ITh MDY IIARCH 12,-1926 THEI M CH-ICAN ThAT Y Iliiu Pawlowski Sees Need For Terminal SAN FRANCISCO.-Abner oeAva onhadfte DobleSem oorIr NI IIIVI tEXRu IiS Facilities In Comm ria'vito poration, has been sentenced to the 1 Sa.Quentin prison for selling stockI IIJI DC wtou aprmt 1 elring that landing fgcijtie rn I pl nn iu es~itatn,; landing fielhds at________________ 11 aii ports a re pr flCunencess~5ti s for the )54 iiiiik ftei val , it is estimlaed thtat PAY YOUR SBSRIPTION Now !department of commercial aviation, i n ms fIin ragmn o ~ells Freshiman Engineers That Fewi theLUnite States, Prf. F. SV w - a require 11 ,00i land(ing places to prop- i- Artliles In Mseumis Are Ex- erly sup'ply the Iiiited State. hlbied T Pabic]owski of the aerona utical enlgineer- The aei 2 pane was pointed out to e has ep fartient io eo arosithe only means o locomiotion with; IT ES THREE FUNCTIONS pae faito before t he Aero- which safetyV ilciTCi 5With) speed. nautical society. in regard to the future o1' aeronau-; 1 the articles brought into a mu- Iexplained Professor Pawlowski, ter m.. -mlioad ',uispiacmul al at ~Jolla(( sill umn are ever exhibited to the public," inal facilities are needled for comner-y ence of eommercial aviation. Tile ~Clared Prof. Alexander G. Ruthven, cial aviation just as they were for: greatest contribution of tho :ord in-' ~recto of th Museu of Zologyrailroads in~ the early development of ;lerests to the country, he aided, s>j k '~ rn a adres beore he resmanen-that form of transportation. With the their entrance into the aeronauitical ineering class. "Most of the imp- present gliding properties of the aero- industry, tAnt things are stored in vaults or _______________________________ The museum that exists only as a- A~i o w place, has altogether missed its TODAY NOW ieul purpose," saidl Professor Ruthven,AN Wtho believes that the three greatestAND SHOW IN1G TeMalr uinctions of museums are: to study TOMORRWING The alloryat problems, to gather scientific results, O O Vl ItAR"Casi"a; vdto publish those results. "FewI. Othier Mallory Hiats 4eople realize that iluseupis are en- 5~ 6 To $10 aged in the advancement of knowl- ~lge; they are not shows places. In flact the museum has been defined as /F W t;'nursery of thoughts.'" Study of the conservation 'bf natural ( iVsources is also one phase of work 309 Sout t at has been neglected, hie believes.R tk e wokadpoepand fLuseum were also epaie.Two '" PRESENTING THE HATS OF l~indlred acres of land in northern ci 1!ich'igan are under the control of the useuni for study of the rich Indian. \kv511 iII. dposits. The" land is practically an frrdP tur ttdoor museum, Dr. Ruthveu said. AL At pie.sent, the Museum occupies six 1 ouses besides thy exhiibition museum '~ the campus. When the new Mu- un' building, to be built opposite the Le medical building, is finished,' fI~ iree fourths of the entire uildin .,*illbe devoted to laboratories and "Museums hre never finished, be- Wa .1K . 4use finished museums are dead," & p cubrqIrs lJ I)ncluded D or. R uthven.B . .S h l e g A i xt *two Will Reccive Ardci0 Rhetoric Awards Two medals will be awarded this p ¢' y, ar by the rhetoric department. One lbegvntthsnirwoasy 1 aintained the best scholarship rec- George Agnew Chanrlahl d in rhetoric during his University adtpted by Site unsell and Olga Printzhau. r' sidence, if his elections have coy- wxa 4 ed not less than five courses in the A ieJ y e portmen(t. A-breathless storyI The other medal will be awarded stryKenneth Harlanr t first year student who has done of primitive im- H le rmost consistently acceptable pulses far from ~ Walter long 4trk" in freshnman rhetoric. cvlzto' In the New S t NG _KONG. -- Fearing disturb- jaws; Give shoe buying the s tges in the region of Canton, Chi-( wul an utmbIe 40e, from that city and the surround- ldan nato leato %ig districts are flocking to Hong carry antoa euain i.o ng. for WALK-OVER SHOES. standard rice. f.AT THE THEATERS -$7 to Today-Screen [ Arcade-"The Wanderer," withWILA ADDEDI FEATURES .-? lErnest Torrence and Greta } ILAMFXW Nissen. A U IM LATEST NEWS KMajestgc - "Too Much Money," j I AfEAI ' ORCHESTRABO lwith Lewis Stone and Anne 0. I 115Co uSor i soenard.________________Conductor_ j Wuerth - "White Man," with 'I'll'__________a_______ sr lie.oye Suniday-RICHIARD) DIX in"'IlE VAN1IiIN(>, AMERICAN" L- PAO1 WASHINGTON.-The Senate udi- ciary committee voted .7 to 2 against the nomination of Wallace McCamant of Oregon, to be a Federal Circuit court judge._ PAY YOI'TR SClsR PTTON. NOW.t . Bright VBands In The Right Colors NOTHING like a ,-' colored band to "spruce up"your F hat. Bu-t-all bright colors are not the right colors. We pay close attention to smart and tasteful effects. Most of them are exclusive here. GROSS h Main St. ~UNEXAMPLED SMARTNESS 01 7 tII A I I FP r 0 ve f spin0Tn Same consideration you Dependable machines The same holds good Standard quality at a $10 f Y E ARK RM U 5 AT OFF T SHOP 'utll Maln St. Today-Stage §Garrick (Detroit) - "Dancing b. Mothers," with Mary and John Halliday jBonstelle Playhouse (Detroit)- V"The Song and."Dance Man." I Shubert. Lafayette (Detroit) - I"Charlot's Revue." lb, New Detroit (Detroit) - "Kid j Boots," with Eddie Cantor and I 1 ° F~7 %I nn 11 JL Ne A;i I DETROIT THEATRES THIS WEEK I QAR~cK Ees.- 54c to $2.50 ~ARRInW ed. Mat. 50C to $1.504 Sat. Mat. 54c to $2.90 The Season's Play Sensation D~ancing Mothers, With Mary Young and John Halliday BonsteI o Playhouse Naught 75c .,Tnir and( Sat, 50c-75c Wodward at FEliot Tel. Glendale 9792 SECOND AND LAST WEEK The BONSTELLE C4. IGeo, N. Cohan's Comedy-Dramaj ".T'HE NB AND DANCE MAN" Spbubert Lafayette Fighet ts,$I to $3 50 Sat.Mat. 500-$2.50 PI .Thurs.Mat. Soc to $2.00, pius tax. Cad. 8705 ARCH SELWYN Presents HARLO1SREU WJi~i Jick Buchanan. Reatrice Lillie, Gertrude - aweae and a t~rdhiantl nglish(~ompgpy_ RAE III c " ., " . 1,,' '". ..a:' .....,. ti . 1 rte: ':.5 . : N O .; . " " 9 i 211 South' Main Street} 'TheHome T~ Is Here! (..r The new shade of tan to harmonize J with your early Spring clothing. Good, well selected calf skin, comfort toe, medium weight sole for protection. Buy a. pair today. It's a style ahead of its time. Other 'Styles, $6 to $10