THUSI fAYMARCH 4, 1'926' THE NSIC HIGAN DAILY A~m.19 .__.... " _.-, ;.._. y.A.. aTI-IF MICHI.G~l A N D1A!1LYA PACTE' T--VE1N " LOST t t ill tJ Px t'i 'LOST-Kappa Phi pin at the Mlicchi-' EV fr~ rganl Union, Saturday. Re~ward., If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie 1 Phone 4724. the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and yor-an-a will be charged. i )'1r l The Michigan Daily reserves the right to ___ classify all want ads under appropriate head. ings and to revise or withhold objectionable NOTICE--gashing and1 ironing doll~ ThscounPlseYt .M.dte I satisfaction guaranteeod. t903 Plum. Thscoun lse t3 P . aepreced, ing publication. Notice of any error must be Phone 22388. 12-13-14. given in time for the second insertion. CASH RATES Fine Custom tailored l cothes, in- Ten cents per reading line (on the basis or five average words to the line) for one or two. dividual fit, besi: workrrawship,). ',r C- insertions. rest style, suit $35.00 and u". Albert: Nine cents per reading line for three or more Gnl,18E ahntn insertions. ase 18E laligtn Cash classifieds received at the Daily office in The Press Building on Maynard Street. 'PERT~PTUTAL, eA,E'fl -- s1~im INOTICE NOTICE 'II iEWRtlTIN( & NIN1EOtGRAPHING E D(N',T miss hearing "Putting on the Promptly and neatly done by compe- I Style" "The Little Black Moustache" tent orwrators at moderate rates.4 Victor Record 1919 at Schaeberle Ctfllege wvork a specialty for seven- atld Son ?Music House. tf. teen years. 0. D. MORRILL, TRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water 1, Nickels Arcade, Shampoo, face and scalp treatment. The '' pcxriter & Stationery Store; Special prices on all appointments. tf. Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phone NyOTT( ' -ashing _donie at home by# 5535. tu, th, sat.-tf. ex, erl . ( sill 21570. 12-13-14-15-16-17. POSITION WANt'TD CONTRACT RATES Special standardized rates given oan appllica- tion. LOSTI LOST-Police dlog, finder please Dialj 6970. 14.1 -j LOST-An Alpha Chi Omega pin, re-'. jtic arroyv fin~ds the (lay 'o'flth w for any (late. Send 2.5c ($1 f-n for this (device together -with the mathematical formula upou \vhich it is based and rule for calculatiiig results mentally. A. G. Washburne. Pittsfield, IMassachusetts. Tied-tf. Spring Sirita a iiidT{lW4Jitls : ') rUI TV ip A ItTEllS 'Rebuilt and secondl haitO o. all maktes bought., sold], rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- est stock and biest :service depart- merit in Ann Arbor. O. D. MiORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, t 'The Typewriter & Stationery Store Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona ward offered. Phone 21121. :t1.! 141-6Style, Fabric, rrailoriingChaianteed 111.NA BEAUTY jSHOPI' 14-15-16 {______________ 409 E. JEFFERSON. DIAL 22159 D~ial 6746 or 97'6tf _________ ______ _________-. FRENCH 1MARCEL 75 CENTS LOST-Rider fountain pen with J. R.! SOTWTRSAPOpt ET Westheimer engraved. Return to! NOTICE-Don't wait for the big SFTCWALTENAMO O50AENT 819 E. University or phone 7139. Spring rush to place your order for SPCA ATE IO TOH R Reward. 12-13-14. that new suit or top coat. Beautiful CTIGpten oslc rm w at EEIGAPITET LOST-Green radife Schaefer foun -! suits $37.50, made to measure. T. B. tain pen between East Engineering, Lyons, Williams St. at Maynard. SI hecial Itlease (m ic htor Records--' Building and Tappan Hall. 'Reward 12-13-14-15.-16-17.' "Dinah" by Jecnn Goldkette andI his Call Ardussi, 1333 Washtenawv, ---I Orchesi ra;. "Always"' yGoOln Phone 8266. 13-14-15. LEAfVE your order now for the new and1( his music. tf. I '"victor Record played by the Univ. LOST-Between Walnut and NewJ of Mich. Band at Schaeberle and Arnold's State St~ eweler # Medical Building a small purse con- Son Music House, 110 S. Main St. Is now carrying a complete tine of! tamning money and two keys. Re- f t. fountan pens-all makes, all prices. ward. Call 2146. 12-13-14.1 Whatever type you may need, come in FOU TAIN P'EN INK and see us, we can satisfy you LOST-Small silver mesh purse, Sun- Arnolds State St. Jeweler day afternoon near Cacpus. Reward _Buy your fountain pen ink at Rider's 302 S. State St. tf. SITUATION WANTED-Good, man cook, can give reference. Call 7784. Russell, 211 N. 4th Ave. 12-13-14. WANTED WANTED-20 men for summer work.' Guarantee $ 38.00 a week, for those who can qualify. Phone Glidden,; 21349 after 6 p. ml. for appointment. 9-10-11-12-13-14 FOR IRENT FOR RENT-Single room in a new, house. Steam heat. Private family. For business man or woman, meals if desired. Dial 7796. 12-13-14. FOR RENT - Large room for girls, ccmfortable, with private lavatory and toilet. 237 S. Ingalls St. across from H-ill Auditorium. 12-13-14 FOR RENT-Furnished or unfurnish- ed1 rooms; one single room, also 2 garages. Phone 3792. 14. FOR RENT-Suite of 4 furnished rooms and bath, for light house- keeping. 'Warm and clean, 1214 t moonijoht fa> o aown and fi eldndhelgjyu touroeiseaytben Washtenaw. _ Dial 8965, 14-15-16. Dial 21069. 12-13-14.1 LOST-A hianket roll, containing al tan blanket, with broan border, somewhere on State street, Saturday, Feb. 27. Reward. Call Nixon 7717. 13-14-15. PAY YOUR SUTBSCR~IPTON 1iOW. I Een Spilf and you will get RM ink, FOR RENT-Furnished or unfurnish- fresh ink-. Ink that fixes itself in theI PEN REPAIRING ed rooms, for ight Thousekeeping, paer and won't fade or entirely dis-; -- also single rooms. Garage. 227 So. appear after it has set when moisture, Your fountain pen is a delicate ins- Iaosnl is applied. Ink substitutes are dang-i strument. Let no tinker work on it. Inal.Dl372141-6 erous and spoil your pens. f Rider's Pen Shop has the parts, ma-' FOR RENT-Furnished suite of rooms RIDER'S PEN SHOP (-chinery and skill to do' it right. It for housekeeping or not, clean and Pen and Ink Specialists 315 S. State costs no more. Quick service. 313 S. comfortable. 314 E. Wt'ashingtonl. 'T , Tb, Suu.-if. State St. Tues, Thurs, Sun. tIf. Dial 7829. 3.4-15-16. / 4 0O~ 0 0 a 0 Ir J a p: .i- ' 1 a The Treat reatez!ot o x.11 1 J DE LUX"I C .EA ICE -T r u m pIn, '44J~~~ ,- oi0U 0 a 0C -e0 Vco' W~-iN monlghtwashes woodland and hill. With platinum light. And the tour Lsmna 'pexdy to For Camel ac every s o t h chocer, oaccds toaz tose i Coarme U So th~st, sihta w he forest-topped hills race by in rnootilit proces- sional. AstreTna'glc road curves th