lawrence that R. C. 'VMoore, state geologist, had attributed A to underground caverns left when ,a stratum of limestone had been dis- nsolved. This, it was pointed out, how-