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March 12, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-12

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 121






IU JACKSON, Miss., March 11. -- Op-I
ponents of Mississippi's anti-evolution,
S BY JAPANESEla, pased at the current session of
the legislature, today began another
---- attack on the measure simultaneously
AOTED ORIENTALIST LECTURES with Governor Whitefields action in
ON SCHOOL OF RELIGION signing the bill.
PROGRAM ! L. T. Kennedy, representative fropin
Adam county, today introduced a bill
SCORES RECENT ACTal the new law. The "reeal-
A *L w as e tt ho mini-nit t, *JnI

Declare Chamberlain Accused Swedish
riister Of Endangering
Life Of League

Five Remain As
!Candidates For
Debating Team
Five men remain as candidIates for
the debating team which, will repre-
sent the University on the tour
through England this spring, follow-
ing the tryouts of this week, it was
announced yesterday byf Prof. R. D.
T. Hollister of the public speaking
department, who will coach the team.
The five, including Harry L. Ger-
vais, '27, E. R. Gomberg, '27, William
W. King, Jr., '27L, Elmer Salzman, '27L,
and Gerald E. White, '27, will take
part in the finl tryout next weekI
Thursday, when the team will be1
ch'osen. In the tryout, which will be

0 I
Illness Keeps Union President Away;
WIpkc Stresses Value Of lirst
Two College Years

Abolishes Arctic

States Tha ilecrnit I miilgration Act
Breaks (feitilexuiiil's Agreement
iMiade By RI'osevelt
"Uncle Sam is marked down in
Japan's books as a boor," said Dr.
Galen M. Fisher of New York city,
noted orientalist, lecturing yesterday
on "The Moral Issues in the Relations
of Japan with America," under the
auspices of the Michigan School of
Religion. The speaker said, "The re-
cent Immigration Act was passed
without consulting Japan, thus break-
ing the gentleman's agreement initiat-
ed in 1907-08 by President Roosevelt."1
The breach of faith was reflected
in a diminution of the original fervor
in the ranks of the Japanese liberals,
who had been inspired by the pre-war
idealism of President Wilson. The
speaker indicated that America's at-
titude during the World War had dis-
illusioned the Eastern liberals re-
garding the president's teachings, and
that when their faith in the sincerity
of American asseverations was about!
restored the incident of the Immigra-j
tion act occurred to restore the earlier

education. It is expected to be
brought up at a meeting tomorrow.
The new law, passed by large ma-t
jorities in both houses, prohibits
teaching in state supported schools
that man "ascended or descended from
a lower order of animals"

Sles son WVill D~iscuss Problemi
W~omen's I nteriiatloial
.League Head


Sponsored by the local branch ofj
the War Resister's league, Prof. Pros-
ton W. Slosson of the history depart-
ment and Dorothy Detzler, national
secretary of the Women's Interna-
tional League for Peace and Freedom
will debate the question "Is War Con-.i


anauntZIrtunatU1 sate .Heid tat sistent with Christianity?", at 4:30
Americans do not realize that the on.n
Oriental reacts as definitely to the o'clock next Monday afternoon in the
spirit of a transaction as to the matter Natural Science auditorium. Profes-
of it. "Only war could justify such sor Slosson will uphold the affirma-E
a treatment of another nation," he tive, claiming that war is consistentf
continued. with the teachings of Christ while t
Scores :obilizatiol IMiss Detzler will defend the oppositeI
Actions of representative groups of I view. This will be the first public
Americans have served definitely to meeting to be held here by the War
abbet late militaristic developments in ! Resisters league. Prof. W. W. Denton
Japan. He pointed especiallydto our of the mathematics department willi
mobilization (lays, and the develop- preside.
ment of the R, O. T. C. in American Miss Detzler is on a national Ic-
colleges and universities. Such move- ture tour in behalf of the World court.
ments, he said, have served to frighten She is to address the Michigan Coun-
the Japanese and inspire a logical re- ,el for World Peace in Detroit on that
action. subject today. The organization which
In commenting on the attitudes of she represents is devoted to the pro-
certain critics of Japan, he stressed motion of peace and the substitution
the fact that Japan and America can- of law for war, and has workers in
not be judged by the same set of 21 different countries. Before assum-
rules as some writers set out to do. ing her present work, Miss Detzler
Japan is a Shinto state, and predomi- I was associated with the American
nately Buddhist in religion, and hence Friends Service committee in Russia,
their attitude in foreign relations is where she directed the distribution ofI
regulated by different tenets. The farm implements and the establish-
United States, on the other hand is ment of clinics in the more destitute
admittedly a Christian state, looking parts of that country.
upon world problems with different Professor Slosson is also consider-
eyes than the Oriental. ed an authority on this particular sub-
Discussing the alternative solutions ject. He was connected with the de-
of the strained relations between the partment of state under PresidentI
two countries, Dr. Fisher suggested I Wilson and was assistant librtirian toI
that the United States government the American Commission to Negotiate
place both Japan and China under anI Peace in 1918 and 1919. His views,
annual immigration quota, similar to according to members of the War Re-
that provided for other nations. If sisters league, do not represent the
such a provision should prove objec- ! extreme militaristic point of view, but
tionable, Dr. Fisher said that the Jap- !are never-the-less in conflict withI
anese government would voluntarily I those of the pacifist.
withhold passports from objectionable It is planned to have each speaker
emigrants. le advocated a revision of talk for about 20 minutes, and as the
our naturalization laws, rendering it purpose of the debate is to promote
more simple for Asiatics to become discussion on the topic, have the au-
citizens, with a provision in the West- dience question the debaters at the
ern states that only citizens could conclusion of the formal talks.
hold land.
Dr. Fisher was emphatic in his ad-,
vocacy of a movement toward a tol- E
erance for racial and social character- C RDAK
istics, which is riot evident in America
of today. Although Jalan objects ...
definitely to the present discrimina- T
tion, he indicated that there was not
even a remote possibility of her mak- Dean F. B. R. Hellens, of the liberal
ing war. He asked for a more liberal arts college of the University of Colo-
attitude toward American born Asia- rado ,devoted three clays early in the!
tics, particularly the Japanese stu- week, to an inspection tour of theI
dent who hopes to enter the American University. Dean Hellens is engaged
world of business. He said that the I in a tour of the major educational in-j
iitive-born Japanese students have stitutions of the country, having visit-
higiiest scholastic record of any immi- ed the Universities of Nebraska and
grant group. He deplored the many Chicago before arriving hero. Leaving1
difficulties placed in the path of suelh Ann Arbor, he proceeded to the Uni-
individuals when seeking employment I versity of Wisconsin.
here. -I During his stay in Ann Arbor, Dean

i ,.
i C
I jyj
j {

(By Associatedl Press) hel iniversity hal, each caum- Contrasting the characteristics of do
date will deliver a 15 minute speech
GENEVA, March .-Protests by on the question, "Resolved, That the the representative Michigan man withr
Sweden that the Great powers, par- tendency of the government to in- those of a man-in-the-mass in a hy- k
ticularly Great Britain, were trying yvale the field of individual rights pothetical university, Prof. William
to bully her into agreeing to the en- should be opposed." The tryout will D. Henderson, director of the Univer-
largement of the league council, be open to the public. sity Extension division, told members .Vilhjanur Stefansson, explorer,
The team in its English tgur will ofwill tell University students of "Abol-
formed a sensational climax to the un- debate, in addition to the question of of the class of '29 In the second as- ishing the Arctic" in his lecture to--
successful negotiations today to set- individual rights, the question, "Re sembly of the year last night in the night in Hill auditorium, opening the
tle the League of Nations internal solved, That this house views with Union that three qualities are typical i series planned by the Student coun-
crisis, alarm the entrance of women into of the first: he is enthusiastic, he is cil in its campaign to raise funds
From Swedish circles came the statecraft and the learned profes- a good sportsman, and he knows for the Burton Memorial campanile.
charge that ir Austin Chgaberlain. sions."Iweetdrwhelnbtxenc-
Thergteam ofrthreeCwillesail srom.formity and individualism. Profes-
had accused M. Unden, the Swedish The team of three will sail from + 'edesngaetes FIsHs
foreign minister, of endangering the Montreal, May 1. gbased upon his 35 years of experience
against enlargement of the council in the teaching profession. sOHB IN FG
beyond the admission of Germany and uin T I "Thre caractrits o trhe sftude T " flIlh f
that the British foreign secretary had iihe ma are the facts that he
declared it was impossile cto condct IULI1I icia a retefcs'ta eT
negotaretinwhe as moss it ntr y doesn't take this business of getting
SC~e t tan education seriously, he does not'
came to Geneva with hard and fast ini- C1'hl ;gab ,RgsI oges
I have the best of manners, and he is WSile'uBe'nie iCg
sErucEiS ND.Y constantly in a deplorable lock-step Isw Beer And ine Bill
M. Unden, alluding to the strong po- with his associates," he said. "This Ems
sition maintained by Spain and Brazil "Thie Sons Of Zion And The Soils Of student is enthusiastic about nothing
for permanent places, pointed out that Greed" Will Be TOi pC Of in his college life and sits exposed BROADCAST ARGUMENTS
other countries seemed also to have Detroit Lastor to his education throughout this time
sent delegates to Geneva with unalter- 'on the campus without catching and (By Associated Press)
able mandates. He asserted that by BASES TALK ON EUROPE without being caught---of scholarship WASHINGTON, March 11. - The
voting only for Germany t the pres- ihe knows little." prohibition battle which has raged so
est interests of the league. gh Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr, contributing Describes lauln In Mass fiercely during recent weeks in Con-
The Swedes assert that the allied editor of the Christian Century and "This man-in-the-mass," Professor gross developed today a tend toward
powers, notably France, made a pow- pastor of the Bethel Evangelical Henderson stated, "is void of any feel- "sniping", with leaders of the con-
erful bid today not only for the lec- church of Detroit, will speak on "The ing of kindliness, of tolerance or Itending wet and dry forces taking
tion of Brazil and Spain, but also Po- Sons of Zion and the Sons of Greece" sport. He does not act as his individ- pot shots" at each other from points
land, although they did not insist upon at the University service on Sunday ual self dictates but is constantly gov- of vantage.
Poland s being accorded a permanent night in Hill auditorium. He will I erned by the actions of the crowd. But while this was going on the
seat . ringto earin hs adres al th His clothes conform, his body con- subject did not lie dormant in the
It is understood that both Nello information which he has been able forms, and his soul conforms; he is Senate and House, for the Senate in-
Franco and Count Quinones sk Leon to secure in his recent studies in EU- stepping always in the footsteps of diciary committee got rid of a batch
their governments at Rio rope with Sherwood Eddy on the at- those before him." of troublesome modification bills by
Janiero and Madrid whether in the titude of modern students toward "Thesalvation of tie intellectual shifting the job of handling them to
evenerofean addwetihrinsit-he stienfi odrnstdetssoul depends upon stepping aside' a sub-committee which probably will
once that there must be no increase Dr. Niebuhr is a graduate of Yale from the lockstep of the crowd when hold public hearings; the House heard
in the council eyond Germany, they Divinity school and holds Master of your soul dictates and allowing your a brief opinion about the extent of
would be authorized to make any coD- Arts yegree from Yale university. He own mind to guide you," Professor drinking in Georgia, and Representa-
wiould Seaholdrzil'aktituyere- Ats a greqenfribYaunrthe t- Henderson told the freshmen. "The tive Oliver, Democrat, New York, put
cessions. Should Brazil s attitu(e re- is a frequent cotri tor to the At- representative Michigan man may be in another beer and wine bill.
main unchanged it means that Ger- lantic Monthly and the Century, an recognized by his enthusiasm about The. Anti-Saloon league's executive
many cannot enter the league unless article "Can Christianity Survive" ap- 1 his own specialty, his good sports- committee opened the firing today
Brazil is given a permanent seat as pearing in a recent issue of the for- I
Franco's instructions as they nowI mer. As one of the secretaries of the manship in crowds and out of thein), with a statement assailing the ac-
stant's a retotesor Bazil an w Ge r.As or a hrsrtia Soal Or- and his stepping aside from the crowd curacy of newspaper polls now being
stand are to vote for Brazil anud Gem-Fellowship for a Christian Social Or- lockstep wlen his own conscience conducted over the country on the
many simultaneously.( der, he has been a member for two deems it fit." prohibition question and advising
It was evident late tonight there successive years of a study group fromi Due to illness, William L. Iiener, "drys" noti to participate. Tonight
is increasing bitterness abroad and America visiting Europe under the ,26, president of the Union, was not Wayne D. Wheeler, the league's gen-
that the critical situation last night leadership of Sherwood Eddy. able to speak. Thomas H. Cavanaugh, oral counsel, took his post before a
has become worse. Recently Dr. Niebuhr spoke at the '27L, former president of the Union, radio microphone to drive home the
annual convocation at the University spoke in his place and described the arguments.
oAEeGWisrsin which was carried out functions of the Union. "The main This attitude on the part of the
is FUOLU VDHER E hsunder his personal supervision. E- purpose of this institution is embodied league committee brought into action
I HERE has spoken at Yale and several East- in its name," he said, "It can be taken Representative Celler, a New York
ern universities during the past few advantage of in any of three ways: Democrat, who said he felt it neces-
momiths. . .by actual committee work in its stu- sary to "nail as a lie" the assertion
Near this city a European ,gold- The University service committee dent departments, by active interest by the committee that friends of pro-
finch was caught recently. It has decided to have the April service I and response in its activities, and by Ihibition usually do not participate in
was an adult female, the first put forward to March 28 in view of taking advantage of its facilities." such polls and he cited instances
catch of this species to be re- the special church services on Easter Citing the fact that "Education here I which he said proved the contrary.
corded in this state. Norman A. Sunday. The Jewish Student congre- is not entirely from books," Cavan-
Wood, curator of birds in the mu- gation will have charge of this service. augh urged that each first-year man
seum, who has received the bird Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson of Pitts~ take part in one of these three ways Waterway Route
for the museuni collection, stated burgh will deliver the address. I
I ~~~~in Uiion interest. assAgtto
that although it may have been a ---- Early Years Important
-cage bird it did not show it ini -lrr
cage ird t di notshowitI-harry Kipke, '24, assistant backfield
any way. UflIIIR OF[JUNIOH PLAY coach, em paazed to the first-year (By Associated Press)
mhis species was introduced at men the signficance of their first two t WASHINGTON, March 1.-The ro
several points in the East, said years in college. He announced spring stirred up over the relative merits o
Mr. Wood, and may have wander- F1football practice to start after spring the proposed all-American lakes-to
d here, like the starling. lvacation and explained that each man, the-sea ship canal across New Yor
CeeA c i o v n whether or not he had previously state and the international route vi
Aduearmeckyw Behav, th pc- taken part in athletics and whether the St. Lawrence Iriver broughta
U T'bWI annual Junior Girls' play, will be pre- he had any past reputation in football J delegation of St. Lawrence advocate
Will Be Resold I was welcome to a uniform and the en- to the White House and war depart
sented next week at tme Arcade thea- tire spring practice as there would ment yesterday to protest against in
ter. This is the first time n the his- be no cut before fall. jection of what it terms an interna
Tickets for the Crease law dances I tory of junior girls' productions that
on March 26 which have not been 'i choruses have appeared in the movies.! Music was furnished the first partj tional issue into the controversy.
cle frb 4 o'cl tay wil be Am Lomis , 'pearetr tha o- of the evening by the new Union or- 1 Headed by Senators Lenroot of Wis
called for by 4 o'clock today will be Ay Loomis, '22, director, has se- stra, ad yells were led between
resold, stated Lucian Lane, '261jdof l hcted the Russian chorus, the "redcrsradylswr ed bewe I cousin and Willis of Ohio, the dle
tes sdance Li heded" chorus, "d e iyspeeches by Paul W. Endriss, '28. gation, which also included represen
will bae lceont yesterday. These hdnvarious special- Members of the class of '29 who par- tatives of the Great Lakes-St. Law
i tel fed on sale at the desk ties to be "shot" tomorrow mornng ticipated in the program included ence Tidewater association, told th
nth y thUnk in Barbour gymnasium. The pictures Harlan P. Cristy, president, Martin I president it would be absurd to carr
It was explained that the applica- are under the supervision of Philip Mol, who gave a humorous reading, out the al-American project, whic
tions which were mailed out several C. Pack, '18, of the Reogram com- and Carlos F. Schott, who entertained they contended, would be too expen
days ago were accepted on a percen- pany. .with a vetriloqut act. Isive. The St. Lawrence associatio
tage basis; all senior applications be- It is uossible that the showing of venroqumsta.in a statement later charged tha
ing accepted, and 75 per cent of the the pictures will be accompanied sy nISecretary Davis had endorsed the al
juniors and 50 per cent of the fresh- j the original musical selections, play- American t t s
man. Summons will be given out with I ed by junior composers, for each rL Chairman Dempsey of the Hous
the tickets. There will be no corsages chorus and speciality. rivers and harbors committee, "a bi
for the affair Lane said. Besides being shown at the local ter opponent of the St. Lawrence fa
_ _---theater, the pictures will also be pre- purely local reasons."
COQ. Coolidge IS sented in 40 other show houses in
Is"Michigan."t is expected that these g Dean John R. Effinger of the liter '
Reported W eaker showings will attract former lichi- ary college, left Ann gerbof last niht . o. . C amp o
.. gan students for "Alumnae Night, a to attend the executive meeting of Be Sh w In Fl
PLYMOUTH, Vt., March .C IMa'ch 2 the Association of American colleges, Bn

onel John C. Coolidge was reported which meets at the New York cmtyj
in a weakened condition by his physi-j club today and tomorrow. Dean Ef- Two reels of film showing Michigai
in aeanei ondhist b h h- finger is president of the association R. O. T. C. men encamped at the Aber
can tonight and his state of health c oday antiomorm an h f- o rof ing Micsna
appeared less sa tan tsfactory thanatnI and is ex-officio chairman of the ex-I deen Proving grounds in Marylan,
y IS ;r ,n,. I will he show~n at 7.3i0 o'clock Wednes~

- i
p r
- i


Speaker Will Tell Story Of Thirteen
Expeditions Whieh Are Being
Planned At Present
Supplementing his lecture on "Abol-
ishing the Arctic" with a discussion
of the many polar expeditions now
in progress and those being planned
for the near future, Vilhjalmur Ste-
fansson, Arctic explorer and lecturer,
will deliver the first of a series of
lectures planned by the Student coun-
cil to arouse interest in the Burton
Memorial campanile, at 8 o'clock to-
night in Hill auditorium.
Thirteen expeditions to the polar
regions are either in progress at the
present time or ae being planned to
take place within the next year. These
will be discussed by the speaker with
special emphasis being placed on
their purpose, the territory which
they plan to cover, their personnel,
and the possibilities of the success of
Studies Eskimo Life

Stefinsson, who has spent 13 sum
mers and 10 wintems in the Arctic,
will also describe his many and varied
experiences encountered during his
northern explorations. The Eskimo
will receive much attention in the
presentation of his subject. Stefans-
son lived among the Eskimos who
inhabit the region around the Mac-
Kenzie river durimg tithe winter of
1906-07, and at that time he made a
close study of their life and habits
and also of their language.f He is
one of the few white men who has
masteredI the difficult andi multitudi-
nous dialects which go to make up
the so-called Blond Eskimos.
The explorer led his first expedi-
tion during the years 1s08-1. At that
time, he continued the study of the
Eskimos which he had started the
year before. Those living on the o-
rinthian gulf received the greater part
of his attention, many of the tribes
among which he lived never before
having seen a white man. These are
the so-called Blond skimos.
It was on his second expedition,
1913, that he succeeded in establish-
ing a theory which had always up
until that time been considered ab-
surd. He had maintained for many
years that it would be possible to go
into the polar regions and depend on
the seals and other polar animals as
a source of food. This was consider-
ed as being impossible by most sci-
entists and explorers, among them
being Admiral Robert E. Peary, who
has since acknowledged the practic-
ability of such a scheme.
On this second expedition, Stefans-
son made his way with both his men
and dogs across 700 miles of floating
ice-cakes, depending entirely upon
the seals which were shot or har-
pooned as a food supply. Before that,
it had always been considered neces=
sary that sufficient food be taken
along to last for the duration of the
I The establishing of this theory of
"living off the country" has become
E famous, since it makes it possible for
man to explore regions never before
visited, and since it greatly reduces
the amount of work and expense ne-
cessary to prepare for an expedi-
Fihds New Lands
Stefansson, although he will prob-
ably always be remembered because
of the establishment of this theory,
will also go down in history as the
discoverer of four large islands. Dur-
I ing the five years following his see-
ond entrance into the Northland, lie
discovered Borden, Brock, Lougheed,
and Meighan islands. He also mapped
large sections of territory which ha
never before been graphed correctly.
The speaker will be introduced by
President Clarence Cook Little, who
heartily endorses the plan for rais-
ing funds for the Burton Memorial
campanile. The entire proceeds of
the lecture will be turned over to the
fund since Stefansson has donated
his services for the evening.
Tickets were placed on sale on the
campus yesterday and they will also
be on sale today. The State street
and down town book stores also have
a supply of the tickets, priced at $1
for the main floor and $.75 for the
Forestry Seniors

) i

m11tl lie lDies

"Intolerance of foreign culture and 1 F
civilization is rapidly dying out, al- I
though still a living problem," he said.
"Americans need have more respecth
for older civilizations."
lie was confident in his assertion
that Japan is ready to cooperate with -
the Western world, as evidenced by
the admirable stand taken by the
Japanese delegation to the Washing-
ton arms conference. The Japanese
welcome Western missionaries, he
said, so long as they are capable, tol-
erant, and spiritually sincere. The i
Easterners are ready to join in mak-
ing war upon international ills, he

Hellens was the guest of Dean John
I. Effinger, of the literary college.
WASHINGTON. - Friends of pro-
hibition "should not" participate in
newspaper polls on prohibition the
Anti-Saloon league says.

A Hobby
Writimg ads. is a hobby
with Jimimmie-so probably
he can hell You on your {

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