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January 26, 1926 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-26

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Production Written By Prof. A. D).
Xoore Will Be Presenited By Thme

Coast Towns Suffer From Pacific Storms

~vrsad.ohn Elliott, '26,.il' ntr evening,a general combined
t Tg CONDUCT ,speak on the general there .of "Loyal- srv i.re wile held in the Presby-
ty iizTaani ark"teorian cuc.Hwr M~uk-6

Members OJf Cosmopolitan Club
Tickets for the third annual tIn
ternational Night," to be .presented byj
the Cosmopolitan club next Tuesday;r
evening in Hill auditorium, may now
be purchased at Graham's Siater's or
Wahr's bookstores, or from any! mem-
ber of the club, according to an an-
nouncemient yesterday by the ticket
committee. The prices are 50 and- 75
This year's production is writtensz
and directed by Prof. A. D. Moore, of
the electrical engineering department,
and by Mrs. Moore. The story is laidE"
in the garden of Ali Baba. in Persia,-
and tells of the romance of Omar, the
poet and singer, and of H-enda, who
for his sake dares to turn modernist.
June Knisely Simpson, '25. is cast
for the role of Henda Morgiana, the
not too dutiful daughter of All Baba, Ar~e the "sun spots"
will be played by Phyllis Loughton, wrhichi astronomers are
128, while Lillian Bronson, '27, will ing, causing the Pacific
fil the part of Sawda, her cousin, to belie fts name? UnuE
Stefan l o akevich, the Russian whose' high and terrific wave:
previous appearances in Ann Arbor beating towns on the Ca
make him well known, will find oppor- n iia coast and1( causing
tunities for singing in the role of Ha- damage to property at
kim Omar Kayyam. He is to have places. Upper photok
several solos, as well as a duet withj what the tidal wave d
his sister, Anna Sufiena Kozakevich. dwellings along the bea
Dlerek van Ossenbruggent, grad. willI Las Tunas; below, a cc
play the dart of Ali Baba. isse akn oe
The book also provides for several I nice.
specialty numbers in' the form. ofI
dances and exhibitions. In the musi- i
cal line there will be the Girls GleeI
club, as a groups of Persian maidens,
anal a quartet chosen from the 1"40'"
thieves," who as well as providing
comedy, will do some singing'. The cured two Polish dancers foi
quartet is directed by Philip La ROweA duction. In addition Miss
S. of M. In addition to these numbers I and Miss Simpson will have
Reginald Eastlake of Tokio will, as scene together. Toyoza Nat
Omar's Serenader, have considerable give an exhibition of orienta
solo wor~k. manship, and Beng Ing ofC
The Polonia Literary circle has se- impersonate Harry Lauder.

r 111 ikes, factory, meetings, and a "pot
II ~ L~ luck" lunch wvill feature the Ipograim
1i('LI111 Sat urday niorniil- d~IIevent be-
---.ri1?conduc ted .by ?at W I,1s ohedep-
Pep Sleetig, Banquet; Hilies, TFactory utation1 team. Alfred 'ii, grad., of
Meetings, And Church serv-*cce Chlina, and Elliott w\ill specak at. the
Are Scheduled h lilcso.
-lhe services at all the churches in
THITY TO AK TRP 1 t. tow will be completely 1 alien
'T'HITY TOMAKE RIG ver oyn Sunday, by, members; of the
- aielegatien, seI'mw Os lbeing given on
As part of the program of the ex- 1 aesu]i~ject of "Loyalty to the Chu ebh".
tension, division of the Student"Chris- t oruis and Young People's meetings
ian1 association. 24 men and 10, wo-
men students. will journey to Tecuml-
seh this afternoon to, participate in1
the Young People's Christian 'rally , All Wool Pre-Shurunk Beautih
which will be held there this week-;
end under the auspices of the church- ! SUITS 1.J
es, high school and Commerce club of
Tecumseh, in conjunction with, the
student guilds of Ann Arbor churches
and the Student Christian association.
fThis undertaking is the second of its
kind, the first being carried out last T lb e
year. _ A. NA
The program opens with a pep Ti aosGleiR
meeting in the high school auditorium'lmFaosole li
this afternoon, when speeches will be ; Phone 9'73
made by Rensis Likert, '26, president ##t3
of the S. C. A., Thomas Edwards, '26,1 JdakBa rp(S~ttl
varsity football player, and M artin An s htarprsntioa e imp
Mol, '29. Songs and cheers will be led shoFFI W w vo (MANTI
by George Ross, '26, varsity cheer- 1' 'G uAkmA
leadler. In the evening, a banquet will
be given in the high school gymna- SomeICo0f theC best dressee )ople 3'
siuml, at which time Ralph Harlan of ,.-

the psychology department will ad-
dress. the gathering on "Practical
!I M,, ticisin," a talk which he gave re-
-~n c*y>>t Northwestern university.
X"ord<ing to the chairman of the
Cf itittethis promises to be the
bI'~ r get upndertaking of its bind ever
t :ittompted by the 'extension division.
LANSING. -- Abandonment' of. the
tWhite Cloud-Big Rapids line of the
P~ere Marquette was authorized by, the
state pubz1lic utilities commzission.
iiil Fabrics That Will Not Fade
)red by
ule T!'ailor, of Cincinnati.
®) Phone 6746
)f the NASH CO. caill uponl you to
ls and styles.
you meet are 'wearing Nash clothes.-

sual ly
es are
did to
:ch at
at Ve-


I - ~


Eduao Soes

L..: _.....e . ....._. --

)r the pro-
a dancing
karai will
;l swords-1
China will

Are the So-called Dead Able to
Communicate With the Living?. -
0 _ Proven by 0
3of Detroit, one Mf;heWordsrateyMdus
Written Questions Answered. -.I
Lecture by Mr. Taylor -
Vice President of the Oregon State Spiritualists' Assn.
- -I
4Feb. 26 7:30 P. M.
.318 East Jefferson St...

Our Wall Paper Experience
Has taught us that the way to please the
women is to carry an extensive line.
This we have in stock right now. Papers
suitable for every room in the house from
the inexpensive kitchen patterns at 8c per
roll to the rich, artistic tapestries, im-
ported colorings, prices rangingf{rom 75c
to $2.00 per roll. We have a complete
line of 1926 patterns which are sure to
please even the most fastidious.

Brighten up, those floors

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It preserves the paint, and gives a



ANY $1.50 PICTURE FOR $1.00
10%< Discount on Every Cash Purchase.

lasting polish, which :makes your old car look like new. We handle a full
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Spring calls for a New
Topcoat--and one should
.~j/be purchased NOW as
y ou 'll need it to change.
, -with your heavy Over
coat when warm days
L .. come between the cold,
-windy ones.
A splendid assortment rat len's
n God fabrics ardcarefully.


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