ESTABLISHED 1890 Y ar XIWAVN l 14 4 At ACNE MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ___ . , ------------ VOL. XXXVI. No. 113 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS PROGRAMV BY RAIOl FROMI UNIVERSITY BURSLEY, COLLER, CAMPBELL GIVE TALKS ON TOPICS IN THEIR FIELDS KIPKE, '24, SPEAKS Program Also Includes Numbers By Vocal And Narinhbaphone Soloists' "Michigan Night", the ninth of the regular radio programs of the Uni- versity was broadcast last night by station WJR, the Jewett Radio and Phonograph Company of Pontiac. The program consisted of four talks with several groups of musical numbers. Prof. Frederick A. Coller, of the medical school spoke on "Goiter and Public Health." In his talk he de- scribed the seat of the malady, the two common types of goiter and the preventative for simple goiter. Pro- fessor Coller pointed out that goiter is prevalent in the well defined areas along the St. Lawrence river and in the Great Lake basin, which corre- sponds closely to the area covered by the ice sheet of the last glacial period. "The outstanding fact about goiter," he stated, "is that it can be easily and cheaplysprevented and will be eradi- cated as soon as society wishes to make the effort." ! RATIFY SECURITY PACT BY A BALLOT OF 41'"-71j II (ly Associated Press) PARIS, March 2.--TheLocar- no security pact was ratified by jthe Chamber of Deputies after an uproarious session by a vote of 413-71. In the course of the debate the Alsatian communistj deputy Hubor aroused the indig- nation of the entire assembly by shouting in the Alsatian dia- lect: "Alsace is not a heart with France." Many deputies who criticized the pact because they consider- ed that with all its imperfections it was necessary to approve it as the first step toward the trap- quilisation of Europe. A num-j her of others abstained from vot- ing. Premier Briand in a final reply to the criticism declared: "It is for France, victor in the war, to take the lead in an effort to remove all rancor and bring complete reconciliation amongj the peoples." NOTED ORHIENTALIST SCORES INJUSTICES Robertson And Yen Responsible For Intellectual And Scientific Awakening In China GIVES TWO ADDRESSES CAPTAIN NOEL TO CLOSE 0OATORICAL LECTURE PROGRAM ONLY SURVIVOR OF ILL-FATED EVEREST EXPEDITION TO LECTURE SPEAKS APRIL 1 Noel, Official Photographer Of 1924 Scaling Attempt, To V isualize Tibetan Country Officially closing the season lecture course of the Oratorical association, Capt. John Baptist Noel, only surviv- ing member of the world-watched Mt. I Everest expedition, will give an illus- trated lecture April 1, in Hill audi- torium. No extra attractions outside of the course have been booked to date by the association, it was on- nounced yesterday. "The Epic of Everest" has been graphically dramatized by Captain Noel, who was the official photog-' rapher of the fatal 1924 expedition as well as the three previous exploits. Through the aid of motion pictures, he brings a graphic story of the at- tempts that were made to scale the I heights of the world's highest moun- tain. As these pictures are thrown on the screen, Captain Noel tells his own personal story of the purposes, fthe work, and the tragic climax of the famous trip. Not only do the pictures show the actual work of the attempts to reach the top of Mt. Everest but they also visualize the people, customs, andI country of quaint Tibet, the land of Lamas, prayer-wheels, polyandry, Yaks and buttered tea. In this strange land a woman may have several husbands but a man can have only one wife, according to the story of Captain Noel. Here it is that women have developed a stronger character than men and manage the family business and training; here itI is that where two sons are in a fam- ily one of them must be given to the monastery to become a Lama. The land of the sacred valleys, "The Jewel of the Lotus Flower", the Mani stones, the quaint monasteries whege' the Lamas dwell in solitude and med- itation, are all shown. Captain Noel relates that in this land the life of no wild creature, bird, insect or fish may be taken, for the Buddhists be- lieve that every animal is a reincar- nated human soul. fLECTURE WILL Discuss' S J t I 4 C i C t 3 { I t t c 3 i t 7 7 1 .f The second radio talk was given by "Chinese people have been sold into Harry G. Kipke, '24, assistant coach bondage to bribe-giving western of.- in athletics, who had as his subject ficials by corrupt Chinese officials "Football and the College Graduate." through the medium of 'unequal treat- He spoke of the future relationship i's," said Dr. C. H. Robertson, sc- of college and professional football.I entist and educator, who has spent the "In order for any organization to last twenty year's there as leader in live it must. have management, lead- the movement for the modernizing of, ership and coaching," he stated., "As China in Natural Science auditorium long as the leading coaches of the yesterday. "The unequal treaties country stwy in collegiate football, hich have been foisted upon China there is no need to worry about col- b western nations maybeuplacedin- lege footbal being secondary to pro- . yesteris may beoplacdaln fessional." seven categories, the two principal fessinal. IIbeing those regarding foreign conces- Joseph' A.°Bursley, Dean of Stu- 1ions and customs control. The in- dents, described the work which is . . . dentsedescibed the ork whch isn justice of the present situation is carried on by the office of the Dean esl enwe n elzsta of Stcerts. IHe explaned the work esyseen when one realizes that of thdent.Iymexplained the wor China must consult several other na- of the employment bureau and th- tions before making any changes n housing bureau, among the many ac- her tariff," Dr. Robertson continued. tivities of his department. One of the Dr. Robertson and "Jinmy" Yen, a greatest services of the office of Dean Yale graduts aensd J bea of Students ha pointed out was in as- responsible for the intellectual and sisting the student in determining scientific awakening which has taken how to properly divide his time, just place n hina in the last decade. what activity to try out for, and whenfew years ago Yen originated a night to enter this field. school system which now numbers The last talk be broadcasted was orethan 700,000 clerks and working- given by Prof. 0. J. Campbell, of the minen who would not otherwise have English department. He spoke on therde third great period of English drama methods. of the present day 'in which America ire is taking an important part. Ie also ant and socially mnedmuch morester- spoke of the place in Americat uni- er's," Dr. Robertson stated. "In many versities which dramatic arts is filling. respects they are far ahead of the peo- The musical numbers were divided pct ths cry in the vl- into several groups. Miss Hope Bow- ment of "international thinking." If ers, a student in the School of Music, America would establish better rela- was a soloist on the program. Miss tions with that great country, they Bowers sang three numbers and was must offer fellowship and cooperation accompanied at the piano by MissI to remove the impression which west- Marjorie E. Baxter, '29. Four num- emits havesimntwhoche hers on the marimbaphone were play- ern militarists have imprinted an the ed by Stewart E. Churchill, '28. people of China.".k Thi next rdorgrmfthUn- Although the Chinese are working heneradio program of the Pin-under a great handicap at present versity will be broadcast on March 16. with the great masses of uneducated people and their tenacious adherence to tradition, they are very optimistic. C One solution to the problem, in the ! words of Dr. Robertson, "is the estab- lish'ment of a system of mass educa- IEclasses may learn to read and write." Associated Press) his lecture in Natural WA yHANG O, e Science auditorium Dr. Robertson was WVAS1IING TON, March 2. - Dee- a guest of the Lawyers' club at din- gates from 11 middle western states norI. e spoke informally in the acting from instructions from the re- lounge room following dinner on4 cent Des Moines agricultural confer- some of the aspects of the present ence will present their views on farm Chinese political siuation. As a point1 relief to the President and the secre- of interest to the future lawyers hej tary of agriculture tomorrow. touched upon -the extra-territorial They have been allotted one hour, rights held by the European powers of the President's time beginning at and showed how they were unfa'vor- 10:30 and immediately after the con- Iable to the best interests of China. ference at the White House, they will For example, he stated that if a -for- meet with Secretary Jardine at hisjeigner should commit a crime in his office. I country's sphere of influence, he could Leaders of the farm delegates, who not be punished by the Chinese police include Governor Hannill of Iowa, and but only reported to the foreign con- Governor Gunderson, of South Dako-sul.Dr Robertson urged that the ta, w 2l tell the President and Secre-~country support President Coolidge in tary Jardine that, while they are not his efforts tow id getting the Euro- insistent on any particular form of pean nations to give up those rights farm relief they are united in their gained in the treaties negotiated with beliefs that justice and sound eco- China. "China is determned to re- nomic policy require that the farmers gain control of her land again" he shall have their economic status con o e dadedi raised to the level of other economic - co-c d . groups. Council Proposes $25,000 For Parks OUr eatherMat Proposal td raise $25,000 for the- -purpose purpose of purchasing property for Nickle Plate Plan Rejected By Commission (By Asoiated Pess) WASHINC TON, March 2.-By a vote of 7-1, the Inter-State commerce con- mission today rejected the vast Nickle Plate railroad measure project, but left the way open for its promoters to revise their plans for financing such a transportation system. The application of the Van Swerin- gen interests to link up the five rail- road units involved in the measure was denied chiefly because of objec- tions relating to the financial aspects of the plan. The transportation phase was generally approved, but the con-- siderations,terms and conditions of the suggested acquisition were held not to be in the public interest. The merger would have linked up the New York, Chicago and St. Louis railroad company, or new Nickle Plate with the Chesapeake and Ohio, Hocking Valley, Erie, and Pere Mar- quette railroads in a system having more than 9,000 miles of line in 10 states and Canada with a property value of more than a billion dollars. COREVON TO TALK ON ALINEPLANT Foremost Authority On Subject And Founder Of World Famous Botanical Garden FIRST AMERICAN VISIT M. Henri Correvon, known as a world authority on Alpine plants, who will lecture this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in the Natural Science audi- torium, on the subject "Alpine Plants -and Gardens," is the pioneer in the movement for establishing Alpine botanic gardens and flower preserves in the mountains. le is the fqunder and director of the botanical garden of the Linnea which is the most famous and complete rock garden in the world, according to Prof. Aubrey Tealdi of the landscape design depart- ment. This garden is visited annually by thousands of American tourists traveling abroad. He is the owner of the Alpine gar- dens of acclimatization at Floraire, near Geneva, Switzerland, where ex- periments are constantly being car- ried out with alpine plants with a view to enriching the available flora for rock gardens, over the northern hemisphere. With the aid of the Al- pine club M. Correvon formed the as- sociation "Pro Motibus" for the pro- tection of the native flora of the sec- tion, and another particularly for the protection of wild flowers. He has been president of the latter society for 25 years. Last year he was awarded the gold medal of tie Royal Horticultural so- ciety (England) and has been honor- ed by more than 40 societies in France Italy, and Switzerland. T3is is M. Correvon's first visit to Americal. He is the author of a number of books on Alpine plants and gardens. M.I.P.A. Convention Will Hear Mayor Campbell Friday Mayor Robert A. Campbell, mayor' of Ann Arbor and treasurer of the University, will deliver an address of welcome to the more than 230 high school journalists who will attend the banquet of the Michigan Interscholas- tic Press association on Friday night at the Union, it was announced last night.I Cups to be used as prizes for high school publications entered in the contest which will be conducted by the association have been donated by the Detroit Free Press, Ann Arbor Times-News, Battle Creek News-En- quirer and The Daily.E In addition to these trophies, four cups, given last year by the Ann Ar- bor Times-News, the Ann Arbor Press,a Chimes, and The Daily, will be award-j ed for the second time, as they do not FAVORABE CTION.w SEEN ON ITALIANI DEBT SETTEMENT ECllETAR1Y MELLON DECLARES RIEJECTtN IEANS VA GUE FUTURE AGREEMENT COL. HOUSE SCORED Vigorously Assailed For Publication Of Papers Disclosing Relations With Woodrow Wilson ('By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 2. - Early, and favorable action by the Senate on the Italian debt agreement was! predicted today by Chairman Smoot ofI the Senate finance committee, coin- cident with a warning by Secretary Mellon that rejection of the pact would make doubtful any settlement with either Italy or France in the near future. The Italian agreement and the five other debt funding settlements nego- tiated during the congressional recess by the debt commission has been rati- fled by tie House but considerable op- position from the Democratic ranks has developed in the Senate. In a letter to President Coolidge, made public today, Secretary Mellon declared that if the Senate now re- fused to ratify the Italian settlement, I the reason would be attributed as po- litical and notfiscal considerations. "The only practical effect on Italy of a failure to approve the debt set- tlement," the secretary said, "would be that Italy would be relieved for ithe present at any rate of any pay- 'ment, and no settlement more favor- able to the United States would likely be made in the future. I feel that a failure to approve the Italian settle- mnt would render doubtful the pos- sibhty of an early settlement with France." WASHINGTON, March 2.-Colonel E. M. House was vigorously assailed today in the Senate by Senatori Mc- Kellar, Democrat, Tennessee, for pub- lication of his papers disclosing his relations with Woodrow Wilson. The Senator accused Colonel House of "betraying" the war president and with undertaking to show that "he was only a puppet in the hands of this unknown Colonel from Texas." Declaring that Colonel House had shown tIe "basest ingratitude," Sena- Sto McKellar sait he resented the Colonel's writings "in the name of the great man who is dead and unable to answer them." CO one would ever have heard of CoonelIHouse except for his "boot-t licking proclivities," Senator MKel~- lar declared that House was a valet to Wilson and is now undertaking to show that his benefactor was not a great man." LA SOCIEDAD ISPANICA A NNUNCE SIXTH PLAY1 "Contigo Pan y Cebolla" the sixth annual play' to be held under the auspices of La Sociedad Hispanica, will be given at 8: 15 o'clock, Thurs- day, March 11, in Sarah Caswell An- gell hall ,it was announced yesterday. The play, which ridicules the ro- mantic type of young woman who 1 fiuorished in Spain as well as the rest of Europe during the latter part of the niineteenth century, is written by Gorostiza, one of the best known Spanish authors. Ermelind A. Mercado of the ro- mance languages department is di- recting the oplay. There are seven persons in the cast. DINRWILL DISCUSS {UNION AT ILLINI SMOKER William L. Diener, '26, president of the Union, will leave tonight for Champaign, Ill., where he will address the members of the University of Illi- nois Union at a smoker to be given there tomorrow even4ng. In a tele- gram yesterday from W. E. Schroeder, MINNESOTA ENDS SECOND PERIOD WITH SCORE 1.0 j(Special to The Daily) MINNEAPOLIS, March 2. - Minnesota lead Michigan at the close of the second period with ja score of 1-0 in the second j hockey game here tonight. The j single score was made by Scott, { right defense for Minnesota, when he took a pass fronm Kuhl- man, sending a fast one -into the net after 7 minutes and 42 sec- onds of play. The two teams were battling on even terms during this period. Weitzel, goal guard for Michigan, j made nine stops in the second j period and 15 in the first, in comparison to Wilken's eight, and four stops in the same per- iods. DISAGREES 11ITI ANDREWS VALUE OF INQUIRY BY COIMIISSION 1 FLOR ENTINESCULPTURE, "Florentine Sculpture" is the sub- ject on which Prof. Bruce M. Donald- son, of the department of fine arts, - will address members of the Circolo Itali-ano at 8:15 Thursday night in room D of Alumni Memorial hall. Iis lecture, invitation to which is ex- tended to the campus and general public, will be illustrated with lantern slides tracing the development ofj Renaissance sculpture from the time of Michadlangelo. In commenting on the study of the sculptural art of Florence. ProfessorI Donaldson observed that it was a sub- ject very little known even to persons who had been abroad. "Most people go to Italy for the painting," he remarked. "Some few become conversant with the architec- ture, but not very many really make[ a systematic study of the developmentI of Italy's sculpture." His address will be of the nature of a travelogue, reviewing the monu- mental art of the Plazzo Vecchio andI progressing to the several other Flor- entine centers of famous collections. START RECRUITING FOR CITIZES MILITAYCAMP Recruiting for this year's Citizens', Military Training camp at Camp Cus- ter started Monday. It is expected that Michigan's quota will be filled within the next four or five weeks. Col. Raymond Sheldon, chief of staff of the 85th division, will be the commanding officer at Camp Custer, I this summer. Colonel Sheldon and Lt.-Col. Wade Millis, Det'oit, tie civ- ilian aide to Secretary of War Davis for' Michigan, will have charge of the recruiting. Michigan's quota is being filled rap- idly. All young men between the ages of 17 and 24 who intend to go to Camp MELLON BELIEVES VALUE OF LIQUOR PROBE NEGLIGIBLE ON ENGLISH OFCA RETRACTS VIEWS Geneva Difficulty Unsolved Regarding j Polish, Spanish, And Brazilian t Permanent League Seats I -t TO SEEK COMPROMISEk (By Associated Press)r LONDON, March 2.-Finding him-t self in conflict with a nation as as whole, Sir Austin Chamberlain, for- eign secretary is said to have made a rather belated retreat from what1 was considered an impossible position and, according to information in an -c authoritative quarter, has agreed tol accept the government view that the coming meeting of the League at Ge-1 neva has no other purpose than the' election of Germany to a permanent f seat in the council. , The minister will try as a compro- mise to secure the council's assentt to the appointment of a special com- mission to study the claims of Poland,r Spain, and Brazil for permanent seatst and report back to the September as- sembly. So far as Great Britain is involved the crisis may be considered ended. I But that does not mean that the Ge- t neva difficulty has been solved. The Locarno methods, which Sir Austin advocated, will possibly be more than ever necessary, for France and Italy, finding that they have lost the sup- port of the British foreign secretary,. may become still more insistent, anl although Sweden and the countries r supporting Sweden can veto the Span- ish-Polish claims, there is still a pos- sibility of some actiongon the part oft France and Italy which would move Germany to withdraw her application. Chamberlain is still said to favor a compromise giving Spain a seat pro- viding Germany can be induced to agree. Both Belgium and Japan favor postponing Poland's claim until later, but it is understood that the delega- tions of these countries will have no precise instructions. Award Gargoyle Prizes Offered In Girls' Number Louisa Butler, '28, and Dorothy Mc- Gonigal, '28, will be presented the two cups offered by Gargoyle, campus humor magazine, as first prizes in their recent competition held in con- junction with their Girls' number, at a meeting of the Gargoyle staff at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Press building. 41 Miss Butler won her cup in the con- test to determine the most humorous ,editorial matter contributed, and jMiss McGonigal was judged first in fhe art field. The contest was not limited to girls in the University, and entrys were received from many sections of the United States. The next edition of Gargoyle, a spe- cial number, will be off the press next week. Others Admitted To Medical Body Dr. James D. Bruce, director of the internal medicine department, Prof. Frank N. Wilson of the internal medi- cine department, and Prof. Preston M. Hickey of the roentological depart- ment, were made fellows of the Amer- ican College of Physicians at the meeting of the society held Friday at Detroit. Due to an error, these names were omitted in a previous story. Explains Work Of Missionaries PUBLIC IS IDECIDED Wheeler Prefers Committee Investiga tion' In Preference To Present System (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, March 2.-The pub- ic has made up its mind for or against prohibition and a general in- vestigation of the subject would have little effect, in the opinion of Secre- tary Mellon. He does not share the belief of Assistant Secretary Andrews, in.charge of prohibition enforcement, that inquiry by a presidential com- mission would impress the people and assist the dry forces. Mr. Andrews expressed hope that the inquiry begun Monday by the [louse alcoholic liquor traffic commit- tee, would lead to a recommendation for appointment of the commission, but his superior believes the public now knows the facts concerning pro- hibition and that it has access to all the Information which might be as- sembled by any commission. The prohibition inforcement chief will be the first witness called by the Houseconmmittee, probably next Mon- day, and Chairman Hudson has indi- cated that the assistant secretary's proposal for an investigation may be adopted after the committee has com- pleted its preliminary inquiry. Wayne B. Wheeler, general counsel for the Anti-Saloon league would pre- - fer that the committee do what in- vestigating is decided upon rather than leave it to a presidential com- mission. The House committee is making an inquiry, he said, in a state- ment, "and this is all that will be done at this session." SENIORS MAY ENROLL IN CLASS MEMORIAL FUND Robert D. Gibson, '23 represent- ative of the Aetna Insurance com- pany, will hold office hours from 8 to 5 o'clock every day this week in Alumni Memorial hall to enroll senior literary students in the 1926 Literary Class Memorial fund. The memorial fund is to be in the form of a twenty-year endowment in- surance policies in the Aetna Insur- ance company. Members of the senior literary class will be asked to take out policies for $250 which will be made payable to the 1926 Literary Class Memorial fund. Premiums will be paid at the rate of $10 a year. FASCIST REGIME IS NOT WEKENED SAYS BERSANA1 (By Associated Press) ROME, March 2.-Scandal monger- ing and sniping from beyond Jhe Ital- ian border are doomed to failure as methods of unseating the Fascist regime il the opinion of Mario Ber- gano, secretary of the Republican party and one of the leading members of the opposition. Whispered gossippings about Pre- mier Mussolini's health, diffidences between the factions of the Fascist party, the attitude of the crown prince and numerous other questions, he declared, serve to strengthen rath- er than weaken the Fascist regime. "It is a necessary experience," he says, "that Fascism, so rich in teach- imgs, runs it course fully. It will last as long as it must last, not as long as the disempowered ones may desire." Union Announces May 15 As Date For Fathers' Day In order that fraternities may plan their spring house parties and other events accordingly, it was announced at the Union yesterday that the an- nual Fathers' Day program has been scheduled for Saturday, May 15, this year. Cap Night, which is lways a part of the Fathers' Day proram, will be held the previous evening, May 14. One of the features of the program is the banquet to be held Saturday evening at the Union. A prominent I i i(( it , become the property of the high president of theIllinois Union, Diener school winning them until the victory was asked to speak at the smoker on has been repeated. Other cups, thi the Michigan Union, its organization gifts of newspapers throughout the and activities. state, are expected before the con- The Illinois Union is a comparative- vention meets at Friday noon. ly new organization, now in the pro- cess of expansion. Its executives are Debating Society !anxious to obtain any ideas from the older Michiganmiistitutionrm'elative to A dnzits EightM en 1 maintenance and manamgement. 1~t i ( dl'-,