P'AGE TWRIO; TI-4r 11/YTI- iT(- A M n A TT V I at-3 L' ?~IT rllTC'AN r\A -IVT UUT S DAY, MARCH 11,, 1926 ARCITITSFOND.Bandit Iaen titv I Remains Mystecry HAD DATE SC HOD Ann Arbor0'po~li c ofh(cers,' accgin- parrie d by R. L. 1Wi. Jrudto of the Butterfield theater company, searched through the police records of Summiter Institute At Lake F'orest 1o Detroit yesterday in an effort to fir) Be Established For Landscape I a picture that would cor r epond to D~esigners the dlescription of the banudit who held up Mclienrvy:'Moniday afternoon aand TO AWTARD FELLOWVSHIP escapdpf with more than $3,000u of thf Itheater's .money. -do records 'ill the rogue's gallery Annoicemnt i mad bv Pof.could -be found that fit the mhan who Aubrey Tealdi of the landscape design robbed Nlcfeiiry. N further clues department, of the establishment of Ihad been found by, the local police a summer post-gradulate Institut(e of force last night. Architectuire and Landscape Architee-.______ ture to be held at Lake Forest begin- i ning this year. H AT T RE THEATERS The Institute, which is b)acked by the American Society, of, Landscape Today-Screen I Architects and the American lusti - .! $ tute of Architects, is the outcome of' Arcade-"The Wanderer," with the efforts of a group of professional( Ernest Torrence and Greta men headed by Ferruccio Vitale,I Nissen. prominent landscape architect of New l York, who realizes the importance of' Majestic -- "Too Much MHoney," cooperation between architects and with Lewis Stone and Anne Q. landscape architects for the finest de- Nillson. velopment of these allied arts. The I _ __ Institute has the financial backing cif' Wuerth-"The Enchanted Hill," prominent patrons of all the arts. with Jack Holit and Florence. . Men and women graduates in ar-J Viddor.E chitecture and landscape architecture' of Illinois, Iowa, Ohio and Michigan; Today-Sta~ge will be eligible for fellowships in theI1 Institute on the recommendation of Garrick (Detroit) - "Dancing the respective faculties of those do- Mothers," with Mary and 'John partments. Fellowships include tray- I 1IHalliday. eling and all other expenses for thei summer., I Bonstelle Playhouse (Detroit)- a At the end of the session a jury of; "The Song and Dance Man." professional men of national standing I will award to one architect and one j IShuhert Lafayette (Detroit) - I landscape architect a fellowshipj "Chorlot's Revue." abroad for one year to be spent in collaborative study and design.f New Detroit (Detroit) - "Kid Boots," with Elddie Cantor and BATAVIA. -- The rich tin deposits N ary. Eaton. on the island of Banka which have ________________ iBI TSSES.-Financial, commercial' and industrial associations through- out Belgium, with a total miemibrship' of more than 200,000 combined in for-: wnation of a league designed Closely to survey governmental and parlianwii- 3 BU' :OS AIRE"S. - Argentina's for- ei m tradie for the year 1925 will show a fa70voraleQbalanlce of about $50,000,- to' o t ry work and sugg.st fLscA andi YS~NTN--h campaign to nOfr reforms. b ,*.s \ i ha;bal out of *Wa sh-: inF;o I:_ s be~i renewed oni Capitolj P'A Y ..I'or ij')SUBSCIPTION NOW. I1111. - i 11 . i :J~ Lo rSie~; 1 "Wlatchi Anu Arbor (Growi!" FRATERNITIES -- SORORITIES {. 602 MONRODE STREET Accommodates 22 persons, dining room .z seats 30. Moderna'icI attractive. Three bathrooms, large lot. Price, $21 ,000. Ve } ~ry small payment to reliable organizatioin. 1706 CAMBRIDGE ROAD A most attractive location in the *Washtenawy Section. Lot 75x 168. Modern and well built. Call for further particulars. 1000 EAST ANN STREET Fifteen rooms, lot 6Ox]132, steamr heat, tiled shower bath. House accommodates. 28, dining room. seats 40. Near Medical School and campus. Price $21I,000. Very good terms., Particulars on, financing miethiods nhich Katie lrOved successful furnished free of charge. Call 311. SERGAXNT ivith CHARLES Le BROO"KS Friday - Saturday. Special C e Chocolates and BON BONS......... ..... .70c Milk Chocolates ............ ............... 70c Nuts and Fruits .. ..............$1.00 Nut Goodies ..... ..... ..............7c Peneuchie ...........................I.....90C lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. Phlonie 42111,- REALTOR 21 First Nationial Bank BlIdg. I- rl NOW IS l2fE fIfrE TO ORDER CLEVELAND 715 N. University Place On the Campus D)ETROIT .... JI El I SP CA I T R RECORD RELEASE -.yellow and Blue a m yielded upwards of 10,000 'tonls ,each year are showing signs of approaching , exhaustion. Read the Want Ads 1 F cf4 xx 0 kE BY TI .p Fac Pac Q-1.. Q cI .- A. a0*e Carry Home wo Fula Pints of The New ItE CoREAM' LTriumnJphIn Quality story'' Choice of .' eked 3Faos.~ Your Whole Family Will Love It ...' It is Pure and Wholesome-100%j Truly--A 'triumph In Quality sk. Four Q'* Dealer A Arctic Dairy Products Company o ° MICHIGAN° YOU OWN BAN D I Delivery about the 20th si. sic House THE MUSICAL CENTER OF ANN ARBOR 601 E. WILLIAM ST. PHONE 751w ........ ._,_ - ~ --=a ° £ I m. ILI a ' e F JThe "Aberdeen" Model 2a Top Coats pring Suits Custom Tailored! We have a select line of goods in all shades at prices from $35 to $75 Laster Will V5e Here Soon Ae C. BARTH When the $ traigh t-8 blows Llyeryi'hing in Tailoring 619 E. William At- sub.- AW % 1 ..r wlriiiir REST PRICES For Men's Used Clothing, Phone 4310 115 W. Washington IH BENJAMIN M r rww r 1 " f a shoe i ) I Hart, Schaffner & Marx. Special Spring Showing of Tocoats and. Suits Styles for spring seem to point to the light colors again. Either a two or three button sack coat with rather full trousers. Our spring shipments, including many shades of colors and many different patterns, is now on display and wc recommend an early inspection. $35and $45 BEFORE you even look for the jack tools, tuck a neat wad of Prince Albert tire is "all in the day's work." gloom-~chaser! Talk about a or tire- into the 11 muzzle of your jimmxy-pie. JLight up.. and SZget yourself in the frame of mind where a flat Hats cleaned and shoes re- paired at the same time ! We can give you service in, both of these details and satisfaction hard to equal. P. A. simply knocks troubles for a row of planished-steel mudguards. Its cool, soothing smoke percolates into your system, the sun crashes through the clouds, and everything is hotsy-totsy. Yes indeed, Fellows, Prince 'Albert is great tobacco. And paste this in the fly-leaf of your the- saurus: P. A. can't bite your tongue or parch your throat, no matter how hard you hit it up. The Prince Albert process flunked Bite and Parch on their first examination. Get a tidy red tin of P. A. now and see. P. A. is sold ever'ywhere ini tidy red tins, pound and half- 'Pound tin humidors, and ;pound crystal-glass1 humidors with sponge- moistener top. And always with every bit of bite and parch removed by the Prince Albert process. 11 If I 11 41 It I LINIM N I