PAGE TWO THEIF MICH-TCAN rYATT ia 111a .i 11 t.1A1t LAlL1 wui. , " .1r ~t'Ylx t 1'11J 1\4. SIL i. LI' .. .: 1LV PREPARE LEAFLETS FOR NEWSTUDENT~ Pamphlets Describing College Life Ti Be Sent To Prospeetlve freshmen COOPERATION SOUGHT Pr'eparation of pamphlets of instruc lbin and information for use of en tering students is under way unde the' direction of the registrar's office The folders, ranging in size from 1 to 16 pages, will be ready for distri bution within a few weeks, it is ex peted, and will be mailed to students planning to enter the University i September. Comment will be made in the fold ers concerning opportunities for sel help, fees and expenses, and board an lodgings, along with detailed informa tion as to possible courses of study General requirements for admissio to the University will be outline with special mention of the function of the various undergraduate college and their requirements for admission Cooperation of entering student will also be sought in eliminating the confusion of registration week, whic is occasioned by the requirement tha all students must pass a physical ex amination before being admitted t the iUnmverity. To this end, arrange ments have been tnade to allow a many students as find it possibe, t report for the 'physical examinatio during the summer. The Health ser vice will be open for this purpos from 1 to 2 o'clock daily, except Sat urdays, throughout the summer unti Aug. 13. "The committee charged with the publication of the pamphlet," Regis- trar Ira M. Smith announced yester day, "is open to suggestion as to fur ther material which should be includ ed in such a pamphlet to be maile to entering students before their ar rival here." COMMERCIAL HANDLING OF ENERGIES EXPLIE E~Rplaining the manufacture, sale and distribuition of gas, steam, an electrical energy, motion picture produced by the Rochester Gas an Electrical corporation were show yesterday afternoon in Natural Si ence auditorium before the studen branch of the American Institute o Electrical Engineers, The story of the production of elec tricity was told by schematic dia grams representing the various part of the generator, the electrical cir cuit, and magnetic lines of force. Th Rochester company obtains powe from Genesse river which has fou distinct fails in the city of Roches- ter, as well as from steam turbines which supplement the river power i the low water seasons. The second reel of the pictures portrayed the distribution of electric- 1lpowerboth by diagrms and by ac- tual views of the transporting appar- atus. Reduction of the high voltages which are maintained for efficien transportation by the means of trans- formers was explained by schematic representations of the iron magnets coils of wire and magnet lines of force. COND MANUSCIPTS OBANDBY KARTYARC Cambridge, Mass,, eb. 26.-Har- yard university has recently acquired several of the most prized of the orig- inal manuscripts of Joseph Conrad. Among them are the initial part of his first manuscript of "Lord Jim," and the diary which the great Polish nov- elist kept on his trip up the Congo into the center of Africa in, 1890. The diary is in pencil and gives a frag- mentary account of this trip which resulted in his writing the "Heart of Darkness." The acqusitions have been placed on view in the treasure room of Athe university. PAY YOUR fSUBSCRIPTiON NOW IL ii I L. 2, :_ I n r) n d' s To Make Flivvers In Great Britain II - ~ I i F , IV, F E' I Ad Id r -- r T H I S NO O N w I r1 i I iF For Yur Sunday Breakfast' A slice of our tasty COFFEE CAKE or some HOT CROSS BUNS will be delicious with your cup of coffee. Rhe CITY PASTRY SHOP I GAUSS I 516 EAST LIBERTY PHONE 5501 Andre Citroen, French motor king. is building a great factory in Eng- land to compete with Henry Ford in supplying the British market with ftivvers. "Is Campus Wet?" TBe Discussed By church Groups What's i a Sandwich?" The Barbecue Inn will Tell You- Everything that's Good! Everything that's Wholesome! Everything that's Delicious! Come Inn and See ! I t PRYD "The Pride of the Town' /o Discussions of "Is the campus ail wet?" will be conducted by the Young Peoples' societies of six Ann Armor Across from Literary Buildin churches tomorrow night, when com- mittees of students from each of tho We will Deli churches who have been making sir - veys of the conditions on the campus will make their reports. Student committees from the Moth- ECUE INN ig ver anywhere in City. Phone 4481 c@ooocac~O w I adist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Congre-AHRa&s gational, Ijutheran, and Christ church es, working under the supervision o Howard Y. McClusky, of the School of Education, were appointed sever,;l conditions as they exist on the casaturday a Sunday pus with the hope of reaching som definite conclusion supported by sta-- -at-- istics and data from men who have d been associated with the University I The Tavern Hotel s and Ann Arbor for many years. Th .S LN d committees have interviewed citizens, SALINE, MICH. a professors, and students, and will give - the result of their findings at the di- IENU t cussion groups tomorrow night. MENU f final compilation of the results will Qeuen Chicken Noodle Soup (Home Made) made the following day when the dis- % Queen Olives Pepper Relish Sweet Pickles - cussion leaders will meet )to 1ool th| - Spring Chicken Fried in Butter - facts. is the frst of a s Sweet or Irish Potatoes Biscuit Chicken Gravy - monthly topics to be considered by the Tender Sweet Peas Cranberry Sauce e various church socieities, all of which Baked Apple r are open to the public. Next month's Bran Bread (Our Own.) r discussion will deal with the race Apple and Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream problem as it exists at the University. Coffee Milk Tea Buckeye innerses Continuous from 12:30 to 8:00 P. M. Phone Saline 63 May Record Songs -DELAWARE, 0., Feb. 26.--The Glee club of Ohio Wesleyan university, by t winning the Ohio intercollegiate glee1_ club contest, has earned for itself = the right to represent Ohio at the na- a iiia tional contest at New York. They fhave received an offer from the Bruns-!wc Phngah omayt al wV JY wick Phonograph company to make21.eer r records for sale particularly to alum- i and friends of the school. an Caram el PARIS.--Andre Picard, author of "Jeunesse" and "Mon 1loumme," died recently. rn.RThis week's delicious I ANCHORLESS FORDS LOSE -sat I TO STRONG SOUTHEASTER specials at the Ann Actual need made a reality of Arbor Dairy the humorous myth that anchors were necessary for Fords this -i week, when several cars left their parking places for short rides given by the strong south- D ial 4101 east wind. One frolicsome Ford in particular, eye witinesses II\ claimed, slid merrily down May- I nard street for half a block be- fore it was brought to bay by !.n A br Ii the bumper of a sister "knight THE FOME n A rbor of the road."I OFD arPU EM L ' P U RE M I LK Dairy Co R ds, - oal --Coke Read The Daily "Classified" Columns "JUST MILK "Every day is a visiting day." t 4 I I I I I ' ,' It ". CAFE The low prices attract some, quality others; but our regular patrons know we combine each at every meal. 329 South Main St. Opposite Wuerth Theatre _ - -. ' i i { { I I i i i i i i 1 i i i ti .d Meats of Quality, plus our Service We Feature Qualiy, of course A 4. , 1 A. F.FILL 223 North Main St. Phone 4268 The a moms ": , " ; )aklands Ann Arbor Mich. YOU CAN ONLY GET Fine Lunches and-Salads Cornwell- -'1 ) * 4 4 4 4 4 Scranton, Pocahontas, Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established The secret is "GIVINC ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION TO OUR CUSTOMERS." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you III