'Tl , RSDA1Y, AIARCIJ 11, 1926 TPP MTrT-TTr-'ANT T')bTT V "APIV MTtDVV - - - A ll~ i l...it1VN L.PIIL .I _..- ljTr c A ,AT PAGE l9 ~'tt9WN Distribute Gun Trophies To Cities D iscussV us Types cnzCh ies tave set. Should finances prevent the ' addressed to the Board of Regents,'j ATHENS. - Former Premier Vn- +~ installation of this number, it was and naming Earl D. B3abst, Mr. Su- jels has finished translation into F'or Burton Mvemiorial Campanile suggested that a frame to receive the : mt. oadI.Seh r odern Greek of Thzucy'ides' history entire number be installed, but car- Cley W mtHwr hped o h eoonsa a hc a !Dr. G. Carl Huber of the Medical o h eoonsa a hc a rying only those bells necessary forpei. been occupying his time since he last Various typ~es of carillons which towns at the request of the commnittee, aifcoypaig test ead school, and Mason P. Rumey, prsi left Greece in March 924. might be mountedl in the lio posed also a~peared with Mr. Taylor, telling edtlter as new g funds became avala- fernwith the A egn sreative, to a- Burton Memorial campanile, were ote various types, of carillons which ble. eora frDctrButn he believed would meet ned ee eoilfrDco utn PAY YOUR SUBlSClIIiTTON NOW. s idered by an informal committee ic lgofe Thmice lee 'e movement for the erection of+ alumnifaculty meni, and lSt( IL a s.gsedta the carillon !a campanile to house a carillon, lwas- {meeting~ with Pryce Taylor, represent- proposed1 as I. memnorial for Michigan's started last spring, as a. monument to f ing le John Taylor &I sons firm, ifthPresident., Dr. Marion Leroy Doctor Burton. The suggestion came "-______________ helfunders, of Loughborough, ling- Burton, should number at least 48 1it, the form of a letter from the board_________ land. bells, providing a complete tour oc- of directors of the Alumni association, The meeting was called to allow those backing the movement to con-1 sier various details of the plan writh the head of the British foundry, who ;c " q is in this country on a. business trip. a No definite action was taken, however , p dlue to the factthttecmagfo fo f nl s a a .E r H Q .K K NiI V o r , d r c o f teMusic, w ho has recently returne d1 1113 b . U niv ersity A v e' from an eight month's tour of Eu- AlpplrBou oeso ipa lope, dunring w~hich he investigaited AlpplrBou oeso ipa variions carillons in use in Bumropean .,--, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _G U Y W O O L F O L K & C O . // 36 South state Street IDETROIT THEATRES n robl 2asfs and Patterns excusie ou.w ds K v s. 50c o $250 f____ ___ _\ HE Q W.lH.19Y A Ric Wed es.Mat 50C to $1.50 ; =I _ .~'w GA RC St. Mt.0c to001 X YUi, n(u W H T H I~/The Seasonl's Play Sensatio fAR ) D ~nc ng iINCORPORATED I BRADWY A 40T STEET 144 WEST 42ND STREET With Mary Youing and John Halliday 84BRAWY TWLLS ET BonsteflloPlayhouse Matst.T t .5cn.I h Woodward at Eliot Tel. Glendale 979 To ingN'Irk SECOND AND LAST WEEKNO The BONSTELLE CO.! Toeing the mark with a Coast to Coast College In Geo, N. Cohan's Comedy-Drama Service. The Regal line especially styled for I I~ 11iTI~r @n~run n flunr *BAwi ollexe meincnlude e ry no lln-, r i'h1af.n 4 1.U i 1 A _ 131oi a IA was C istribution of captured German war trophies is finally under way. "'nimgton, Ill., is mounting the first gun to be apportioned to a city in 0.iblic square. It is a Krupp howitzer with a range of 15 miles. It -u.tsed, against the forts of Leige. SayIt ith Flowerday 'S FLOER Roses and Spring Flowers of Superior. Quality ]fnt unn AIuI UAINbt MAN'1 Schubert Lfayette Lafaytteaoser Sat.Mat. 50c-$2?.50' Pop.Thurs.Mat. 5oc to .0, plus tax. Cad. 8705 j 'ARCH SELWYN Presents CHARLOT'S]REVUE OF 1926 With Jack Buchanan, Beatrice Lillie, Gertrude Lawrence and a Brilliant English Company sport, social and' campus wear. "RESCO" Scientific Fitting Service From Maker to Wearer From Coast to Coast GAL'HOES Regal Factories, Whitman, Mass. Stores in All Principal Cities REG.U.S PAT. OPI.. l at Attractive Prices GREEN FLOWERS FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY .rrrrr.. .rr..error.Sri, .. ,rr, .rr. °, ~ , .r. ,,rrisr.. . .r. ., . . .c. . °.+r.,rr , , .r., ,, .. .,e .. . ., . .o. ,e. .r ~.r..rrr..rr. _ a , ,,,, ... Starti ngToday c A U:. H A a Store Phone 7014 Nic kels Arcade, Greenhouses-1400 Traver F 'i t '. . . . ---they; had a hot tie urning money but it was a cold world when the flames died down. There's more than drama, more than comedy in this brilliant . play of the h~.sband who took his wif e;a way from luxury, and how she found her way back: A play for those with too much money and those with not enough. A womm, LASTTIME TODY .1 no I m Bawls LEWIS and'" ANNA Q. NILSSO A .n . ,. c:t ; x? l I 7 1 mahn on?'/ VU~UflC~VlDs JAK "Ol:W a(F AO1PI UK~'( - \ Gr 4e IN , 1 ..1 Adapted fromi the lahy by Israel Zangwill r - -a-- sti s a }K --front fine thousand dollar breakfast parties to coffee amnd rolls. -fromt one dress for every day to 0 XE dress, -they drank wine froin her satin slipper. And now . no winie . .. no satini slipper: There's no such thing as too inudi money when money will buy a. story so clever, a cast so brilliant-and a pic- ture so excellent. --lso-Keith V audle ilileFeature --Als-latinmees Daily 1131Y STARlS" Venetian Masqueraders 2:00-3:34 A Tuxedo Comedy - Wth- Balcieo 3,25c "TeGetArena" OLGAI BOEI COLLErTTE BLEI 1 Mai Foor, Svc I o r n P ma Do n ais seN g lsAl Strauss and the A nid Compa nmy or Fight c:( 0 :0 MaetcQei~ aA Spectacu~li' Song, Dance inml iide, 14i Majestic Orchestra, u sica I Fantasy!Chlrn c Sunday-LON CH ANEY in "THE BL.ACKBIRD99 UTTERF6' 0 HEA . 1 rr. P' Also A. Good Comedy "Watch YourPep" Technicolor Latest News Tomorrow-Alice JON ce in "WHITE MAN" 0 /~d:ie lJllll' - .. ,: . . - - - .. ,, ,. Trteeni Years v!LJALUR.SEASO Proceeds of the le e- FAMOUS ARC*-rlC EXPLORER I I..a-.. .....-.C-.I- - ~ ... 1lec-