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January 28, 1926 - Image 1

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VO4. XXXVI. No. 111










Many Marks Fall In Fast Field
Of Competition At Ninth
Annual Meet
By Joseph Kruger (By long distance from The
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Feb. 27.-One Chicago Tribune) I
world's record was smashed, three i Michigan's swimming team
others were tied and four carnival defeated Northwestern univer-
marks were broken as more than 700 f sity in a dual tank meet at Evans-
athletes representing more than 70 I ton last night, 49-20, according
universities, colleges, and prep schools, to a long distance message from
competed in the ninth annual Illinois The Chicago Tribune at 1 o'clock
indoor relay here today at the armory. f this morning. Michigan took
And as the cream of the athletes of first place in every event except
the Big Ten and the Missouri Valley the fancy diving.
conference clashed here athletes from I Dick Howell, Purple star, did
the state of Michigan rose to unprece- I not compete.
dented heights, placing in many events __
and taking a sensational part in' the
.reiorbne fo rolran y tees Nebraska third and Michigan fourth.
oMlepignsed o r ie rlay, ean i The Wolverine team, of Oldheiser,
composed of IteinkeCalahan, Jutg Mueller, Herrnstein and Feinsinger
and Freyberg, captured this feature raced to a win in the first section but
event in what droved to be one of the the first three teams of the second
most thrilling races of the day's pro, section made better time than the
grain, the Wolverine quartet covering Michigan four. The Wolverines an
the distance in 18:16, a new carnival a fine race, Feinsinger running an-
record.. Illinois took second and Ne- chor, sprinted from third place to
braska third.cosrne ro hr lc o
Reinke Takes Lead first in the final 75 yards.
Renke, Taest LeiaHarrington, Notre Dame's record'
Rteinke, the first Michigannin, to- reaking pole vaulter, took first place
run,g ave a splendid exhibition, as- in his favorite event, but failed to
sunilngia large lead early in the race clear over 12 feet six. White of Ili-
and keeping this lead until he passed nois and Glaser, of Marquette, tied
the baton to Callahan. Callahan for second and third. Six men tied
ie~d onto the lead until the final lap, for the next place.
when lie was passed by runners of In the running broad jump, Fell,
llhinols and Nebraska. of Illinois, leaped 22 feet 11-2 inches
Jung, running the third leg, went for a first place, Whit Simon, also of
into second place at the start, but Ross Illinois, second, Alderman, of Michi-
of Nebraska and Diekinson of Illinois gan State college, third, and White-
passed him, the three lien running side, Lombard, fourth.
elose all thie way.. Jung spurted into .oelker Places Third
seid place just before he handed Another Detroit athlete covered
the baton to Dick Freyberg.. Frey- himself with glory, when Spence, of
berg stayed In second place until the the College of the City of Detroit,
final turn' when he uncorked a sprint' raced to victory in the 75 yard low
that carried him safely beyond his Op- hurdles in 8 3-5. Werner, the Illini
ponents.. Michigan now has two legs star, was forced to take second place
on the Mike Mason trophy. while Voelker, of Michigan, finished
Fred Alderman, star dash man of third. The first three men were but
Michigan State college, tied the world's inches apart at the finish. Yarnall.
record in the 300 yard dash when he of Illinois, took fourth. Lasser, of
raced to a win over Locke, of Nebras- Michigan, got as far as the semi-
ka, in 31 1-5. Locke broke the carni- final heat.
val record in his heat. Alderman now Chick Werner, of Illinois, and Phil
is joint holder of the record with Alan Guthrie, of Ohio State, broke the tape
Wqodring and Loren Murchison. together in the 75 yard high hurdles
Grim Ties Record tiing Dan Kinsey's world record, for
Grim, another Michigan State col- the event established in 1924, being
lege sprinter, equalled the world's rec- clocked in :9:2-5. Spence, of the'
ord in the 75 yard dash in his prelim- City College of Detroit was third, and
inary heat, covering the distance in Irwin, of Ohio State, was fourth. Wer-
7 3-5. Hester, of Michigan, defeated ner and Guthrie also tied the record
Grim in the finals. in winning their respective heats.
Doherty, of the College of the City John Kuck, of the Kansas State
of Detroit, proved a star in the all Teacher's college, of Emporia, shat-
around competition, being a close tered the world's indoor record for
second to Rhodes, the Nebraska lumi- the shot put when he hurled the shot
nary. 50 feet, 6 3-4 inches. The former rec-
Burg of Chicago, caused a surprise ord was held by Kuck, his old mark
in the high jump when he took this being 49 feet, 1-2 inch made in Jan-
event with a leap of 6 feet 2 1-2 uary. Dauber, Iowa captain, took sec-
inches. McGinnis of Wisconsin, the ond place, and Richerson, of Missouri,
favorite, tied for second with Mann and Reinfort, of Grinnell, tied for
of Iowa, while eight men tied for the third, and Nelson, of Iowa, took fifth.
next place. Alderman, Michigan State college
John Rivodes, star all-around ath- star sprinter, equalled the world's
lete of the University of Nebraska, indoor record for the 300 yard dash.
took Iirst from a field of six in the when he breasted the tape ahead of
all-around championship with a total Rolland Locke, of Nebraska, who was
of 5355 points in the seven events, favored to win the event. The record
with Kenneth Doherty, of the city col- is held jointly by Woodring and Mur-
lege of Detroit, a close second with chison. Alderman's time was 31 1-5.
5278 points. Leschinsky, Wolverine star, finished
Wallace, Illinois star, took third in fourth place, behind- Kennedy, of
with 4992 points, although he finished Ohio State.
first in four events. The competition Hester Wins Dashu
was close in each event, and it was Buck Hester, chalked up the first
not until the final race of the after-' victory for a Michigan entry when
noon, the half mile, that the competi- lhe dashed to first place In the 75 yard
tion determined the champion. Wal- race in :07 4-5 with Grim, of Michi-'
lace won the race, with Doherty beat- gan State college, a close second.
ing out Rhodes for second place by Grim tied the world's record event
five yards. I when he won his preliminary heat in
Rhodes Wiis Vole Vault ( :07 3-5.
The winner won but one event, the The two mile relay team of Haskell
pole vault, but he accounted for three Institute, composed of Bland, Roberts,
seconds and two thirds. Doherty won Yellowhorse and Whitebird, raced to

the high jiump, and the shot put, and a new carnival record in this event,
finished second in the 75 yard dash taking first place from Cornell college
and halt mile. He fell down in the and Depauw college in 8:13. The old
pole vault and the broad jump. Irecord was 8:18 2-5 made last year
Iowa's star one mile relay quartea, by the Cornell college quartet. This
Ieatt Rorts, hemlp eand uhrea, is the third time that the record in!
Beatty, Roberts, Phelps and Cuhel teeethsfle.Oi elyn
romped off with the final event on the the event has fallen. Ohio Wiesleyani
romed ff iththefinl eenton heestablished the second new carnival
program, covering the distance in etld the seon w car
3:26 4-5. Notre Dame took second, record of the afternoon when her
-11-e-uiyfr m nn nciurrotl cd th t

W. L. PCT.
Illinois,.......... 6 3 .666
1 Prde ..... 6 4 .0
Ohio11 State....... 6 4 .600
Iowa............6 4 .6004
Michigan..........) 4 .556
Indiana......... 5 4 .556
Wisconsin........4 5 .444
Chicago.........4 7 .396j
Northwestern .... 3 6 .333
Minnesota........ 2 6 .250}
Yesterday's Scores
Ohio State 36, Northwestern 22.
Iowa 32, Chicago 20.
Games Tomorrow
Michigan at Wisconsin.
Illinois at Purdue.
To Give Annual

Negative Group Wil 1Defend Strong
Central Government Against
Members of the teams which will
represent Michigan In, the Midwest
debate league, March19, were selected
yesterday from the second semester
intercollegiate debating class, which
is coached by G; E. Densmore, of the
public speaking department.

i/ 1 Ill V .!, V . V .- 1 G t ~ J k .1
anti-Cjroesbeck wing of the Republi-
can party who were in Lansing thisj
week predicted they will control the
next state party convention. .
The recent break between Governor
Groesbeck and John S. Haggerty
added ponderous weight to the
strength they already possessed, they
claimed. The split, plus the com-
manding position occupied by other
enemies of the Groesbeck faction in

down between him and State Treasur-
er Frank D. McKay, they insisted.
Those who were here, including for-
iner Lieut. Cov. Thomas Read, as-
,erted that disgruntled members of
the legislature and others may be
relied upon in every county.
If the predicted overturn is ac-
conplished, it will mark the first
break in years in an uninterruptedj
run of Groesbeck conventions. ;

FO IiI IN14Ccnier lrea i k Beteen Goveror -Detroit, will throw them the Wayne.
0ACnd Haggerty Will 7Break PIowier
F U countyhE 15 I d1id OfGresec ~aticthy believe.
Lieut. Gov. George Welsh cannot
MI D-ES I C 00011(By Associated Press)>control the Kent delegation if any-
LANSING. Feb 27---Leaders of the thing should happen to cause a show-


University Will Broadcast Addressesy
By Bursley, Coller And KKipke
Next Tuesday Night

y Escapes To France An
Expose "Inside
IDictator's It

IV IghtL I Y Albert M. Stern, '27L, Robert S.
Miller, '27, and James T. Herald, '28,
i were selected for the affirmative team,
Following weeks of rehearsal, the I while J. Emanuel Harris, '27, Ray-
Cosmopolitan club will present the mend Olson, '27, and Hugo R. Hustad,
third annual "International Night''en lsn
Tueday anight In Hrilauditorium. '26, were chosen for the negative trio.
This year's production has been writ- Maxwell M. Merritt, '27, and William
ten and directed for the club by Prof. N. Gall, '28, were named alternates
ten nd ireted or he lub y Pof.for the affirmative and negative teams
A. D. Moore, of the electrical engine-fresheafir iay.m
ering department, and Mrs. Moore.. Trespectively.
Stefan Kozakevich, whose voice isU s The affirmative team will meet the
already known to local audiences, will University of Illinois three in ill
play the part of Hakim Omar Kayyam. f <
June Knisely Simpson, '25, is cast for BAT ER Ti TRY OUT I
the role of Henda, Ali Baba's daugh-
ter. Sawda will be played by Phyllis First tryouts for places on the
Loughton, '28, who took the part of debating team which will be
Claire in "Great Catherine," while dbtn emwhcfilb
Derek van Osenbruggen, grad., will sent to England in May will be
i held tomorrow night in room 302 I
be Ali Baba.Mason hall, Prof. R. D. T. Hol-
Among the incidental numbers will I Mson hil Prof mpan T. I
be the appearance of Jean Jalmuzyn- I ister, who will accompany the r
ski, who will appear in the Polish team abroad, announced yester-
dancing act. Jalmuzynski, who came Idy
r h o r u Tryouts will begin at 7:30
to this country with Anna Paylowa, is i Trouswlbei at70
a graduate of the Russian School of o'clock, and those men who have
Ballet in Warsaw, and was for several signified their intentions of com-
years with one of the most famous peting for places on the teamj
Russian ballet troupes of Europe. He will report
is now head of the Imperial School of [
Ballet in Detroit. Japan will be rep-
resented when Toyozo Nakarai gives auditorium. The negative team willt
his exhibition of oriental swordsman-I travel to Madison, Wisconsin, where1
it will oppose the affirmative team of
ship. This demonstration is said to the University of Wisconsin. Both de-
be the first of its kind to be given be- bates wi est eld on tie same night.
fore -anl American audience. btswl ehl ntesm ih.
In addition to Kozakevich, there Question For Debateis"-
will a quartet chosen from the The question for debate is "Re-
"40 thieves." The Girls' Glee club solved: that the tendency to centralize
will be presented as a group of Per- power and responsibility in the fed-
sian maidens, and will have several eral government should be opposed."
songs. Beng Ing of China will re- The issue revives the old state rights
peat the impersonation of Harry Lau- question and takes into consideration j
der he gave at last year's perform- not only constitutional changes, but
ance. political, social, and economic changes
Tickets for the production may be in the United.States, as well.
secured at Graham's, Slater's and Near the close of the first semester
Wahr's bookstores or from members a call was issued for tryouts for the
of the Cosmopolitan club. The pro- second semester intercollegiate de-
ceeds of the performance will be giv- bating class. At this time 65 men
en to the International Student serv- gave tryout speeches, and from this
ice, a organization of the college men I number 20 were selected for the class.
of all nations. Soon after the selection the members
of the class begain a period of intense
training under the direction of G. E.
H elen i7l IDensmore, attacking the question
from all angles. It was from this 20
A n Partner hat the six men were selected in the
Win D oubles ~finals yesterday. fiaswchwr
WinDou4les ave S4veu Judges
The judges of thefialwiher i
held in Agell hal wee: Prof.
(By Associated Press) Thomas C. Trueblood, Prof. L. M.
MONTE CARLO, Feb. 27.--Helen j Eich, G. E. Densmore, Carl Brandt,
Wills, sailing serenely through the Ralph Harlan, and Lionel Crocker,
women's doubles of the open tennis and Earl Fleischman.
championships today, paired with Mr. Densmore said yesterday that
Mademoiselle Contos-Iavos, presented all the men who have been selected
a picture of youthful confidence and i for the teams should meet with hIm
strength. They defeated Mrs. Sat- at 3 o'clock Monday in 3209 Angell
terthwaite and Mrs. Lambert Chain- hall
bers, strong English players, 6-2, 5-7, I'he Midwest debating league in-
7-5. cludes the universities of Michigan,
Suzanne Lenglen, paired with Wisconsin, and Illinois. Three de-
Mademoiselle Vlasto, performed rath- hates occur simultaneously, on March
er painfully and haltingly on the 19, one at each university. The gen-
courts, her play being interrupted at I erosity of the heirs of John S. Gray,
times by considerable coughing. This of' Detroit, make possible the medals
couple disposed of two rather mod- and testimonials for this debate.
erate English players, Miss Radcliffe
and Miss Platt, in the semi-finals of
the Beaumont Cup, 6-3, 6-0. It was aP
match in which for the first time in
her career, Mine. Langlen allowed her
Spartner to do the bulk of the work.
She was in charp contrast to theR
American champion.-
(lB Associated P'ress)

nd Threatens To1
Story" Of

Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of the Eng-
lish department and Joseph A. Burs-
ley, Dean of Students, will head the
University program to be broadcast at
9 o'clock Tuesday night, March 2, by
stations WJR and WCX. Dean Burs-
ley will speak on the work of his de-
partment which is not generally
known to the public, while Professor
Campbell's topic will be the commun-
ity theater, its development, and the
improvement in theatrical taste that
results from the small theater move-
Dr. Frederick Coller of the Medi-
cal school will address the radio au-
dience on the subject of goitre treat-
ment, a subject on which he is recog-
nized in surgical circles as a promi-
nent authority. Following Dr. Coller's
talk, Harry G. Kipke, '24, will speak
on "Football and the College Gradu-
ate." His talk will be concerned with
the worth of professional football.
The musical part of the program
will be presented by Miss Hope Bauer,
a pupil of Theodore Hamilton. Miss
Bauer, a mezzo-contralto, will sing six
numbers accompanied by Miss Mar-
jorie Baxter, '29.
Stuart Churchill, '28, will play four
numbers on the marimbaphone ac-
companied by Frederick Lewis of the
University School of Music.
Soda Fountain And Additional Bridge
T'aales Will e installed
Announcement of a new Union or-y
chestra, the Rhythm Kings, to playI
at the Union dances every Friday and
Saturday night, was made yesterdayI
by Daniel Warner, '27, chairman of
the house department. The new music
will be formally introduced next Fri-
day night at a special balloon dance
arranged for the occasion.
The Rhythm Kings are under the
combined leadership of Charles Wol-
cott, '27, and Reule Kenyon. The or-
chestra is composed of ten pieces.
In order to permit additional facili-"
ties in the ballroom, the orchestra will
be moved from the south platform to
the alcove opposite the doorway. Di-
vans, settees, and tables will occupy
the place where the orchestra has
been situated. A soda fountain, bank-
ed with ferns and potted plants and
entirely concealed from the dance
floor, will be placed near the entrance
to the reception room. Additional
bridge tables will also be installed
in the reception room.
James Hughey, '27, new chairman of
the dance committee, is arranging sev-
eral novelties for the balloon dance
jFriday night.

Federal Penitentiaries And Border
Patrols Would Be Bettered By
Proposed Appropriations

(By Associated Press)
NICE, France. Feb. 27.-Gen. Cesare
Rossi decla-res he will give the world
the inside story of the, rise of Fascis-
mo in Italy, "created for a good cause
and then prostituted by Benito Mus-
solini," even though threatened withj
bodily harm.
The one time head of the Fascist
Press Bureau in Italy and one of the
leading figures in the Fascist party,
arrived yesterday, having fled from
Rome to Genoa in an automobile and
coming thence to Nice by, motorboat.
General Rossi feels Nice is too close'
to the Italian border, and he. will
leave immediately for Paris.hle as-'
serts that on the streets of this city]
yesterday he was threatened four {
times by Fascisti, who followed him
from Rome to Genoa.
"Mussolini is the man responsible
for the slaying of Deputy Matteotti,"
General Rossi averred, referring to l
the kidnaping and killing of the So-
cialist deputy, which long has been
an issue between the opposition par-
ties in Italy and the government.
"The others who go to trial for the
killing March 16," he continued, "are
merely pawns in a chess game which
they don't understand."
General Rcssi arrived in Nice with-
out passports or identification papers
of any sort. He was vouched for,
however, by friends, who are promi-
nent adherents of the Left Cartel,
which is now all-powerful in France,
I and the passport question was soon
As a revival of the freshman gather-
ings which were held by the under-
class department of the Union last
year, a freshman assembly will be
held Thursday night, March 11, in the
E assembly hall of the Union. The pur-
pose of the affair is to afford further
i means for members of the first year
# class to become acquainted.
The assembly is being arranged by
the underclass deparfment of the Un-
ion working in conjunction with the
' social committee of the freshman
class. Entertainment and music is
j also being arranged by Milton Petti-
bone, '29, chairman of the freshman
social committee.

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.-An ap-
propriation bill carrying $79,847,000
1 for the departments of state, justice,
commerce and labor was reported to
the House yesterday by its appropria-
Lion committee. The amount is $2,353,-
000 above last year's bill, but $59,480
below budget estimates.
The state department is allotted
$16,478,000; justice $24,096,000; com-
merce $29,735,000, and labor $9,536,000.
The committee increased by
$1,000,000, the budget estimate of
$6,084,000 for the bureau of immigra-
tion, explaining it would provide for
continuation of the deportation of
aliens, and the maintenance of the
Canadian and Mexican border patrols
"at an efficient strength."'- The ap-
propriation contemplates a force of
1,880 men for that purpose.
An appropriation of $190,100 is pro-
vided for the new federal industrial
institution for women at Alderson, W.
Va., for operating expenses for its
first year. For the industrial reform-
atory at Chillicothe, O., created by the
last Congress, $350,000 is appropriated.
The committee informed Congress
that the time has arrived when con-
sideration must be given to the over-
crowded conditions of Federal peni-
tentiaries and urged the House to pro-
vide for additional prison facilities.

Botanist Will
Give Lecture
On Mushrooms
Dr. A. H. Reginald Buller of the Un-
iversity of Manitoba will give a Uni-
versity lecture tomorrow afternoon at
4:15 'clock in the Natural Science
auditorium, speaking' on mushrooms
and toadstools. The formal subject
of his lecture is announced as "Mush-
rooms and Toadstools as Organs for
the Production and Liberation of
Spores," but members of the botany
department who have heard him lec-
ture assert that the technical phases
of his subject are presented so as to
be able to be understood by the lay-
It was because of the clarity of the
papers given at the recent convention
of the American Society of Botanists
that Dr. Buller was asked to make
a lecture tour of some of the univer-
sities of the Middle West. The first
lecture of the series will be given
Dr. Buller was born in England in
1874 and attended the University of
I London, receiving his science degree
in 1896. In 18.99 lie received the Ph.D.
degree froi the University of Leipsig.
For two years Dr. Buller was director
of the biological station at Naples,
Italy, and for a time held a profes-
sorship at the University of Birming-
Iham. He is at present professor of "
botany at the University of Manitoba.
Will Give Formal
Answer To Mexico
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.-Secretary
Kellogg today, in conference with
1 Charles B. Warren, of Detroit, for-
mer ambassador to Mexico, is to 're-
ply formally to the recent note from
the Mexican government regarding
enactment of new anti-alien land and
petroleum laws and their retroactive
effect upon American interests.
Mr. Warren was called here by Sec-
retary Kellogg for consultation over
the situation which has grown out of
extended discussions of the laws be-
tween Mexico City and Washington
government officials.







(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.-Fears of
Presioent Coolidge that a deficit ofl
$100,000,000{ at the end of the next I
fiscal year might result from the op-i
eration of the new revenue law are
not shared by the treasury, where it!
is estimated today that the year
should be completed with a surplus{
of $11,000,000.
The treasury calculation is abased

WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.-VigorousE
opposition prevented an expected vote
on the Watson-Parker railroad labor
bill in the House today, deferring final I
action on the measure until Monday.
The bill, described as a "peace"
agreement between operators and em-
ployers to establish voluntary adjust- j
ment machinery in labor disputes in ,
place of the railroad labor.board, was ;
tossed about in a stormy debate, but
emerged ready for a final vote, carry-l
ing only two minor amendments of
the more than two score proposed
during the tumultuous session.
Couzens Asks For

(By Western Union)
MEXICO CITY, Mex., Feb. 27.-J. C.
Willever, vice president of the West-
ern Union Telegraph company, an-
nounced today that subject to appro-
val of President Calles, the boards of
the Western Union and Mexican con-
panies, a contract has been concluded
with the Mexican government for in-
troduction into Mexico of modern tele-
graph service, including extension to
international traffic of night letter,
day letter, night message and money
transfer service.

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.-The radio
bug has bitten residents of South
Africa to such an extent that a bill
soon will be introduced in Parliament
at Johannesburg, the department of
commerce was advised today, to im-
pose a heavy penalty upon those who
fail to take out receivers' licenses.
Consular advices to the department
today also said that Spain had de-
creed an import duty on radio tubes,
ranging from approximately from $10
per kilo, or 2.2046 pounds, to about
$30 per kilo. Tubes, or valves, from
the United States, will be dutiable at
the lower, or "second column" rates.
Phone Companie
Will Honor Bell


(By Associated Press)
ChAMPAIGN, Ill., Feb. 27.-
Dr. .1. F. Bosler, director of ath-
letics at. Washington State col-
Iloge at Pullman, Wash., andtW.
IC. Creugel, member of the ath-
letic 'council, attended the Utni-

IOu re a.h er man~

jmedley relay team capturea te event
in 8:18 3-5, bfeaking tlhe old mark of
8:27 made by Wabash college in 1924.
Michigan State Normal, Ypsilanti,
finished in second place, while Carle-
+on cnllez tonk third.

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