t I
VOL. XXXVI. No. 119
lerriot, Socialist Leader Refuses
Post. Reinstated Premier
Names Ministers
(By Associated Press)
GENEVA, March 9-A sudden con-
Rultation between Sir Austen Cham-
berlain, British foreign secretary and
Chancellor Luther and b)r. Strese-
mann, of the German delegation, im-
mediately after receipt of the news
from Paris that M. Briand had agreed
to form a new cabinet, was the most
striking development tonight in the
League of Nations council meeting.
From German sources emanated
the renort that in order to remove the
council from the hands of the signa-
tories of the Rhine pact and eliminate
possible discontent of other members
of the league on the grounds that the
Rhine signatories were assuming too
much responsibility, the British for-
eign secretary was anxious to arrange
an unofficial meeting between the
members of the council and the Ger-
Chamberlain Forsalls Crisis
In the meantime the assembly lead-,
ers headed by Sir Austen Chamberlain
succeeded in staving off embarrassing
complications by obtaining immediate
adjournment of the sub-committee
which had been appointed to investi-
gate Germany's application for league
membership. The rules require the
presence of the German delegations to
respond to any questions to whether
Germany has been fulfilling her in-
ternational obligations.
"In view of the fact that the Ger-
mans have expressed their determi-
nation not to enter the league until
assured they can enter the council
with permanent membership unac-
companied by others, the leaders did
riot wish to put Germany n the posi-
tion of having to refuse to appear be-
fore the investigating committee."
Interest in the unsettled council
crisis wandered momentarily tonight
to the question as to whether Geneva
will be definitely selected as the home
of the League of Nations. The as-
sembly must vote credits for the erec-
tion of the proposed assembly hall
but the still unsolved conflict between
Switzerland and Russia over the Vo-
rovsky affair had caused some of the
delegates to consider whether the
league should not be established in a
communty which would enjoy clearly
defned extra-territorial rights.-
The problem came up at a confer-1
ence between Lord Cecil and repre-
sentatives of the British dominions.
A delegate of one of the dominions
suggested the desirability of the cre-
ation of a definite territory similar to
the District of Columbia which would
render impossible the interferences of
conflicts between the country which
was the seat of the league and other
PARIS, March O.-Aristide Briand
who went to Geneva, Saturday a
beaten man will in all probability re-
turn to the League of Nations dis-
cussions at that place Thursday as
premier of France again, for the ninth
M. Briand has accepted President
Domergue's invitation to form a ca-
binet and he has alreday advanced
so far as to choose all his ministers
except that man who is to take charge
of the delicate financial situation.
President Consults Ilerriot
The cabinet crisis resolved rapidly1
today. President Domergue ex-
hausted all sources of information by
noon and immediately summoned
Edouard Herriot, former socialist
premier to offer him the premiership.
The leader of the radical party be-
lieved that this was merely courtesy
to the head of that party and he
promptly declined. He recommended
that M. Briand be asked once more to
form a new government. M. Herriot
told M. Domergue that it was neces-
sary to send Briand back to the coun-
cil and the League of Nations with
all the authority he had when the
Locarno pact was negotiated, and the
president of the republic passed this
idea on to M. Briand when he called
at Elysees Palace soon afterward.
Furthermore the president informed
him that it was his duty to stick by
the ship until all financial questions
were solved and the franc was saved.
The outgoing premier who had en-
joyed one good night's rest in four
dlays and had already recovered his
spirits abandoned hope of being abl
Hoover Outlines Possibilities
Of Inland Waterways System
Vote By HouseI
Body Taken On
Federal Judge
New Dirctor Of
---------_-------__"'l",1 6 LAB LE DER TO
CHICAGO, March 9. - Herbert
Hoover, secretary of commerce to-
night outlined a complete inland wat-
erways system, pointed out its eon-
omic necessity for the Middle West
and said he believed a nine foot chan-
nel from Chicago to the Gulf was in
sight. .He appealed for settlement
of the lake level disputes by spending
money "on concrete and steel rather
than at the lawyers."
He addressed the 32nd annual ban-
quet of the John Ericson Republican
League of Illinois.
Secretary Hoover's prepared speech
did not touch upon politics.
He pictures the Middle West as girdl-
ed by a row of toll gates composed
of increased rail rates, completion of
Conprises Second Lecture In School
Of Relig'ion Series On Moral
Issues Of Modern Life
Dr. Galen M. Fisher of New York
city, noted authority on Japan, will
discuss "The Far-Eastern Question in
its Relation to Japan", at 4:15 o'clock
Thursday, March 11 in Room C, Law
building. Dr. Fishers lecture wll
comprise the second number of the
current series, offered by the Michi-
gan School of Religion in connection
with Prof. Charles T. Paul's seminar
in the moral issues of modern life.
The coming lecture is designed as a
sequel to the recent address of Dr.
Paul Hutchinson, on China.
Professor Paul in commenting on the
speaker said, "Dr. Fisher is an ex-
perienced and eminent authority on
Japan, and is particularly competent
to discuss the moral problems arising
from the modern development of Jap-
anese nationalism, and from the im-
portant place the Empire holds in in-
ternational relations, especially with
America. A keen student of the im-
migration question, he will doubtless
deal with the effects of the Exclusion
The Orientalist went to Japan as
secretary of the Young Men's Chris-
tian Association in 1897 following
graduation from the University of
California, and Harvard.I He has
spent 20 years in the Empire, en-
gaged in religious and educational
work, with headquarters at Tokyo.
Under his direction the Association
established branches in 13 cities, and
at 25 student centers, including the
leading Japanese universities. He de--
veloped a Student's summer assembly
at the base of the Sacred Mount Fuji,
comparable to the American Lake
In 1918 Dr. Fisher was one of the
organizers of the National Christian
Council of Japan, a cooperative union
of all Christian agencies, Japanese
and foreign, at work in the Empire.
He was a director of the Christian
Literature society and is famous in
Japan as a linguist, translator of
works into Japanese, and contributor
to Japanese magazines.
"Dr. Fisher," Professor Paul said,
"through his acquaintance with Japan-
ese leaders, is among the foremost
promoters of amicable relations be-
tween Japan and the United States."
Prof. George C. Cone of the land-
scape design department will speak
at 8 o'clock tonight in the landscape
department lecture room, south wing
of University hall, on "Park Uses and
Abuses." Professor Cone was until
recently connected with the O. C.
Simonds Landscape company of Chi-
Professor Cone's lecture is the first
of a series of discussions on land-
scape design, that will meet every
two weeks. According to Prof. Au-
brey Tealdi, head of the landscape
design department, these meetings
are of vital importance to students
enrolled in the professional landscape
' design curriculum.
J At the meeting tonight an organi-
zation will be formed to provide for
the bi-weekly sessions.
th Panama canal, and maintenance of
ocean freight rates and virtually pre-
war levels with agriculture suffering
more than industry, but both in a
new relation to different parts of Am-
erica and to the world's markets as
a whole.
Railways have reached their highest!
efficiency in their history, he said, and
further rate reductions cannot be
He visualized two great inland wat-
erway systems, the Mississippi system
of modern barge lines and the Great
Lakes system of ocean steamers, the
latter of first importance despite the
great economic value of the lakes to
the Gulf route, completion of which is
in sight.
P 1 VN N El1)
Innovation Would Bring
j Prof. Meiklejohn Do
And Mr. Fesd
University convocation
weekly at 11 o'clock Sun
and to be addressed b
clergymen and laymen
topics, will be introduce
bor after spring vacati
plans of the Student
adopted at the meeting t
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 0. - Tho
house judiciary committee, by a vote
of 14-6, today recommended impeach-
SSUNDAY ment proceedings against Federal
NS Judge George W. English of the east-
ern Illinois district. The resolution
adopted called for his indictment on
charges of "high misdemeanors in of-
DECIDE 11e."
Details of the charges were not
ltabbi Wise, specified, but the evidence before the
wt Brow ! committee alleged manipulation of
ik B ' bankruptcy proceedings and usurpa-
Ick tion of power over state officials.
The House is expected to act upon
s, to be held the committees recommendation with-
day mornings, in. 10 days. It must uphold or reject
y prominent 4 the accusations. If rejected the pro-
religious ceedings end; if upheld the Senate im-
n meiately upon receiving a report of
!d in Ann lAr- the House's action, must set a date to
on if present sit as a court of impeachement. A
council are two-thirds vote is necessary for con-
onight at the viction and the extreme penalty is
removal from office.,
.I Union.
Little, President Of International The innovation, which has been un-C
Conference, Annonnees Geneva der discussion for several months, will
As Probable Seat bring to the city such speakers as
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, of New York
INTOLERANCE PASSING city, Prof. Alexander Meiklejohn, of
the University of Wisconsin, Dean
(By Associated Press) Brown of Yale university, Harry Em-
NEW YORK, March 9.-Plans have erson Fosdick, and other men of na-
been made to establish a permanent ! tional prominence. The plan, which
s is xot intended to compete with the
birth control bureau, Dr. Clarence C. regular services of the city churches,
Little, president of the international ( will offer students an opportunity to
neumalthusian and birth control con- hear men otherwise unaviailable, and
n i will promote interest in religious,
ference announced Monday. This is topics among students who do not at- j
expected to furnish a year round con- tendic r a n Ant o. d
tend church in Ann Arbor.
tract center for the birth control Meetings May Begin Soon
movements in countries actively in- The convocations, if the proposition
terested. is adopted tonight, will be introducedf
Dr. Little, who is also president of for four or live consecutive Sundays
thr.UnivLittofishganpsid hethis spring before a permanent or-
the University of Michigan, said the ganization is arranged to go into ef-
seventh conference of the internation- feet next fall.
al organization would be held at Letters to fraternities and sorori-'
Geneva on Aug. 25, 26, and 27, prior ties on the campus explaining the plan
to the seventh assembly of the League and asking their opinions on the sub-
ject, have been mailed. Answers not
of Nations. i yet delivered to the Council will reach
Round table discussion groups in lit in time for consideration tonight if
the fields of medicine, economics, so- left at the main desk of the Union
ciology, biology and ethics will be today.
held. Sororcity houses and wonlen dormi-
tories which have already been quer-
"The efforts of the conference will ied in the matter were more than four
be directed toward the establishment to one in favor of inaugurating the
of an international point of view in convocations. of the
matters bearing upon the population Te comp reraizto of the
problem," Dr. Little said. "Austria, Student council, which'includes the
RollndNorwy, wede, Eglan, introduction of a college council is
Holland, Norway, Sweden, England, c- olg inth Unvriy ad
Japan and India have active organiza- each college inthe Unversity, ak-
tions and have made progress. In the which was presented y Charles Oak-'
United States the advocates of birth man, '26, at the Council meeting last
control are fostering the establish- week, will1 also be settled at the meet-
ment of a federal commission on pop- ing tonight.
The day of breaking up birth con- Tickets For Frosh
trol meetings las passed, Dr. Littlel
said. He thought this was an indica- Frolic Available
tion that birth control was understool G nl Sale
better and not so much feared by peo-
I ple who oppose it. On the other hand,
Gilbert Play
Revival Will
Open Tonight
W. S. Gilbert's "Engaged," present-
ed tonight, tomorrow night and Fri- S
lay in the Mimes theater, will, ac-
cording to its producers, present its
audience with the amusing situation,
of a triple burlesque. Parody settings,
a barnyard for a parlor; costumes in
keeping with the settings; and gruff
bass voices to represent the sopranos
f of the ladies. The cast of ten per-
sons, embracing four women char-
acters, is entirely composed of men,
not with the intention of imitation,
but rather comedy-satire. The music,
staging and mode of presentation areI
all done in the mid-Victorian style
that the play represents.
The cast that played "Engaged" i
last fall as a Mimes production is not
in entirety the one to appear in the
revived engagement. The changes,
four in number, are: Warren Parker,
'26, for Earl Sawyer, '26A, in the role
of Angus MacAllister, William Mac- 1
Vay, '26M, as Mrs. MacFarlane for
Donald Johnson, '26, William Bishop
for Barre Hill,' 26, as Major McGilli-
cuddy, and Phillip Brooks, '28, for;
Valentine Davies,' 27, in the role of
the servant. The first mentioned,,
Parker, has done much work in De-k
troit in the services of Jesse Bon-
stelle and is by no means new to the
The University women are suport-
ing the production and one-half of the
proceeds derived from it are to be do-j
nated to the fund for the Women's
League building. This represents thej
contribution of the men's dramaticj
organization to the proposed struc-
The tickets, advertised on sale at
Graham's and Slater's bookstores
will be removed to the box office of
the Mimes theater at 1 o'clock this
afternoon Band will remain on sale
there for the entire three perform-
ances. The curtain will rise at 8:30
o'clock sharp each evening.
Gargoyle To Have
Confessions Issue
Spain has turned over the respon-
sibility of managing its unmanageable!
portion of Morocco to Gen. Jose Mar-
ina, with the title of high commander.
He'll undoubtedly have a resumption
of the Riff warfare upon his hands in{
the spring.
he thought the opposition was better I Preference allowed to freshmen
organized. for ticekts for the Frosh Frolic, which
Financial interests, he bel'eves, are will be held on March 19, in the Union
in favor of birth control because. he ball room, ceased last night, and
said, it operates to decrease taxation t iclet sale today is open to the gen-
by reducing the number of detectives 1 eral student body. The admittance
insane asylums and homes for the in"-' cards for the affair can be obtained
digent. in the lobby of the Union at a price
His organization, he explained did of $5. A majority of the 275 tickets
not advocate general dissemination of available for the event-the noly for-
contraceptive information, but wished mal affair of the first year class--
to make it legal for physicians to give have been sold to members of the
such information. class of '29.
Sammy Stewart's Singing Synco-
- pators, the 13-piece colored orchestra
D Blanks from Chicago which has been engaged
For w Sd.I to play for the affair, will be placed
in the new orchestra alcove at the
side of the ball room. The decora-
More than 2,400 copies of the recently I tion scheme, which is now being com-
approved entrance application blank;' pleted by the committee, will be
which is to be used by students en- brought out mainly through the use
tering the University next fall, have of palms and other floral accessories.
been mailed out by the registrar's of- Freshmen may obtain tickets for
fice. In addition, scores of additionalIthe Frolic from Dalton D. Walper or
requests from high schools and stu- other committee members tomorrow
dents in Michigan, and nearby states, night at the freshman smoker at the
are coming in daily. Union.
Ambassador Insists That Religiousc
Policy Not Interfere Witht
American ChurchmenI
(By Associated Press)f
WASHINGTON, March 9.-Mexico's
new policy governing religious teach-
ings has brought forth a note fromE
Ambassador Sheffield to the Mexican
war office insisting that American
churchmen should not be made to
suffer unduly from its operations. c
The note was prepared by the am-
bassador after he had received in-I
structions from the state department
as to the American attitude and ad-a
vices that it had been delivered, came
coincident with efforts in the Senate
to force government departments to
furnish information to that body on
questions affecting American relations
with the southern republic.
Threatened arrest in Vera Cruz
state of the Rev. F. J. Krill, an Amer-
ican Catholic priest was the immedi-
ate case taken up by Ambassador
Sheffield and he reported that it had
been "satisfactorily settled," although
the nature of the settlement was not'
disclosed. It. was indicated that au-
thorities of Jalata were inclined to
allow the priest to remain in Mexico.
The ambassador's purpose in pre-
senting a note to the Mexican govern-
ment was largely to put the Wash-
ington government on record. The
document is believed to concede Mex-
ico's right to expel churchmen, but at
the same time to make clear the be-
lief that American citizens in Mexico
whether churchmen or not have the
right to expect full consideration and
to be given ample time to prepare to
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 9.-Congress
today approved appointment of a joint
committee to negotiate sides for a
private leasing of Muscle Shoals. A
resolution drafted to carry out a
recommendation of President Coolidge
and already adopted by the House
was accepted by the Senate, 51 to 26,
and sent to conference.
The Senate added two amendments.
One, by Senator Caraway, Democrat,
Ark., would require that surplus
power developed at the big war-time
project be distributed equally to
states adjoining Alabama. The other,
by Senator Lenroot, Republican, Wis.,
would give the proposed joint com-
mittee until April 26 to submit a pro-
posal to Congress for lease of the
project, instead of April 1, as voted
by the House.
Proponents of the resolution, led by
Senator Heflin, Democrat, Ala., fought
vigorously for its adoption without
amendment to avoid the necessity of
conference adjustment with the House
James Hudson Maurer Is Oniy Mem-
ber of His Party Ever Elected To
Pentsylvania Legislature
James Hudson Maurer, president of
the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor,
will speak at 4:15 o'clock today in
Natural Science auditorium on the
subject, "What Is Wrong with the Coal
Industry?" Mr. Maurer, who is a So-
cialist, and the first and only member
of his. party ever elected to the Penn-
sylvania legislature, is coming to Ann
Arbor under the auspices of the
Round Table club
For the past 24 years, Mr. Maurer
has been a member of the Socialist
party, though he first joined the So-
cialist labor party 28 years ago. With
but two exceptions he has been a dele-
gate to every national convention that
the Socialist party have held. In 1906,
he was the Socialist party's candidate
for governor of Pennsylvania. In
1910, 1914, and 1916, he was elected to
the General Assembly of Pennsylvania.
As a legislator, he was associated with
the introduction of bills such as the
Workman's Compensation Act, old age
assistance, mothers' pensions, pen-
sions for the blind, home rule for
cities, factory inspection, and other
labor measures. In 1917, Gornor
Brumbaugh appointed Mr. Maurer to
the chairmanship of the State old age
assistance committee, to which posi-
tion he was reappointed by Governor
Sproul in 1920 and by Governor Pin-
chot In 1923 and 1925.
studied Under Sherwood Eddy
Mr. Maurer was a member of the
American commission on conditions in
Ireland in 1920, and three years later
made a tour of Europe with the
American seminar under the direction
of Sherwood Eddy.
Duringhis 45 years of activity in
the labor movements, Mr. Maurer has
lectured in many of the states in the
Union, and has contributed articles to
newspapers and magazines, such as
Hearsts', Atlantic Monthly, The Na-
tion, and the New York American.
In addition to his talk at 4:15
o'clock this afternoon, Mr. Maurer will
speak at a luncheon and three class-
es in the University today. He will
speak at 10 o'clock this morning in
room 104 Economics building to the
class in Social Insurance which' is
taught by Miss Margaret Elliott. At
11 o'clock, in room 2225, Angell hall,
Mr. Maurer will speak before Prof.
Lowell J. Carr's class in Modern So-
cial Problems. At 3 o'clock this after-
noon, Mr. Maurer will meet with the
class in 'trade Unionism taught by
Prof. Carter Goodrich of the eco-
nomics department, in room 408 of the
Members of the Lawyer's club held
their second smoker of the year last
night in the lounge room of the club.
The club members and their guests,
the Law school faculty, were address-
ed by Prof. Herbert F. Goodrich and
Dean Henry M. Bates of the. Law
school, who treated upon some of the
recent trends in legal education and
the rise in importance of the Law
schools of the country.
Judge Frank Murphy of Detroit,
who was to have addressed the club,
was unable to be present due to the
critical illness of his father. He stat-
ed in a telegram that he would be very
willing to speak before the Lawyer's
club at a future date. In his absence
Prof. Goodrich spoke, tracing some of
the more recent developments in legal
education. He called attention to the
change in the study of law from the
old "rule and regulation" method to
the more modern study by case. Pro
Goodrich emphasized the importance
of the Law schools in interpreting and
formulating opinion upon legal prob-
lems existing today.
Dean Bates touched upon the value
of adequate and selective preparation
in the study of case law and showed
how its value increased with business
legal problems. He spoke especially
of the worth of scientific research to
the lawyer.
As part of the program Russel A.
l Gohring, '27, sang several numbers,
"Campus confessions" will furnish
the theme of the March issue of Gar-
goyle, campus humor publication,
which will be placed on sale to-
day. The edition, called the "Cam-
pus Confessions" number, will be an
exact replica, from cover to cover, of
the type of magazine that has been
especially prominent on the news-
stands in recent years.
The staff has attempted to make this
edition the most unique Gargoyle of
the year, by imitating make-up, ma-
terial, and illustrations of the mod-
ern sensational monthly.
Sale Of Stefansson Lecture Tickets Begins;
Hobbs Terms Speaker Greatest Of Explorers;
Tickets for the lecture Friday night mired him and considered him for a
by Vilhjalmur Stefansson, famous possible professorship here to give!
Arctic eplorer and lecturer, have been lectures covering the field of scienceI
placed on sale at the State street book generally in an introductory manner. I
stores and, are priced at $1 for the "It shows the greatness of Admiral
main fioor and $.75 cents for the bal- Peary," continued Professor Hobbs,
cony. The entire proceeds from the! "that though his attainment of the
lecture will be turned over to the Bur- North Pole had been made in the be-
ton Memorial Campanile fund since, ! lief that no food was obtainable after
due to his friendship for the late leaving land, yet when Stefansson prov-
President, Stefansson has donated his ed that food could be obtained in suf-
services for the evening. ficient quantity from beneath sea-ice,
The speaker, who has spent many j Peary wholeheartedly endorsed Stef-
years of his life in the polar regions ansson's view. When on his last pub-
and who has made a close study of lic appearance before. his death, Peary
anyone who was willing to enter with
him on what was generally consider-
ed an impossibility. When at last he
had gone out over the waste of field -
ice and nothing had been heard of him
for a long time, the belief became
general that he had died in an utterly
foolhardy adventure. Captain Wil-
kips, now is charge of an Arctic ex-
pedition at the time commanded one
of Stefansson's ships and had been
given orders to take the 'Mary Sachs'
to Banks Land in latitude 73 degrees
l north to meet Stefansson on -is ar-
OurWeatherMan I