ESTABLISHED 1890 Y Ar yam x r4t. 16ow ilk MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS 1 VOL. XXXVI No. 116 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1926 LIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS BATTLE WITH -OHIO TODAY WILL DECIDE CONFERENCE HOPES RESUL T OF ('RC I JL CONTEST WILL LIMU~ATEONE l COUjRT TEA 11 ONE GAME REMAINS V ory Ton ght Coupled With Defeat O Northwestern Monday Will Give 1overines Big Ten Title A tempestuous basketball, season will reach its heights at 7:30 o'clock tonight when the Ohio State five will engage Coach Mather's championship contenders at the field house in one of the three crucial contests which will be waged in the Big Ten race tonight. Shunted into the lowly depths of the Conference standings by two suc-j cessive defeats on the western trip,j and a 32-31,setback at the hands of today's invaders, the Wolverines sud- denly braced themselves and initiated a bit of dope upsetting on their own hook, exhibiting a spectacular defense to crush the strong Wisconsin quintet at the field house, then traveling to Champaign where they created a fu-f more by knocking a severe dent in Illi-+ nois' title aspirations, and then, asi1 not satisfied with their performances, they journeyed to Madison and hand- ed the Badgers a second defeat, thisl time in a overtime contest.I EclI ilolds Six Wins And today the Buckeye five, also in need of a victory to remain in the" running for first honors, challenges Michigan's title ambitions. Each teame roasts of a recordl of six vic- tories and four defeats, and tonight'; encounter will eliminate one of the contestants from consideration in the frantic struggle for Western Confer-' ence court supremacy. Following the game tonight, the Ohio squad will journey on to Iowa # City where they will face the Iowa team Monday night in their final con- test of the season while Michigan will close her season the same night against Northwestern.' Coach Mather will rely upon the 1 t i i f i t +f 1 t ' i , E 'McNitt Sees Vast Improvement. In Journalism In Half CenturyT Modern "commercialized" journal- Turning to the editorild writingS ism was defended as a great improve- phase, Mr. McNitt gave examples of ment over the old "political" news-I the results editorial writers must face if they tell the truth. "You'll have papers by V. V. McNitt, editor of MC- to face the music, it yOU tell the truth Naught's Monthly, in a speech beforet aetemsc fyutl h rt jornalism stuent y, e sterdy. eir in editorials," he warned. "People ourni aliso students yesterday. Mr. are quick to throw bricks." OPPOSES NEW APPROPRIATIONS cN eito alowdiscussed"the trials of;Marion Talley's reception was given FOR ARMY AND NAVY an editorial writer." ,as an example of the public attitude. ACTIVITIES Speaking of the papers of 50 years 1 "The news 'writers told of the crowds, ago, Mr. McNitt said publisher then the romance of her rise, and the ex- R ELIES ON RESERVE were usually political bosses or in citement of the first night. They political rings, and supported the pleased the people. But then the crit- party at all times. An influence that ics came out with comments on the j Says 55800i) Men Would Be Availabe was more far-reaching than modern j kind of a voice she had, and stated Over Night III Case Of advertising's "power", in the opinion thei: disappointment in her ability. Emergency of the speaker, was the struggle for Although they (lid it kindly, not at all - official county printing. This, he harshly, a great cry arose from the (By Associated Press) characterized as the primary motive people." The World critic as a re- WASHINGTON, March 5.-Indica- of many a publisher. "The advertis- sult received a bushel of letters criti- tions were given at the White House ing of local merchants was a second- cising his stand "as a ditry trick to ary source of income," Mr. McNitt play on a common girl." today that President Coolidge is op- said, showing that it was necessary Olther examples of "what happens losed to any considerable increase in for the publisher to stay in the politi- when you practice candor" were cited appropriations for army and navy cal ring, in many instances, to keep from editorial pages and news col- aviation. his paper alive. umns of various newspapers by Mr. The President believes that the "Horace Greely is held up as a great McNitt. editor, an example of what editors Mr. McNitt is in Ann Arbor for the wargan nay d fp$rt 4,nt0,ctivitre should be, and yet he was strongly Michigan Interscholastic press associ- war and navy dopartment activities partisan, and a politician," the speak- ation, before which he is to deliver an for the coming fiscal year should be er continued. address today. ample to take care of any effort to strengthen the air services. 1 As for men, if it should be decided CDoA Ecrease the number engaged in C160 * TO PH[ ID[ I[L 1K aviation, he is of the opinion that they shorrld be taken from other branches of (ie toser'vices without weakening AT L AGU DEB TL N CO L IDUSIY the general military structure. The President estimated that 558,- / i 000 Anmerican men would be available almost overnight for militaryve Chicago Lawyer And Harvard Pxrofes- Sociaflst Leader To Apipear Be ore in event of emergency, and the sor To Discuss America's Part IReunld Th'ae (Irli; hIas peen j amounts of money now being appro- Ii Worki' Affais Ilt Pary 28 Years 1 priated for both the army and the navy, in his judgment, are ample to WILL MEET MARCH 22 EDITED THREE PAPERS insure adequate preparedness and equip and :dace to best advantage the !! A {{ f f i 1 Six Hour Battle Quells Oil Fire Signal Hill oil district, near Los Angeles, worth many millions, was threatened by a blaze which sprang up in the heart of the army of der- ricks. After battling six hours, 500 men succeeding in stifling the flamesI and confining the damage to $150,000. Physician's Need Is Knowledge Of Human Nature, Dean Believes 4 i I I I Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medical school will act as chairman of the debate between Clarence Darrow, not- ed Chicago attorney, and Dr. Manley 0. Hudson of the Harvard law school. Monday night, March 22, in Hill audi- torium, it was announced last night. The subject for discussion is Amer- ican participation in the League of Nations, the affair being sponsored byt the League of Nations Non-Partisan James Hudson \lMaurer, pr'esident of the Pennsylvania Federa [ion of IaII- bor, and the first antid only Socialist ever elected to the Pennsylvania leg- j islature, . will speak at 4:15 o'cloci next *WXednesday in Natural Sciencec auditorium on the subject "What's Wrong In The Coal Industry?" Mr. Hudson is coming to Ann Arbor un- der the auspices of the Round Table club. - men in active service Aviation expenditures of approxi- mately $17,000,000 for the army and navy services, he feels are suflicient, with funds that can be transferred from other branches of the military I services, to strengthen this arm and carry out the recommendations of the report. Will Revise Enforcement Organization Asserting that a practitioner of medicine must have both a compre- hensive knowledge of the sciences and a wide knowledge of human beings, because "there is no group! that gets so close to human beings," Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medical school, speaking on "Medicine, a Pro- Ifession," outlined the requisites, re-j sponsibilities, duties, and possibili- ties of medicine as a profession. Of the two types of knowledge that a doctor must possess, the acciuaint- anceship with man apart from the workings of his body.-or that branch of knowledge which is not reducible to a science,---is the more fundamental. "Of course it is im- portant to know what disease the man has, but it is more important to know what man the disease has," Dean ! Cabot said, emphasizing the point that 'diseases react differently on individ- uaIs. In answering thec question of "what "I don't think that any of us are here in an altruistic mood,, however," he continued, "and to most of us there! comes a distinct feeling that we want1 something for our service, and that generally is expressed in terms of money. But what we really want arei abiding satisfactions, things that stick. One gets it out of any work well done, but there is no field in which this is more true than in medi- cine." Finally, there is the opportunity for constructive idealism the speaker concluded. "To me, ideals are posi- tive, concrete things; things that are always with you, always ahead of you. Friends may go, success may desert, you, your children may grow up and leave you, but ideals are always with you, a goal to which you can con- stantly strive and by which you can measure your success." MARKET SLUMP IV D:AV T"rII READ GOOD BOOKS, IS ADVICE TO H0110IGH HENDERSON ADVOCATES BOOKS AS SOURCE OF EDUCATION AND RECREATION AWARD CUPS TODAY Yost, Scott, and Campbell Address State Journalists As Annual Conventlon Opens Deriving his title, "The Cloak and the Book," from a biblical text, Prof. W. D. Henderson, director of the Uni- versity extension service, urged the delegates to the high school editors convention at their banquet last night at the Union to 'read proper books as a source of education. After first explaining the "Cloak" as representing material luxury, Pro- fessor Henderson stated, "a reader of books and a thinker thereon is edu- cated. Read three types of books: books of your profession, books for your information, and books for your recreation." He emphasized that the order of life is changing, and that to live properly one must read modern as well as older books. Tells Requisite of Book Professor Henderson ae dthe three requisites for "a book that will live" as: good style, treatment of the constant and the vital, and trueness to human nature. This morning at 9 o'clock the jour- nalists will assemble to hear two editors talk, and then continue with group discussions until noon. On the afternoon program is a lecture, a tour of the campus, and tea for the women deleghtes at the Betsy Barbour dormi- tory. A business meeting at 4;15 o'clock will conclude the convention. At this time cups will be awarded to the winning publications and the offi- cers for the coming year will be elected. The luncheon yesterday noon at which Prof. John L. Brumm was toastmaster opened the convention. Dean John R. Effinger, of the literary college, gave the initial welcome to the members of the association. In- stead of giving the keys of the yni- versity, Dean Effinger stated, the doors would be left unlocked. He stressed a good general and cultural education as the best foundation for any profession, especially for journal- ism. "The technical part of journal- ism is easily learned," he added, "and the important thing in writing is what message you have to convey rather than the manner in which you con- vey it." Prof. F. N. Scott, head of tre rhetoric department, gave the hist6ry of journalism in the University, and personal incidents of his first at- tempts at writing. After the luncheon, in the first assembly, Professor Brumm talked on "Leadership." He stated that a man is educated when he is 'able to recognize human worth on sight. Mayor Welcomes Delegates The banquet last night was opened by a welcome from the city by Mayor Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the University. The speakers were intro- duced by Toastmaster Shirley W, Smith, secretary of the University. William Diener, '26, president of Sig- ma Delta Chi further welcomed the delegates. Director Fielding H. Yost gave a review of Michigan's athletic per- formances in the last few years, and commented on the widespread Michi- gan spirit he found while traveling. The Michiga athletic plant is most complete from all points of view, the coach said. The two journalists who willgive the principal talks this morning, are both former Michigan students. Lee A. White, '10, of the Detroit News, is speaking on "Yesterday and Today in High School Publications," and V. V. McNitt, ex-'04, will talk on "Rewards in Journalism. MADISON, Wis., March 5.--Wiscon- sin made it two in a row over Michi- gan by defeating the latter 2 to 0 at hockey here tonight. Several minor iijuries handicapped Michigan, and gave the Badgers the advantage in a hard game. a same five nien that have brought Iassociation, organized locally three I Mr. Maurer joined the Socialist La- Michigan to within striking distance years ago when George W. Wicker- bor party 28 years ago, and the So- of the championship after the hopes sham appeared under its auspices. j cialist party four years ater. lie has of even the staunchest supporters Dr. Hudson, who holds the Benmis been a delegate to every national con- were shattered. professorship at Harvard, has an ex- Captain Dick Doyle, who went on a tensive reputation as an authority on tn the lat party ev rampage in the last two games, will I international law and Mr. Darrow, step to the center circle opposite best known to the public as a crimi- Mr. Maurer was the Socialist candi- "Cookie" Cunningham, upon whom nal lawyer, is now devoting much of date for governo' of Pennsylvania. the Buckeyes championship hopes his time to vigorous opposition to the He was a state and national comnuit- rest, while the two "Eddies," Chain- World court and the League of Na- teenman for his party for five yea.s bers and Reece, will play the forward ti(ions. As both men are able speak- and has served ten years as a member jobs, and Frank Harrigan and "Doug" ers, a close contest is expected. of the National Executive committee. (Sinn will handle time defensive posi- ' ike was editor of a lahom' pape'r amid The order of speeches will be as fol- tions. lows: Dr. Hudson, 30 minutes; Air. Ito fit Pap"rs heFiast"'e Three Iii Raice Darrow, 40 minutes; Dr. Hudson, 30 author of two boons, ""'le Far Last", Michigan's 32-31 defeat at Columbus minutes; Mr. Darrow, 20 minutes. and "The American Cossack". two weeks ago was largely due to the To defray expenses, tickets for the In 1910, 1914, and 1916, Mr. Maurer reckless manner in which Cunning- debate will be sold at a nominal price was elected a member of the general ham sent the ball through the net, and and all profits will go to University assembly of the state of Pennsylvania. Coach Mather will probably delegate alumnae for the benefit of the League In 1917, Governor Brumbaugh ap- to Frank Harrigan the task of tagging building. Tickets will go on sale next pointed Mr. Maurer chairman of the the Buckeye star about the court to- week. state old age assistance comuission, night. Harrigan's three opponents The faculty council of the League to which he was reappointed by Gov- have scored but tio field goals on association, in addition to bean Ca- ; ernor Sproul in 1920, and again by him in the last three encounters, bot includes the following; President Governor Pinchot in 1923 and 1925. in Bemr, of Wisdonsin, caging one in two Emeritus H. B. Hutchins, Dean H. M. 1920 he was elected a member of' the games, and Daugherty, of Illinois. Bates of the Law school, Dean Alfred Anmeican Commission o Comditiois sinking the other one. i. Lloyd of tie Graduate scmool, Dean Ireland, and nmade a tour of Europe Three other schools that are still E. E. Day of the School of Business with the American senminar, under the in the championship race will see ac- Administration, Prof. J. S. Reeves of direction of Sherwood Eddy, in 1921. tion tonight, Indiana meeting Illinois the political science department, Prof.1 During his 45 years of activity in at Champaign and Purdue facing 1C. H. Van Tyne of the history depart- I labor movements, Mm. Maurer has lee- Northwestern at Evanston. Illinois, j inent, Prof. F. W. Kelsey of the Latin tiured in many of the states of the Purdue and Indiana must will their depamtment, Prof. C. H. Cooley of the Union, and has contributed articles remaining games to finish in first sociology department, Prof. C. T. John- to many newspapers and magazines, place. ston of the geodesy department, Prof. among which were hearst's, New E. D. Dickinson of the Law school, York American, Atlantic Monthly, and i Prof. L. A. Strauss of the English The Nation. PI 1[1-1 KAP l ld department, Prof. O. J.. Campbell of Mr. Maurer was born in Reading, the English department and Prof. W. Pa., 62 years ago, and is a descendant EII A. Frayer of the history department. of old American stock. At six years 1s___ILLSCHOOL__[1901Lof age lie became a newsboy; at eight, hlie was hired out on a farm; at ten, he Warning Issued became a factory worker; at 15, a Telling of methods for the prepara-i machinist's apprentice, and since the tion of students before they reach col- AgainSt MCaSleS age of 16 has been a member of tin' lege so as to be better fitted for high- ranks of organized labor. er education, Principal Russel Thomn- Ten student cases of German From March 17 to 20, Paul Blan- as and Superintendent John S. Page measles have been reported at the shard, '14, field secretary of the of the Howell, Michigan, schools spone Health service since Monday. Some League for Industrial Democracy, with before the regular meeting of Phi fear of an outbreak of the disease is headquarters in New York city, will Delta Kappa, national educational expressed by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, be in Ann Arbor under the auspics fraternity, last night. director. of the Round Table club. Mr. Blan- Mr. Thomas spoke on "A student I The three week period which clap- shard will speak before classes and Union in the High School,' saying ses between the exposure to and the fraternities on such subJects as "The tha. such a system created greater cf- final development of that contagion Ch'inese Student Strikes," "Soviet ius- ficiency, raised the moral tendency imakes it an especially difficult one to sia", and "Around the World in Steer- t he members, made for greater co- control, Dr. Forsythe says. Ile warns age." operation between faculty and stu- all students with unexplained swell- dents, and created greater loyalty to ins behid the ears to report imi- - the school in general. The Union mediately to the infirmary. regulates dances, eligibility, and gei- The last epidemic here was in 1916- TO Appet d eral student activities through a st u- 117 when more than 80 students were Today dent council formed of members and 7 sick. German measles is not danger- of an advisory board of the faculty. ous but is troublesome and spreads - Dr. Leo Zaetzeff, professor of For- Mr. Page spoke on "Testing Pro- rapidly. eigil Law at the University of Berlin. gr'antsin the Grades.'' ivino- the, nrinii- . 0f 1#'i11 ,:4 OP0 n#' f P -,n,,'c,' 14 (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 5.-An ad- ministration program for sweeping reorganization of the government pro- hibition enforcement activities were taken up 'today by the JHouse ways and means committee while the wets and drys continued their charges and counter accusations against each other. Creation of a second bureau in the treasury department was provided forj iii a bill introduced by Representative Caanton, Republican, Michigan, layed before the committee as an immediate and essential step toward enforce- mnent by Assistant Secretary Andrews in charge of prohibition agencies. On time floor of the House, misrep- resentation was carripd by both sides of tho controversy. Representative Griffin, Dem., New York, urging modi- fication of the Volstead act, and as- sailing the Anti-Saloon league, said it should be called the "Total Abstin- ence League." Representative Steven- son, Dem., from Colorado, attacked the New York members position, ap- pealing for modification on the basis of personal liberty and ."high strung ihylocrisy." MWeanwhile, Assistant Secretary An- drews sent an order to prohibition administrators to ask the country a national organization and special board of experts to cope with the in- dustrial alcohol situation which he said is "one of the biggest problems in the area east of the Ohio and north of the Potomac." FRENCH HOUSE HASTENS ACTION ON REPARATIONS t s 1 sort of Persons does the worid want 13 BENEFICIA L and deserve as its practitioners?" he - ! gave as the first requisite, character. SA YS COOLIDGE "To withstand the buffets and disap- pointnments of the profession, he must WASHINGTON, March 5.-President be a sturdy idealist; he must possess Coolidge is conv.ced that this coun- a rugged honesty. and an integrity I try faces continued prosperity and which is often called an intellectualIthat the recent drop in security val- integrity." The second qualification ues on the stock market benefited the is an adequate amounut of knowledge market rather than forecasted any so that his patients can feel 'relatively slump in industry. certain that his learning and his de- I The drop in the market early in the ductiows are based oil facts that oan-week, in his opinion, had a stabilizing not be shaken by the whims of the effect and had the tendency of placing moment, the market on a more sound founda- One of the greatest possibilites of Ition. the profession is that of service, the Biusiness conditions on tie outlook speaker said, whichis a desire to were discussed at today's cabinet ses- serve miankind that both may benefit. sion, the President receiving an opti- nmistic report for Postmaster General CHOOSE ALUMNI 1 New, from Secretary Davis of the Labor department.* G ROUP TO STUDY Reporting as to the value of fiscal A CA DEl IC RANK 'esearch in fifty important cities, Mr. New said that the total for last month --- was 8 per cent greater than in Febru- Comuplying wIth suggestions raised ary 1925. In January, they exceeded at the meetinig of fratermity alnummi Ii'eceipts of time correspomnding monthds and house presidents with President of 1925 by 62.7 per cent. Clarence Cook Little last January in I Mr. Davis advised th'e executive that the Union, at which time it was plan- while strikes were in ned to appoint alumni committees to some localities there was .possibly no aid in the solution of various student unemployment. With regards to con- probleims, aninouncement has come ditions in the security market, the from the office of the Dean of Students President holds to the view that, whileI of the appohmtment of the scholarship there was speculation, it had not comnuiittee. reached essential industries or com-? O'ga nized to aid in the mamnten-' modities. ' once of a higher scholastic standing among fratermties, the body is coim- posed of Delos G;. Smith, Alpha Delta r'Or ' Opera I Phi, chairmai; Frank W. Atkinson,