ESTABLISHED 1890 -d lat ~aiI MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 120 EIGHT PACES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS FISHER TO O9ULNE MODERN JAPNESE TENDENCIESTBODA ORIENTALIST HAS DEVOTED PAST 23 YEARS TO RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONAL WORK SECOND OF SERIES Social Worker Conies Under Auspices Of School Of Religion As Sequel To Hutchinson Lecture Modern tendencies in Japanese civi- lization will be outlinedby Dr. Galen M. Fisher of New York city, well1 known orientalist and social worker, in a lecture to be given at 4:15 o'clock today in Room C, Law building. Doc- tor Fisher has devoted the past 23 years of his life to religious and edt- cational work in Japan. The lecture today will be given under the aus- pices of the Michigan School of Re- ligion, in connection with Prof. Charles T. Paul's seminar in the moral issues of modern life, and is designed as a sequel to the recent discussion by Dr. Paul Hutchinson, on China. Doctor Fisher first went to Japan as secretary for the Young Men's Christian association in 1897, follow- ing graduation from the University of California. Making Tokyo his head- quarters, he has directed the estab- lishment of association branches in 13 Japanese and Korean cities, and at 25 student centers, includingthe lead- ing universities. Ile also established a camp and conference center for young men and christian workers, at the foot of the sacred Mount Fuji, an institution comparable to the Ameri- can Lake Geneva. As chairman of the board of trus- tees, he took a leading part in devel- oping the Tokyo-American school for the children of English speaking resi- dents. He was an organizer ot the National Christian Literature commit- tee, and of the publication department of the Y. M. C. A. and has written a series of papers on the transactions of the Asiatic society of Japan, and several studies dealing with social and moral conditions in modern Japan. The speaker comes to Ann Arbor on the invitation of Professor Paul, who characterized him as "An ex- perienced and eminent authority on Japan, particularly competent to dis- cuss the moral problems arising from the modern development of Japanese nationalism, and from the important place the Empire holds in interna- tional relations, especially with Amer- ica. A keen student of the immigra- tion question, he will doubtless deal with the effects of the Exclusion Act. "His recent book, 'Creative Forces in Japan.'" Professor Paul continued, "is one of the fairest works published in this country on th'at topic. For the past four or five years Doctor Fisher has been executive secretary of the in- stitute of Religious and Social sur- veys which has published a number of authoritative documents on religious and social work. "He has been in Japan during years of change, of expansion. From a country largely given over to. agri- culture, with an overwhelming rural Iopulation, he has seen men and wo- men flock to the cities until today Tokyo is the world's fourth largest city. He has seen machinery take the place of hand labor, and grat steam- ers replace slow junks, bringing in their wake all the evils of high-power industrialism and the feverish strug- gle for world trade." During his early furloughs from work in the Far East, Doctor Fisher won the degree of Master of Arts at Harvard, and later did special work in sociology at Columbia The talk today is the second of the current series arranged by the School of Religion. The material revealed by Doctor Fisher in his lecture will1 be later discussed by the members of Professor Paul's seminar. The public! is invited to attend the lecture this afternoon. LISBON. - The Diario Noticos says Great Britain has offered Portu- gal four warships for 50,000 pounds sterling. WASHIINGTON.-Without debate or a record vote, the Senate today passed the Kendrick bill. Every little want has a place Gargoyle Adopts Parody Form In Current Issue Available Today' "They called her the Jazz Baby of3 Granger's"-and her "true" story will be found in the "Campus Confessions" number of Gargoyle, campus humor magazine, which will be offered for sale today. The issue, from cover to cover, is a parody on the modern sen- sational monthly. Th-e edition was expected to be ready for release yesterday, but due to unforeseen developments, could not be placed on sale until today. How- ever, it will appear exactly as origin- ally printed., Departing entirely from its usual, material, Gargoyle devotes it pages to startling disclosures of the cam- pus, accompanied by photographs, in- stead of the usual cartoons. In addi- tion to the story of the "Jazz Baby of Granger's," which iscadvertised on the cover, the edition contains "The Truth About Fraternities," the story of the girl who forgot her parents' instructions, "The Love Potion"-the terrible effects of a limeade, and "Confessions of a Dean of Women." T h e advertisements, including "Campus Confessions" own reward for each letter received telling which! story was disliked most, take in everything from physical culture to! tight-rope walking, and are also il- lustrated by photographs from life. A special page is devoted to glimpses of the home life of Beatrice Bertie, the famous moving picture actress. The editorial page is devoted to a discussion on "What is Life?", writtenj by Beernear McGullet, and exhorts the reader to live, not to exist. "Be more than the Amoeba," says Gar- goyle. "Stop and think. You will never regret it." POLA ADVNTURER .WillGiIV NITIAL BENEFIT LECTURE VILHJALDUR STEFANSSON, NOTED EXPLORER, WILL APPEAR AT S O'CLOC1( TOMORROW TO AID MEMORIAL Eutire Proceeds Will Be Turned Over To campanile Fund; Lecturer Donating Services I, jFNZ KUHN HEADS -PHIBETA KAPPA P.HONE GATHERIN~i TO LAUNCH ORIVE Engineers Convene To Observe 50th John D." Rockefeller, Jr., Annouinces1 Anniversary Of Telephone's Starting Of Canvass For Funds { Practical Use To Restore Scholarship GIVES ORIGINAL MODEL WILL BEGIN AT ONCEI Relating the trials experienced in (By Associated Press) the early development of the tele- PROVIDENCE, R. I., March 10-' phone, Judge Franz Kuhn, president John D. Rockefeller, Jr., in an ad-I Sof the Michigan Bell Telephone corn-dress tonight before Phi Beta Kappa 1 pany, addressed the general convoca- members, announced the launching of tion held by the Engineering college a nation-wide movement by the IPii yesterday afternoon to commemorate Beta Kappa, national honorary scho- the fiftieth anniversary of the tele- lastic society, to raise a sesquicen- tennial fund of $1,000,000 to aid in' On behalf of his organization, Judge "restoring scholarship and teaching Kuhn presented the electrical engi- to their rightful place."« Deering department with a replica of The campaign, Mr. Rockefeller said, the instrument devised by Alexander would be divided into two phases, ac Grham Bnseldsd by hoenwrds canvass for special or large gifts in I .Graam ellby hichspoen wrdsalmost a score of leading cities of the first were transmitted through an elec- almotd a n o leainiie of th tric circuit. In accepting the gift for Unite amthe nationsid cam- the University, President Clarence Ta an he sip gnl- Cook Little advised the engineering ly. Tie canvass, he said, will begin students to adopt a broad philosophy at once, and will extend to the closeT of life, and to make as many com- of the academic year. The second mon contacts with society as possibl. phase will bein in the autumn and In this regard, President Little point- and with the celebration in the sum- ed to the inventor of the telephone as mer of the society's 150th anniversary. an engineer who exemplified breadth The fund, he said, will be put to of knowledge, and who successfully two uses. One will be the erectionI balanced the larger forces of life with of a memorial building at William, the accuracy and skill necessary forh and Mary College in honor of the 50 pre acca askhme nssry rfounders of Phi Beta Kappa. The1 Alex Dow, president of th-e Detroit other will be for the establishing off AlexDow preidet o theDetoitannual rewards for merit in scholar- Edison company, who was included inarshc the program of speakers gave reminis- ship. ta cences of the early development of One of the latter wil be a grand t the telephone. Mr. Dow took an ac- prize for distinction in teaching or at- tive part in experimentation with tainment in scholarship, which will transmitters during this period. be open to all teachers and to college In regard to the later research with I graduates of not more than 10 years' the telephone, Judge Kuhn declared standing. Smaller prizes, not exceed- that the graduates of the electrical ing $2,000 each, will be given to "chap-- engineering department of the Engi- ters or individuals in aid of scholar- neering college have contributed ship, teaching, production or construe- greatly to the art of communication tive experiments." There also will be E through their improvements of the awards for scholarship in secondary I telephone and its auxiliary appartus. and preparatory schools. Prof. Benj. F. Bailey, head of the Apathy and neglect have affected electrical engineering department, the large part of our college popula- acted as chairman for the occasion. tion, Mr. Rockefeller said, and col-i actd a chirmn fr te ocason. leges are overcrowded with students { who consider study no obligation. The COUNI~L I R S result, he said, has been that facul- ties are overworked and standards of learning lowered. He said it was the duty of Phi Beta ( cEKappa, "which has furnished nearlyI half the nation's famous men," to re- ePress)vive interest in scholarship, and teach- ENEVA archted Pess Br ing to offset this apathy and "makej will upush over the line to an accord," .e ;i r Pahl-n Brn r tonizht at the In the interest of the Burton Memorial Campanile, Vilhjalmur Stef-. ansson, noted Arctic explorer, will de- liver a lecture on "Abolishing the Arctic," at 8 o'clock toinorrov night in Hill auditorium. This lecture isI the first of a series which has been arranged by the Student council to assist in securing funds for the memorial. The second lecture will probably be given during the week of March 21. Tickets, priced at $1 for the main' floor and 75 cents for the balcony, were placed on sale at both the StateI street and down town book stores yes- terday. The entire proceeds from the lecture will be turned over to the Campanile fund since the lecturer is donating his services for the evening. He was a close friend of the late President Marion Leroy Burton and was introduced by him the last time he spoke here. That was the Presi- dent's last publie appearance, the night before he was stricken with the illness that caused his death. Stefansson has been characterizedc as a great explorer, lecturer, scientist, writer, anthropologist, and citizen. 'He is the greatest figure in the lee- ture world today," said Tom Skeyhill, chairman of the lecture committee of the International Lyceum and Chan- tauqua association, in an article which I he wrote on the explorer. "He adds, as do few others, a record of achieve- ment in pcar explorations -which, hasE made him world famous, with all the powers of a great public speaker," heI added. In commenting upon the explorer, Admiral Robert E. Peary once said: "What Stefansson stands for is this: he has grasped the meaning of polar? work and has pursued his task in the Arctic regions, section by section. li'e has profited by experience piled upon experience until he knows how to face and overcome every problem of the North. His method of work is to take the white man's brains and intelli- gence and the white man's persistence and will-power into the Arctic and supplement these forces with the woodcraft, or, I should say, polar- craft, of the Eskimo-the ability to live off the land itself, the ability to use every one of the few possibilities of those frozen regions--and concen- trate on his work." FILMS WILL BE, TAEN {Of GRIDIRON BANQUT I ! ' li i s 1 l I E 1, I t 1 1 r I COUNCIL APPROVES SUNDAYMOTOR TROUBLE # EETIN GS; SET GAM E DATES LETS DIRIGIBLE Sunday convocations, to be DROP INTO BASY tried out for three Sundays in May and, if successful, instituted (By Asociated Press) regularly next fall, were ap- I NORFOLK, Va., March 10.-Escap- proved by the Student council ing gas and failure of her motors at its meeting last night at the caused the army dirigible TA-5 to Union. The convocations, in- drop nose first into lower Hampton tended to interest students who l Roads near Thimble Shoal Light, late would not otherwise attend any today. church service on Sunday morn- The three men aboard had narrow ing, will be addressed on religi- ITest r esm e dwhoutnar- ous topics by prominent clergy- escapes but were rescued without ser- men and laymen. ouat injury by a coast guard patrol Speakers for the three ,convo- cations in May are being arrang- The TA-5 was observed to be in ed by the council. University trouble 20 minutes before she fell, organizations will assist in com- and four planes from the naval base pleting the services. here went up to offer assistance but May 7 and 8 have been selected could do nothing. When the ship as the dates of the annual Spring struck the water, her stern was left Sgames, in order that the fathers high in the air and the gas bag was whoaein drtanArbofothr damaged to some extent. whoae inA nnayAbor for The ship was 1,200 feet in the air Fathers'Day, May , will be able when trouble developed, but Lieuten- to witness the annual freshman- ant Kietburtz manoeuvered her to with- sophomore struggle. in 500 feet of the surface before she -__went down out of control. She was towed to Langeley field, where she had been used for training purposes, by an army tug after the accident. Senate And House ASSEMBLYTONIGHT ___TT Argue Prohibition' Ifenderson, Diener, Johnson, Kipke, (By Associated Press) And Christy Will Talk To Gathering WASHINGTON, March 10.-The pro- In Union Assembly Hall hibition question agitated congress again today with discussions in both KAthe Senate and House, punctuated by) SMOKER BE~GINS AT 7:30 i(bitterness and laughter.k Centering on the value of a news-i Final arrangements for the fresh- paper poll in progress on the question man assembly, which will be held to- of modification, the day brought forth night in the assembly hall of the introduction of a resolution calling for, Union, were completed yesterday, anda nation-wide referendum on modiflca- tion, scriptural quotations, references the finishing touches applied to the to George Washington's beer recipe, varied program of entertainment a recipe for Manhattan cocktail, en- which has been arranged by the un- forcement agents, personal exchange derclass department of the Union and between Senator Bruce, Democrat, the social committee of the freshman Md., and Senator Glass, Democrat, literary class. Invitations have been Va., another difference over senate mailed to every first year man on the 'rules between Vice-president Dawes campus, and provisions are being and Senator Reed, Democrat, Mo., and made for an attendance of more than mention of the cost of the congres- 1,000. sional record., The program is comprised of music, The House expended approximately entertainment, and speeches. A prom- three and one-half hours on prohibi- inent faculty member, athlete, and tion discussion with most of those student will address the first year present participating at various times men, besides the president of the in the attack and defense of the class. Smokes will be provided for Eighteenth Amendment and Volstead all present. Act. The assembly will be called to order promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Music will be furnished for a half hour by May Restore Debs the new Union orchestra, the Rhythm Citizenship Rights Kings. Lester Johnson, '27L, chairman of the underclass department, will then (By Associated Press) introduce William L. Diener, '26, pres- WASHINGTON, March 10.-A move- ident of the Union. "Your Relation- ment has been started to have citizen- ship with the Union" is the subject ship rights restored to Eugene V.- of Diener's address. Debs, socialist leader, who served The president's remarks will be fol- more than two years in the Atlanta lowed by a talk from Harry Kipke, penitentiary for opposing American '24, assistant backfield coach, and na- participation in the World war. tionally known Michigan athlete. He Representative Berger, Socialist, will speak on "What Value Have Ath- Wis., after a conference today .at the letics?" White House, said President Coolidge Special entertainment will follow had shown sympathetic interest in an Kipke's address before the speaker's appeal for Debs. program is resumed. Harlan Christy, One of the stumbling blocks to res- '29, president of the literary class, toration of citizenship rights is Debs' will then give a brief outline of the refusal to make personal application activities which the freshmen will en- for a full pardon. He adheres to the gage in during the remainder of the belief, expressed during his trial when school year. he refused to employ counsel, that "A True Michigan Man," is the sub- he committed no crime in voicing his I ject that Prof. W. D. Henderson, di- opposition to war in his famous Can- rector of the University extension di- ton, Ohio speech. vision, has selected for the final ad- dress of the evening. Linotype Official Tacna-Arica Feud Speaks Here Today Thomas Knapp, member of the edu- cational department of the Mergen- (By Associated Press) thaler Linotype company, will give an WASHINGTON, March 10.-The at- illustrated lecture on "The Linotype- tempt of Washington to settle the Its History and Development," at 4:15 South American feud over Tacna- o'clock today in Natural Science audi- Arica slowly is approaching its frui- torium. tion, but what the harvest will be The lecture was arranged through I is a subject of overgrowing specula- the courtesy of William C. Hollands, tion. superintendent of the printing and y A year and a day now have elapsed binding department of the University,' since President Coolidge, as arbiter and will be offered under the au- ; between* Chile and Peru, decided to spices of the department of journal- ; stake the sovereignty of the disputed ism. provinces on a plebiscite. For months Mr. Knapp, in addition to his work a special commission at Arica has with the Mergenthaler firm, is presi- been plodding toward an understand- dent of the Old Time Printer's asso- FEDERAL 10CONTROL ONLY MINE EMEDY SAYS TWICE AS MANY MEN IN COAL FIELDS THAN ARE NEEDED; WAGES LOW PRICE TOO HIGH J. H1. Maurer, President Pennsylvania Federation Of Labor Would Cut Out Extra Handling "Ownership of all coal deposits by the government is the only remedy for the present situation in the coal in- dustry," said James Hudson Maurer, president of the Pennsylvania Feder- ation of Labor, who spoke yesterday afternoon in'the Natural Science audi- torium on the subject "What's Wrong With the Coal Industry?" "There are twice as many men in the bituminous coal fields than are necessary, so that very few miners make much more than a living wage. And after the coal is mined it passes through so many hands that it costs to the con- sumer twice as much as it really should cost. If the government would buy the mines, which would elimi- nate much of the extra cost added to coal, and would pay the miners wages commensurate with their work and risks, the trouble in the coal Indus- try will cease. A tax of 27 cents on each ton mined for 50 years would cancel all the debts the government would incur by buying the mines. "Anthracite coal and bituminous coal problems are entirely different; the mining, the risks of the miners, the operating, the market of the two kinds of coal present separate and distinct problems in the Industry," said Mr. Maurer, "and so they must be discussed separately. Miners Live Poorly "One cannot get an idea of a coal city from just passing through the region on a train. The bituminous miners live in houses built by the coal companies, all one size and shape. Most of them are not equipped with any modern conveniences, many be- ing on isolated roadways; the miners and their families just exist, not live. "But the real trouble in the bitumi- nous industry is this: We could take 200,000 men out of the bituminous coal regions and never miss them; there are twice as many miners in Pennsyl- vania than are necessary. The aver- age time worked by the miners in the United States is a little less than half- time. Some miners work four days a week, others two days, and some work but one day a week. Men in the coal fields outside of the mines earn from $6.60 to $7.10 per day; miners inside the mines earn from $7.20 to $7.60 ppr day. Men who do machine loading, undermining, drilling, and similar work get 86 cents per ton for coal mined, and those who do pick and hand mining earn $1.14 per ton. In Tennessee in 1924, the average miner worked 159 days and earned $649.00; in other states the number of days worked in the year ranged as high s 220, with the yearly wages $1287.00 being the most paid to any miner dur- ing the year. Before the athracite coal strike, mine run sold at from $1.75 to $2.75 at the mine; recently it 1 sold at from $2.50 to $4.00, while the consumer paid from $7.00 to $20.00 for the coal. But cheap wages do not mean cheap coal, while more men working would increase the price of coal. Industry Is Overdeveloped "The big trouble is that the bitumi- nous industry is overdeveloped. There is no monopoly in soft coal; a man with several thousand dollars can start a mine. The industry has run amuck; it is developed to a capacity of a billion tons per year, with a mar- ket for half that amount. "The anthracite industry presents an entirely different problem," the speak- er continued. "It is a monopoly, 75 per cent of the anthracite coal being owned by eight big operators. Nine- ty-nine per cent of all the anthracite coal in the United-States is situated in seven counties in lower Pennsylvania 'so there is but a fixed supply of it, while the bituminous fields are in- exhaustible. And the market for hard coal is steadily increasing. It is more expensive to mine anthracite, and it is much more dangerous. Man' Miners Lose Lives t"During the two and one-half years up to the beginning of the strike last fall, 158,000 men were employed in the anthracite fields. Of these, 1,442 were killed, 31 disabled for life, about 500 more lost part of their bodies, and besides these there were more Invitations to the fourth annual1 Gridiron Knights banquet, which will be held Tuesday evening, April 6, in the assembly hall of the Union, un- der the auspices of Sigma Delta Chi, will be distributed by tomorrow night. Those to out-of-town newspapermen i 1 I i II I said Mu. PauI-JJOnCOUr LUr g ULL end of a tense private session of the I League of Nations council. The ses- sion, which lasted nearly four hours, served as a climax to the most hectic of Geneva's thrilling days since the beginning of the present crisis over the reorganization of the council raised by the entry of Germany. The pinnacle of the crisis was at- tained today because Chancellor Lu- { ther and Doctor Stresemann courte- ously, but none the less decisively, in- formed the allied representatives, who, with the Germans, constitute the so-called Locarnist-Rhine pact group, that their mandate from the govern- ment and people of Germany did not permit German acquiescence in the creation of other permanent seats in the council simultaneously with the election of Germany. Masques To Start Seat Sale Today Seats for the Masques' production of "Why Marry?" by Jesse Lynch Williams, to be presented Wednesday and state government officials were sent out yesterday while students, fac- LH I116 n Unli i ulty members, and townspeople, whose E names appear on the mailing list, will receive their invitations today and to- nIorrow. Announcement was made yesterday (By Associated Press) by Joseph Kruger, '26, general chair- PARIS, March 10.-With Aristide man of the banquet, that arrange- -Briand's ninth cabinet only a few ments have been completed with Phil- hours old and the formal ministerial i ip Pack, '18, director of the Michi- declaration still a week away, manou- gan News Bureau, for moving pictures vers had been started tonight to make to be taken of the event. Movies will its life short. One attack centers on be taken of the entire assemblage, the' Louis Malvy, who holds the portfolio presentation of the Oil Can by Prof. of minister of the imterior. 0. J. Campbell of the English depart- Deputy Y. B. Arnegaray served no- ment, last year's recipient, and also tice on M. Briand that he would in- close-ups°of the principal speakers. terpellate the premier "upon the pres- These will be shown in theaters of 40 once of M. Malvy in the cabinet." cities throughout the state. It likely will be a hard task for the premier to attain a stable working ATHENS. - Italian financiers are majority, -since the nucleus of the left reported to have offered to lend center deputies forming the backbone Greece $10,000,000, provided the loan of his supporters is insufficient, and be expended on armaments ordered must be reenforced either from the from Italian firms. right or left. M. Malvy had been minister of the interior under three different cabinets I V t he a during the war, and was called "th e Our ea ier Ran ing on the rules for such an election. ciation of Chicago.' { i t Maurer Tells Of Dangers Coal M1iners Face InEvery Day Work "Cost in miners' blood-that is them for life, 278 lost eyes, 17 lost something you do not appreciate arms, 54 lost hands, 34 lost legs, 50 when you sit before your coal-fire. lost feet, 307 lost fingers, 203 lost thumbs? Of course, these figures do You do not realize the accidents and not include the thousands of mine fatalities which went into the mining workers suffering from miners' asth- of that coal," asserted James M. ma, rheumatism and premature old on page Seven. Yours, too, can be placed there by call- I