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March 04, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-04

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VOL. XXXVI, No. 114





Rukdediei torles Believed To Indicate
Opening Of New Phase Ili
Chinese War
(By Associated Press)
PEKIN, China, March 3.-The Kuo-{
minchun, or national armies, which
owe their origin to and still acknowl-
edge the leadership of Marshall Seng'
Yu-Hsiang, and which still control
Pekin and its surrounding province,'
Chihli, today were on the defensive,
on three major fronts. From two of
these cane reports of decisive Kuo-
minchun defeats.
In Honan Province and south of
Tientsin victories, for the Kuomin-s
chun's foes were reported, while on
the northern front, from Shanhaikwan,
the forces of Mukden have started an
advance. The Kuominchun claimed
success in a limited engagement south
of Tientsin.
On all three fronts the forces op-
posing each other are considered ap-I
proximately equal, and all are being
reinforced. Heavy fighting is believed,
to be imminent all around, especially
in the north and around Machang,
south of Tientsin.
Marshall Seng Yu-Hsiang, who an-
nounced a practical retirement from
public life after his capture of Tient-
sin last December, remains far from
the front, at Pintichuan, northwestern'
Chihli, although he is directing the
Kuominchun's dispositions.
Today's developments are consider-
ed to indicate the opening of a new
phase of the Chinese civil war, in
which concerted action by the en-
emies of Marshall Seng may place new
masters in the military capital.
In Honan Province, Marshall Wu
Pei-Fu, at the head of a Huteh army,I
apparently has ended a military dead- I
lock by a rapid advance north of the
Pekin-Hangkow railway to the Yellow
river. He has captured Cheng-Chow,
where the Lunghai railway, an east
and west line, joins the Pekin-Hang-
kow trunk, and compelled the second
Kuominchun, under General Yuieh Wi-
Chun, governor of Honan and ally of
Marshall Seng, to retire across the
river, destroying the railway line at
the bridge in his flight.

(By Associated Press)
SAN DIEGO, Calif., March 3.
-The longest flight ever at-i
tempted by American navy air-I
craft, from"Philadelphia to SanI
Diego by way of Cuba and the
Panama, canal, with stops at
Central America andtMexican
ports, is to be made this sum-
mer, according to word receiv-
eel here today. The flight will
be made by the navy's two PN-
10 coastal seaplanes, now near-
ing completion at the naval air-
craft factory at' Philadelphia.
The distance is about 7,000

Wants Better Plays;
Wants Retter


(13y Associated Press)
NEW YORK, March 3.-Representa-
tives of both the, church and theater
agreed tonight that the reform within
the theater was of vital interest to
both institutions, and could be best
brought about by cooperation between
Speakers at a dinner given by the
Federal Council of Churches of Christ
in America to representatives of
church and drama, said that the
church leaders should actively sup-
port plays of which they could ap-
prove. Thebchurch representatives
asked for better plays; representa-
tives of the theater asked for better
audiences before which to present
their plays.
Arguing for theater reform, the Rev.
George R. Andrews, representative of
the committee on drama of the federal
council, said that such reform should
come from within. Many people, he
said, t1hink only in terms of law and
censorship legislation, but asserted
that the less legislating done in the
regulation of art, education, and re-
ligion, the better for civilization.
"We can throw the weight of our
influence on the side of those per-
sons and groups, especially those in-
side the theater, working for better
things," he said. "This course recom-
mends itself to us for trial, and I be-
lieve will prove effective in applica-
tion. If you agree with us we want
you of the theater, and interested in
the theater, to think with us and work
with us toward a practical program
of action."
nnnn,notmI nrnn ra unee

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 3.-Presi-T
dent Coolidge late today signed the
$425,000,000 deficiency appropriation CTORE TONIEHT
Appropriations carried in the bill PJOIFESSOII AT UNIVEIISITY OF
Refunds of taxes, $149,250,000 for C OIGAO I H RAs.I"
postal salary increases, $97,265,000;
for road construction, $26,675,000; for
the veterans' bureau, $78,000,000, and WAS ARMY OFFICER
for the coast guard to acquire addi_
tional vessels to combat rum smug- Al Omega Alpha Sponsors Talk
gling, $7,674,000.
It also provided that $100,000 be ap- As Second Of Annual
propriated from funds to acrue to Series
Navajo Indians for construction of
a bridge on theirsreservation at Lee's "Organotherapy" will be the subject
Ferry, Arizona. This amount is to be of the lecture to be given by Prof.
matched by an additional $100,000 Anton J. Carlson of the physiological
from the state. .s
f department of th'e University of Chi-
cago, at 8 o'clock tonight in Natural
Science auditorium. The speech will
comprise the second of the series of
medical lectures which Alpha Omega
Alpha, national honorary medical so-
ciety, is sponsoring.
In bringing Professor Carlson here,
the society has secured a man who isI
Comm1onis 13 ay Not Insist Upon Debat recognized as one of the leading phy-
On Enlargement Of League o siologists in the country. Born in'
Council Bolhuslan, Sweden, he came to Amer-
ica in 1891. He first studied at Aigus-
tana college where he obtained his
ADJOURNMENT PLANNED bachelor and master degrees in sci-
ence in 1898 and '99. He was given?
(By Associated Press) the doctor of philosophy degree by
LONDON, March 3.-The situation Leland Stanford university in 1902.
Swhich has arisen over the enlarge- Professor Carlson served as re-
search assistant at Carnegie Institute
ment of the League of Nations council and instructor at Woods Hole labora-
was considered at a two-hour meeting tory for the next two years. In 1905
of the cabinet today, and there is a he became assistant professor of phy-
feeling in political circles tonight that siology at the University of Chicago
and after four years was promoted to
if Sir Austen Chamberlain, the for-I a full professorship. He has held
eign secretary, in the house of coin- that position ever since.
mons' statement tomorrow, can satis- During the last war the professor
fy the opposition, there is a possi- I served as a lieutenant colonel in the
y sanitary corps of the United States
! bility that theĀ° promised debate willarmy. IHe was also a sanitary officer
not be insisted upon. with the American Expeditionaryj
The government had already waived Forces in Germany during 1919.
its objections to a debate in the lioua Professor Carlson has made a large
on the question of the allotment of ? number of contiibutions to both Ger-
permanent seats in the council. This man and American physiological jour-
procedure prevents any amendment nals describing researches into sucl
from being moved and precludes a di- subjects as the heart, lymph and
vision in the commons. Premier 'lymph formation, saliva and saliva se-
Baldwin has announced that he in- cretion, the thyroids, pana thyroids,
tends to move adjournment of the the distribution of body fluids, the na-
house after questions, in )rder that ture of hunger, gastric secretion, and
the foreign secretary may make a full metabolism.
statement regarding the business to he is a fellow of the American As-
be transacted at Geneva. sociation for the Advancement of Sci-
Both liberals and' laborites have 1nce, the president of the American
given notice of their amendments, I Physiological society, and a member
however, to make their position clear, of the Society for Experimental Biol-
'and former premiers Lloyd George ogy and Medicine.
and Ramsay McDonald may speak
jduring the discussion. SMITh WIL P19K 9T
Blzzard Revisits
Upper Peninsula
(By Associated Press) Registrar Ira M. Smith will be one


Past Year Shows Steady Progress In
Electrical Development, Bailey Says

Continuous progress has been made
in the practical application of .elec-
trical apparatus during the la't year
in the opinion of Prof. B. J. bailey,
head of the electrical engineering de-
partment, who was interviewed in re-
gard to the publication of the Gen-
eral Electric company on "Develop-
ments in the Electrical Industry dur-
ing 125."
Chief among the advances made,
said Professor Bailey, was the appli-
cation of the gas electric engine to
rapid transit railways and to motor
busses. The latter met with much
favor with the electric railroads which
are organizing bus service, following
the initial trial by the Philadelphia
Rural Transit company. During 1925,1
more than 300 gas electric busses
were placed in service in nine cities.
Of importance to the automotive

field was the development of a new
supercharger, which is a modification
of the type originally designed for
high altitude airplanes. Although sup-
erchargers have been used for a num-
ber of years, it was not until 1925
that pr ctically all racing cars were
so equippied. First places in both the
500 mile race at Indianapolis and the
250 mile contest at Altoona were won
by Peter De Paolo with a Dusenburg
car equipped with this new centrifu-
gal supercharger.
Notable applications of electrical
equipment were also made in shipping
industry with the electric turbine
and Diesel-electric propelling appara-
tus. Toward the close of the year,
a contract was placed with the New-
I port News company for the construc-
tion of the largest liner ever built in
an American shipyard with specifica-
I tions for electric propulsion.

Two Weeks Care I N Walte Reed
Hospital Brings General Back
To Normal
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 3.-The con-
dition of Gen. John J. Pershing, after'
two weeks' treatment by medical -and
dental specialists in Walter Reed hos-
pital, tonight had returned to normal.
He was in better general health than!
he has enjoyed for several years.
The general's rapid and complete
recovery, however, has not been with-
out its heroic features. For one thing
he has lost all his teeth at the hands
of dental surgeons. He also has tol-
erated il spirit of complete subinis-
sion, a series of most exacting ex-
aminations at the hands of his physi-,
Results of examinations and tests
lave convinced the hospital authori-
ties that they have completely over-
come the causes responsible for his
return to this country from Arica,
where he was subjected for more
than six months to.complaints caused
by climatic conditions, abnormal
blood pressure, and toxic poisosing,
ii!/ adldition to the mental stress that
went with his labors as neutral head
of the Tacna-.Arica plebiscitary coin-
m iiss ion.
SThe two weeks' treatment, coupled
with the removal of his teeth, hasS
given complete relief from effects of
toxic poisoning. It. has reflected as
well, in a reduction in blood pressure
from 185 points to between 140 and
145, which is described as normal for
a man of General Pershing's years.
The general's physicians, however,
pleased over the recovery their pa-
tient has made, are determined to ex-
ercise every precaution they know to
keep him fit. He will remain in hos-
pital quarters for some time to per-
mit a continual observation and re-
ceive the added benefit with the rest
and quiet that goes with the enforce-
nient of military regulations at Wal-
ter Reed.
Radio Corporation
Accused Of Piracy


Selected Students, Facuity, Visitors1
To Receive Invitationst
Early Next Week
Mayor John Smith of Detroit will
be one of the principal speakers at(
the fourth annual Gridiron Knights1
banquet which will be held in the as-
sembly hall of the Union Tuesday eve-r
ning, April 6, it was announced yes- I
terday by Sigma Delta Chi, national
professional journalistic fraternity.
which is sponsoring the affair. Mayor
Smith's subject will be announced at
a later date.It will be his first pub-
lic appearance in Ann Arbor.
The Detroit mayor will be on the
program with President Clarence Cookl
Little and a number of prominent fac-
ulty members and newspapermen of!
the state who will take part in the1
discussion session, a new feature of
this year's banquet. The list of fac-
ulty members and journalists, which
is now being completed, will be made
public within a few days.
The traditional Oil Can, honorary
symbol of the Gridiron banquet which
is presented to sonie prominent mem-Y
ber of the faculty each year, will be
displayed in the show windows of
Graham's book store today. Thec
trophy was presented to Prof. O. J.
Campbell of the English department,
last year. It was previously awarded
to Director W. D. Henderson of thec
University extension division, and
Prof Thomas Reed of the political
science department.
The names of all who have received
the Oil Can are engraved upon it. It
will be oil exhibition for the next few
days. This year's recipient will not
be made known until the presentation
at the close of the banquet.1
Invitations to the banquet will be1
mailed to a selected list of students,l
faculty members, state newspapermen
and state government officials the first 1
l of next week.t
(By Associated Press)1
LOS ANGELES, March 3.-Several
new discoveries throwing additional
light on an ancient race have been
made at Pueblo Grande d Nevada,
the buried city of Nevada.
The archeological finds were de-
scribed here by Gov. J. C. Scrughan,
who has followed with interest the
excavating work in his state. They
include tile remains of the works
where these ancient people obtained
their salt, ledges where they mined i
for ornaments, and remnants of
clothing indicating familiarity with
the use of cotton.
"The salt was dug from a series of
caverns a short distance from the
buried city," Governor Scrugham
said. "Some of the walls and floors
of these caves are formed in part of
pure rock salt and here the ancients
conducted their salt mining. The
workings, showing where large blocks
of salt were removed are in the same
condition of about 2,000 years ago.I
"One of the relics was a pair of
Ssandals of a type never before found
in this country. They are in a good
state of preservation and were made
of deer hide and equipped with cotton
cords for fastening."
Only traces of turquoise workings
have been uncovered as most of the
t work of excavators has been directed
toward the salt mines.


War Department Proposes
Building l'rogram For
Air Service

Five Year

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 3. -- The
numerous proposals which have aris-
en out of the turmoil of discussion
over revision of the national defense
to give increased recognition to avia-
tion were thrown into the discard to-
day by the House military committee.
In rapid succession, it disapproved
the proposals for a department of na-
tional defense, a unified air service,
and a separate air corps in the army,
and then voted to dIraft an all-embrac-
ing bill of its own to provide for a
larger air service, but one that would
harmonize with the defense organiza-
tion as it now exists.
The committee made clear, in an-
nouncing its plan, that it would give
creased expenditure of $30,000,000 an-
building program for the army air
service, made public during the day by
the war department.
The program, as endorsed by Sec.
Dwight Davis, contemplates an in-
creased expediture of $30,000,000 an-
nually for the air service, and at the
end of five years would provide 2,200
new airplanes. The House naval com-
mittee recently approved a five-year
program for the naval air service
which involved a total expenditure of
$85,000,000, and was designed to pro-
vide 1,000 new planes at the end of
the period.
The military committee voted 11 to
10 against the bill to establish' a de-
partment of national defense in which
land, sea, and air armaments would
be given co-equal status, and 16 to 5
against a unified air service. The vote
against a separate air corps in the
army, which was endorsed by Maj.
Gen. Mason M. Patrick, army air chief,
was 15 to 6.
A -bill started by the war depart-
ment, to carry out recommendations
of the president's air board, also was
rejected, 11 to 10. Chairman Morin
of the committee explained this plan
was rejected on the ground that it
did not go far enough in proposing
changes that a majority of members
considered necessary for aim adequate
air service.
Under the war department plan an-
nounced today, the army air service
at the end of five years, besides hav-
ing 2,200 planes would posess5 aper-
sonnel of 1,650 regular army officers,
550 reserve officers on active duty, and
15,000 enlisted men, including 500 fly-
ing cadets. The expansion would not
be effected through reductions in othr
branches of the army.
Secretary Davis, in announcing this
program, said it had been furnished
the department by Chaiman Morin,
and had been drafted with the recom-
mendatious of the air board in mind.
At the same time, he announced the
department's disapproval of a bill in-
troduced by Representative James, of
Michigan, a Republican on the mili-
tary committee, designed to carry out
recommendations of the Lassiter
board for a ten-year expansion pro-
gram for the air service.
LANSING, March 3. -- Governor
Groesbeck today submitted a second
message to the special session of the
legislature opening the way for an in-
vestigation of the state pardon and
parole system, recommending approp-
riations for the new Jickson prison
and the proposed women's training
school at Okemos, and permitting the
appointment of a legislative commis-
sion to investigate the disposition of
funds turned over to the American
Legion for welfare work.
Altogether, the governor submitted
nearly a score of additional matters
Ithat the legislature may consider.
The bills covering the subjects in-
eluded in his message- were mostly
ready, and a flood of them descended
ion both branches the moment his
message was read.

Great difficulty is being en-

(By Associated Press) VHUPUbALb FUN FAIM
LONDON, March 3.-Westminster
Abbey's interior is undergoing a gen- { 910 VIV0LI IVLE bUI
oral scouring with vacuum cleaners
and electrical scrubbers, and marvel-I
ous decorations in gold and beautiful ' t(By Associated Press)
bright colors are being uncovered on WASHINGTON, March 3.-Widely
walls and pillars which had greyed j divergent proposals for farm relief
under the smoke and dust of cen-. legislation await consideration of the
turies. House agricultural committee which
Every foot of the wall and ceiling will hold hearings on the subject prob-
in the great cathedral is to be re- ably Thursday.
stored as nearly as possible to its More than a score of bills relating
original state. Wall paintings dating to agriculture have accumulated dur-
back to 1300 have already been un- ing the three months of the session.
covered, and pillars which were sup- They include proposals that the gov-
posed to be ordinary stone blackened ernment go into business with the!
by grime prove to be fine red and farmers buying their crops and selling
white marble. Even the dull decora- them on the market and various price,
tions on many of the tombs are lovely fining plans, while others would have
mosaic when they enierge from the the government aid the producers to
hands of the cleaners. Ifind markets and to obtain reasonable
Much of the art work has been prices. -
effectually concealed because of a Predominating in the suggestions 1
varnish, believed to have been applied for legislation is the demand for as--
under the instructions of Sir Chris- sistance in disposing of surplus crops.
topher Wren, which was supposed to ! These bills now are before the House
preserve the colors. This varnish prob- committee.
ably did preserve the color, but it held By Representative Dickinson, Re-
dust and smoke and coated the art ob- publican, Iowa-to create a federal
jects so heavily with grime that modern farm board, under whose direction
visitors have had little conception of farmers co-operative associations
the brilliant achievements of medi- would buy surplus crops at the do-
aeval workmen. iestic price and sell them at the{
It will probably take twenty world price, being reimbursed for any
years to complete the restoration losses by a fund obtained by collection
which is going on under the direction of an equalization fee from the pro-;
of E. W. Tristram of the Royal college ducers.
of Art.
WASHINGTON.-An offer by Lazar- Ex-Laborer M akes
is Brothers, of New York, to affix an Debut As Pianist I
illuminated clock to the wrist of the
Statue of Liberty in New York har-
bor has been declined. NEW YORK, March 3. - Former
comrades from the East Side applaud-
ed in the Aeolian hall audience that
O .W ettherM Mn I yesterday heard the debut piano re-
cital of Sergel Barsukoff, one timel
--- hn-Itlzn- ,hm an night mwatnman

ESCANABA, March 3.-- Following
the heavy snowstorm of last Thurs-
day, a second blizzard swept over the
Upper Peninsula yesterday and vir-
tually all railroad traffic was tied up
Several passenger trains and all
freights on the Chicago and North-
western lines north of here were an-
nlled. Train No. 102 tied up at No-
gaunee yesterday rather than risk en-
countering the heavy drifts of snow on
thre tracks between Little Lake and
Escanaba. A passenger train was
made up at Escanaba last night and
left for Chicago on the schedule of
No. 102, however.
Two trains on the Soo line rail-
way east of Gladstone were caught in
the snow last night and could not be
extricated until today, railroad of-
ficials said.

of the speakers at the Fourteenth Na-
tional Convention of the American As-
sociation of Collegiate Registrars to
be held at Minneapolis, Minn. April 1
13, 14, and 15. Mr. Smith will talk
Wednesday, April 14 on methods of 1
transferring credits.E
The program was prepared in such;
a way as to be of practical value to
the registrar in his work. Thcre will
1)0 speeches on omrganizatin, admimlis- 1
tration, admission, and many other
topics having reference to the depart -
ment of the registrar. Some of the
speakers will be: President Coffman
of the University of Minnesota, Pres-


ident Zook o
Dean F. J. I
tianson, Gov
give an addr
convention v
University o
day afternoo
held iii the

Erect Memorial
For Champ Clark
(fBy Associated Press)
BOWLING GREEN, Mo., March 3.--
Plans are complete for erection of
the Champ Clark memorial, to stand
near the courthouse here in his home
town as Missouri's monument to the
great Missourian and late speaker of
the house of representatives.
The monument will be carved byj
Frederick C. Hubbard, a native Mis-
souri sculptor, and the granite workj
will be of native Missouri stone. Work I
on the memorial will begin at once

f the University of Akron, (By Associated Pross)
Kelly of the University of WASHINGTON, March 3. - The
and registrars of various icharge of "piracy of the air" in con-
Hon. Theodore Chris- I nection with Zenith Radio corpora-
vernor of Minnesota, will tion's use of a wave length for its
ess Tuesday evening. The Chicago station WJAZ, without au-
will be entertained by the thority of the Commerce Department,
of Minnesota on Wednes- j was aired before the Senate Inter-
m, and a reception will be State Commerce committee today by
registrar's office. Irving hlerriot, attorney for the cor-
poration and Stephen D. Davis, solici-
tor of the Commerce Department.
PROFESSOR W[ IThe committee was told by Mr. Her-
riot that the Zenith Corporation
thwarted the rulings of the Commerce,
ON department in order to test the ade-
quacy of the present law for radio!
regulation. If the court which: has
rles Sisson, of the Eng- the case under advisement rules in
rent of University college, I favor of the corporation then it will
)f London, will deliver a be another argument in favor of the
:30 o'clock, March 15, i ! Dill Radio regulation bill which the!
mce auditorium. The sub- 4itt in nd w Ai

Prof. Cha
lish departm
University o
lecture at 4
Natural Scie



and will be completel for unveilimgI
next Oct. 15. The statue will cost1
$25,000, appropriated by the state+
Little To Address
New York Alumni

INA AC1C L k1"1. x t conmm ee is now cons aering
ject of the lecture is "Shakespeare in
Native Indian." Se aeRt!e
The lecture will be illustrated by Senate Ratifes
lantern slides showing theaters in In- Five Treaties
ia in hi-.4rhb h lShn k nnn n n vc.nl

(a in wnicn laespear eanl p ays are
presented, as well as reproductions
of settings and costumes.
Professor Sisson was formerly Ares-;
ident of Elphinston college, Univer-
sity of Bombay, India. He has writ-
ten two books, "Shakespeare and His
AL c" nnhisianhnd. in 10 Eni d"ha -

By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 3. - Five
treaties, including a convention with
Mexico for the prevention of smug-
gling of narcotics, liquor, and aliens!
1n +nrncct aP nrro v-ro a+iiprl+nrav


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