j EIGH~T ________TN-i MICI--IGAN DAILY AVEDNE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. in. Saturdays). Voume V1 EIJNEUSIAY, AM UWII I, 92( Number 113. $aobtfIcal Furloughs: f'aculty members ar, reminded that apliatios for sabatical fur- losgh6 for the first semester of 1926-127, or for the whole year, will, under the 'ule established by the Regents, be considr (d at the next meeting of the board which is to be held Wednesday, 1\aeh 24. Such applications shadtti be presented on or before March 15 through the Dean of the School Qi,661ege concerned. C. C. Little. Beginning Saturday, March 6, the universiy fire whistle will be blown eaofiagaturdav at 12:30 o'clock P. M., This practice is necessary as a regular test to make sure that the whistle is in working order in case of fire. Shirey W. Smith. AiJon of Adiismtratiec Board: B action of the Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Diene, and the Arts, Mr. L. W. Behringer has been supended for one year ,ain'ba been recorded as E in Psychology 125, for dihboesty in the final e~amnation in that course. By action of the same board, Mir. George Costan has been put on pro- ltiii for the current semester, for plagiarism in the written work of Rhetoric 1. IV. It. Huphreys. Saptwoll Lecture Postponed: Potponement of the lecture by Dr. James 1. Shotwell of Columbia 11~vrsty'announced for Thrsday afternoon, has been necsiao by Dr. Shotwell's illness., League of Nations Noi-Partisan A ssociat io. V'pivrsity Lecture: b3. Henri Correvon of the Jardin de Floraire will give a lecture on "'Uptne Plants and Gardens" on Wednesday, March 3, at 4:15 P. M. in the l'~tural Science Auditorium. TJhe lecture will be illustrated by Lumiere lld. The public is cordially invited. A eli Vocational Lecture: Dean Cabot of the Medical School will speak Friday, March 5, at 4:15 Its Natural Science" Auditorium, Topic "Medicine-A Profession." Under at~spces of Vocational Guidance Comm. of the S. C. A. M. A. Wenger, Chairman. Ehlty, Colleges of Enigineering and Arhtetre: There will be a meeting of the Faculty of these Colleges on Wednesday, March 3, at 4:15 P. M. in Room 411 West Engineering Building. a Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. 1'lhology 43, 85, 37: ''he make up examination for those recorded as absent from the final la4' emester in Psychology 33, 35, an(l W will be held Thursday at 1: 00 P., M.Win Room P 364 N. S. W. B. Pillsbury. Freshmuan Engineers: t1egn Cooley will speak at the Freshman Assembly at 11 o'clock this Mlrnhfog in Room 348. Ye sure and be present. He has a message for you. C. 0. WNier, head Mentor. FcURY Women's Club: Aim 'entertainment in charge of the 'T'uesay Evening Drama section, followed by a tea, will be held Tursay, March 4, at the home of Mrs.I CLarence Cook Little at 2:30 P. 1V. Ella T. Aton, Secretary. To Members of the Senior Education Class: There will be a Senior Education class meeting Wednesday, arh 3 Rlogra 109 Tappan Hall, at 5 :00 o'clock. Everyone please be present. Erm Sultz, Se. 8!]nJpr Mechanical Engieers: Mr. . F. Rose, Assistant General Manager -Sales, American P'adiator Coi}Iapy, will be in Room 22t Wednesday, March 3rd, to interview all those int~reted in positions with this Company. I. C. Anderson. PkI Sfgmat Regular Meeting, .7:30 P. M., Wednesday, M\arch 3, Room Z-242 N. S. Dlr.W. B. Hinsdale will speak n "Aspec s of Michiga Archaeology." C. Francis Byers, Se. s hall be unable to meet my classes for t he rest of the week. Inguneering Students egistered in itEl(e-Year Course an )Mechaicmiial ad Udustrw lEngineering:1 ]'lease leave cards giving your iiann, year, street and telephone numl- her in nmy office, Room 2121 West Engineering Building. 11. C. Anderson. t% . . Nayal Reserve Force: The -weekly meeting of the University Unit will be held Wedlnesday, March 3, at 7:30 P. 1 ., in the I4. 0. T. C. D~rill Ball. 1L. C. Leever. Notice to. Cinese Students: "There will be a short business meeting in Lane H all, Friday, March 5, at ": 3 P, M. A sleigh-ride party will follow after the meeting. ° 1'V. K. idy, Sec. Organ Recital: 14r: Palmer. Christian, University Organist, will give tile following pro- gramn in W;ill Auditorium on Wednesday afternoon, March lord, at 4: 15 P. M.: 1klipsody, (Cole), Vermeland, (Hanson), Andante, (Stamitz), Goblin Dance, (Dvorak), Prelude to "Passifal" (Wagner), Air from "County Derry," (Tra- ditional Irish), March (Symphony III) (Widor). Charles A. Sink. Cvil Engineering Students: Professor John S. Worley will give his monthly lectures on Thursday at ,9 A. M. and Friday at 9 A. M. in Room 11 West Engineering Building.j .These lectures are illustrated. The lecture Thursday morning will be on the early development of the European Railway and on Friday the early Amuerican Railway. Senior classes in Civil Eng;ineering which meet at this Reducing Taxes $300,000,000 fI LOCAL EVENTS' For notices not otherwise mentioned in The Daily. Items will be published on two successive days only. Copy must he submitted to the Local Events Editor by Q P. AM. GE EN ER AL 'Thursday Prof. Bruce M. Donaldsonl of the fine arts department, will lecture on "Florentine Sculpture" at 8:15 o'- clockt in room D, Alumni Memorial I hall. Professor Donaldson is lectur- ing under the auspices of thle Cir-1 colo Italiano. RELIGIO0US iWednaeday, Metho4 st students interested in de- putation work will nmeet at dinner at 5:30 o'clock in Wesley hall. Thursday Christian Science society will meet at 7 :30 o'clock in Lane h~all. MARLBORO, Mass. -- Henry Ford has purchased 42 acres of woodland adjoining his Wayside Inn property in Marlboro near the Sudbury town line. MOSCOW.-Radio is becoming poy-1 ular among the Russian masses.j About 1,000,000 home-dwellers now! have amateur wireless sets. h'Ione 4711 1111 South University. Phone 471 Enmgineers aantd Architects Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Typewriting and Pound Papers Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos I STE alL"' I. -1 y YI President Coolidge gave a few t wists to his pen as this ph:otograph was taken and lopped more than $300, 000,000 from tile taxbills of his em- ployers, the American people. Rep resentative Garner of Texa11 ranking Democratic nmenmber of the House fin ance committee, and Representative Green, Iowa, chairman of the House fi nance committee, are seen witnessing the signing of the new revenue law. hour will be excused and attendance on Professor Worley's lectures is re- quested. All others interested in the subject will be made welcome. * 11. E. Riggs. Senior Mechanical Engineers: Mr. L. A. Vaupre of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Comn- pany will be in RZoom 109 West Engineering Building all this week. Ile would like to interview thlose interested ill positions with this Company, 11. C. Anderson. Pi Lambda Theta: Pi Lambda Theta will meet at 8 o'clock, tonight, at 305 E. Liberty. Doris ('lines, President. The Time of the Year to Beautify Your Homne By craving your furniture re- covered. We offer pleasing and attractive designs and colorings. P. B. Harding ~1S East Huron Phone 3432 I -1 V c i Fil 4 This week we will make a 11 Special Showing of Exclusive In Scotch and English Fabric~s Scabbard anid Blade: Scabbard and Blade will meet at the Union, March 3, at 7:15'P. M. wuniversity of Michigan Band: Rehearsal tonight, 7:15-8:30. Room 302, Wednesday, 1). A. Hlolm. G;ordIonIPacker. Just one suit pattern of nearly thirty different color effects! c o ; , : ; .;k, r,-: -ri Y is -_ .: , - , _ t 9 . E. ., - i1 r= ;- , r -sue , ,° j-- n ,1.,M , 11,11!! (Y _: .. + i 1 , I a ,._ 1 / . ) r v. Back in those good old days when the d aring unciergrad s rode their biles around town. with their feet on the handy bars, and a race between two- wvheelers was a gala evnt- even in those good old days Anheuser-Busch was nationally known among good fellows. And now, with bicycles as rare as free lunch and pretzels, is the favored drink of college men because, like the college man, Busch Pale Dry is a good mixer everywhere and every time. Tailored by KAHN Exclusively with us. TINKR &COMPANY- South State St. at William St.' F'-.. a IWant a room? Read Page Seven and use the' Classiflod columns.--Ady. If Noah's trip had been STCA he would not have been interested in finding land. S T C A is the college way. College orches- tras and exclusive groups of college people. $1780- $185 ROUND TRIP to EUROPE On the ships of the Holland-.America Line each Saturday, May, June and July. STQ ~ fl V1- See your college organizer Tf1~ 'A A 3f Egbert FR. Ishell a. A II, *1 AN HEUSERBSHST. Louis KLEIS BEVERAGE CO. Distributors Ann Arbor, Mich. J r r--- -- GARGOYLE NOTICE There will be a meeting of the editorial staff of Gargoyle, cam- pus humor magazine, at 4 o'- clock tomorrow at tile Gargoyle office in the Press building. Try- UST PUBLISHED--and of Special JInterest to the Students of Medicine MICROBE HUNTERS . id I !