x. ESTABLISHED 1890 F®R-MR-M 4hp tip. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 110 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS DARROWTO OPPOS-E 'HUDSON IN DEBATE ON LEGUE HERE, AMERICAN ADHERENCE TO FAVORED BY HARVARD PROFESSOR BE MARCH 22 IS DATE Nont-Partisani Association Arr.augcs' Discussion Between Two Noted Speakers Clarence Darrow, famous Chicago attorney, and Dr. Manley O. Hudson, professor of international law ,at Har- vard university, will come to Ann Ar-; bor Monday night, March 22, for a de-I bate in Hill auditoriumbon the ques- tion of American membership in the League of Nations, it was announcedk last night. The debate is being sponsored by the local branch of the League of Nations Non-Partisan association, which, during its three years on the campus, has presented a number of such events including the Hobbs- Slosson debate ;and addresses by George W. Wickersham, Dr. Irving Fisher and Raymond B. Fosdick. TheI object of these meetings, it is said, bas been the stimulation of increased public interest in international affairs with especial reference to the desir- ability of American membership in the World court and the league. Both Mr. Darrow and Professor Hudson are known nationally as for- inidable debaters and distinguish'ed supporters of their respective posi- tions. Professor Hudson wil-take the i affirmative of the resolution, "Resolv- ed, That the United States should be- come a member of the League of Nations," and Mr. Darrow will sus- tain the negative. Each speaker willr be allowed one hour, the division of time to be announced later. Professor Hudson, who spoke inj Natural Science auditorium last April, I holds the Bemis Professorship at Har- vard and enjoys an international repu- tation in his field. He is now a mem- ber of the legal staff of the Secretariat bf the League of Nations, and has served in the State department, the American embassy at Paris, and the American Peace commission at Ver- sailles in 1919. Mr. Darrow, who achieved fame atj the bar notably as a criminal lawyer and advocate for labor organizations, has recently devoted much time to public speaking in opposition to the entry of the United States into the World court and the League of Nations. He debated the World Court issue with Senator Lenroot of Wisconsin in New York last December, and his brilliant speech on that occasion aroused na- tion-wide comment. Ticket sale and publicity for the de- bate will be managed by University women of Ann Arbor, and all profitsI will go to the League building fund.- MUSSOLINI CENSORS AL F9OEGN PRESS CABL[Si FILM STAR WILL MARRY ENGLISH OFFICER TODAYj (By Associated Press) REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Feb. 26.-Miss Constance Talmadge,I motion picture actress, and Capt Alastair William MacKintosh of London, took out a marriage li- cense at the county clerk's office here today. The marriage will take place tomorrow at the home of Jean De St. Cyr in exclusiveI Iurlingame.- [LITTLE TO TAL[K AT GRIDIRHON BANQUET Sigma Delta Chi Announces Professor Arthur L. Cross WI Act As Toastmaster RADIO IS INCLUDED President Clarence Cook Little will give the principal address at the fourth annual Gridiron Knights' ban- quet, which will be held Tuesday night, April 6, in the assembly hall of the Union under the supervision of Sigma Delta Chi, national profes- sional journalistic fraternity, it was made known last night. It was fur-I ther announced that Prof. Arthur Lyons Cross of the history depart-~ ment has been scheduled to act in the capacity of toastmaster. President Little will deliver the main speech of the evening before the opening of the discussion session and immediately following the dinner. His subject, although' not announced as yet, will be pertinent to the occasion of the banquet. In the selection of Professor Cross to direct the flow of discussion along the proper channels following the dinner, the general committee be- lieves that it has engaged the most suitable member of the faculty for the task. Professor Cross has had un- limited experience as toastmaster at many functions and is well known for his wit and repartee. A precedent will be established this year with the acquisition of a faculty member for the office of toastmaster, which, in the past, has been held by a student. One of the chief duties of the toast- master this year will be that of sup- ervising the discussion session which will be carried on by prominent mem- bers of the faculty, state newspaper- men, and others about campus, city, and state problems of current interest. Another feature of the banquet will be the innovation of a radio station with a program to be broadcasted during the mel. A varied program of music, and hort speeches and re- marks regarding many of those in at- tendance is now being arranged, which will be under the direction of an experienced announcer. RHEGENTS PROMOTE 21 MEMBERS of FACU11Y Eight Students Receie B. S. Degrees; D? Awarded A. B.s , n....... Calvin Coolidge President of the United States, who yesterday followed the program of strict economy which has character- ized his administration when he signed the tax reduction bill. PROTEST TO POLES Demands League Intervention To Pre. vent War; Asks JLiberation Of Territory And Men POLES DENY INVASION (By Associated Press) GENEVA, Feb. 26.--Following close- I ly upon the action of Greece in ap- pealing to the League of Nations to settle a boundary dispute betweenI Greece and Turkey, a conflict in the Baltic suddenly loomed on the Leaghe horizon today, when Lithuania filed a vigorous protest to Poland, alleging that the recent Polish action consti- tuted an "invasion of Lithuanian ter- ritory by Polish troops." Lithuania urgently lemands inter- vention by the League to avoid blood- shed. Liberation of Lithuanian soil and the release of imprisoned Lithe-r uanian military men is asked. Po- land, having already answered the protest, insists it was Lithuania that began the frontier disturbance by oc- cupying a forest situated on Polish territory. Police agents, it was as- serted, have reestablished the status quo frontier line. Eight persons have been arrested and Poland considers, the incident closed.I Poland denies that Polish regulars( participated in the action or that any l Poles crossed the frontier to launch the attack or engage in battle. Both communications have been transmitted to the members of the council, and it was understood that Vittorio Scialoia, of Italy, who is let- ing as president of the council, will send messages to both governmentsI urging direct negotiations to settle the controversy. EDUATION ASSOCIATION AGINST EVOLUTION LAWSi PRESIDENT SIGNS TAX REDUCTION BILL FEARING BIG TEN STANDINGS THAT IT MAY RESULT IN TREASURY DEFICIT( BW.TL.TPCT. 1 W. L. I'T. Il Illinois .......... 6 3 .666 "Ec o n o m " L e d er " '" IncreT resrperity WellRe. PUlue ..........6 4 .600 EconomyLeader sut, Swelling National Income; Treasury Dirco 3cigan........ 4 .5 Congress "to Curtail Expenses Indiana 4 .556 Iowa ........... 5 4 .556 PREVENTS FURTHER CUTS Wis conStae....5 4 .5 I .:3i..1 _,... :!...,......" S: ... _ y : *W!'Ai n n . ...4A 0 AAA4 MICHIGAN FIVE WHIPS BIG TEN. iLEADEU[RS, 33-24 (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, r, eb. 26.-President Coolidge signed the tax reduction bill I today, making it a law, although he fears it iway result in a treasury de- ficit of $100,000,000 a year hence. This possibility was advanced to the executive by Director Lord of the budget, who based it on, present in- dications of government receipts and expenditures during the coming fiscal year. The President hopes, however, that increased prospertiy will result from the tax cut ,swelling govern- ment income above present estimates, and that Congress will do its, utmost to curtail expenditures. !Liklihood that there will be little if any surplus for the next year ori two, in the President's opinion, pre- clucles that possibility of further tax reduction next year and perhaps for sone time to come. Ultimately, how- ever, he believes that gradual retire- ment of the debt with continued gov- ernment economy 'will result in furth- er federal tax relief. Immediately after President Cool- idge had affixed his signature to the $387,000,000 tax reduction measure, the treasury called attention to the fact that the new law allows an ex- tension in time for payment of the levies. It was announced that per- sons or domestic corporations with incomes of more than $5,000 would be allowed to file only tentative re- turns March 15, with payment of one- fourth of the estimated tax due, and then be given until May 15 to file final returns. This action was taken in view of the short time within which the first returns must be filed. The new in- come blanks with instructions on the effect of the law already have been mailed. opera Artist Comes hack, TO Early Triumph (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Feb. 26.-Mme. Schu- mann-Heink, 65-year-old prima don- na, has come back to the scenes of her early triumphs and there is a stirring of memories in the dimmest corners of the old Metropolitan opera house. Out of the blue shadows of the last scene of Wagner's "Das Rheingold," her rich contralto flowed in the warn- ing song of the earth mother for 10 brief minutes Thursday, and things were as they used to be nine years ago. In front there was ;a clapping andl pushing for the orchestra pit such as a Wagnerian audience has not shown in many a day. There were 11 cur- tain calls. TWO MEN WILL CIRCU1IT GLOBE WITHIN?26DAS1 (By Associated Press) MOSCOW, Feb. 26.-Linton Wells, writer and traveler, and Edwin S. I Evans, wealthy Detroit man, who plan to make a circuit of the globe in less than 25 dys, today began negotiating with the Soviet government for per- mission to cross Russian territory and also to obtain an airplane for I I E Yesterda y's Scores Michi an 33, Illinois 24. Indiana 41, Minnesota 23. Purdue 32, Wisconsin 31. Games Tonight Chicago at Iowa.. Northwestern at Ohio State. ILLINOIS STOP Northwestern .... 3 5 .375 Minnesota........ 2 6 .250 CAGERS UNABLE ONRUSH OF DOYLE, HARRIGAN Andrew W. Mellon Secretary of the Treasury, who has declared tbiat the $387,000,000 reduc- tion exceeds the maximum that he andl his assistants think safe, but who end(orsed the mneasure yesterday. SE ATI E REU 5ES TO ADOUPT HEpPRTI ) Res~olut ion A ssailinig I'artllelit Ju st ice1)eeat esl BY Smiall Vote of{ TO DECISION IS 36 TO 33 (By Associated jPress) WASIINGTON, Feb. 26.--The Sen- aite refused today, 33-36, to adopt a report assailing the departmnout of justice for the manner in which it con- ducted an-investigation to determine whether the Aluminum company of America has violated Federal court decrees. With this action Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, the Democratic leader, abandoned a resolution which he had presented and which would have au- tfrorized the President to employ spec- ial counsel to prosecute contempt pro- ceedings against the company. Because of the stockholdings in the Aluminum concern, Secretary Mellon stood as the central figure in the con- troversy which started 'more than a month ago and traveled the round of a Senate judiciary committee investi- gation before it reached the Senate loor for final determination. With two exceptions-Blease, ofI South Carolina, and Bruce, of 1vary-I land--the Democrats stood solidly for adoption of the report of the majority of the judiciary conit tee and theyI were joined by seven of the Republi- can insurgents. The administration forces stood firm, and with the aid of the two D >emocrats wre able to blockta a ee rp-tit ion of the action taken by the ben- ate in the famous Naval Oil lease cases, when special counsel was au- thorized to bring civil and criminal actions against Edward L. Doheny and Harry F. Sinclair. Some fireworks preceded the vote with Senator Walsh, Democrat, Mon- tana, author of the majority report, charging Senator Reed, Republican, Pennsylvania, with representing inI the Senate the treasury-secretary of1 t he Aluminum company. Senator Reed hotly denied the implications and said he would "take no insult froin the senator from Montana." FCULTY MMBRS JOIN COLLEGE ff PHYSICIANS NINCHITCH'S VISIT INDICTES ALLIANCEj( Jugo-Slavian Minister Says "'Closest, Collaboration" Exists Between His Country And Italy WILL SUPPORT POLAND (By Associated Press)j ROME, Feb. 26.-The visit of For- eign Minister Ninchitch of Jago- Slavia to Rome has served to indicate,I through conversations in regard to itI in authoritative circles, that Italy is I embarking on a foreign program inc keeping with Premier Mussolini's be- lief that the Latin and Slav people must stand together against the rising tide of German nationalistic ambitions. Although much secrecy surrounds the conversations between Ninchitch andl Mussolini, the Jugo-Slav foreign min-t ister today confirmed what already was an open secret by saying in an interview: The closest collaboration between' Italy and Jugo-Slavia is already oper- ative. The past friendship between' the two nations can be broadened on the basis of recent experiences." It was learned on excellent au- thority today that following out Mus- solini's belief, Italy is embarking onc a two fold plan of action which in- cludes vigorous support of Poland's desire for a permanent seat in the council of the League of Nations and t the strengtheningof cooperation with I Jugo-Slavia and other Balkan states! to prevent unification of Austria and1 Germany and to protect the frontiers , laid down by the treaties of Versailles and St. Germain. I KOLHAK ABOUT TO BE SHOT, ATTEMPTS SLIUIE~ (By Associated Press) MOSCOW, Feb. 26.-Admiral Kol- chak, the anti-6olshevist leader, at- tempted suicide by poison as he was being led before a firing squad, Ish- yev, former commandant of I'rkutsk prison, has revealed. Ishyev pays tribute to Kolchak's courage and resignation in the face of death. The admiral 4ttempted to take poison so that the bolsheviksa might not have the satisfaction of say-j ing they had shot him. Kolchak, it is alleged, was betrayed by Dr. Blagosh, the official represen- tative in the Czecho-Slovakian repub- lic with the allied armies. Mary Garden Itay Go Into Convent (By Associated Press) CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Feb. 26.- "I might," said Mary Garden today when asked about reports that she would enter a convent at the end of her career; and in the next breath she added: "What one will do and} what one might do are two entirelyI different things". The singer, who is1 here in a concert, then remarked: "A convent would be a rather nice restful place, wouldn't it? I wonder ' who ever thought of a convent for me. They must have been thinking of Thais, don't you think?" Planes Beat Subs In Sham Battle (By Associated Press) PANAMA, Feb. 26.-Seaplanes op- erating in the defense of the Panama (Canal yesterday bombarded and E theoretically destroyed enemy sub-, i rn iri;q whenh nohPPn asi--t av HALF ENDS 21-5 Wolverine's Tight Defense Halts Desperate IllIni Rush In Second Half By JoSph Kruger CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Feb. 26.-Mich- gan refused to be counted out. Entering the game against the lead- ers of the Western Conference basket- ball race with the odds heavily in fa- vor of their opponents, the Wolverines displayed a spectacular brand of ball and upset the Illinois five 33-24 at the Illinois gymnasium here tonight, and remained in the mad scramble for Big Ten court honors. With Frank Harrigan and Captain Dick Doyle leading the attack, the Mather clan took the lead after five minutes of play and continued to pile up the score with unfailing accuracy, completing the half with the score 21-5. Michigan Defense Tight The tight defensive play of the Wol- verines completely smothered the Illi- ni during the opening session, Mauer breaking away for the lone field goal the losers registered in the first half. And when the Illinois five threaten- ed throughout the second half Ed Chambers flssumed the leading offen- sive role and counted three baskets and a foul. The Illini, with the three substitutes still in the. game, started the second half determined to cut down the lead of the Michigan five and proved' a constant threat, although the Wolver- ines remained their, masters. Hlarri- gan dribbled through the entire Illi- nois five and then sent the ball through the net -for his fourth basket of tha contest. Doolen then made a pretty follow-up and scored for the Illin and Haines brought the crowd- ed stands to their feet with a shot from the center of the court. Chambers then scored from the cor- ner, and Michigan began to employ stalling tactics, forcing Illinois to break up her defense. Doolen sent the ball through the net on a long heave and Chambers retaliated with' a shot after following up Ginns long at- tempt. Daugherty, who flashed so brilliant- ly on the field house court in the first game between Michigan and Illinois, scored on a long shot, the star for- ward; getting' away from Harrigan for the first time. hllinl Dangerous Kassel then revived the Illini hopes with two short shots, making the score 27-15 but Doyle increased the lead with a beautiful basket. The two fouls by Maurer who returned to the game. Doolen's third basket and an- other .long shot by Haines brought Illinois dangerously close, the score b eing 29-23. The stands were shouting wildly for victory when Coach Mathers sent Babcock in for Ginn. The skipper gave the Wolverine guard some in- structions and sent him back into the fray immediately. Haines then scored a free throw, and Michigan again flashed brilliantly, keeping the ball away from the frantic. Illipi, while Doyle and Chambers made good on foul shots, and the latter player finished the scoring with a field goal. Michigan will leave tonight for Ann Arbor, ,and on Sunday will depart for Madison where the Wolverines will face the Wisconsin five Monday in. another important contet. The Summaries Michigan F.G. F.TPts. Chambers, If...........3 1 7 Reece, rf.............0 2 2 Doyle, Capt. c .. ....4 1 9 Harrigan, Ig ...........4 3 11 Ginn, rg ............... 1 2 4 (By Associated Press) ROME, Feb, 26.-Fascisti Italy has 1 Promotions of 21 members of the two political attitudes, one for domes- faculty of the University were made tic and the other for foreign con- by action of the Board of Regents at suimption, it has been revealed by re- their February meeting Wednesday. cent application of the censorshipti laws to accounts of Premier Musso- All promotions are to become effective hini's speeches. with the University year of 1926-27. Each time the premier makes an im- i Eight instructors in the literary col-, portant speech before parliament lie lege were advanced to the position of really makes two speeches,-the ver- assistant professors. sion heard by his auditors and another In the' engineering college five in- version, corrected by the premier structors were advanced to assistant himself; from which the phrases held professorships, while two other fac- to be too strong for consumption are tulty members of this college were ad- weeded out. vanced from the positions of associateI Immediately after making an ad- professor and assistant professor, to dress Premier Mussolini examines a I professor and associate 'professor re- stenographic copy and makes changes I pectively. In the Medical school six in it. Some alterations are merely instructors were promoted to assistant improvements in grammatical con- professors. The complete list of pro- struction or turns of phrases but motions may be found in the Daily others are intended to remove poten- I Official Bulletin on page eight of this tial dynamite. While this process is issue of The Daily. going on all press dispatches for for- The usual number of degrees were eign nations are held up. Only those also conferred at the meeting of the which conform with the corrected ver- Regents. - In the literary college 50 sioni are allowed to pass the ever degrees were conferred on students, vigilant censor. 42 receiving Bachelor of Arts degrees I , f , , ,( (By Associated ress)1 crossing the ussian section of their WASIIINGGTON, Feb. 26.-A reso-o lution, declaring that legislation "has j rthe Soviet agrees to place an air- not the power to alter, modify or set ' plane at their disposal for crossing aside any immutable law of nature, Siberia. the Americans expect to coal- of science or of God," was adopted plete their journey in 20 days, clip- late Thursday in the closing hours of ping 15 days off the present record of the convention of the department of :I5 days, 21 hours, and 35 minutes superintendence of the National Edu- made in 1911 by John Mears of New cation association. No mention was York. If an airplane is not available made of the various state anti-evolu- they will take the Trans-Siberian ex- tion laws, but it was clearly under- press from Vladivostok to Moscow.1 C , S t E i Younifns, lc'hr, Simpsoni I'"lected GENEVA.-Greece bias appealed to the League of Nations against Tur-I key for settlement of the dispute of the fixation of the Greco-Turkish frontier. OurWeatherMan and 8, Bachelor of Science degrees. On th'e recommendation of the fac- ulty of the School of Education, six degrees of Bachelor of Arts in Edu- cation were conferred by the Regents. In the Graduate' school, 20 Master of Arts degrees and 15 Master of Science degrees were conferred. 19 students in the School of Educa- tion received teacher's certificates. Three certificates in business admin- istration and one certificate in geol- stood that the resolution was direct- ed at them. The resolution, read by Dr. Payson Smith of Boston, Mass., commissioner of education and chairman of the reso- lutions committee, was greeted with E applause by the delegates. CAPITOL BUILDING FIRE QUICKLY ETN UISHEDi WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. Fire broke nuf tminv in th wih ino -of the Er. Walter M. Simpsonm of the pathol- ogydepartment were initiated in to Ithe American College of Physicians at TflOlHI the convocation of that organization last night in the sook Cadillac hotel, Detroit. The College is a national (By Associated Press) I orgal'ization to which doctors who SYRACUSE, Feb. 26.-Willie Ritola ! have achieved distinction in teaching, of the Finnish-American Athletic hospital work or general practice are club clipped four-fifths of a second elected. There are at the present time from the world's indoor track record more than 1,100 fellows. Pr. lff ritn Tx hn a Ti rlfotal o a l nlnien] week of thp col-.i Wells and from New Yo toria, British Evans expect to start 1T o dt hmd Organizition rk June 22, flying to Vic- Columbia. Prof. J. B. Youimans of the internal medicine depa rtinent, Prof. Carl Wel- ler of the natholr valo artment and Babcock, g ... Totals ..... Daugherty. if. .... 0a ...........12 Illinois 0 0 9 33 F.G. F.T. .'1 0 Pts. 2 ...........