TTrIIU1,SDAY, MAUCHT 4, 19M6 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .- C, - no ", lf4 1- F >' 1 rr_ t . r 'Women ?Tot CapabIe To Take C'ontro~l In Own Hands Dean Jeani Hamilton Declares ADVISES ORGANIZATION Miss McCormick Gives First Talk To Club Leaders 1l"F hthel \ ( (rikn n, of Itbe physi- ,uicnizt, To11day's rehearsals will be as fol.. ~ PII~R~&!Pto wvhich 1TUniersity wolli are espec- loxs : choruses C and M at 4 o'clock I~l ~ v~i m R DoootoNaninalLA.gA. L.ially inivited0. the Russian and Waltz specialties at hyCler eeale a' ~~lsi~s Wl o'clock, and the cast of act 1 tq- Astecnrbuino h junior pentathlon champion, and the I also be 1hel( at thsaisle meetied. ~ ter wvithl choruses A, B, C, and JJ AienAlle.'2 1avsi~~)(t '1)lxsdrmtcoraiaiotefour members of the Detroit Yacht at' 7 o'clock. '28, 1 lelen 'Woot en, '28, flan .et'riA icclub drh.h "'r ors an'W'1E' ly, '26,. andiGrace hlratr, '27, hlave beeI ln Mies are donlating; a half of the pro- temrwo hfatoa . N] ' '(' hri~ re will be a meeting of the cos- chosen by Lydiaits h' ,2 7, intramural i cocois of W. S. ibert's burlesque, ;A. U.junior 400 yard free style re ay .t v ii tuie committee of the Junior Girls' " Engger," to co resancodinitteeIrace, in the recent championships 1T gzd"t b reene i hepl-any at 3:30 o'clock today at Barbour nI~ane, t cy?.irla cnl;;s~te toy\l: , stheazter Wednesday. Thursday-whinch were held at F'lorida, xil ap-; Tryouts for Ithe l>'eshalllu ils'. gyi-vnasu'. plan for'.II intramr'al ________________________y at the nd. Friday of next creek, to the Wo- 1paperhre Friday night in the State 1. Miss b Khed ah request the 1 ncslege.lnin.ItihpdA. A. I;. senior championships which II!l I1Iiiimi iii- letic mamagers cf the different houses that by establishbing, such a precedentwilbhedateUnopo. and zoes tor-rak purethat; l h hi other organizations of the Uni- is otr will compete in all her " womvoen on their teams hav~e paid the1 vesity w ill aliso turn their receipts to events which include the 50 yard backW ^gp fee forth lastt. ml ramulral swim milt;g the inter est±of the proposed building.( stroke, 50 yard breast stroke, 100 yard .9t ring ae met>efr 1gung u1 fr)hi ne C umn es of the, eriod are beinig fre style, 500 yard free style, and 1 116661131@s1i6111111I lllllllllilnh Ne lse navne wme- '1ie~fo ~i onadcompayncy iving. Several other state--r are to be op~enedl soon at the ; of Philadelphiai. andi special cartoon- t~t~nFs have_______esigedbyred-'__-_ '_ Men's W hite Oxford Cloth and Broadcloth Shirts, with C. A., a elding oT5> aNio' r eik1l 2,ateio fte r olr tahd 2f8vle ...... .i. in which instruction will be ivce n , 2,~i' lt~o h an-()in-l olr ahd 29 vle........16 adacdswimm-ing, life sa611"gand a e'?eet rebcn paedo (iving. The classes will be hld fion <.. ''' m , an Slters bot.iAr Men's Athletic Union Suits................. ....49c 17 o S o'clock Aondays ann xiedne 05(5 -'omro nonig rt S a days. Beginning classesin <> ii - n _ a Sal "'M 'sFancy S'll o, .oVle..,.. ..4c Jare lbeing held at 4 o'clock on :' o n1red ion of 1AHiss Apris mall, of the phy-SaeM s ac slk o, .Oxlu49 - days andl Wednedays, uno er ilhe di .,(al eiIIC1ion department. T'1h is d ipay has lbeeni person. I slly selected fromnl the bazaars Ann Arbor Dry Goods Co. of CGII Stl~tiel. Establi Idd 188 "IiLane Ha(/l 316 Souh Main li p1 t lli- % X, .N *'Y1" .X .{§ Y'--f cS 'Gu /l I' i I. A' k1 -A Koda ~ V ~J ~ ve Cicco, ILL iay Ittpihlbrdy7 rj ~ c 'N \ f L. ___ __ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _____ __ . a race z ; .6' W . P. NOVELTY ITE'S and -- - - ._......... __ ..,. ---I D20JL~g4 .A l~, 4 Y. Illi iul ,~iO ~LL~k -4?t4~API'- 3o~cod&4om-4 { JMarchz is toe JIkni.I of Daffodils King Alf'red--Largest and Finest Victoria Bi-Color-A Favorite Emperor-A Large., Two-tone Yellow Cce rt tionery This includes die stamped Michigan, Fratcrnity, Sorority and plain papers in many sizes, shapes, colors and linings. Best quality merchandise the 11 11 Poet tis Orn atus-Verv Farn market affords. 0U All Other Flowers at Tempting Prices. Fresh Dailly. nos R RILL F"lowerday & Son 17 NICKEL. s ARCADE Open evenings during this sale. 1. in w t* tr n t ta ta n0 ', .NICKELS APCADE PHONE 701 4 ,wsnawnwnwnmia El _ Cud L Doon Campus Frocks Springtime pastel shade-sc siken jersey=-youthful, tv piece style-the Cud L D( frock that collegye women f so adaptable for campus we< Kick pleats, box pleats, h collars, button trimming ca smart pockets make th frocks extremely clever $15.75 (SECOND FLOOR) IF4ie ont ri igh and ese 4 EVERY STUDEN4T NEEDS ON ""Yu(tyy i l 4 t l/ n Ia ; 7'Y R e 5 p f3'1 ~~4'.-> j, The Remington Portable will serve you well-- I to come. It will give you a training which will be helpful to you in all your after life. Comipact-fits in a case only four inches high.8 Compet-has the four-row keyboard-no shift- 'int for figures-just like the big machines. Con7cnint-can be operatedl on your lap if you II wish, for it carries its table on its back.i Come in and see the Remington Portable. Price, complete with case, $60. Easy payment a terms if desired. t o EXCLUSIVE DEALER /iI ! iir 1 Street Frocks for Spring Da-vs j; dorale Gowns for Dinner Daytime Frocks for and Dance-'tailored Social Wear Dresses for College Georgettes Fiat Crepes P aints Combinations x n Y eN f'FCnf t Adorable frocks to prove that quality and style sornietmes go hand in hand with economy, and there's variety enough to please the most faszic':ioU3. Fine flat crepes in every spring clor, smooked dresses, georgettes in the pastel colors, geo rgettes with taffeta combinations. All tlW clever touches that the 'expensive gowns carry, such as gay embroidery, transparent sleev.e pu.1s, ecrui laces with color. Prints that are gay and glowig for sumnmer days to come. Sizes, 1 6 to 44 Others at $12.95 to $37.50 [/ r yjNli 4: t 9 010 New Felt Hats at $5.00 For the School or Business Girl "Felt has lost none of its popularity," says Vogue, and because we know how well suited it is to the practical needs of the schoolgirl or young business wvoman --we offer a brilliant collection. Hosiery Prep Girl -Stockings 85c a Pair A bra.,,d new idea in Pure Silk Sur- face Hosiery lined with radiant Rayon. 1ad'--, in all fashionable colors. A surprisingly low price for su Ch stockings. r, - . i _, A f' ! , s?. Q 1 ( i Syl 3.; e. j " tt ,1, ( r-.e' 1.. j 'iy rWr ,c.. .. ' - /Y f _ " L '? 7-s 'i '' ' r'f 0' - - Si r' 'L..da.""a" -//// d 0. I1 I it