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January 27, 1926 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-27

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Dean Will Renew Students Attend WOE AD IN P
Former Contact Religious Meet


"Woofl I og" Exhibition Judged
Funilest Group At WoeWs
League Masquerade




Chosen from a multitude of mas-
queraders, Pi Beta Phi, representing
woofie dogs, the campus pests, was
awarded the first prize for the fun-
niest group at the annual fancy dress
ball staged last night at Barbour gym.
nasium by the Women's league.
The university catalogue of Sigma
Kappa announcing pipe courses for
the year was presented with the
award for thre most original. Charm-
ing was the display of chapeaux, led
by two petite Chinese maidens, as re-
viewed by the members of Adelia
Cheever house. They were selected
as first in the group of prettiest cos-
tumes. In the groups of 10 to 25
Zeta Tau Alpha, parading as money
bags and carrying future bricks foi
the Women's league building, was th(
obvious winner. A wash line strung
with dollar bills which were actually
presented to Miss Jean Hamilton,
dean of women, was carried by Kappa
Kappa Gamma. "Wash Day for the
Women's league" was their slogan
which warranted first prize for the
large groups.
"A Tragedy in Six Spasms" was the
feature which merited the freshman
class first place among the stunts.
Wyvern with her take-off on Junior
Girl's play tryouts was given honora-
ble mention. One individ'ual prize was
awarded to Doris Bach, '28. She was
dressed as an old fashioned girl in a
brown bustled gown.
Those given honorable mention
were: funniest, the building and
grounds department of Sorosis; most
original, Chi Omega movie selections;
and the Felix cats of Alpha Omicron
Pi; prettiest, the old fashioned coup-
les of Kappa Delta. Helen Newberry
with Burbank's latest discovery, "The
New Berry" was given honorable men-
tion of the large groups.
Among the interested spectators
and one of the judges of the occasions
was Mrs. Clarence Cook Little. In
commenting on the affair she said,
"The building and grounds department
was certainly appropriate, and the
woofie dogs were great!" Mrs. Little
"waspleasaxntly surprised at the en-
thusiasmi displayed in the competition,
and declared that Michigan far outdid
the University of Maine as far as
fancy dress parties were concerned.
Not only was the regular program
successful, but entertainment was at-
forded in the clever side shows spon-
taneously presented by congenial par-
takers of the affair. A generous in-
terpretation of the characters repre-
sented was offered gratis. Among the
outstanding actresses of the review
were: one energetic Felix cat, a ludic-
sous drum major, a vivid blue Blue-
beard, and "The Freshman" and "Mer-
ry Widow" of the movies.
Josephine Clark, '26, chairman. was

With Activitisl 1WNDIS[L Wi ~ kjflj5 ldIn Deroii IHIS1MAN WEEK(I1
_ _ e
Personal contact wvith a number of Alimnar fhr'oughot. the county Reprl c ntatives from all the col Efforts to cooperate with Presidento
o he pn s ian' orgnc t io i re telle en ichigan are attending the Clarence Cook Little in his plans for
ofiv thfrnia bet hc is~~ orkitgearomns lon ut e finace W.C.A.afplS.C.A.VlfinC Freshmnan Week" for next fall are
Jean Hamilton, dean of women, wsh- Especially o tieable is the workbe-lhi is being held in Detroit this being made by women students. Miss
os to accomplish as the result of hcr u1g dcn'e among te Michigan alumnae we k cud. Ten women and more than Jean Hamilton, dean of women, stated
release from the off ce of cAirmn Of In Ann .Arbor. Because of rg 5 men are attending from here. I that suggestions would be asked of
the alumnae campaign fund and her rte l The conference started last night this year's freshman class concerning .
reassumption of lull duties as dean of nthe quotas were i ed t e Ann with a banqiet held in the First Coni- whatthey would like to have for
women. i gr Aegational church in Detroit. En-'
women bor alumnae were given as their fig- atFreshman Week.
"There are a number of women's ur $84,042. Of this amount ther'e s tertainment is being provided by the Es
members of thef oriaamizatitnsrinis e-I The W omen's league may authorize
groups on the campus with whom I ;till to be raised $18,000.3 members of the oranizations in De- a house party of the entire house or-
had personal contact my first year tEPlans are now being completed to troit. Three assemblies will be held o f the e e
and I would like very much to meet pledge this amount at a mass mee today and two tomorrow, all of which preceeding registration week, when
again," she said. Miss Hamilton spoke of members and all those interested in will be led by Dr. Bruce Curry, of i preparations in aiding the newcomers
of Athena, Portia, and Black Quill as the Michigan league at 7 o'clock, Mon- rthe nion Theological Seminary. Dr. will be made. This committee is best I
irganizations with which she . was day night in Lane Hall auditorium. Curry is well known because of his fitted to reach every woman student
in close contact three years ago, but All new members who have not pledg- x as each member has three houses for
with which she was forced tO 10s0 ed are being personally solicited dur- and the evaluation of them in the light which she is responsible. It is the
contact because of her duties as cam- ing this week and it is expected that of the principles of Jesus. y
paig chirmn. Oneof he' hins II . Actvites o th Y.W. . A an duty of each organizer to go over the E
paign chairman. "One of the/things I all those eligible for life membershih Activities of the Y. W. C. A. and House rules with the residents and ex-
am anticipating most is an evening in the University of Mehigan League S. C. A. next week will be centered plain their relation to the Women's
with Black Quill members which will sign membership cards Monday. i selling tickets for the International
Robert Frost has promised to attend Besides women enrolled in the uni- Night program Tuesday night, which
some time this semester. versity and school of music at the is presented by the Cosmopolitan club.
"In just the same way I want to re- present time, those eligible for mem- Proceeds from the prdgram are to go L. taDt
new my touch with the various wo- bership are: alumnae; women listed li a more Friendsipe nto re-
men's groups. In such a way I hope in faculty directory, past or present;twin a more friendlyiternational re- t o Order
lationshi prTickets arebeing sold t o-re
to learn what kind of development the women in the immediate family ofin pgs to
students in those groups would like faculty members, or aministrative of- the men through representatives of CaiSa d fGowns
if the way could be opened in the ficers, past or present; members of the S. C. A and members of the Y. W.
next expansion of activity." the Ann Arbor branch of the A. A. . C. A. are carrying on a sale in all theBd
The Freshman pageant was origin- W.; women of the faculty and faculty women's houses on campus through e measure any time
ally a project of Miss Hamilton's at wives; daughters of alumnae under representatives from the different today, second floor.
Michigan. "This year," she comment- I college age; wives of alumni not houses.
ed, "I want to get in touch with the otherwise classified, and elected nem-n The program for international fight
freshmen students as I was able to do bers. ti earos thelythndwilk hae
with the sophomore class by working Elected members may include any- .mei ___the___u__andwl__havean
with them in the sophomore circus. one interested in the league and they Oriental setting._--
I feel that in that kind of committee may join at any time. There will be.-
work one gets the first rate knowl- a committee present at the mass meet- uers from any who desire to join
edge of the ability of a given class. in.c Monday to tae asusmcription under this provision.
The pageant is near enough to their Attentin

eague. This function would e teNOTICES
contact with freshman students easy NO I E
or the house organizationcoli)ttee. -
The plan has the approval1 of Mitss'
Haiton."However,"shecommnt-1Tryouts for the Women-s league or-
d, "the details are not being devel-chests should report to Miss Mar-
ped until we learn what Presiden tPurdy,27, phone 777.
ittle will work out for freshma n I Y. A. C. A. cabinet will meet at
week as a whole." 1:10 o'clock Monday in Newberry h alL
Let The Daily sell it for you thru Wor?(I fellowship will meet at 4
me Classified colum s- v. -'loc Tuesday in Newberry hall.
- ,
rte.- VSaturday -
Iuyear & Hit
328 South Mai'noh



freshman entrance so that I think that
a good many girls who would be in-
terested in the pageant are the girls
of leadership."
Torget Shooters
Start Practice
Rifle classes under the direction of
the department of physical education
will cominmence on Monday of next
week. All women are eligible for this
class in rifle marksmanship, the only
requirement being an ammunition fee
of 50 cents for the entire semester.!
Those who are interested in entering
the classes will find a place to sign up
for them on the bulletin board in Bar-
bour gymnasium. At present, shoot-
ingis being done on the rifle range
in room 330 of the west engineering
building. In the spring, however,
Captain L. Al. Bricker, the rifle coach,
plans to have the classes do outdoor
The rifle program for next week
consists of playing off matches with
the teams of the following colleges:
I Michigan State college, in the prone
and sitting positions; University of
Maryland, University of Oregon, and
Gettysburg college in the prone posi-
responsible for the success of the

olverine asoline
Corner Washington & iDision Streets Phone 21120
Also Headquarters for C.'d Cars.
Bought-Sold- Excihg (d

t .S. U.. L.. AL .A 1 J


Bring in your Radio Keys
and see if you have the one
that will unlock the lock.


x _ __
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O _ E4
i fO
bC Ty l C, l
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, -..i--- -
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new ci
Ann= i/A
<71 14


. [NIL-

Comes Sauntering in
With New Apparel
till be a: op n book, this Spring 1926 volume
Fashions, the pages parted and such smart
othes and accessories will be revealed-
Coats with crepe backs-straight
and flared coats, suits with jaunty
tailored box jackets and circular
skirts, and frocks with straight slips
beneath flarin- tunics-these and
every phase of fashion will be
Fashion Show
o presentations-- March 1 and 2
[onday and Tuesday Evenings
7:30 to 9:00 o'clock


191 our ea
All the chic of Reboux' creased hat which
is now so favored by smart Frenchwomen is
offered to you in these clever felt crowns.
They are copied from the original models,
and when shaped to your head by a trained
hand they emphasize your individuality, with
every crease and line in perfect symmetry
with the contour of your face.
We have an expert trained in this art who
will put the shape on your head and then
deftly work it into folds and creases until
she finds the very lines which are most becom-
ing to you. All colors and sizes here, $5
and up.


a n



nger -'s

Dancing Academy

ni i e vvn



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