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March 02, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-03-02

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 112





Stefan Kozakevich, Jussia n Baritone,
To Enact Leading Role As Hakim
Omar KIayyam
In an effort to give a view of the
talent of all nations, the Cosmopoli-
tan club will present its third annual
"International Night" program at Sj
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium.
Tickets, priced at 50 and 75 cents, may
be procured throughout the day at
Graham's, Slater's and Wahr's book-
stores or from any member of the
club, and after 7:30 o'clock at the box
office at the auditorium.
The production har been written
and directed by Prof. A. D. Moore, of
the Colleges of Engineering and Ar-
chitecture, and Mrs. Moore, who havej
tried to arrange a book that would
make the story the important thing in


Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, of the
public speaking department, wh
will coach the Michigan debate
team on its trip to England in
May, announced last night that
eliminations have reduced the
list of men trying out for the in-
ternational team to eight.
The following men have been
retained: Elmer Salzman, '27L,
E. R. Gomberg, '27, Thomas V.
Koykka, '27, John H. Elliott, '26,
harry L. Gervais, '27, Howard E.
Wahrenbrock, '27, Gerald E.
White, '27, and Burton B. Sibley,
A week from tomorrow night
at 7:30 o'clock the above men
will again give 10 minute speech-
es in the elimination series.



More Than 2"Ni Students Enrolled To
Date; Coach Yost Will Speak At
Banquet In Union

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ay, and that would at the same With more than .225 delegates en- I
ind places for a number of in- rolled to date, the fifth annual conven- I
al acts.o.e
was the case last year, Stefan tion of the Michigan Interscholastic
evich, a Russian baritone, will ( Press association will open here Fri-
a in the leading role of Hakim , day morning. This number will be at
Kayyam and will storm the record, as in previous years no more
of Henda, the modernist, June than 150 have attended.
y Simpson, '25. Derek van Os- The program, partly announced be-
ggen, grad., will play the part fore, has been completed. An addi-
Baba, while Morgiana's cos- tional speaker will be Prof. W. D.
will be worn by Phyllis Lough- Henderson, director of the University
8. Lillian Bronson, '26, will extension division, who will talk at
he part of Ali Baba's niece, Saw- the banquet at the Union Friday night
he scene will be a Persian gar- on "The Cloak and the Book." Shir-
nd the story of Henda Omar is ley W. Smith, secretary of the Univer-,
ented, bringing in proverbial sity, has been selected as toastmaster
ifeves." for this banquet, at which Coach
incidental performers are also Fielding H. Yost will give the princi--
headed by Kozakevich, who will pal address, his subject Weing, "The
4 number of songs including De- Road to Securing the Greatest Value 1
's "Evening Fair," Strauss' "To- From Competitive Athletics."
Ew," Hahn's "We Two,"Leh- One of the major features of the
s "In a Persian Garden" and a convention is the contest which will
with his sister, Anna Sufieva be in four divisions for the four types I
evich, entitled, "La Lira d'Italia" of publications: weeklies, bi-weeklies, C
Campana. monthly magazines, and annuals.
ther offering will be made by Each publication will be placed in1
Jalmuzynski, a ballet dancer class A. B. or C according to the en- N
as appeared with Pavlowa, and rollment of the high school. Schoolsc
will dance a Polish national having enrollments under 500, be-C
on this program. Jalmuzynski tween 500 and 1000, and over 1000 will
raduate of the Russian School thus be separated. Members of the
let and appeared for a time with journalism department and students!
ileff's Ballet company touring experienced on publications will be
ties of England and Europe. He the judges, Prof. John Brumm, of the
v master of ballet in a Detroit journalism department, being ins
g school. charge.
uartet chosen from the "40 The Ann Arbor Times-News andt
s" and directed by Philip La The Daily are donating cups for
S. of M., will not only have a prizes, and others will be given for
n the music, but will provide the first places if they can be procured.
.y as well. China will shake Other winners will be presented with1
with the Highlands when Beng certificates.
ives his impersonation of Harry Schools are sending groups of dele-,
r. The Girls' Glee club, clad ii gates numbering from 1 to 30, Detroit
al costumes, will represent a Northern having the high numberf
of Persian maidens and will named, their entire staff, attending.
Lindy Lou" by Strickland and iThe convention this year is under the
an's "Indian Mountain Song." auspices of the journalism department,
Bronson and Miss Simpson will and Sigma Delta Chi, national profes-,
a special dance, while Alfred sional journalistic fraternity. Theta
, grad., will entertain as a Sigma, professional journalistic so-t
ian. Reginald Eastlake is to be rority, is assisting.
nader, and Graham Chen, grad., IMany round table discussions heavez
e pl yer. Toyozo Nakarai will been planned between the assemblyt
vhat s said to be the first exhi- meetings Friday and Saturday. A I
of oriental swordsmanship in group in editorial writing will be led
ca. Dale Shafer will play the by Norman R. Thal, '26L, editor o 1
f Hasan Ben Sabbah. The Daily; one in news gathering and
ert Y. Chew, '27Ed, is general writing by Howard P. Jones, of the 1
nan of the production. The journalism department; one in fea-
g is under the supervision of ture writing by Prof. John Brumn, of
ssor Moore, A. J. Logan, grad., i the journalism department; one in i
V. H. McClure, '28. Yo Kawa- sports writing by Joseph Kruger,
'26, is in charge of the cos- shorts editor of The Daily; and one[
while Mrs. F. L. Schneider will in make-up and display by George W.
or the music. Davis, managing editor of The Daily.-
_ ___Professor Brumm will lead a groupj
of faculty advisors in a discussion on.
plcations L Fro general problems and Donald Hamil-
D ton Haines, novelist and magazinej
rease JanceA re w riter, will talk on magazine publi-
Beino Distributed 1cation.
BtJoseph Finn, '26, and Tom Olmstead,.
- y j'27, of The Daily business staff and
plications for tickets to the Byron Parker, '26, business manager
e Law dance to be held March of The Daily, will talk on subjects re-
e now available and may be se-- lating to advertising and accounting.,
from committeemen at either Discussion on annuals will be con-
,aw school or Lawyers' club ducted by Allin B. Crouch, '26, manag-
d Lucien Lane, '26L, genera ling editor of the 'Ensian, and his as-}
man of the affair yedterday. He sistants.
stated that the Lawyers' club _ _ _
al dance scheduled for March 12 LENINGRAD. - Captain Roald
been postponed until April 30. ' Amundsen, is expected to arrive this I

C"Ihi.cagoan To MLO POE
Give Lecture MLO POE
Prof. Anton J. Carlson, of the phy~
siological department of the UniverR
sity of Chicago, will discuss "Prob
lemsa in Organotherapy" at 8 o'clock l
Thursday night in Natural Science a- SAYS PUBLIC HAS MADE ViP ITS
ditorium as the second lecturer on the MIND FOR OR AGAINST
course being given under the auspicesPROHIBITION
of Alpha Omega Alpha, national hon-
orary medical society. ASSISTANT OBJECTS
Professor Carlson, who is regard-
ed as one of the foremost physiolo-r
gists in this country today, came here Coiiteds Proposed Inquiry Would
from Sweden in 1891. He obtained his Io Muchl To Quiet Public iiid
master and bachelor degrees in sci-( And Ad In Enforcement Work
ence at Augustana college in 1898 and
'99 and in 1903 he was made doctor (By Associated Press)
of philosophy by Leland Stanford WASHINGTON, March 1.-Appoint-
university. ment of a presidential commission to
During the next two years, the pro- conduct an investigation into the gen-
fessor was research assistant at Car- eral effect of the prohibition amend-
negie Institute and instructor at ment was proposed today by Assist-
Woods Hole laboratory. In 1905 he ant Secretary Andrews, in charge of
was made assistant professor of physi- enforcement, but it was immediatey
ology at the University of Chicago and 1 frowned upon by Secretary Mellon.
four years later was promoted to a Expressing the hope that the in-
full professorship, a position he still quiry started today by the house al-
holds. coholic liquor traffic committee into
Professor Carlson was a lieutenant- prohibition would result in such a
colonel in the sanitary corps of the recommendation, Mr. Andrews, speak-
United States army during the last ing informally, said it would do much
war. In 1919 he served as a sanitary Ito quiet the public mind and aid en-
officer with the American Expedition- forcement work. Secretary Mellon
ary Forces in Germany. took an opposite view on the proposal
He is president of the American of his chief enforcement officer, how-
Physiological society and a fellow of ever, expressing the opinion that the
the American Association for the Ad- public has made up its mind either
vancement of Science. He is a con- for or against prohibition- and such
tributor to both American and German an investigation would -be of little
physiological journals. help.
Mapping out plans for its study of
the effect of the operation of the 18th
amendment, the house committee to-
nday decided to call Mr. Andrews as
its first witness, probably next Mon-
day. Chairman Hudson indicated the
B 0 0 YINS 1proposal of the assistant secretary
might be endorsed after a preliminary
inquiry by the committee.j
CourtStatAnotherviewpoint, however, wasex-
Supreme cu eMichigan's pressed by Wayne D. Wheeler, gen-
Long Acquiescence Establishes eral counsel of the Anti-Saloon league
Wisconsin's Control of America.
"Congressional leaders are not in-
SOUTHERLAND OPINES clined to authorize any new commis-
[sion to investigate the results of pro-
(By hibition," he said. "A congressional
(Ny Assocated ress) committee is the usual one to investi-
WASH~IN'GTON7, arh 1. - The gate conditions on which congress
present boundary line between Wis- acts. The alcoholic liquor traffic com-
consin and Michigan from Lake Su- mnittee is making an investigation and
perior to the middle of Lake Michigan this is all that will be done at this
will remain unchanged, under a de- session."
delvem red byagd ureni- Nevertheiss, the senate judlary
cision delivered today by the Supreme committee has decided to hear next
court. Monday the proposals of Senators
The line was attacked by Michigan, Edge, Republican, andl Edwards, Dem-
who contended that considerable ter- ocrat, of New Jersey, and Bruce, Dem-
ritory between the Montreal and Me- ocrat, Maryland, for amendment of the
nominee rivers, now within Wiscon- Volstead Act. These senators are in--
sin, properly belonged to her, that sistent on a general public hearing
there should be a redistribution of by this or a select committee on the
islands in the Menominee river and whole subject of prohibition enforce-
that the boundary through Green Bay ment.
should be moved south so as to give Unwilling to make an estimate of
her several islands now under the the effect of the prohibition law him-
jurisdiction of Wisconsin. self, Mr. Andrews deplored today the
Justice Southerland, who delivered "increasing number of wild state-
the opinion, stated that whatever ments," and expressed the opinion
might have been the merits of Michi- that, if proper enforcement were to
gan's contentions, her long acquies- 1be possible, the public mind must be
cence had established the right of quieted. Mr. Mellon, on the other
Wisconsin's dominion over the land hand, held that the public generally
in controversy. For over 60 years knew the facts about prohibition and
Wisconsin has exrecised undisputed was in a position to obtain any in-
sovereignty over the land, he pointed formation which a general committee
out, and it is now too late to go into might.
technical questions as to what her -
,rights originally may have been. {Opeain M d
For its convenience in analyzing perution ade
the dispute, the court divided the On Tv Cobb's Eye
boundary line in controversy into I
three parts, first, that from the mouth
of the Montreal river to the Menomi- (By Associated Press)
nee, second, the Menominee river, and j BALTIMORE, March 1.-Ty Cobb,
third, the line through Green Bay manager of the Detroit American
from the mouth of the Menominee League baseball club, uderwent a
river to the middle of Lake Michigan. successful operation for removal of a
Michigan's contentions in each of small growth from his left eye today.
these sectors was fully presented by Dr. William Holland Wilmer, who
the court, which refused to disturb performed the operation at .the Wil-
the boundary that, it stated, had been mer Eye Clinic of Johns Hopkins

Purue ....... 4 .634
Uictig11 ....... 4 .600)
Illinois ...........6 4 .600
Iowa ............. 6 4 .600
Indiana ..........5 4 .556
I Wisconsin ........4 6 .400
Chicago ..........4 7 .396
SNorthwestern .... 3 6 .333
Minnesota....... 2 6 .250
Today's Game
Northwestern at Indiana.I
Memitbers l)ecide To Kee Organ iza.
tion In' Campus Elections Despite
Report f Inquiry Cominittee
After lengthy debate yesterday
afternoon, the members of the Ora-
torical Board declined the reommuen-
dation of its reorganization committee
to take the Oratorical association out
of campus elections and made the or-
ganization one of limited members
rather than an all-campus body. The
majority of those present at the meet-
ing expressed the belief that although
minor changes should be made in the
constitution, no radical plans suc as
proposed by the committee should be
I put into operation.
The committee recommended that
the association withdraw from campus
elections, so that the organization
could have behind it a more unified
group. It was suggested that the as-
sociation be an active one with a con.
trolling board made up of members
of the public speaking faculty. The
president, recording secretary, and
first assistant treasurer were to be
elected by the student members, while
I the treasurer and financial manager
were to be chosen by the controlling
Membership was to be of three kinds
according to the recommendations:
Active, which would include members
of literary societies or any other so-
cieties wiskimng to affiliate with the or-
ganization, controlling board members,
students, faculty members, and citi-
zens of Ann Arbor who should meet
the membership requirements; hon-
orary, as selected; and patron mem-
bers selected from the lecture course
ticket purchasers. It was also sug-
gested that the meetings be social
in nature with programs. The debate
committee was to be composed of the
chairman of the Board, financial man-
i ager, three non-student members, and
four faculty members. The lecture
committee was to be made up of the
same personnel.
Action was delayed on some of the
recommendations, but the only change
that was acceptable to the members
as a whole was a reorganization of the
lecture committee to effect a student
representation. At the present time
the committee comprises only faculty
members, but a new plan which is be-
ing considered would add three stu-
dents to it.
Sickness Defers
Locarno Lecture



Educator Will
T ell -Science's
Effect In East
Influences which were exerted on
a 10th century environment by the in-
trdouction of 20th century scientific
methods and instruments will be dis-
cussed by Dr. C. H. Robertson, scien-
tist and educator, in his talk on "The1
Scientific Awakening of Chimma" this
afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in Natural
Science auditorium. Dr. Robertson is
now engaged in a lecture tour on
some of the more recent practical dis-
coveries of science as well as explain-
ing what 25 years of scientific impact
has done on the thinking of the
Since the Boxer rebellion, Dr. Rob-j
ertson has been in China, going there1
at the request of Dr. John R. Mott,
then the head of the student section
of the international committee of the
I Y. M. C. A. Dr. Robertson arrived
there in 1902 before the reform move-
ment had set in and long before the,
Manchu dynasty was overthrown. An
illustration of the advanced and pro-l
gressive character of his work is
shown by the fact that he began radio
lectures in China in 1906 when Mar-1
coni has sent his first wireless mess-s
age less tlhan four years previous.
While an undergraduate at Purdue1
university, Dr. Robertson was one of
her greatest athletes, being captain of
1 three major teams and twice chosenI
on all-Western elevens. Following
F graduation, he became an instructor
Onl the engineering faculty, but het
soon left to take up his work in
China. le has developed a series of ?
practical demonstrations onscientific
and educational subjects which have
been given many times to the stu-
eits in Shanghai and other places in
Dr. Robertson has lectured in most
of the leading universities in America,
Europe and the Orient. A few of the'°
most imoprtant that he has visited
are the following: Chicago, Califor-
nia, Wisconsin, Columbia, and Johns
Hopkins, St. John's university at
Shanghai, Pedigogical Institute of
Samara and Moscow university.
Hackett Talks
K To Council On
Delegates of the Interfraternity
council .who met yesterday afternoon
in the Union heard addresses by Nor-
man -ackett, the actor, and Joseph
A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
Mr. Hackett, spoke on "General
Problems of General Fraternities."
He emphasized the need of complete
participation in local interfraternity
councils and adherence to the Na-
tional Interfraternity conference, cit-
ing several cases in which both na-I
tional and local organizations have
done great service.
He related the story of an attempt
made two years ago by the legislature
of 'Texas to abolish all fraternities
within the state's borders, describing
how the conference saved the situa-
tion. Mr. Hackett made a plea for
strict observation of liquor enforce-
ment, lest the entire fraternity cause
-should suffer because of the breach
of a few unrepresentative houses. I
Dean Bursley read a list of fra- I
ternities compiled in relation to pro-
hibition on the campus. Thirty-one
houses, he announced, have chosen the
student plan suggested by President
Little; nineteen have indicated the
faculty plan-but by no means all of
-Ithese have so far secured the consent
of those faculty members whom they
r have selected as representatives, it
. was pointed out by the Dean; three
houses have chosen the proctor sys-
itme, and three have submitted no re-c

lUp until a late hour last night,
The Daily was unable to obtain
the result of the Michigan-Minne-
sota hockey game that was play-
ed at Minneapolis.


Maize And Blue Cagers Get 11 Points
At Start, Holding Opponents at
Bay; Half Ends 13-11
1.--Purdue replaced Illinois in the
leadershap of the Western Confer
ence basketball race here tonight
when the Boilermaters emerged
victorious against the Illhi 28-23
in a close contest.
By s1~nn Kolicbi,
Sports Editor, Daily Cardinal '
MADISON, March L-In the most
thrilling and closest fought basket-
ball game of the season, the Michigan
cage five took an overtime Icontest
from the faltering Badger quintet by
a score of 24 to 23, which keeps the
Wolverines in the Big Ten race.
The game was an exciting one and
not until the gun went off after the
overtime period, was the contest de-
cided. With three minutes of the
regular time to go the Wolverines led
b1y a score of 21 to 16, but with rapid
baskets by Merkel, Hotchkiss and
Behr, Wisconsin knotted the score.
In the five minute overtime, after
several shots were missed by both
teams, Captain Doyle caged a one-
hand shot. Chambers then fouled
Hotchkiss, who sank his counter. Har-
rigan, however, put the Maize and
Blue two points ahead when he sank
a free throw. With 10 seconds left, to
play, Chambers fouled Behr. He miss-
ed his first toss and rang the second
one as the gun went off-falling short
by a point of tieing the score.
The Michigan five started with a
rush and in the first ten minutes of
play garnered 11 points while the
Badgers were held at bay by a fierce
and stubborn defense. However, the
Meanwell short pass system started
to function and the half ended with
the Wolverines two points in the lead,
13 to 11.
For Michigan, Captain Doyle at
center and Harrigan were the heroes,
Doyle taking the tip-off every time
and giving his team the offense while
Harrigan performed well at guard,
keeping Behr, the Badger scoring ace,
scoreless until the final minute of the
game, when he knotted the count. The

Chambers, rf...........0
Reece, if1..............1
Doyle, c ...............2
Harrigan, rg ............ 2
Ginn, Ig................2
Andrews, rf.............,0
Hotchkiss, if ............ 1
Behr, c. ................ 1
Barnum, rg.............1
Merkel, lg ......... ... 1
Harget, rf.............. 1
Nelson, rf............... 2
Brooks, c............... 0
Powers, rg ............. 0

G F.T. Pts.
1 1
4 6
3 7
1 5
1 5
k10 24
G. F.T. Pts.
0 0
5 7
1 3
0 2
1 3
0 2
2 6
0 0
O v
9 23


Postponement of the lecture on
"Locarno And After" by Prof. James
T. Shotwell, of Columbia university,
announced for Thursday afternoon in
Natural Science auditorium, has been
necessitated'by Dr. Shotwell's illness.
I Officers of the League of Nations
. Non-Partisan association, sponsoring
the meeting, received word Sumnday
- that Dr. Shotwell is suffering from
a severe attack of influenza and has


....... 7

Referee, Schommer, Chicago; Um-
pire, Maloney, Indianapolis.

marked and recognized by both states hospital, pronounced the Georgia been compelled to cancel a series of
for more than 60 years. Peach's condition satisfactory. addresses in this part of the country.
Campus Drinking On The Decline, Student
Investigators Report; Indicate Solution

That drinking among University j
students has decreased markedly'
since prohibition was the essence of I
the final report of the commission of
members of the student guilds of six r
Ann Arbor churches, delivered last
night in Lane hall. The commission,
under the direction of George A. r
Douglas, '26, student chairman, has
been investigating the campus liquor;
question for the past ten days. 1
The guild representatives, however,
in last night's meeting, insisted that
the question was still one to a'rouse
concern, and indicated their belief
that the .arousal of student opinion I
through publication of the fact, was
the logical solution of the problem. l

those in fraternities. It was found I!throw of the campus, where liquor
that in rooming houses where up- j can be obtained. They also reported
wards of a half-dozen studentsre- positively that several students are
sided, that drunkenness was plractic- 1 bootlegging their way through school.
ally inevitable. The investigation re- The student body in general was
vealed that practically every fratern-j.e
ity possessed rules against drinking, accused of not giving the local polc
and that few rigidly enforced then. force moral support in the removal of
Some organizations provided for ex- intoxicated persons from the Ferry
pulsion of recalcitrants, while othersj field stands during football games.
levied a fine. They attributed this misplaced sym-
Few women students drink, the pathy, however, to mob impulse rath-
commission found, estimating that er than to any reasonable feeling.
less than 5 per cent of that group in- They reported that the liquor sit
dulged in intoxicating liquors at any F nation on the campus is in reality
time. Jean Hamilton, dean of women, i better than it appealrs, giving as their
reported that very few women ap- reasons the fact of a changing con-
pear before her to answer a charge ception concerning intoxication. They

Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the political
science department left Ann Arbor
yesterday afternoon for Baltimore,
Maryland, where he' will remain for
three weeks delivering six lectures at
Johns Hopkins university on the sub-
ject, "The Historical Development of
International Law."
These lectures will constitute the
fifteenth course of the James Schouler
Lectureship inhistory and political
science. This lectureship was-found-
ed in 1908 by Dr. James Schouler, of
Boston, who had lectured at Johns
Hopkins annually since 1891. He an-
nounced his purpose to found a per-
manent lectureship in the university
which should be known as the "Jame.
Schouler Lectureship in History and

This postponement has been made in
order that there be no conflict be-
tween the two dances.
The meon from whoum the applica-
tions can be secured are Fred P. Bain-
berger, '26LI Fred R. Walter, '26L,
and Francis J. Gallagher, '26L. The
tickets for the dance will be distri-
huted on: Monday and Tuesday. March

month to superintend the construction
of the runway from which his air-
planes will take off.

our htheMan


Dean Bursley urged that all houses Political Science."
not yet having settled on a plan come ed the wish that
to some conclusion as soon as possible, given annually, if
but asked further that no fraternity persons of promis
choose any of the plans unless it sel ted to lectur
- - - electe

The donor express-
"such lectures be
possible, and that
e or prominence be
e, who are capable



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