6 r PAU, SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1926 ,._ _ .. ___.- - oy. 11 MH + 1 J fill r. lll. 11 pal lim"m r ui _ maima'is . . . .,. .. . :--1111e a TRA CK MEIi [:[CAPPON AND STEELE TO ATTEND KANSAS RELAYS Franklin Cappon, who has ac- cepted a position as head foot- ball coach at the University of -- Kansas for 'next season, togeth- Secon Conf ing ea;t Ac vompanwi; d By er with Harold Steele, who will Coach Hoyt And thfanaiger Crab be one of his assistants, will ac-I Enil rain Tomiirrow f company Coach Fielding H. Yost --- (to the Kansas relays which are FAVOR HESTER IN DASH being held at Lawrence, Kans., April 17. Coach Yost will address the Accompaniedby Coach Stephen J. Kansas City alumni on April 15 Farrell, six members of the Varsity and will leave for Lawrence the3 track team will 'leave for Evanston I next day. at 2:20 o'clock this afternoon to com- pete in the Western Conference in- door championships tomorrow and Dean Will Issue Saturday. , These men are the half-milers and Call For Dzim ond quarter-milers, and they will compete Squad Tomorrow in trials for these events tomorrow +J night. Captain Freyberg, Feinsinger,f Ohlheiser, Herrnstein, Mueller, and BLOOMINGTON, InId., March 10. - Wagner are the men leaving today. Coach Everett Dean who piloted In- The rest of theo team will leave at the same time tomorrow afternoon and diana university to the Western Con- will be accompanied by Coach Charles ference baseball championship last Hoyt and Man. Robert M. Grab. spring issued his first official call for All Big Ten coaches will meet at practice yesterday afternoon.+ the North Shore hotel at 4 o'clock to- The Crimson mentor has but five of morrow afternoon to make the draw- the 13 lettermen back. With these he ings for tomorrow night's prelimin- will start building for another Confer- aries in the half and quarter-mile ence title, hoping to gather four menI events. Preliminaries will start at 8 from the large list of possibilities who o'clock tomorrow night, while on Sat- can replace the players lost by grad- urday night the pole vault will be- uation.+ gin at 7 o'clock and the rest of the The battery candidates have been+ events at 8 o'clock. working indoors for several weeksa The meet Saturday night will be and will report to Coach Dean in good hard fought throughout, and the win- shape. The Crimson pitching staff, ner in all probabilities will lead by a after the loss by graduation of "Kiki" small margin. Wisconsin, Illinois, Woodward, Link and Coffman, doesj Iowa and Michigan are the four teams not rate as a durable one now, but' that are looked upon as the ones who weeks of concentration on hurling will fight it out for the team cham- material and the return of Hord may pionship. send the prospects upward. One duel that is sure to be a fea- ture !of the meet will be that be- tween Gurthrie of Ohio State, and CHIGA N BOXERS WILL. W e r n e r o f I llin o is , in th e h ig h h u r d l- eda eti os. These two finished in a head heat nin weeks agnoater rot men hl egl CivrT IN ILEBO led the world's record in their heats.j Michigan's hopes in t he meet will Two members of Coach Ted Sulli-1 lie mostly in second and third places, van's boxing class, Frank Lathrop, although there are several stars that 145 pounds, and Roger McLean, 135 are looked upon to come through with pounds, have worked themselves up victories in their events. to the finals in the State A. A.' U.- Hester should have little trouble in boxing tournament, which will be held capturing the 50 yard dash, and many tomorrow at Grand Rapids. look for him to easily equal the rec- "Red" Meyers another Wolverinet ord of :05 2-5 seconds for the event. 1 boxer, who competed in the tourna- Freyberg, who is again running in his ment was defeated in an extra favorite event, the 880 yard run, will round bout in the semi-final round. undoubtedly be among the first three The two finalists will leave for Grand to cross the finish line Sat urday. Pro-! Rapids with Coach Sullivan this aft-t viding he has gotten over the effects ernoon for their final matches on Fri- of his operation Northrup should place day. well up among the leaders in the pole The Winners of the various weights vault, and at least one of the places in the tournament will eligible to en- in the quarter-mile run should go to ter in the national A. A. U. boxing a wearer of the Maize and, Blue. tournament. B16 TEN TA NKMEIN DRLLAT UNION i . . WRESTLER l. WILl TONIGHT -FR L Coach ClffIord Kec members of-the wr will leave tonight f --Ind., where they wil Wisconsin's Etire Squad Arrives For the Big Ton wrest Championships; Miiniesota And ment. Donahoe, 1 Purple Divers Here Rich, 175 pounds, heavyweight, coinpri TICKETS AVAILABLE igan entries. Capt. Russell E. Solomon, who were Advance members of the large con- ed in the meet, wi tingent of sximmers who will com- to make the trip, th ptnent h eresFridayand Satu y in te to his inability to pete here Friday and Saturday in the ! weight requirements Western Conference championship Iter because of his p Smeet at the Union pool have already condition due to a begun to arrive in Ann Arbor. Mick- ! ness.. ey Carter, Minnesota's fancy diver who expects to place among the elite in his event arrived Wednesdinv a - L ENTVRAIN Fn and three estling team j or Lafayette, I compete in ling toura- 5S pounds, and Corge, ise the Mich- Baker andf also enter- ill e unable o meet. the and the lat- oor physical recent ill- V Lowly Gophers May U Title Seeki Alinnesota's basketball quintet, rank-a ing amon-g the lower teams in thea iI Conference standing, may prove an upset to the title hopes of the Hawk-I eye five in the game to be played Sat-: urday night at Minneapolis.c Although the Gophers got off to a bad start, losing four of the first five games, the team has improved great-. ly and has staged a strong comeback by winning its last four games at; home. The Iowa aggregation has thus fart won only one game on a foreign court, I although undefeated on its home floor. *However the team holds a slight edge over the Gophers in Saturday's gameE which will determine whether or nott the Iowa team will go into a tie with Mlioin nni Piird fr firs t l- 1 I - ) , CU 1 t V, -v, vT 1 y, c .T i gan an a ur au e u or IrsI p l a ce while the entire Wisconsin team, and a a in the Big Ten standing. McCorrison and LaPook, Northwest- The Iowa team, which has displayede en's divers, were among yesterday's Creates an airtight defense throughout the , arrivals, season will again depend upon Hogan The remainder of the Conference I 'ttie(and McConnell to stop the attack of teams which have entered the meet i the Gophers, and to make up for any are expected to arrive this afternoon weakness in their attack. or tonight. Michigan's team went Indiana went into a tie for first The Gopher five is not rated as through its regular workout yesterday . ., strong defensively but will present a, afternoon, and the visiting swimmers place with Michigan and Purdue in , strong scoring combination which is also practiced in the Union pool. the Conference basket race by her winl hard to stop. The scoring power of Miss Caris Beatty, seven year old over Wisconsin Tuesday night at the team was proven in the recent swimming protege of Matt Mann, who Bloomington by the score of 35-20. game with Illinois when every regular so astonished the crowds at the Wis- With a tie for Big Ten honors as an in the game scored at least two bas-4 consin meet with her swimming and incentive, the Hoosiers piled up an kets. diving ability, will give an exhibiton early lead which they never relin- Iowa has been centering its attack at the Conference meet Saturday quished. about Hogan and McConnell, guards. night. Beckner, the Indiana scoring ace, The former is rated as one of the best Many of the teams will hold their accounted for 13 points boosting his players in the Conference, being both final practice this afternoon, while a total to 106 which is but one below a strong defensive man, and an excel- few of the.-late arrivals will hold their Spradling, the Conference high scor- lent shot. On the defense he held final limbering up drill in the pool to- er. Behr, Wisconsin's little forward, Cunningham scoreless in the last morrow morning. The only exception added seven points to his season'sgame with Ohio, and then limited Al- to this rule are the fancy divers who record giving him undisputed third ges I yea to one basket in the clash with will probably work out twice today place with 100 counters. "Cookie" the Maroons. and tomorrow in an effort to become Cunningham who played- his final Ie aroys a familiarized with the Union spring,/ game Monday was dropped to a tie Van Deusen will start at the forward board. for fourth honors, Krueger, Indiana positions for the I a team but if the Tickets for the meet are still avail- forward, also running his total to 96 poiins fo the Gw ea hut ifote I able at the Athletic office and the Un- points by adding eight Tuesday night. defense of the Gophers should ptrove ion.Sprdlin, o Puruewho as eenimpregnable Phillips will be put into" ion. Spradling, of Purdue, who has been the game to make long trys for points. practically conceded individual bon- Rasey and Nydahl will start the of-x Freshm n '01~e~t 1ors throughout; the entire season came I res men To et dangerously near losing out in the fense for Minnesota and will try to fialgre chsbya laedgsut-ofh ierce the strong defense of their op-- W isconsin, Iowa a elated sp" o ponents. Rasey is a very consistent Beckner, who made only o~ne point shot and is among the leading scor- lesthan the leader. r fteCneec.Ndh 5as Arrangements have been completed h is the smallest margin a Con- ems of the Conference. Nydah is also for therunning off of the telegraphic ( ference high scorer has had in years d st prn and lhougnt asI meets between Michigan's freshman and only goes to testify further the good at scoring as his opponent plays track team and Iowa's and Wiscon- closeness of the whole campaign. It a fast floor game. Wheeler and Ma- sin s yearling squads. The time trials will probably be a long time before son, guardi are considered only of will be held in the various events to- basketball followers Krill see as many At the pivot position Miller, Hawk- day, tomorrow, and Saturday. upsets in a season as were current Aye pivotapost over Mac- CoachHoyt' menwill ependuponin ths 's ace.eye, holds an advantage oe a- Chioach Hoyt's men will (lpnd upon in this year's race. Kinnon.. Judging from their first their ability to take second and third places to' win the meets. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOIV. meeting the former should again be Tpset Iowa's ng Basketball Team able to take the ball on thpofh plays F and flis will prove a strong factor in the attack. He is also strong in P1 stopping an attack and, unless he re- ite peats his performance of the past few iat games and is taken out on fouls, last should show well. scor As yet the defense each team will a po use is unknown. In former games the ond Minnesota team has used a two-two with and one man defense with one man cess free under his own basket, while the Hlawkeyes have used both the three- P two, and man for man system, lap If the Gophers can stop the drib- finis bling attack of Hogan and McConnell Sign early in the game, chances for a win, ing will be strong because this has been tivel the main form of the Iowa attack. A at 7 win for Minnesota will boost the team win percentage to .500 per cent. xvgai It is expected that both-teams will g employ the same offense as they have used all through the season unless the P defense of either team proves airtight. in t . tour The intramural office is now receiv- Chi ing entries for the inter-class bowl- easi ing tournament and the relays which of t' are to be held next week. the; FIRST NATION ORGANIZED Savings Dep Trust Depa Oldest National Bank LAMBDA KAPPA WINS HUL SHOOTIN6 CGNTST i Lambda Kappa finished first -n rfraternity foul throwing contest night at Waterman Gymnasium, ing a total of 76 baskets out of ssible 100. Delta Chi finished sec- with 73 baskets, Theta Chi third 71, Sigma Alpha Mu with 66 suc- ful attempts finished fourth. reliminaries were run in the four interfraternity relay, Phi Kappa hing first. Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi ma Kappa and Kappa Sigma finish- second, third and fourth respec- ly. Semi-finals will be run tonight o'clock, their opponents and the ners of this meeting will compete nst each other in the finals. hi Chis won from Alpha Rho Chi he only game of class A basketball ney last night, 16 to 6. The Phi team led by Clarke in scoring, ly took the lead at the beginning the game, and held it throughout second half. 1Pl hi e¢n > r Inc. ', [AL BANK 1863 artment rtment in Michigan li I 11 "rOne man tells another" Back in the days of D obbin .,.. when the college sheik (then known as the "dude") gave his hest girl a great whirl around the campus on Sunday afternoons, Anheuser-Busch was nationally known among good fellows. And today, when we do sixty ifmiles an hour without hurrying . ...and good mixers are popular everywhere, BUSC r, 3 (A-B) PALEN RxY is the favored drink of college men because, like the college man, Busch Pale Dry is a good mixer everywhere and every time. Meeting with immediate favor at a dollar the pair The new Silk and Lisle Fancy Half Hose ' i ll-k;ood- L e-,"/// I f ' i - t .ry.' ' f St t j r Qi f !~ i a °.1 SMART STYLED CLOTHES FOR COLLEGE MEN A :; q.4 A ;c ,' S $35 $40 $45 BRAEBURNS t ARE I -2 -I. Exclusively with us. -3 ; . . . . . . . .../ 1-Smart-Styled 2-Correct 3-Collegiate I in a vast range of patterns and 1| I I t c '. j ;1 111 LUAIC %f