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March 11, 1926 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-11

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TI7uIST A Y, MACIT1{11, 192

, .: ,

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
f postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
mlaster General.
Subscription by carrier. $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-{
hard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 425; business, 01214.

?'..., ...,

;Telephone 4925

K ..
;;:: ,

Chairman, Editorial Board... .Norman R. Thal
City Editor...........Robert S. Mansfied
News Editor........... Manning Houseworth
' meii'S lditor............Helen S. Ramsay
port's Editor.............Joseph Kruger
Telegraph lEditor..........William Walthour
Music and Drama........Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Robert T. DeVore Thomas V. Koykka
W. Calvin Patterson
Assistaxt City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito

Certrude Bailey
1 .earle ~hymner
' illian Bryer
]'hillip Brooks
.rnum lBuckingham
Stratton Buck
Ca. iBurger
Edgir Carter
sh amberlain
1\ 'lever Cohen
! , 1( toil(Champe
I1wa Doga~ioubieday
H. Gutekunst
i/. ir,w (coodman
Sa I '.IIerald
Miles Kimball
Marion Kubik

Iarriett Levy
Ellis Mverry
D3orothy Morehouse
Margaret Parker
tanford N. Phelps
imon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
'ourtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
Henry 'rhurnau
David C. Vokes
larion Wells
Ciassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilske

for all that his liberal arts training
I is worthless.
To the first question there can be
but one answer, and that decidedly a
negative one. It is not the purpose of
a liberal arts college to prepare one
for a handsome position at a hand-
some salary immediately upon grad-
uation. It teaches the cultural,
rather than the material. It seeks tok
inspire in the student a love of the
so-called "better things" of life,-an
undying appreciation of what is beau-
tiful, and to make his life a more
worthwhile one. True, some "prac-
tical" courses are offered. But, after
{ all, certainly even such courses are
not designed to prepare one for a
"position." Of even the professional
schools it might be said that a thor-
ough training will not guarantee to
the student "a job with sufficient sal-
ary to enable him to pay his debts
and to marry." They can do no more
than to direct the student's study;
the rest of the task is his.
Similarly, to the second question, a
negative answer must be given. One
cannot in a brief span of nine months
weigh, and judge "utterly worthless,"
a cultural training of four years. It
may well be that after finding his
proper niche in the world, and after
collecting his fair share of the world's
goods, the aggrieved alumnus will
modify his hasty decision. It may be
that from the vantage point ot years
he will be in a better position and
better qualified to sit in judgment oni
his college course; it may be that his
verdict will be somewhat mellowed,-
perhaps less harsh.
As a remedy for the situation which
has so alarmed the young alumnus,
he suggests that his university "dis-
card a history, a philosophy, a Greek,
a geography, a Latin, and an eco-
nomics instructor, and hire a $15,000
man who has trained men and who
knows men. Put him at the head of
a vocational guidance department. Let
him interview freshmen and every
senior. Let him advise at all stages
and finally get a job for the man who
is suited for the job. If the head of
the department is the right kind of a
man and if he creates the right kind
of department, he will save 100 years
of wasted lives yearly."
In insisting that a vocational guid-
ance director might be of tremend-
ous value in assisting students toward
their channels of natural ability, the
alumnus no doubt is aright, but to in-
sist that this be done at the cost of
certain cultural courses, is merely to
insist that a university's first duty is
to assure its graduates handsome pay
checks. Such a guarantee no respect-
able institution can make; it can onlyI
guide the student's activity in the
field of cultural studies to the end
that his life may be richer in pleasure
and experience, not necessarily in
monetary wealth. -

Well, today we haven't much to say
since others have written much fun-
nier stuff anyway. Incidentally we
are more than proud these days. We,
too, got a razz in the Campus Opin-
ion! Music and Drama isn't the onlyi
pebble on the beach. We daresay
that if we could only get them start-
ed, we would have twice as many
razzes as our neighbor-and that's
saying something too.
* * *f
We have just been looking over the
coming Gargoyle, and it is the best
issue of said publication we have
seen in our many, many years in this
city. That, again isn't saying very
much, but still it is a good issue. The
ads particularly are swell. We hate
to say this, but sometimes one just
has to be generous, especially with
our weaker friends.
- * s
No. 1
Apropos of the fact that the New
York World interviewed various
celebrities for Sunday's paper on their
life in art, Rolls, unwilling that a
mere metropolitan daily should at-
tempt something that it (meaning
Rolls, of course) hadn't tried, sent a
sepcial correspondent up to Flyspeck
to get the views of Miss Effie Snorp,
former popular Michigan co-ed, on
life, art, the universe, and anything
else she had to say.
The dispatch follows:
Flyspeck, March 10.-(Special to
Rolls)-"Yes, I have a great many
views on different things," said Effie,
in reply to our query. "I read in the
paper where Mussolini is saying ugly
things about the Germans. I don't
think that's a bit nice. My grand-
father was in Sing Sing in the class
of '76, and one of his best friends
there was a German on his mother's
side. Anyway, what right has Mus-
solini to talk? Let him who is with-
out sin throw stones at glass houses,
is my motto.
Oh, you want to know something
about my life in art? Who told you
I had any, anyway? I have, of course,
but that's my own affair. Just say
that I live only for my public, and
I'm always trying to do something
bigger and better, but I haven't got
very far. You know Walter Hampden
wanted me for the role of Roxane in
his revival of "Cyrano" but I turned
it down, of course. I should play
second fiddle to another actor"
Miss Snorp is said to be consider-
ing a part in a brand new play by
the author of "Abie's I-rish Rose" that
is supposed to be particularly suited
to her peculiar talents. It's about a
beautiful young girl-but it wouldn't
be fair to tell the plot, would it?
Effie, by the way, was in Passaic
the day the police went wild and beat
up the newspaper correspondents. She
said, regarding these brutal actions,
that she was the one responsible for

TONIGHT: The Mimes present W.
S. Gilbert's "Engaged" in the Mimes
theatre at 8:30 o'clock.
TONIGHT: The Spanish Club pre-
sents Gorostiza's "Contigo Pan y
Cebolla" In Sarah Caswell Angell bell
at 8:15 o'clock.
* a s

Telephone 21214
Adertising ................Joseph J. Finn
Advertising.......,...-rank cR. Dentz, Jr.
Advertising...............Wm. L. Mullin
Advertising.........homas >1). Olrnsted, Jr
v";riation ...............aRudolph Bostelmn
Accounts ...................Paul W. Arnold

George TI. Annable, Jr.
NV. Carl Bauer
n 11. Bobrink
" aron A. Daniel
~T ary Flinterman
Jame, s R. DePuy
Stan Gilbert
T. Kenneth Haven
t Iar+'iid iolines
C};c'rr A. Jose
Frank Mosher

Irta rfrtcwvm w+ rr ""'

F. A. Norquist
Loleta G. Parker
])avid lPerrot
Robert Prentiss
Win. C. Pusch
Joseph~ D. Ryan
Stewart Sinelair
Mance Solomon
Thomas Sunderland
Win. 3. Weinman
]+I rgarp Smith
Sidney Wilson



It seems altogether fitting and
prober that we should take this
opp)rtunity o filforming the
:, sahls that the Campus Confes-
.ions Number of Gargoyle, which
will be distributed today, is far
and a.way the cleverest and most
orlg4inal campus publication that
wve have seen this year.
In an effort to stimulate interest in
religious topics on the campus, and
to enable students to hear men who
have gained national prominence
speak upon religious subjects, the
Student council last night decided,
cupon the receipt of petitions signed
by hundreds of men and women stu-
dents, to introduce, immediately after
spring vacation, a series of weekly
Sunday morning convocations.
The plan on the whole is an excel-
lent one. There are many students in
Ann Arbor who do not attend the
services or take part in the work of
the local churches, who will be at-
tracted to the convocations to hear
the men of whom they read in the
news of the day. And their messages,
delivered from the non-sectarian pul-
pit of hill auditorium, will do much
to increase student interest in re-
ligion and related subjects.
Craduated from a prominent mid-
western university last spring, a stu-
ulent leader, "social lion," and wit of

Our Pen Department

A review, by Alan Hathway.
A quite entrancing comedy, abound-
ing in amusing situations, unique in
lines, and clever in characterizations.
The delicate, mirth-provoking satire
in the twists of the plot are worth
the attention of any audience, and the
manner in which they .are presented
is commendable to all of the cast.
The plot in itself is well rounded, not
depending-as many attempted plots
do-too much on any single character
and giving the audience an oppor-
tunity to apprecite the full possibili-
ties of most of the players.
The most accomplished of the ac-
tors is Robert Henderson, imperson-
ating the lovelorn and unfortunate
Belinda Treherne, who has such a
hard time finding, loving, and marry- i
ing a husband who meets her ideals
of a love unparalleled in humannex-
perence-and not a poor financial
risk. Mr. Henderson is best on his
entrance in the first act and in his
most grand-eloquent faint in the sec-
ond act. Then and there the frailty
of character, delicacy of nature, and
demure naivette of the modest Vic-
torian flapper beam from her virtu-
ous self like a radiant star in an inky
sky. The pugilistswho can feint as
Belinda fainted should surely winI
fame, though not in the lap of so
elderly and austere a gentleman as
Mr. Symperson.
Second to the mincing tones of
amorous declaration of the fair Be-
linda, is the interpretation of Warren
Parker of character of Angus Mac-
Allister, the peasant lad who simply
cannot restrain the tears of emotion
from his overflowing optics. Mr. Par-
ker cleverly does the difficult Scotch
burr in a manner that would make a
Highlander blush with shame. He
loves his Maggie and also his two
quid, his name being a combination
of Angus and MacAllister, the quid
is not to be underestimated.f
Cheviot Hill, a gentleman of many
affairs and given to proposals of mar-
riage vents his emotions upon the
willing audience in the person of
Neal Nyland. He never loved three
women in his life as he loves these
three, Belinda Treherne, Minnie Sym-
person, and Maggie, but he really
draws the line in one case.
That one is none other than Mrs.
MacFarlane, that "magnificent ruin,"
as the incomparable Mr. Symperson
terms her in one of his impassioned
desires for the marriage of his in-
tended benefactor Mr. Cheviot Hill.
Mrs. MacFarlane, played by William
MacVay watches over her daughter
with the care of a money loving
mother, but is not adverse to being
loved and loveable herself. Paul.
Heering is no mean hand at the char-
acterization of Mr. Symperson. Much
could be said about the rest of the
cast, but space forbids.
The atmosphere of the seventies
permeates the theatre from the open-
ing of the performance, when, before
the curtain rises the bent and feeble
peg-legged lamplighter, truly left
over from the age of Victoria, hob-
bles down the aisle and across the
stage igniting the modern footlights,
-cleverly screened-with the smok-
ing, flaming torch he carries. Phillip
Brooks looks a hundred, and it seems
he must be ninety, as he labors to
complete his task. The settings are
clever and appropriate. Frederick
Hill 'did himself proud' in the sit-
ting room drop as well as in his gar-
den scene.
* * S
A review, by Vincent Wall.
To begin with: A Lady of Many
Talents, with a well-rounded tech-
nique and a warm touch of coloring-
a versatility of instruments-and a
nicely classical program, replete with
Beethoven, Mozart, Tschaikovsky and
a dash of Balakireff. There was a
Beethoven sonata as the initial num-
ber on the program; the pastoral one,
Opus 28. This is not, to be sure, the
most brilliant of the Beethoven suite,
and there was at the beginning just
a tinge of uncertainty; not a sea of it,

but a fairly large puddle. Still Miss
Kaiser siezed upon such possibilities,
as there were and produced a most
charming effect, especially in the last
two movements, the Scherzo and the
Rondo. Of course there were not
many piping shepherds andlambsor
Even a nymph bounding about the
School of Music auditorium-God for-
bid! But in any event the number
was given with a pleasing manner,
and displayed the abilities of Miss
Kaiser as a pianist.
Then there followed a truly mag-
nificent performance of the Mozart
concerto and Balakireff's "Au Jardin."}
Miss Kaiser is an accomplished pian-!
ist. hut n a violinist she n gsese s.9

F a.,...- ra




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Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. Thevnames of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.

Paths o ilsnow
all grass roots
don't mike or

form ice and kill
beneath. Please
use such paths.

T th Tlditnr:

J 0 ie PMIU
the unconscious cop in the middle of
I am an instructor in this Univer- the snreesciths coprinthenmiddright
sity, concerned mostly with the teach- the street with helprints i his right
ing of Freshmen. About this time of cheek. This surprised us because
year numerous students come to me the newspapers didn't say anything
yarkumeeros sdn omet about that. Effie said she hoped that
and ask to be excused from recita-
tion on the ground that it is "p~ledge he was the officer who clubbed the
week" at their fraternity. Others lady reporter; but she forbore mak-
week atther faterity Otersing any further comments on her own
carry eggs about with them in incon- any frthe coments n r
venient pockets, or are publicly paddled pat in the little drama. (Miss Snorp
or (in less inclement seasons) gather Savighme.)
Saving time.) ,
in the costume of American Indians } YIFNW.
on the President's lawn, where they * * .
perform mystic rites and are subse-
quently (I am informed) burned at NO
the stake. These and other circum- (By Our Cub Reporter)
stances lead one irresistably to the ' Note: Due to the imprisonment of
conclusion that ceremonies of initia- the reporter after his being arrested
tion play no small part in undergrad- on suspicion, this story was not re-
uate life. ceived by Rolls until last night.

It so happens that about this same
season the authorities responsible for
local weather conditions usually de-
cree that we shall have alternate per-
iods of frost and thaw. This results
in conditions very unpleasant for pe-
I do not propose to launch a cam-
naign against either of these methods

{ fcapropceaue . I. ncave no qucarrii wmt

stuen cay, riesbitelytoanof procedure. I have no quarrel with
student (lays, writes itterly to an freshman initiation, and even if I had'
.(astern newspaper saying "my uni- any influence there it would be about
versity has failed me. It taught me as effective as with the weather au-
idealism, and I needed realism." thorities. What I do suggest is a cer-'
Tue graduate contends that his tain moasure of co-ordination and
university, has failed him, and others, synchronization between these twol
in turning out thousands of young activities. My appeal, however, is di-
- It HA and womi.en, "without a word of rected chiefly to -the fraternities, as
advice, with hearts honestly believing being 'rather more amendable to rea-
that the world needed them, with son. Briefly the suggestion is that
minds .trained in methods of study, a part of the vast amount of energy
'rammed full of history, philosophy annually consumed in spectacular but
and theory, but absolutely untrained unprofitable initiations be devoted to
to meet the world and its problems." the practical purpose of clearing
Tracing the history of college grad- sidewalks in front of fraternity
uates, he says, "a few fall into pa- houses.
t ernally created positions others go I realize, of course, that the scheme
back to the home town, but the ma- must not be made to appear so frankly


Deelaring that he was very much
disappointed with his haul, the lonely
bandit who subtracted about $3,000
from the income tax ireport of the
Maj Monday, was interviewed in the
lobby of the theater as he was making
his escape.
"It was all a mistake," he lamented.
"I was deceived by the advertising
for the picture now showing there.I
It talked about the million dollars
that this Joanna had, and I thought
it would be a good time to make a
When asked how he stood in re-
gard to the League of Nations, he re-
plied, "I'm for it. But that doesn't
necessarily mean that I believe the
Bermuda Islands should prohibit
Fords from traveling through their
The next question was, "What do
you think about the condition of the
sidewalks of Ann Arbor?" And the
answer came clear and swiftly as fol-
lows: "I think it a scandal that they
should be left so long covered with
Iin T w il ffn - nns--- onn}.

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Compare the work you get from many
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Springisn't far off now. When the
weather actually turns, of course you
want to have your new spring suit or
topcoat ready for use. We invite your
inspection of our line.

. --




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