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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy receivedl by the assistant to the President until
3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays).
Volumie 1' SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2,8, 192ii Number 111
Mask Shrouds Singer's Identity
Unilversity Led lre:
M. Henry Correvon of the Jardin de Foraire will give a lecture onl
'"Alpne Plants and.Gardens" on Wednesday, March 3 at 4:15 P. M. in the
Natural Science Auditorium. Trhe lecture will be illustrated by Luiiere
lides. The. public s cordially invited.
r Aubrey Tealdi.
ltnlversty Lecure:
Professor~ A. H. R. Buller, of the University of M\ anitoba, will deliver
a lecture ont "Mushrooms and Toadstools as organs for the production and
liberation of spores" on Monday afternoon, March 1, at 4:1.5 in the Natural
Science Auditorium. The lecture will be of public interest and will be
The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Robis.
Universty Women-hou se Presidentls:
w Signing-out slips for February are due. in the Office of the Dean of
Women on March 1st.
Jean lauuiltoui, Dean of Womien.
Membusers of the Administrative Board, College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts:
There will be a meeting of the Administrative Board on Monday, March
1, at 7:30, in Dean Efiinger's office.
W. R'. IHumprys.
l troaruelty Council:
There will be a regular meeting of the Interfraternity Council Monday,
March 1, 1926, Room 302, Michigan Union at 4:30 P. M.
Members of Group II--Chi Psi, Phi Gamma Delta, Delta Ta Delta,
Sigma Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Sigma Delta, Chi Phi, Phi Mu Delta,
Sigma Alpha Mu, Phi Kappa, Kappa Delta Echo-will meet at 4:15 to elect
a new Secretary, the office left vacant through graduation
Jacson Stit.
Ann Arbor Art Association :
There will be an exhibition of paintings of Michigan artists, slected
from the Scarab Club's exhibit at the Detroit Institute of Arts, shown at
Alumni Memorial Hall-until Feb. 28th, wek cays 1:30 to 5:00 P. M., and
Sunday,2:00 to 5:00 P. M.
t Warreni P. Lombard, Pres.
Zoology l:
Seats for the lecture have been assigned in a list posted in the corridor
near the door of Room 234, Natural Science Bldg. Members of the class
should ascertain their numbers, then go' to the lecture room at some time
when it ig vacant long in advance of the next lecture to discover precisely
where their seats are. This is necessary in order to avoid confusion at the
The seating list will be removed before. Tuesday morning; it must be
inspected not later than Monday.
French 102 and Italiant 17, Professor McLauglin:
No meeting of my sections of French 102 at 9 :00 and 10:00 Monday,
March 1. Assignment for Wednesday, March 3, "Ls Femmes Savantes,"
end of Act IV.
No meeting of Italian 176 Monday, March 1.
Wm. A. McLauglinii.
Jililosophy 38-Logic:
There will be a make-up examination on 'Tuesday afternoon, March 2,
at 3:00, in 106 Mason, for students excusably absent from the final in Jan-
uary. ardur Willams.
History 107:
The assignment for March 2nd is Historical Outlines, sections 24 and
25.Samiuel Moore.
Fluyslcs Colloqium:t
The Physics 'Colloquium will meet at 4:15 P. M. Tuesday, March 2, in
Room 1041, New Physics Building. Prof. W. Carl Rufus of the Astronomy
Department will speak on "Motions in Stellar Atmosphere." All interested
are cordially invited to attend.
IV. F. Colby.
Seilor Electricals:
L. A. Vaupre, 'who graduated last June and entered the training: course
of the Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Conpany at Pittsburgh, Pa., will be in
Room 109, West Engineering Building, each day, March 1 to 6 inclusive,
for -the purpose of talking with those interested in this training course. ad
giving his experience during the past year. 'Monday and Tuesday, March 8
and 9, Mr. A. M. Dudley, T2, will be in the same room for the purose of
Emaking final arrangements with those who wish employment by theWet
ingt-house Electric & Mfg. Company.
~Josepi i1. Canuo.
Junior Res arch Club:
The regular March mneting of the Junior Research Club will be held
Tuesday, March 2, at 7:30 P. M. in Room l262 N. S The speakers will be:
Dr. Melville H. Hatch: "Phylogeny of Gyrinida."
Prof. W. E. Lay: "A Universal Test Engine."
Program iu oin.
A1lha Nu debating society will hold tryouts for membership on1 Monday
pfternboon at 2 to :30 P. M. in the chapter roomi on fourth floor of Angell?
IalI. "'t'he question to be discussed is. Resolved, "That the method of
handling a moral problem as typified by the eighteenth amendment is wrong
1in principle." Talks shall be limited to five- minutes. Anyone who is inter-
ested in extemporaneous speaking or dlebating and especially second se-
xuester Freshmen who are interested in same are invitedl to try out at this
Robt. iE. M3inn ich, Presideunt.
A masked and mysterious singer, Irish tenor, is bidding for famle via
the radio. He steadfastly refuses to reveal his identity or show his whole
face. The masked tenor sings from WMCA, New York.
Tariff, Commission
Submits Results
(By Associated Press)
WASHINtGTON, Feb. 27.--After con-
sidering for two years 'whether the
duty on butter should bhe increased,
the tariff commission has submitted aI
report to President Coolidge. The
reconmmendation was not disclosed.
The present rate is 8 cents- a pound;
under the law the President can in-
crease or decrease this levy 50 per
An increase has been requestedI by
American dairymen who, when the
tariff conmmission began. its investi ga-
tion, protested part icularl y against
importations from Denmark.
WASHINGTON. - The commecrce
department announced today that v'
temnporary commnerci al agreement had
been entered into between the United
States and Turkey.
Read the Want Ads!
Of all kinds. Stamped, I plain and Michigan Seal
stationery. Let the folks back home read your
letters on writing paper representative of Michigan.
Phone 4744 1111 South University. P~honie474
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We have many other BULOVA Strap
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I'Jll Lambda Up~silon:
There will be a. meeting of Phi Lambda Upsilon Monday evening, March
1, at ?2x o'clockxin Room 303 Chemistry Building.
James L. _Katssner, Pros.
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