I ESTABLISHED 1890 Y 4w t u 4kv atl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS XXXVI. No. 93 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS C111 H ASEWILL FRI POSTINVAAED BY PU.PHILLIPS AT PRESENT HEAD OF HISTORY DEPARTMENT AT NORTHERN STATE NORXAL SCHOOL GRADUATED IN 1910l Specialized Il History Of Northwest; Has Written Several Books Of Michigan History History of the state of Michigan, considering especially the mining in- dustry, will figure in the courses in recent American history to be given during the second semester by Pro. L. A. Chase, head of the history de- partment at Northern State Normal School at Marquette, Mich., who will conduct the courses in place of Prof. Ulrich B. Phillips who is to study plantation documents of the south. "Mining and agriculture have been neglected," Professor Chase said in an interview, "in research and in text-books. Yet they are all-impor- tant to this part of the country. The automobile industry of Detroit would not exist without the Lake Superior iron field." Professor Chase explained that the steel industries of South Chi-. cago, Cleveland, Toledo, Youngstown, and Pittsburgh also depend for their raw materials on the upper peninsula deposits. Therefore, he said, the his- tory of mining is one of the most val- uable unknown fields.1 Professor Chase graduated from the1 University in 1910, receiving his mas- ter's degree in 1911. He has been atj the Normal school most of the time since then. He has specialized in thea history of the northwest, being par- ticularly interested in industrial de- velopment. His books include "The Government of Michigan" and "Rural Michigan." He is of the opinion that , state history has not received the at- tention it . deserves from research workers, and that it is not generallya well enough knownby the public. The courses Professor Chase is to give include "The United States in recent decades," "The Westward Move- ment," and a seminar, all of which are continuations of courses given pre- viously by Professor Phillips who has been granted a leave of absence. Pro-, fessor Chase said that he has several hundred topics prepared for the grad- uate students in the seminar. Because few colleges or universi- ties, are located near mining centers, according to Professor Chase, re- search workers have been little in- terested in this phase of industrial history. At Marquette, however, there is opportunity to study the subject first hand. In regard to the west- ward movement study, he stated that mineral resources were a strong influ- ence in attracting people from the East. Of a total of 54,000,000 tons of iron produced in the United States in 1924, according to figures which Professor Chase quoted, 44,000,000 were produc- ed in the state of Michigan. Since the opening of the Lake Superior iron de- posits in the '40s, more than one bil- lion tons of iron and a like amount of copper have been taken from mines in Michigan. Concerning the importance of these products to other industries, building, for example, he said that in the Detroit General Motors building 15,000 tons of steel were used, while in the Equitable building in New York, more than 33,000 tons were necessary. Michigan is especially suited for iron production, he continued, be- cause of the ha'rdwood timber avail- able in the upper peninsula. A recent estimate shows that there are more than 45,000,000 boardfeet of standing timber in the upper peninsula. Iron produced in Michigan is of a high quality, due to the fact that charcoal is used to a great extent in its pro- duction instead of coke.j CITY UNIONISTS TO HEAR LITTLE, Members of the Ann Arbor Trades council will hear President Clarence Cook Little in an address on the sub- ject, "Mass Education," before that or- ganization next Friday night at the Y. M. C. A. The address Friday, which will be open to thepublic, will mark the first appearance of a University president before a group of city trade unionistsi as a body.I DIENER WILL INTERVIEW . CO3MITTEE CANDIDATES For the purpose of consulting; more students interested in' work at the Union, William L. Diener, the new president, will be in his office every day for the next two weeks during the examination period from 5 until, 6 o'clock. Another large number of students were interviewed by Diener yesterday. A meeting of the Union ap- pointment committee will be held at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday after- noon for the first consideration of possible committeemen. Defi- nite appointments will not be made until later in the week after every interested applicant has had an opportunity to call at the Union. WILL CONSULT SCHOOL HEADS High school authorities of the state will be consulted on the adop- tion of the new University entrance plan which is being considered by the President's special committee on ad- missions, along lines suggested by. President Clarence Cook Little. At its initial meeting yesterday, the com- mittee decided to take the matter up at a joint meeting with a committee representing the Michigan State Prin- cipals' association which will come to the city next Saturday. At the meeting yesterday, Registrar Ira, M. Smith, chairman of the com- mittee, presented the tentative form of application blank which has been drawn up for use next fall. On this blank entering students will be asked to give detailed information concern- ing their past scholastic record and private life. Methods of putting this information to the most effective use in the student's interest, were dis- cussed by the committee yesterday. The committee will meet again Wed- nesday to make further plans for the joint session with the state principal's committee next week. MINE WORKERS CALL NEW MEET (By Associated Press) PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 23.-Anthra- cite miners and operators will meet again in joint conference in a few days for another battle to end the long coal strike. 'The meeting will be held at the re- I quest of John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers, but the operators already have served notice that the plan on which the call for further conference is based is funda- mentally unsound, and does not afford a satisfactory basis for a contract.. The call for the meeting was ex- pected to be issued from Hazelton, late tonight or early Sunday morning, by Alvin Markle, chairman of the joint conference of operators and miners. Many interests, it was said, had to be criticized before the time and place could be fixed. The conference will be held in New York city next week. President Lewis suggested any coal region city or New York, as the opera- tors preferred. WILL DISCUSS SEA PROJECT "What a Deep Waterway Will Mean to Michigan" will be the subject of an address by John A. Doelle, secre- tary of the Michigan real estate as- sociation and sectional secretary of the Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Tide- water association, at a luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday. The whole program will be given over to realtors, with Carey J. Trem- mel, president of the Ann Arbor real estate board, as chairman. A second number of the club's pro- gram will consist of a number of old time tunes played by Horace Barnard, Ann Arbor's "Old Time Fiddler". McDONALD SETS FLIGHT RECORD (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. - A new world's record speed flight for sea- planes was made today at Langley Field, Va., by Lieut. George C. Mc- Donald, of the army air service, fly- ing a Loening Amphibian airplane tover a 200-kilometer stretch. Three other speed records for air- craft of the seaplane were smashed at the same time. SE1NATE MAKES NEW ATTEMPT T O STAVE PEO-COURT FACTION PRESENTS SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION OF ADHERENCE HAS NEW FEATURES' Modified Proposal Offers Nations In Dispute Recourse To Court By Treaty (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.-With the Senate standing ready to adopt on tMonday its drastic cloture rule which Iwould practically cut off discussion, new negotiations were begun tonight looking to an agreement for limitation of debate on the World Court. This new and eleventh hour effort to stave off a vote on cloture was !launched after leaders of the pro- court forces had offered a substitute resolution of adherence which oppon- ents said met some of the most ser- ious objections they had raised in the + debate which began Dec. 17. The substitute was the result of a long series of conferences among the court advocates, and was offered by Senator Swanson, Democrat, Va., au- thor of the pending resolution. Its chief feature is that recourse to the World Court for settlement of differ- ences between the United States and' other nations could be had only by agreement through general or special' treaties concluded between the nations in dispute. Another amendment to the original resolution provides that the court shall not renderl any adverse opinion except after due notice to all states adhering to the court and to all interested states and after public hearing or opportun- ity for hearing had been given to any state concerned. Still another proviso is that the United States would not be required to depart from its traditional policy of not intruding upon, interfering with, or entangling itself in the polit- ical questions of policy or internal administration of any foreign state, "nor would there be implied," a re- linquishment by the United States of its traditional attitude toward purely 'Pick Members For Midwest Debate Class I Twenty men were selected for the smid-west intercollegiate debate class from a large group of tryouts yes- terday. Six of this class will be sel- ected to represent Michigan in the Mid-west debates, which will be held March 19. The affirmative team will debate Illinois here, while the nega- tive team will debate at Wisconsin. Those selected yesterday were: John R. Boland, Jr., '27, Edwin D. Brown, '28, Willian L. Diener, '26, Richard V. Donahoe, '28, George A. Douglass, '26, J. 3. Friedman, '27, W. N. Gall, '28, E. J. Ha ris, '27, James T. Herald, '28, M. J. Iudson, '28, Hugo! R. Hustad, '26, Monroe C. Lippman, '26, Maxwell M. Merritt, '27, Robert S. Miller, '27, Raymond Olson, '27, Richard T. Savage, '28, Earl Sawyer, '27, Albert Stern, '27L, Myron Wine- garden, '27, and Ezra P. Young, '26. Those named to the class will meet G. E. Densmore at 3 o'clock today in the student activities room in the Union to arrange hours for the meet- ing of the class. This must be done before the examinations start, Mr. Densmore said, and for this reason those who do not come to the meeting today will be in danger of being drop- ped from the class. O0PERA SELECT IONS TO BE BROADCAST! Lloyd, Kelsey, Waite, and Bishop Will Speak On Bi-Weekly Radio Program ORCHESTRA TO PLAY Selections from "Tambourine" and talks by four members of the faculty will be broadcast on the regitlar Michigan Night radio program from 9 to 10 o'clock Tuesday. The program will be transmitted from the radio room in University hall and broadcast from WJ'R, the Jewett Radio and Pho- nograph company of Pontiac, and WCX, the Detroit Free Press station. COMMITTEE SETS TIME FOfl J-HOP OPENING MARCH FIRST EVENT TO BE AT 9:30; FINAL PLANS COMPLETED FOR BROADCASTING WILL FILM PARTY Detroit Paper To Take Movies During Evening; Each Booth Will Supply Own Punch Cups Announcement was made by the J- Hop committee last night that the 1927 J-Hop will begin at 9:30 o'clock on the night of Feb. 5. The grand march will be one of the first events of the evening, followed by the forma- tion of the traditional block "M"; it is expected that over 1500 people will participate in forming the initial. A photograph of the human "M" will be taken and rushed to Detroit in' order to have the cut of the picture back in time to appear in the Satur- day morning Daily J-Hop extra. Three orchestras of national promi- nence will play for the Hop. Ray Miller's 14-piece organization of Brunswick fame, and Zez Confrey's orchestra that has been recording reg- ularly for the Victor Talking Machine company, will furnish the music in Waterman gymnasium. The Royal Canadians, who are well-known here through their weekly broadcasting programs from the Music Box in Cleveland, will play in Barbour gym- nasium. Miller's organization is re- puted to be the only jazz orchestra which has appeared on the White House lawn in Washington; they have appeared in practically all of the lead- ing colleges and universities in the East at various social functions. The decoration scheme, which was designed by J. Dale Darling, '26E, is of a futuristic nature, and features color contrast as the main theme. The scheme is being worked out in detail by the George M. Johnson com.n pany of Detroit, and is under the sup- ervision of Kenneth A. Michel, '27A. Each of the 53 booths is included in the general plan of decorations, and the lines of the design run into a huge motif at the end of the gym under which the patron booth will be placed.- Darts of color will flood the dance- floor at various times during the eve- ning. Ban Intoxicants Doormen have orders, it was of - ficially announced last night, to re- fuse entrance to anyone coming to the Hop in an intoxicated condition. This is in accordance with the stand taken by the committee against liquor in any form at the prominent Jur or social affair. The Health service has ruled that punch this year must be served in paper cups. These are to be fur- nished by each booth, the committee states, and the committee will serve the punch. Favors ,eady Hop Week Favors and programs will be ready for distribution the week of the Hop, beginning at 2 o'clock Tuesday, from the side desk in the lobby of the Union. The program, which is a 30 page af- fair, is enclosed in the favor. There will be a page in the dance booklet for each dance, and the program will be decorated in maize and blue colors. Furniture for the various booths must be in the gym by 3 o'clock the I day of the Hop. A floor lamp and any necessary bulbs are to be fur- nished by each booth; all wiring will be done by the committee. The gyms will be closed after 3 o'clock for the exclusive use of the decoration and floor committee. Beginning at 10:30 o'clock the night of the Hop, the music will be broad- casted through WWJ, the Detroit News station, and it is expected this will continue until the close of the Iaffair at 3 o'clock. Movies will also be taken of the event during the course of the evening by the same organization. New Students To Classify Feb. 5 Gieseking To Give Recital Here Tuesday As the fifth number on its program, the Choral union will present Walter Gieseking, famous German pianist, in a recital at Hill auditorium at 8 o'clock, Tuesday, January 26. Mr. Gieseking, who has been playing in Europe for several years as a concert 'pianist, recently arrived in New York. Not only is Mr. Gieseking a pianist of distinction in the field of classical music, but he is also fond of foxtrots and other popular pieces. On board the Berengaria during his recent voy- age to America, according to the Lon- don Evening News, "after thrilling hundreds of people at a ship's con- cert with classical masterpieces, he delighted dancers hours after the band had stopped by playing foxtrot after foxtrot in perfect syncopation." This versatility should make his program in Ann Arbor of wide appeal for his audience. Dr. Albert A. Stanley of the school of music, who has heard him severalc times in Europe recommended Mr. Gieseking as a pianist of ability, and it was largely through his efforts that the Ann Arbor management was abler to contract for Mr. Gieseking's ap- 1 pearance here several months before his proposed American tour was mader publicly known.1 His recital will include Schuman'sI "Kreislerania" Op. 1, "Partita Num-1 ber 1 B Flat Major" by Bach, and ar group of 12 preludes by Debussy. C COMING SPEKE COUNSELS PEACE t Dr. S. Parkes Cadman To Speak Here c Feb. 2, Advocates World Plan t For Lasting Peacef WAS TRAINED IN LONDON Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, hailed as thea greatest preacher-lecturer since Hen- ry Ward Beecher, will give the seventhI lecture of the Oratorical associationr season course at 8 o'clock, Feb. 2, int Hill auditorium. "The Dawn of a t New Day" will be his subject. t His address will come during the examination period, but the lecture committee expressed the belief yes- terday that the great majority of stu- dents and faculty members will takel this opportunity of hearing the notedr churchman because his pressing du- ties prevent his coming here at anyc other date.t Of English parents, Doctor Cadman1 received his training and education in London, but came to the United States in 1890 to begin his career. He at- tended Wesleyan college, Richmond,r London, and while there built up an I enviable reputation as an orator andt as a thinker in theological lines. His scholarship was of the highest grade, and he won much distinction while in school.t His present church and parish in Brooklyn, N. Y, are the centers of a I ministry said to be unsurpassed for' intellectual range and spiritual in-! sight. Many hail Doctor Cadman. as one of the prophets of his age. The strenuous duties of his large parish and his position as head of the Fed-i eration of Churches do not permit him to give much time to lecture work. His three pastorates in New York city cover a space of 30 years. Recently, Doctor Cadman has gained prominence through his utterances in behalf of a world plan to establish' lasting and universal peace, and his s -'ements have been widely published by magazines and newspapers and commented upon by editorial writers. In "The Dawn of a New Day", Doc- tor Cadman considers the question of lasting peace, and gives his ideas of attaining it. He has studied the ques- tion of war from all angles, and un- like many advocates of "world peace , he dispenses with radical .statements ' and confines himself to logical rea- soning. Doctor Cadman' is now at the top of his powers as a thinker, a speaker, and an author, church authorities say. Scientific and literary cirtics have re-, ceived his books and articles with the warmest appreciation. His utterances' from the platform have been char-' -acterized as those of a Christian' astatesman. An occasional flash of wit and humor,' tends to make "his lec- ture most interesting to his audiences. Among his well known writings are: "Ambassadors of God", "The Three Religious Leaders of Oxford." "Charles LA Of FAMi ID L B E S BELL pA1s sIN :L6I uM; PRIMAT S 6 5 £E American questions. To the original five Harding-Hughes- Coolidge reservations, there also is added another, that the United States may, at any time withdraw from the court. Members Of Mimes Agadin Pay Tribute To Dorothv Stone While moving picture cameras click- ed away hundreds of feet of film back- stage at the new Detroit Opera house' Friday night after the performance of "Stepping Stones," members of Mimes personally paid tribute to Dorothy Stone, the star, whom they elected an honorary member of their number last fall. After Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, had made fitting complimentary remarks to the only woman member of Mimes and had presented her with a Mimes link in the form of a bar-pin in be- half of the organization, Miss Stone reciprocated with a large photograph of herself in her "Peter Pan" costume. Several still photographs, as well as moving pictures, were then taken of Miss Stone and Roy Hoyer, and Miss Stone, her father, Fred Stone, and! the Mimes members. During the fin- ale of the performance, she wore a large maize and blue bouquet whichl had been presented to her by Mimes. Miss Stone wrote the prologue andl designed the costumes for the pre-I liminary scene of "Tambourine," while Mr. Hoyer arranged all of the dances for this year's opera. More than 80 men and women students of the Uni- versity attended Friday night's perfor- mance. MILAN.-Prince Nicolas of Rumania arrived here recently from Paris, held' a telephone conversation with his elder brother, former Crown Prince Carol, and then left for Trieste. The Michigan Union Opera company will furnish the musical numbers picked from this year's opera. The student orchestra will play the over- ture and the accompaniments for the soloists and choruses. The soloists will be Russell Gohring, '26, singing "Romany Rose" and "Azure Skies,"} and Burl L. Norton, who will sing "April Days," and Barre Hill, '26, who will sing "The Cameo." In all these numbers, the chorus will be sung by the members of the company, who will also sing the first act finale of "Son- ya." Speakers listed on the program are Prof. Francis V. Kelsey, director of' the University Near East research,. DEan Alfred H. Lloyd of the Graduate. school, William W. Bishop, University. litrarian, and Prof. John B. Waite of the Law school. Dean Lloyd will open the program with a discussion of the spirit of the University and how this spirit must! express itself. Professor Kelsey will tell of the excavations made by the University expedition on the site of Antioch of Pisidia, in Asia Minor. "The Abdul Hamid Manuscripts" is the subject on which Mr. Bishop will speak. He will explain the import- ance of this library of Turkish, Arabic, and Persian manuscripts, and the man- ner in which it was acquired by the University in 1924. 1 Professor Waite will discuss the re-l lation of concealed weapons and crime and the necessity for federal action to prevent the sale of guns by mail order houses. The Ann Arbor high school debating team, having successfully defeated Sthree of her four opponents, Pontiac, Albion, and Highland Park, will enter the elimination debate series. Her fin- al preliminary debate will be with Lansing, on Feb. 12. Ypsilanti has. also weathered the preliminary ser- ies and will be entered in the elimina- tion contests. CARDINAL MEBCIER SUCCUMBS PEACEFULLY AS FAMILY SURROUNDS BED EXPIRED AT 3 P.M. Funeral To Be Thursday At Malines; Plans For National Services To Be Made Later (By Associated Press) BRUSSELS, Jan. 23.-Cardinal Mer- cier, primate of Belgium, died at 3 o'clock this afternoon, and the passing of the great patriot and great church- man was announced by the tolling of bells throughout the land. He died peacefully, with eyes fixed upon the crucifix and surrounded by his family. The funeral will take place at Malines on Thursday, and the body will be transported there to- night. It will lie in state in the arch- episcopal residence. The holding of national funeral services will be de- cided upon by the council of minis- ters. Half an hour before the end, the Cardinal's mind, which has been ex- traordinarily clear and keen, began to fil. Breathing became difficult, and exactly at 3 o'clock his head fell for- ward slightly as he expired. In the last hours, Cardinal Mer- cier grasped the hand of Brother Hu- bert, who had so long and so faith- fully watched over him, and with Hu- bert,'s hand in his, the Cardinal, breathed his last. A nun held the other hand, in which she had placed a lighted candle. King. Albert and Prince Leopold came to St. Jean Clinic, when they learned of the passing of the Cardi-, nal, and remained for several min- utes silently beside the bier,. where the body lay clothed in ceremonial robes. Prior to this, Burgomiaster Max came personally to record the death of his ancient war-time ally. Died At Peace With World. Cardinal Mercier died as he had lived, at peace with men of good will, but fighting grimly against the in- roads of insidious disease for weeks with the same resolute and undaunt- ed. courage with which he had faced the enemies of his country during four long years of occupation, for this prince of the church, above all men, was the spirit incarnate of the Belgian people unbroken under the German military heel. During the 74 years of his well- filled life, he lived to all the pre- cepts of the gospel, but was no pas- sive martyr. "The Scripture says that when smit- ten on the left cheek, we must turn the right," he once remarked to Brand Whitlock, the American minister in the days of 1915, when the German general von Bissing kept him virtual- ly a prisoner in his palace at Malines, "but It lays "down no rule about what we must do thereafter." How the great prelate interpreted that omission all the world knows. The Cardinal's principal interest in life since the war had been his work to bring the High Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church closer together, and although nothing of a concrete character wasaever accom- plished, he had not altogetherlost hope of eventually realizing an aim which was very dear to him. Tickets Available For Union Opera's Last Performance Applications for tickets to the J- Hop performance of "Tambourine," Saturday afternoon, Feb. 6, are still ava'llable at the'house manager's office of the Union. This will be the final presentation of the 1925 Union opera, and, judging from the number of tick- ets already sold, the Whitney theater will be packed for the special matinee offering. Mimes decided upon a J-Hop per- formance of the opera this year only after the production scored undisput- ed' success on the eastern tour this winter. Press comments and dram- atic reviewers throughout the Middle SWac.+nn. A '' PQ+ anarnro 11 nnlrari University To Be Honored For Work Being Done Here In Dutch History Students entering the literary col- lege at the beginning of the second se- mester will be given opportunity to classify from 8 to 5 o'clock, Feb. 5, it was announced at the recorder's of- fice yesterday. Election cards will also be received at that time from students who failed to complete class- ification during the past week. I In recognition of the work of the University in aiding studies of Dutch tory of Netherlands, are attempting toI have courses in that subject taught ; - 1 _- A - " n-crocili -mot at