W' gi1 i'A,' MAIRCH 10, 192E THE MICHIGAN DAILY .:~ ~R II OHAION PRZELIBRARY SH OWS PASTEL EXHIBIT; CO'ATONS"'1PIZ HANDICAPPED BY POOR LIGHTING II f K! ~ [ Unfiortunaly ~ione of the most in- ar e inter esting for their list orical W a EnA N iD iit tel cstinb dart exhibits that has been inj connections at least. The chief faulti I Ann Arbor this year Is rendered in- ito be found with many of the draw- Judl;+s Select Oceanl Scenie As 1)esign siggnficant by the extremely orlgt'igisheenalipsinofo- To Adorni Ballroom iFor ybo ih-igsi h eea mpeso fsm May Party jing conditions on the cases in the, cerness or dullness. Certain of his . foyer of the Lilbrary. Thlis5 group of1 skies are unimpressive because of their PRETO GIEN A~V RD59 pastels is the work of H. M. Kurtz- 1 sameness-a tan and blue mixture. PREST N GIEN AW RD Iworth, formerly director of the Kan-_ "Braubach-on-theRhine" is a fanciful sas City art institute, antl, at present, '1.st prize for a decorative scheme d irector of 'the art exhibitions held for ;tfe Architect's, May party, to~ be annulally at the Michigan State fair., held Alay 7 in. Bar bour gymnasium, Mr. Kurtzworth grew up in GrandE wvasi1,warded to W. E. Preston, '26A, Rapids, and two of the pictures in this by ommittee of judges chosen from exhibition are of Michigan landscapes.. the !'rchitectural faculty and the Ar- FHis drawings are being exhibited here cliitctural Society, "through the courtesy of Prof. Emil 1 Tl0$ winning design, depicting a Lorchi of the Architectural college. scenpi' on the ocean bottom in which There are two main groups of the THII the 1 decorative effect of sea plants pastels classed according to their an )ia~imals, in their brilliant color- geographical locations. The earlier of f ing4' blends with the predominant these in the result of a trip to Europej blu4# Around the entire wall will be and the other of two *Western tours. a s~ecially painted marine scene, doneI The European sketches are in general by ~e students on the committees, more conventional in. their treatment. shointg deep sea life. About six feet J All of the drawings are impressionis- in to hstetia gauze will tic in their coloring, but the Western j-drv be 466sely hung with a special hid- landscapes are impressionistic in den Sighting effect to make the scene manner as well. "London Bridge" is Eight apexmore' realistic. The entire 'I the most engaging of the European for wc coilf ib will be covered with fireproof1 scenes with its purplish-blue night sales ti crel~ipaper which has been approved effect. The artist has rare ability in by t building and grounds depart-- producing pleasing evening landi- leads e mnex4paper being prohibited for deco- scapes. Another foreign picture wor- I}cri rativ i uses in University buildings.. thy 'of note is that of the Parliament The- (Jcorations' committee headed by buildings by the side of the Thames. 13. 'Wyatt, '26A, is composed of G. . "Chester-on-thie-Dee" and "Stratford" T. f~i iey, '26A, and the winner of theCAL cone , W. E. Preston, '26A. 1________Sales______Phone___ T imusic for the party is being se-, DETROIT THEATRES lect , from a group of popular~ and THIS WEE wide known orchestras, according to C. A ° irrine '20A, general chairman, icqJng Ishani Jone's, Coon-Sander's ' Eves. - 50c to $2.50 Nig t } Hawks, Don Bestor's and Ted IG AR R 10C1% Wed. Mat. 50c to;$1.50 Wee ils. The orchestra chosen will TeSao' lS esati on$.0 be aifounced at a later date. ThjesnsPa esto Taw", attemp~t is being madeO to re-D__ 1o h r stri~the sale of tickets to the point D ancingot er wvhere ,no public sale will be made as WihMr -ougadJhnHlia the committee wishes to make this an With Mary Young,0,and John Halliday,/ arcs itect's party, rather than a pub~lic Baayus Nights 75e to $-0 dan e. The Architectural Society will Bosll PayhuseMats.Tucs.,Thur. be lilased, however, to receive appli- Woodward at eiota Tel. Glendale 9792 cati~Ps for tickets from individuals SECOND AND LAST WEEK Y oiu r 7 or Organizations which it will con-,T e]O S E L C, sided' later. This will insure the right ' In Geo, N. iCoban's Comedy-Dramna atte~tion'to individual needs. Tickets ThtOST L ECO ir b WillI'.,e priced at $5.50. "THE SONG AND DANCE 'MAN" ro b 1 Slcial acts are being arrange dbyL1IfuA ayeeathiq the cbmmittee to take place at various aCnubOHa Night, aito $3 50 Intevals during the evening. Sat.Mat. 50c. $2.50 Au SPop.Thurs.Mat. 50c to $2.00, pluis tax. Cad. 8705 WtASHINGTN.-Senate considera- ARCH SELWYN Presents C n e sl tioni of the Italian debt settlement 'CHARL'OTS REVUE Can ea il MarF1h 16, is the plan of Chairman OF 1926 dropping in 1 Reed! Smoot, of the finance commit -Wit akBcnn.BtreLiieGtud tee. Lawrence a nd 4as Rrilliaint English fCompany_ sketch of one of the old castles for which this region is famous. The New Mexican sketches were done for the most part while the ar- tist was riding along on the tramn, and' it is surprising how well he interpre- ted the spirit of the region consider- ing this fact. One Western- picture which stands out from the others is I I other mountain sketch is that entitled i cure delicate tones with this 'medium "Isleta" which, rivals the aforemen-! never equalled by oil. Mr. Kurtz- tioned picture with its impressive'i worth has a few flat sketches in tha beauty. Many of the other American 1group, but many of them reach the landscapes, unfortunately remind one' heights of artistic merit. of lithographic prints so common in! R. T. H. farmhouse parlors. i Pastel is an unstable medium, forI its life is limited to a comparatively Read the W~ant Ads, short period, yet it is possible to se- TIENSTIN.-Taku was completely closed to shipping this morning on account of the factional Chinese fight- ing and the 1kuominchun (National People's party) has mined the ia~r in the river 'channel, extiuguished all lights and forbidden pilots to fuuc- tion. I f that of a mountain with the sun's rays coming from behind it. The feeling of expanse in the plain and majesty of the mountain is decidedly vivid. An- E , 'PAY YOUR S8UBSCRIPTION NOW. t s - _ __ _. F -.... . vv w .. .. GHT S'TRA IGH T he women folks this car -- Diana was Engineered amen to drive. In to women Diana every other fine America. ' H. GIBBONS LES and SERVICE KPUS GARAGE 3915 Service ehone'21045 5 q" f i rr Tinting lem's be solved by zt the Craft F' " MMe ofMchigan You Who Graduate in June Lend us your ear! We are a long established Michigan manu- i;facturer of enviable reputation. We want men, preferably (but not necessarily) from Business Administration, Literary or Engineering Depart- ~jments, who earnestly seek business opportunity. Write us fully, remembering that our only oppor- tunity of judging you is the character of your ~. reply. Your correspondence will be treated con- t fidentially, our story in detail will be promptly sent Sto you, and personal 'appointments made at our 1.mutual convenience. Address F-25, care Michigan Daily -ii I' w We specia lize in Era te rn- ity and Sorority printing. 1n f4 Ijfes57p rursirbetter irnyress ions Today To morrow A Western Story 'AThat Is ~A THRILLING romance of amy- aov£F. tery and love. A "best-seller" novel which ran serially in Cosmpoli- r ~ tan Magazine. Produced With an unusually high-grade cast. NCHANTED HD Friday-A lie Jo) e and K.ennetli Harlan in Shows at Prces 7:e00.8:40 Saturday and and Suinday 2c"P 22nd Annual Producliona - Last Day for Mail Appli OF THE JckBBen - All mail applications must be dated nobt later th 2 12 p. m. Wednesday, March '10, in ordey 2 receive preference. j- Boxe s, $3.00 FirstMain Floor, $2.50 FistFour Rows Balcony, $24 Second. Floor, $.5 Remainder of Theatre,$1.00 a- Mail applicatio as to HELEN REECE, 1520 South Liivers] A ILL' rcy .h rrg r _:_ . at, rl"Ar rnITMW Last Tlimes Tonight SON CI-ANEY Ill the mtom of the 0pera" ?Matinees Nfihts -7 :60-8:40 Different qoc:m. *I- i _Also YEP"' Teopclor'' SEWS 711 N. Univ., 2nd floor Over Geo. Noe's at i ns ~ *O /"./, !1, CO.P., ecorococ-000,400 ''./Y1wr. '.d~./'. ''./"./°'./. l.01~Jl./"l1./. i'J./. f" '. JJ"./1". YJl1./'l1J1.1J. !'/". "'J'~ti 11 C) A Urf1"E HEATO .S Last 'fillies '0'(3day MI1 11 TUhe Million Dollar Gir'l "JOANNA" withI DORO'THY MACRAIL JACK XtTLIIALL .t, t, r t, e. t, rt: .r'- i+ 1± r}''4. ry for the 'p -Keith Feature- VIRGINIA BARRETT anid Her ]UNGHiT RAIDERS 1 - -Novel . Pepp)y to Sennett Comedy New Aesop Fable Kinograms ; a!: ,'; :; ' f ' . :. Balcony 2k, Main Floor Sac Nights, 7 :00-3:40 Prices Wedniesday Night Balcony 35e, MainiiFloor 50lc 00 cr -Thursday- LEWIS STONE ANNA Q. NILSSON an'd --Iii- VENI7ANWR ty J LHERE is no hat wonf _.