PACE rOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 7,192G PAG13~ ?OTJR SUNDAY, MARC1I 7, 1924 I Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. sembers of Western Conerence Editorial 'Association. 1 i Associated Press is exclusively en- d to the use for republication of all news Ji. -.Iches credited to it or not otherwise ccte-d in this paper and the local news pub- i:. ,." t -erein. Entered at the postof ice at Ann Arbor, .-i an, as second class matter. Special rate ot ost!4egranted by Third Assistant Post- . asrcr General, bsc'Iption by carrier, $3.50; by mail, t;ces: Anti Arbor Press Building, May- iStreet. Phones. Rditorial, ssz buiness, sxzzl-. -~ L EDITORlAL STAFF, telephone 4024 _.3 t i : '. MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Chairmai, Editorial Board....Norman R. Thal City Editor............Robert S. Mansfield Necws Editor............ Manning Hlouseworth a ditor...........Helen S. Ramsay ............Joseph Kruger Viah itor.......... William Waithour and Drama.......Robert B. Henderson Night Editors Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall k rt 'T. Lle~ore Thomas V. Koykka W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants ministrative policies without fear of --. " immediately losing his seat. Within the past fifteen years, limi-I tations have slowly been creeping in upon this great, but not always beau- tiful, freedom of the high and mighty congressman. These years have seen ZPEAKS a decided narrowing and cutting off ' of the formerly extraordinary powers ROLLS CONTi CIB ( of the speaker of the. House, they OF iI Sri KS TO HI1 have been witness a gradual lessen- ing of the American legislator's JOE SORRY TO BE DEAD 3 "crowning glory"--his right to un- limited debate. Not even the stern, head Of Department To Conductl rentless Senate has been spared the Thorough Investigation. ill resistless sway; it has decided, on Valle Report Puiblic several occasions, to employ self in- flicted methods of controlling the (Special to Rolls) oftentimes meaningless chatter of its Ann Arbor, Mich., March 6.-An un- members. known contributor to Toasted Rolls, And into the territory of state leg- a column in the Michigan Daily, islation has crept this same note- claims to receive nightly messages worthy tendency - encroachments from the late Joseph Zilch, Dean of upon the heretofore undefiled freedom the college of Barberism of that Uni- of the American statesman. Only this versity. Several letters were received week the lower house of the Michigan to this effect, according to members state legislature found it expedient to of the department, but were ignored bind its own mouth. as attempts to be funny in a rather The first step to executive control tasteless manner. Late yesterday, quite naturally curbs the liberties of however, the same person, who refus- the legislators. Indications are such ed to give his name, telephoned to the! that would lead one to believe that head of the department and urgently this has, in a large measure, been ac- requested him to attend a seance and complished. But before anything con- be convinced of the truth of the structive can be done, the executive claims. The speaker gave an address body itself, the president or governor which seemed to be authentic, and an and his administrative officers, must be investigation is promised as soon as given seats and accompaining privi- possible. leges in the law enacting chambers. The opinions of the various men Several weeks ago a proposal to tris connected with the case seem to dif- effect was made, and before that time fer greatly. Several believe that this many suggestions of the same nature might well be possible since as domi- had come from the outside. nating a personality as Dean Zilch's The constitution, national at least, might well make itself felt even after is a living, pulsating growing thing. his death. Others believe that the A statesman of ninety years ago whole thing is merely the result of would soon lose himself in the maize an attempt at publicity on the part of of governmental intricacies existing some ignorant student. University today, yet but twenty alterations have authorities refused to comment. "Zilch been included in a constitution that is dead," one of them is quoted as is nearly a century and a half old.I saying, "and whether his spirits It would not be hard to suppose, then, speaks or not, does not alter the sit- that government in America is tend- nation. He is lost to the University." ing to follow the English pattern. The The letters which were received, process is slow, like the hands of a contained what was supposed to be a clock when we watch them, but as series of comments on life and death, sure as time itself, we are drifting to. and the liquor situation at Michigan. a government of a comparatively THE LATE DEAN ZILCH weak legislature handled by a strongI MUSIC AD DRAMA i 11 11 it o t;.'itrrude Bailey Behymer . it iham hBryer f : r,.nn Buckingham 4;. ,Lion Buck S (E Burger E gar Carter ~J! ( iiChamiberlain SQr (,ien C"rein(hampe I;", las IDouldeday Lne (. Gtitekunst T1irald i": j; iz n Kui Harriett Levy Ellis Merry Dorothy Morehouse Margaret Parker ,tanford N. Phelps Simon Rosenbaum Wilton Simpson Janet Sinclair Courtiand Smith Stanley Steinko Louis Tendler Henry Thurnau, David C. Vokes Mdarion Wells Cassam A. Wilson Thomas C. Winter Marguerite Zilske - .. ,3 r ___ ______ ____ r..._ .,. __ ..,.r. . I BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER in Our Pen Department ,al . ?k Qn k b r- . . ,x c f' E pi S Advertising.................Joseph J. Finn Advertising............Frank R. Dentz, Jr. Advertising........... ..Win. L. Mullin adVer'tiSillg.........Thonas D. Olmsted, Jr. rciiation..............Rudolph Bostelman Accounts...................Paul W. Arnold Assistants George H. Annable, Jr. W. Carl Bauer John IL Bobrink w,. J. Cox N arion A. Daniel Mary Flinterman James ". eiuy ,tan Gilbert T. Kenneth Haven ' rarold holmes ":Gar A Tose Frank Mosher F. A. Norquist Loleta G. Parker David Perrot Robert Prentiss Wm. C. Pusch Joseph D. Ryan Stewart Sinclair Mance Solomon Thomas Sunderland Wm. J. Weinman Margaret Smith Sidney Wilson SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 1926 Night Editor-LEONARD C. HALL "I want to have a place in every prison for every man to work every day in the week ex- , A Sunday, about eight hours a day at some manual task. I don't believe there is anything on earth tFat will reform a mae, any fas- ter, and I know mighty well there is nothing on earth that will de- grade him and make him more worthless any quicker than to let him sit around all day just w;aiting for his three meals"- ' t t°cer C.. White, formerly of Mas- sachusetts, now superintendent of prisons in the Department of Justice. GOVERNMENTAL EVOLUTION Individuality on one hand, and the lack of it on the other, can justly be1 said to constitute the most clashing difference between the American and. English statesman. A parliamentary system either of the French or British type hinges around executive control -the exercise of the "crown perog- atives" or "presidential powers." The# nt~cles of the cabinet reach, and in la ertain sense control, the legislature, -stretching into the realm of local government their touch is felt, their grasp upon the executive powers and functions of state is irremovable. Nowhere more than in England is iiisterial influence felt more strong- l"in Ithe legislature. Private member bills, so common to legislative bodies in this country, rarely find a place on 11.reps ttte books of Parliament; even a greater rarity is the passage of ieasures affecting only a small com- inanity, "private bills" they are -alled, which in America buy more votes than the kissing of a thousand biabies. Dy far the largest share of Parlia- m niitary sessions in England are tak- en im with the consideration of "gov- e-inent" business, legislation being prl-osed, initiated, and all but enact- ed by the ministers. While at the last, stand Parliament actually does con- trol 'the government,' the threat that all of its members may be compelledi to contest their seats has often been known to change the minds of some of the more reluctant. What a difference is to be noted on this side! Here each individual con- I executive, else the indications noted are not prophetic, are meaningless. That we do not today trust our leg- islators is clearly shown by the large number of amendments appendaged' to our state constitutions, limitingX and defining their powers. The evil that results from an arrangement of this sort arises from the ever incras- ing number of constitutional decisions4 that are handed down each year from the state supreme courts. Sooner or later this trial by error method now employed in seeking a remedy for de- fective governmental machinery will bring forth a plan embodying the in- stitution of a strong executive with powers sufficient to carry the respon- sibilities now placed upon him. TESTING THE COURT" Americans may be able, in a short time, to see a test of the more or less rash statements, pro and con, made in the Senate during the World Court fight concerning the Court's power in 1888-192 ' American affairs. Greece, it is ru= Although the committee which is mored, is thinking of taking a griev- investigating the report, which is ance she has against this country headed by the Head of the depart- into the Court for settlement. She ment, is open to conviction in the wishes to make the United States ex- matter, it is also being wide awake to tend approximately $35,000,000 credit discover any fraud in connection with to her in addition to the debt she al- j the supposed messages. The seance ready has, which the government at which they will attend will be held to- Washington refuses to do. night in the house which the un- During the war, Greece was grant- known writer designated. It has been ed a credit of $50,000,000, of which arranged to have a police escort ac- only $15,000,000 had been secured company the members of the commit- when the armistice was signed. The tee in order to thwrart any attempts 'remainder was withheld on the ground at foul play. A full report of the se- that it was no longer necessary, as ance will be made public as soon as the original need for which it had possible. been granted had disappeared. Since * * that time, Greece has been very slow MUSiC AND DRAMA ANNEX in coming to terms about settling the The King of the Rae amount she actually borrowed. A review, by Thnothy Hay. The United States became insistent The Rae is a show, a show-off. Al- about a settlement some time ago, though lacking in the higher artistic and summoned a Greek funding com- I sensibilities, still it has one character mission to Washington. It came. But that is unique, and well portrayed, in discussing the settlement, the The King.... Greek delegation refused to pay the This manager is a character that is existing debt of $15,000,000 unless the unique in theaterdumib. He rules remainder of the credit formerly with an ironvoice from his throne granted was extended, to which the on top of the ice box. IHe is a firm debt funding commission instantane- believer in "silence is golden" and ously refused to agree. The Greeks enforces the rute strictly. Laughing went home, apparently to confer with is excepted, but, then, there is little their government on other terms. All of that. this happened several weeks ago. As the first show was coming to the Nothing further has been done on the final clinch, the king walked down the part of Greece. aisle. At the front he began playing Now comes the report that Greece a victrola. intends to disregard this country and When the picture ended, shouted submit the case to the World Court ! something about wasn't that an ap- for arbitration. If she does, it will be propriate ending, and then began his experimentally interesting to see how speal. "We don't advertise in The anything the Court may do, or any de- D)aily, the Washington Post, or the cision it may make, will prove or dis- Times-News," he said, "We give you prove the promises made by our sena-1 the benefits of our advertising. I have tors with reference to what the Court here several prize packages, selling would do to or for the United States. for only ten cents-and a quarter. i There is a free ticket to this theatre United States naval secrets have in every package, almost every pack- TOMORROW AFTERNOON: The! Children's Concert by the Dertoit Syn- phony orchestra in 11111 auditorium at 2:30 o'clock. E TOMORROW EVENING: The De- troit Symphony orchestra, under the direction of 0sip Gabrill itsch, in Hil auditorium at S o'clock. * 0 *I YOU CERTAINLY NEVER CAN TELL! The following cast was selected at the tryouts held Friday evening in Newberry hall for the annual spring production of Comedy Club, Bernard! Shaw's "You Never Can Tell," to be presented under the direction of Prof J. Raleigh Nelson the week of April 27 in the Mimes theatre: Valentine (the hero) ....Neal Nyland Gloria (the heroine)............. ...............Margaret Effinger Mrs. Clandon( the mother) ... .-- - Lillian Bronson Mr. Crampton (the father)..> r .~Dale Shafer Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson Director of Comedy Club Dolly (the ingenue)......... ........... . Phyllis Loughton Philip (the juvenile) ............ .Valentine Davies M'Comas (the solicitor).Daniel Hough Bohun (the politician) .......... .Thomas Denton and William (the nice waiter) ...... ... Robert Henderson * * *0 CHARLOT! "Coming direct to Detroit from the five months successful engagement in New York, 'Charot's Revue of 1926' opens a two weeks engagement at the Shubert-Lafayette theatre Monday night. The attraction has made in- ternational history and now further glories are added since it is the presentation selected from all the Broadway musical pieces to open the new El Capitan theatre in Hollywood, California, under the auspices of the leading members of the Los Angels Chamber of Commerce. Only two stops will be made between New York and California,-Detroit and Chicago. "The charm of 'Charlot's Revue' seems to be that it is different than what one usually sees in the way of revues. This English revue consists of satirical sketches and numbers that proves the English humor is accept- able to American audiences when it is handled by such experts of comedy as Jack Buchanan, Beatrice Lillie and Gertrude Lawrence. Of this trio Miss Lillie was the only one seen in De- troit last year but this time the origi- nal cast comes, inviting happiness for Detroiters who are aware of what is in store for them." *"*r * THE FRENCH PLAY The twentieth annual French Play under the auspices of Le Cercle Fran- cais to be presented on Tuesday, April 6, in the Mimes theatre, will be a double bill which includes "[Le Farce de Maitre Pathelin" and Moi- nauxs' "Les Deux Sourds." The casts have been selected as fol- lows: "Le Farce de Maitre Pathelin" (Old French, anonymous - Dondo's translation into modern French) Maitre Pierre Pathelin, avocat .. .Thurston Thieme Guillemette, sa femme..... Marie Burt Le Drapier Guillaume.......... .Paul Schoenfeld Le Berget Agnelet....Merrill Wilcox Le Juge .............. Forrest Reed "LesDeuxSourds" (Farce moderne) Damoiseau ..........William Knode Placide ............ Lestrade Brown Boniface ..........Samuel Bonell Un Garde chametre ............ .............Lawrence Goodman Eglantine ............ Beatrice Sage We maintain a repair department which is giving entire satisfaction to hundreds of customers. Regardless of make of your pen, our skilled, expert repair clerks are competent to give you guaranteed repair service. Our pen displays include pens of all reputable manufacturers and our guarantee of service on pens purchased has done much toward establishing us as The Fountain Pen Store of Ann Arbor Riders Masterpen is the only pen with sufficient ink capacity (230 drops) requirements. A self-starter and the most perfect working life pen made. IT IS MADE RIGHT HERE in Ann Arbor by immediate factory service. for student and longest and backed Rider's Pen Shop Pen and Inc Specialists REAL SERVICE GRAHAM'S A t Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk - LE ARN THE LATEST DANCES ( of 1925 The Charleston. ' 1926, The, Merry Widow Waltz. Adult Classes Every Monday and Friday. Fifteen Ohe- Hour Lessons, $5.00. 22 Wuerth Arcade TERRACE GARDEN STUDIO For appointment Dial 8328 I(1 GR NGER'S -I " - SKILLED REPAIRING * ALL MAKES I PLEASE DON'T SAKE PATHS ON THE Our stock is always replete with the most desirable makes, backed by personal fitting and quick service. Granger's as a Recreational Center Conveniently located, and well known on the campus and about town, Gran- ger's Academy has become a popular recreational center. The excellent music, the 'fine dancing floor, the .at- I Paths on wiq all grass roots don't make or form Ice and kill beneath. Please use such paths. i c - - - - - - - - -- TASTY TOASTE D Sandwiches home-like atmosphere are factors that have helped it gain its popularity. Dancing Wednesday Friday Saturday Music by Granger's Big Ten Orchestra under the direction of Jack Scott. p tractively simple decorations and a i TICE'S 709 North University Near Arcade Theatre :: GRANGER'S :: I4 4 Such a variety of fine foods as the Arcade serves, makes eating Sunday dinner here a decided pleasure. Then too, prices are low for such good foods. Rapid service, also. vi ,1 iorg Here is a production that this critic can put his stamp of approval e !9 f'Lf '! /7 I i 1 I i