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March 02, 1926 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-02

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TUESDAY, MARCH l2, 1926 T I IF VAC1-IGAN DAILY____________________



~Iut1h ull, 128, Will Preside At Supper
To Be (Giveni In Newberry
11allAfter l)Ieetiiig
Installation of the new members of
the leadership commission of the Uni-
versity Y. W. C. A. will take place at
4:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in
Newberry hall, at which 20 women
iwill be installed.
Freshmen women first started the
leadership commission two years ago
this spring because they felt that
there was a place on. the campus for
such an organization, the aim of this~
commission' being the development of
personality andl qualities of leader-
ship which would be useful in cam-
pus activities.
In the fall the chief work of the
commission is to help the entering
women to become more acquainted
with the campus, and it is through
their work that letters are sent every
summer to. vomen who intend to en-
ter. Last year the organization did
this and organized a group of fresh-
man discussions for .(develop~ment of
leadership and establishment of stan-
dards by which they will be able to
meet campus and life problems.
T~he newly elected members of the!
commission are : Helen Milchess, '29,
'Helen Hartwell, '29, Mary Ptolemy,
Illeleif Brown, '29, Helen Hartman, '29,
Louise Cooley, '29, Elizabeth; Mac in-
tosh, '29, Katharine Baillie, '29, Mar-
garet Dow, '29, Jeanette Upjohn, '29,
Violet Megaw, '29, Nellie Becker, '29,
Gertrude Fox, '29, Oriel Endelhnau,
June Marshall, '29, Clara Helbrish,
'29, Mary Alice Moore, '29,(IEilen Grin-
nell, '29,' Ruth Fine, '29.
Installation of the members will be,
followed by 'a supper in Newberry
hall. Huth Hull, '28, will preside, re-
citing the aim anl purpose of theI

Begin Courses In 'IiH H R[ 1Ugshces
fI l ub jes" w ieth EANLTS fActivities Of UNAME9WALLINGIONI ",S
"Main o Plqus"wil, e he, TH M E Wl~iI S Freshman W omen POINT SYSTEM CHAIRM N
subject taken up at the first meeting I(!mmetigm'cety-n h ws
ofthe advanced course in club rlead Few Miichiigan gradtates of tday' domz of freshman activities, 1\iss Jean Vera 'Wallington, '26, has been ap-
ership held at 7 o'clock tonight in tie have accomplished as much work in 'ailo , a fwmnsae htpointed as the new chairman of the
oceupationalttherlpyioa ar torynOfsire * ;stir on glyin favor of such a lpoint system committee to take the
the new 'University hospital. The siil}r- timeof KatherierBootht'27, wh
ject will b~e taught by Marian Clarke. Worthley Underwood. Besides being plan. lie thing we should (10 is to plaeo ahrn ot,'7 h
,r ., fIae numrber of small unit has resigned to take an assistantship
The clubi leaders course is carried, it linrguist of unusual ability MYrs. inn civt~sjg rsmnoerl- in the Urniversity
on by a branch of the Irniversity Y- (lerwood has addeG ai great deal to YtiveIy mall groups where freshmnen At the regular board of directors
W. C. A. in an attempt to give trajin- the enrichmnent of American literatre enter ij' ) work of their own andI be-1 meeting Saturday morning Miss Booth
ing to those women who intend to be by e rnltoso ihro11-comeCiitei'~sted in doing things withI reported that members of her com-
Ileadlers of high school groups5 after!~konIlrpawitgs each she declared.rite hadvtd every woman's
taught by persons who have had ex- t Mrs. Underwood has also written scv(:cri(d the lack of material, andl espe- i tributed the new activity chart and
perience in club leadership. An ad-! eral novels andI books of poetry, the : cily in leader shir, -which is discov- explainedl the details of the revised
vancd curs isbein gien hisso-most prominent of these being ",on ;s ered about the litme of the freshman I system.
nmester for those women who have from. tle IPlains," which first attracte paageant. it is felt, therefor'e, that The committee feels that the pros-
taken the course before and a new 1press notice to her and charict erize i entering wvomen should at once be in- ent chart will meet the inquiries of
course is beig started for those whohe as i uhro rs as w" erltl eri sm rgnzain Inis women electing activities as it affords
are interested in the work. A meet-hr a aumrolrse i rgnatn. hs
ing ofthe ~as of poetry. Hler prose is described capaity they would learn what is ex- jan imnmediate reference concerning the
,egnnis OU5C iUbeas "spontaneous" and her poetiry Corr- I potedl of theca in their particular t ine, r'esponsibility and type of duties
held Thursday night. tains "spirit" which is probjably (lue -activity, anal! threv wouhl be better connected with each activty at Mich-
-to her wide knowledge of other lang;- prepared to tape up actuia: duties igan. Files kept in the office of the
RIPI ages. The fact that she is ver satile Awen they are admitted the next year. dean of women in conjunction with
OW IIUflfN his shown when the discovery is male Cider the present systeni no fresh- jthe point system, consist of two types,
LLiU u~uo Lu
that immediately after producing "The inan is allorWed Ito participate iu a the organization file and the individ-
D~~Jlance of ia Thousand Veils" she wrotef campus activity until the second se- ual file. The committee suggests that
TOB1EtXH IDITF O PN an article entitled "The Story of Life iliester, and then under certain re- chairmen consult these files in choos-
in the Plant World" for the Asia Mag- si rictious. Ak groat many become dis- ing assistants as a complete record
azine. This contains her theory of cciiaged and (Ironr out, whereas in, may be found of the experience of all
Ulpon consult inig with Pond and !lhybridization. competition with freshmen alone, they women students in camipus activities.
Pond, the Chicago architects who In additioni to being a menmior of! would havo a chance to assert them- The records are also available for
have the contract for the Women'sj the Society of Arts and Sciences, of s lves. Such a plan would mecessit- any student who wishes to kmiow her
league building, it has b~een (definitely the Authors League and of M1odern gate no changtie in the presenrt UTnivm.- record in extra-curricular activities.
decided to build the entire floor p~lanl Lamiguage Association of America, sity ruling, for the freshmen would By request a blank, provided for the
first and if necessary leave some of M~rs. Underwood also bielongs to the ; not he given . active work but wouldI purpose, may be filled out amid sent
the mrooms unfinished rather than at- Modern Humanities Research Asso- holdI a posit ion similar to) an appren.- to a prospective Cnlployer or other.-
tempt to complete one wing and add jcilaion of England. This latter merm- ticeshlip. Not only would this systemr interested which will show what ex-
another at some future date. This I 1 - 3- hi'rnwoOlIh vom r ojilelinto I!nerience up to date the student has


Intramural basketball gaines mnissed f.IiIIIIIIiuuu111111111IiIi11utI11111iu116n.
because of the holiday last week, and CaksF m u rie
because of a misunderstanding of tim lrksFmosCuie
schedule for this week will be played By Vuniiard Line Big New
accordling to the following; schedule: E011mnr
Today, 7:15 o'clock-Zone 7 vs. Gamn- at rates includimng hotels,
ma PiBea udedrives, fees.
nia hi BtaNORWAY AND:
Tomorrow, 7:15 o'clock-Zone 7 vs.!E WSENMIW2ERNA
Zeta Tau Alpha 4'; 7D , 'e)(}to $1250
Saturday, 9: 30 o'clock-CG amnina Pki : S 4"J ancastria" Jnie 30
Beta vs. Phi Sigma Sigmia.2 Includes Lisbon, Spain, Tangier, f
-- . Italy, Riviera, Sweden, Norway:
New err h~il 2Fjords, Scotlamnd, Berlin (Paris,
b~ondomi), repeating 1925 s great:
Y. W. C'. A. conference committee criescs.
meet at 2 o'clock today. 1 -Also-
World Fellowship committee of the Privately conducted European.
{'. W. C. A. meet at 4 o'clock today. tour for women.
The University Girls' Glee club to:: Alf'x -sfo 18
imeet at 4:30 o'clock today. Tr=lWt lakadYu -
w ~Travel Intelligently. t
Tryouts of the editorial staff of the M rs. . E. Cake «
Vlichig;anensiami will report at 2
)'cocktody i the radigRrom ' 1145 Washtenaw Ave.
clok tda inthe radig;roo o i W ho Has Traveled Under the '
,e Press Building. ": Clark Management
Kappa Phi will meet at 5:30 o'clock Poe39
,his afternoon in Wesley hall. C19111111111nnuni ltn

NOTICES Will Give Credit
For4 Riding Class
Regular team practice for the ;raoI- Secondl semnester sophomore women
nate basketball team will be0 held atmyrcieo eao' ynsu
7 o'clock tonight in Parboutr ynamyreivonssn' gymnaiu
siumi. credit or a course of 12 lessons in the
Women who played on a ny class niew ridling classes to be given from I
hockey team during the fail season j to 5 o'clock Mondays and Wednesdays,
are requested to signm up according to and Tuesdays and Tfhursdays, at the
what house they belong to on the fair grounds. TIhe course is open to
poster' on time bulletinboard in Bar-;anwo nofteUirsyndil
hou gynasum.consist of instrumction in the principles
Rehearsals today fomr the Jumnior ( of hiorsemaniship. During the cold
Girls' play will he as follows: timeI weather the classes will ride indoors.
sextette at 4 o'clock, time waltz aiit I Ticketsmyb ucasda abu
Russian Speciality at 5 o'clock, andtIds gymnasiuni at the price of $10 for 12
choruses 11,,It, L, N, and the Castarieor $5 for six ridles.
7 o'clock. I-

plan will be more economical in the tion whichi Mrs. Underwood i3 receiw -
end and will leave the completed ling for her wide kinowvledge of E'turo.-
building a unit structure.I pea-n langu ages.
There are a few minor changes be-
inig made in the original plans cor-1
responding to new conditions, but thel.
niain plan is the same as before. Mrs. I aita to
W. D. Hdendcrson, executive-secretary1
of the Alumnae council, in consult- sasrdyui o
ing with Mr. Pond, expressed1 the wish Isaurd oui
of those in chamrge of time drive that t() .S. ou~-.r rice'


con"act with w omiens activties, hul t it'3
w ould iitiate a gIreatEr amount o f
(-las sArt.
1 1- Y '

u sendU your 3Taunury'
its promrpt,cfien

completetd plans be0 sent to Ann Ar-
bor as soon as possible to go on ex-
hibition. The architects have agreed
to do this and the plans are expected
to be here before April 1.

L U U O. N-10 L AI 0 l. 1 i' JL- .-

and courteous.

One trial wi convince

had in cainnus activti es. This formr
together with the scholarship recorid
furnishes a complete survey 6f the'
student's college life.
Senior XWomen
Seniors who were away for the
week-end and could not orderf
CAPS anti GOWNS, may bec
measuredl today between 2 and
5:30 o'clock, second floor.


A Service- The



The rtLAN Y


204 N. MAIN ST.

DIAL 39161

/ FPLeO'0~L
a(9corr ( [no j ilg

r I. i , -v ~ k 4 8 t '! 'I I





I- - -

1 ..
rx j i f .

'When Old Sol
Shines or
When It ,~ice

vv t _si-ric the atn io nsto t~h t- e ,
Sh'tj pledged more fehintla h
&dc-:t IIiving Gradf.and saved .t:irnte mone'y
than the Tlreasurer by pinni,g her fa itiI
adreputaticn to
1-10-Lr C l:: '1y ifo n
a.s a fi to u *1keen br ans and sound
b d ,sh b yth e l -- cin ts y o u n e e d f& r p e rfe c t n u tr -
tion, balanced to provide the ideal co-mbi-
nation of salts, bran vitains and iron to
build good brain, blood and bore.
Meet Mrs. Matron and-' make your next
7.30 breakfast out of ,hre 2dded Wheat.


Dresses at

A Great Sale This Week,
250 of Them Just Arrived
To meet the demand created for these dresses, whe K
have fortunately secured 250 more in all sizes---.

. , !
, r~
1 i


But they arc not $5.00 Dre ses.

Rainy day clothes are no longer "any old thing." Women
realize the advantage of looking their best regardless of the
weather, so the gay slickers and umbrellas to match are seen
whenever Jupiter Pluvius rules. O~n campus, country lane
and city street, red, green and purple umbrellas hobnob amidst
the glistening rain drops.
Short Bakelite Hlandfles decorated t) iniatchm
lie silk distinguish the newest spring uii brl-
las. Silk cord wrist straps, aniber ,tub and
tips5. Priced $7.50 to $10.00.
N~oveIlly Handle Um11brellas with cigarette ('as,
top fittetd with holder. Red silk with striped(
haorder, $10.00.
$ilk and Linen CIloth 1 uhrelhzis with fancy,
(redarved or decorated ambher hianodles. Colomr se-
lection at $4.50 amid up.
(Main Floor)

Worth many dollars more in style, in workmanship,
in materials. When you see them you will marvel that
they may be sold for $5.00. New Models, Charming,
Colors, Shades, and Tints. Included in the group are
seventy-five evening dresses.

This WXeek We Present the marfest New
Coats for Spring at $1 5.00, $1.9175, $25.00
Shown in the New Colors for Spri~ng
Silk Department



, s i)'L_ l ' ' q s

500 Yards Wash, Tub and F
500 Yards Heavy All Silk
colors, yd ..............
200 Crinkle Bed Spreadls. 81

'adio Silks, $1 .00 YO.
Crepe de Chine, in all
.. . . .. . .$1.39
x~ 90. come i Ros




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