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January 24, 1926 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-24

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdaysl.1
Volume TI SUNpAY, JANUARY 24, 1926 Number 93


Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts
The next meeting of the Faculty will be held Monday, January 25th, at
4:10 P. M. in Room 2225, Angell Hall. The Special Order which has been
mailed to members of the Faculty will be up for discussion, as well as sev-
eral petitions from students. A full attendance is desired.
John R. Effinger.
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Attention is called to the following rule relative to giving out ilnal
grades: "Instructors are permitted to announce final grades to their stu-
dents, after these grades are filed with the Recorder. This announcement
is not to be made in response to requests made by individuals, and is to be
made by means of posted lists or by return post cards supplied by the stu-
dents at the time of the examinations."
No graies will be given out at the Recorder's office.
Florence Mohr, Recorder,
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Students who plan to receive their degree in February, 1926, may pay
their diploma fee before February 15. The diploma fee blanks may be ob-
tained at the Recorder's office, Room 4, University Hall.
Florence Mohr, Recorder.
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Notice to instructors in all departments:
A final report of each course should be filed in the Recorder's office
not later than two days after the date on which the final examination of
the course is held. If all grades are reported promptly in accordance with
this plan which has been in force for a number of years, it will aid greatly
in sending out the students' reports on time. The co-operation of each in-
structor in complying with this request will be appreciated.
Blanks for filing the final report may be obtained at the Recorder's
office, Room 4, University Hall. Florence Mohr, Recorder.
Graduate Students:
Graduate students should make their second semester elections in the
office of the Graduate School on February 4, 5 and 6. New students or stu-
dents transferring from other Schools or Colleges should register on the
same dates. A student transferring at this time should at once ask the Sec-
vetary of his School or College to prepare and send to the office of the
Graduate School an official transcript of his undergraduate record.
Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder.
University Wonien:
During examinations the gymnasium will be open from 11:00 to 12:00
and 4:00 to 6:00 daily for games, dancing and swimming. You are invited
to come out for relaxations and play. Ethel McCormick.
League House Presidents:
The Life Membership drive for the Women's League begins Feb. 9.
Will you please co-operate by calling a house-meeting at a time when it is
convenient for the house and the solicitor. The girl who is assigned your
house will have called you by Feb. 8. )lartarette Nichols.
Graduates, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture:
All seniors who expect to graduate in February must pay their diploma
fee by February 15. Blanks may be obtained in the office of the Secretary,
263 West Engineering Building.
Camilla B. Green, Assistant Secretary.
EnglIsh 107:
The examination of my section of English 107 will be held in Room
209, Angell Hall. Sapuel Moore.
Mathematics 49-Final Examination:
Members of my section of Mathematics 49 will meet in Room 3003
Angell Hall for the final examination. C. C. Craig.
Rooms assigned for French and Spanish examinations:
French 1, 2, 31 and :2-All sections. (January 30, 2:00 o'clock)
Mr. Barnett's-Room 1209 Angell Hall
Mr. Bement's-Room 6 Angell Hall
Dr. Brown's-Room 2225 Angell Hall
Prof. Bursley's-Room 1017 Angell Hall
Dr. Cloppet's-Room 209 Angell Hall
Mr. Des Marais'-Room 231 Ang11 Hall
Mr. Dow's-Room 25 Angell Hall
Mr. Finney's-Room 231 Angell Hall
Mr. Herman's-Room 3017 Angell Hall
Mr. Hootkins'-Room 201 South Wing
Mr. Michaud's-Room 2013 Angell Hall
Prof. Muysken's-Room 1035 Angell Hall
Prof. Pargment's-Room 35 Angell Hall
Mr. Patterson's-Room 302 South Wing
Dr. Storer's-Room 2003 Angell Hall
Mr. Wadsworth's-Room 1025 Angell Hall
French 101-Prof. Rovillain-Room 201 South Wing. (February 2, 9:00
Frencl 102-Mr. Barnett-Room 201 South Wing. (Thursday, February 4,
9:00 o'clock).
French 111-Mr. Barnett-Room 403 South Wing. (Friday, January 29, 2:00
Mr. Brown-Room 1018 Angell Hall. (January 29, 9:00 o'clock).
French 147-Mr. Hootkins-Section meeting Tu, Th, at 9:00-Room 201
South Wing. (January 28, 9:00 o'clock).
Spanish i-(February 1, 2:00 o'clock)
Mr. Graham's sections; Mr. Mercado's section; Dr. Storer's section; Mr.
Thompson's sections-West Gallery Alumni Memorial Hall.
Proctors-Mr. Des Marais, Mr. Mercado, Dr. Storer, Mr. Thompson.

Mr. Bartley's section; Mr. DeFilippis' section; Mr. Eddy's sections, Mr.
Logan's sections; Mr. Sanchez' section-Natural Science Auditorium.
Proctors-Mr. Bartley, Prof. Bursley, Mr. DeFilippis, Mr. Logan.
Spanish 2-All sections (February 1, 2:00 o'clock)-Room 1025 Angell Hall.
Proctors-Mr. Michaud and Mr. Sanchez.
Spanish 31-All sections-February 1, 2:00 o'clock)-Room 25 Angell Hall.
Proctors-Prof. del Toro, Prof. Spaulding, Mr. Grahani, and. Mr. Eddy.
SpanishV 2-Both Mr. Hootkins' and Mr. Des Marais' sections (Feb. 1, 2:00
o'clock)-Room 201 South Wing. Proctor-Mr. Hootkins.
Spanish 113-Mr. Eddy-Room 225 Angell Hall . (Wed., Feb. 3, 9:00 o'clock.)
A. P. Canfiteltd.
X. S. 3, Gunners Instruction:
The Board for the examination of students in the Coast Artillery sec-
tion for rating as 2nd class Gunners will meet Wednesday morning. Jan-

7th, from 9 to 12, and Thursday, January 28th, from 9 to 12 and 1 to
Sstudents in the Coast Artillery section intending to take this exami-
natiok ith the exception of those who have been notified that they are ex-
empted will report at one of the above times or report their inability to do
so, so that other arrangements may be made.
George W. Dunn, Jr., Recorder for the Board.
Scl1t wI of Education:
February Seniers
All Diploma and Teacher's Certificate fees must have been paid and
the receipts returned to the Recorder, School of Education, by February 13.
Office hours 10:30-12:00 A. M., 2:30-3:30 P. M.
Teachers' Certificates
Blanks for the payment of the Teacher's Certificate fee may now be se-
cured at, the office of-the School of Education. All students who expect to
l recommended. for the Teacher's Certificate at the end of the present
semester must pay their fees and return their receipts to the Recorder,
School of Education, by February 13.
p Office hours 10:30-42:00 A. M., 2:30-3:30 P. M.
Gretchen Krug, Recorder.
Geography 1:
The final examination takes place on Thursday (Jan. 28th) at 9:00 A. M.
Students whose names begin with the letters A to K go to room No. 25
Angell Hall, others go to room No. 231 same building. P. E. James.
Forestry 31:
Final Examination will be given in the auditorium of Newberry Hall,
January 26. L. J. Young.
_Ilchlgan Glee Club:
During examinations rehearsals will be held on Monday, January 25;
'Thursday, January 28; and Monday, February 1, from seven to eight in the
School of Music Auditorium. During these rehearsal periods some time will
be devoted to tryouts for the Intercollegiate Contest in Chicago. The per-
sonnel of the Detroit trip will be announced at one of the rehearsals.
Kurt J. Kremnlick, Manager.
Walter Gieseking, Pianist, in Choral Union Series:
The following program will lie given in the Choral Union Series, Tues-
day evening, January 26, at 8:00, in Hill Auditorium by Walter Gieseking,
German Pianist:
Partita, No. 1, B flat Major (Bach) ; "Kreisleriana," Op. 16 (Schumann);
Twelve Preludes (First Book) (Debussy). Charles A. Sink.

Bureau of Appointments-T to Z:
All candidates en-rolled with the
Bureau of Appointments whose names
begin with the letters T to Z inclu-
sive are requested to call at the office,
Room 102 Tappan Hall for interviewsl
this week. Office hours for this pur- I
pose Will be held from 10:30 to 12:00
A. M. and 3:00 to 4:00 P. M., Januaryj
2G, 27, 28 and 29.,
a Margaret "Caieron.
Englihr 803, Shiakespeare, EngIneering
The examination will be .held
Tuesday evening from 7-9 o'clock,
Feb. 2.
Feb.J.2E. Thornton.
College of Literature, Science, and'
the Arts:
Arrangements have been made for
the classification of incoming students
on February 5, from 8 A. M. until 5
P. M. Students who were not able to
complete their classification during
the past week may do so on that day.
Florence Mohr, Recorder.

Make sure your pen is ready for exams,
now. No charge for looking it over. Better
be safe than sorry.
ider's Pen op
The only penmakers in Ann .Arbor.
It costs no ,inore for our skilled service.



buying Blte--Books here.
Pens, ik, and other
gray niattkr.

SO:ME EXAMS CVJING." Everyone is
supplis; we furnish everything but the




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For notices not otherwise mentioned in
The Daily. Items will be published on
two successive days only. Copy must
be submitted to the Local Events
Editor by a P. M.
'Ensian contest for the best collec-
tion of campus feature pictures. All
contributions to be mailed before Feb.
Student volunteers will meet at 9:15
o'clock in Wesley hall.
Dr. A. W. Stalker preaches on
"How to Know God," at 10:30 o'clock
in the Methodist church.
Dr. L. iE. Smith of West Africa
speaks at 10:45 o'clock in the Presby-
terian church.
'Student classes led by Hal Coffman
and Mrs Nellie B. Caldwell meet at
12 o'clock at the Presbyterian church.
Three student Bible classes meet at
12 o'clock in regular session at Wes-
ley hall.
The ILitheran Student club mneets!
at 5:30 o'clock at the Parish hall, cor-
ner Fifth avenue and East Washing-
ton streets.
I1L C. Coffman speaks on "Prayer"
at 0 o'clock at the Wesleyan Guild
meeting in Wesley hall.
Wesley hall holds open house at 7
Dr. A. W. Stalker reviews Bruce
Barton's book, "The Man Nobody'
Knows," at 7:30 o'clock at the Meth.-
odist church.



The new spring styles in col--
legiate shoes will be displayed
by a special Florsheim repre-
Jan. 25, 26 and 27
Huston Bros.
Just the sort of footwear every
college man prefers. The new
tois-fane leathers and the fa-
maous Florsheim quality.
304 South State



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