TT I [fR ' ', I l'taltY 25 12i T.4I I MlIHIIGAN DILY ~' ~ ~ ... l SPEAKINGJCONTEST World Fliers, Chafing At Air Service Conditions, Resign . . ,' ' _ tI _ C"leges Throughout. Country Compet e In Orations On Constitution wr't '_ iII P .ft t £1:t ,S 1 ,TRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water _ Shampoo, face and scalp treatment.. If Von r a telephone subs criber-cal~l Jie Special prices on all appointments. the . .l-,ahc:, i ai 212i f, aid your w~ant ad Trojanowsk i Beauty Parlor, 1,110 S. 1;~ ill lie hrpei~cl. University, side entrance. Phone Iihe Ilaichi g<.3n Jlwily r"Cl-vrxs t e right- to} eias i fy all vwant ads -iwder app ,roprae head- ,535 tu, th, sat.-tf. 1l1;; andi to revise or withl-,d objectionable - 'ihis column cio~es at .3 P. MI. -late pre cet NEW VICTOR Record releases every in puiblicationl. Notice of any error must lie Friday. You'll always find the hat- given in time for the second injsertion. est andl best on Victor records. C ASH RATES Schaeberle & Son, 110 S. Main St.. Ten cents per readin 1g linre (oin the basis of tr. six average \\ 01 (IS to the line) for one or tWot I itisert tAil , :Nine cents5 per reading line for three or inore VJATI~ {'ash clissifieds receivo~d at the Daily otlie i The Press Building on Mlayllard Street. LENGTHEN the life of your clothes by CONTRACT RATES giving thenm proper attention. Cheer. Special standardizedl rates given on pilc- up). Wahi's,7914. 7-8-9-10.11-12. tioti. OFFER SEVEN PRIZES Colleges and uitnversities through- but the United States will participate f In the second national intercollegiate oratorical contest on the Constitution, 'f which is being sponsored by thie Let- 1 terAmeicaFederations of California as a citize'nship contribution. The prizes, aggregating $5,000 in cash, will go to the seven national finalists, ac- j. 's cording to a recent announcement. I- This competition, in which 317 of E'fhc t ound-the-wvorld fliers arc the leading colleges participated last ! has caused resigiiatonusof two of thi spring, represents! the first nation- plat form for some months. The tre wide test of the kind in the history; Leigh Wade, Leslie Arnold, Lowell S] of higher education : Undergraduate students in institu- Further information may be obtain-l tions of higher education in the court-; ed from contest headquarters. 605tr r lgbe o ~iproe f the contest the country has been di- IitsbidnWsigo,1.C vided into seven regions. The finals in each of these regions will b~e held I want a room? Read Page Seven between May 17 and May 31. and use the Classified columns.-Adv. en 't smiling as broadly as IHlis tii S C'Z 5. ~issatisfaction with lh r'nelt (condition";In tile armi-y air' Service itm, Wade and~ Ogden, anJ a th r d, S mifhis.l- preparimg to. qutit. A ioutrlh, Ila2rdinlg, has been on 1.he eni are seen in Washington ita etOe c, ellsicn of the iipioneer glo e circaling fhiz 1w bil wf t)right, -- - jmithi 1-erry Ogden. Erik NO sonm, John ifla ~rtl i]1. al ready lecture Lieuts. LOCAL EVENTS For notices not otherwise mnentionedi in The Daily. Items will be published on two successive days only. Copy munt be submitted to the Local Events Editor by a P. M. c'(;lock in i'om 1025,A ngelhail. Iat. -I RE IIGIOUS ('lass ill 1, sIeranto, lunder UrI. . {. S. Thrlllsd~y 1OEnderdonk, will meet aIt 5:15 o'clock n room 1021, Angell hall. An interdenominational student,-sup- _________per will he held at 6 o'clock at liar- ris hall. P'ev. Alvin M~agary of D~e- At th~e ('o niined monthbly m~ceeting of ;trait, will speak.. he Geogra phical and Jour'nai clubhs at1 Reverend Magary will also speak at 8 o'clock in room 4137, natural Scienee an interdlenominiational service, inI Imilding;, t. 13. 1I mu of the geography whfich all the Protestant mlintisters in department, will give an illustrated; town will take part, at 7:30 o'clock in lecetre oil "Geoflraphical Notes on St. Andrew's church. C r FlEN iI A L D~r. F. S. Onderdonk will lectutre oan "Blolshevismrn n ?sked'l at 4 :15 .I ... In action Williams shows Its stuff! JU ST a small squeeze of rich, white Williams Shaving Cream whips up into dense, wet lather. Lather that quickly saturates your beard, that softens the razor's ,touch, that leaves your face cool and sootl~ed.! Try this master shaving cream. Large-.size tube 35c; double-size 50c, containing twice as much. At all dealers'. A LW A YS I NS IS T ON W I LL IAM S Matinees 7:0N-gh4s 2:00-3:40e®7:084 Prices ®Prices AS, 5cTonight 10c, 35c, 50c WI THE FLOOD OF BLAZING OIL UPON THEM!V A seething lake of blazing oil, behind a rotten dam! Flood waters ( ! swirling down on the sea of flame! 1 ~A crash ! A ripping of earth! A hissing of steam in a threnody of l doom! The dam bursts like pent-up beasts of prey! The lurid tide, flows down upon the little cottage, where Danny O'Neil's mother and sweetheart K are waiting-Aghast! II WITH ~ Mlcom ac~ego -Pauin Gaon Mry:ar LAES NEW KathrineGran Lucen Lttleiel TylerBrooe GetrudeAsto ORCESTR i On Display THE SOCK KING 1113 So. University Ave. J n>; 2 : , $P -.*Y , a RE GALS-On the feet of College Men from U .. ~Coast to Coast! ate~ Pried rt Our Direct Selling Service is operated on the Principal Campuses of America by Factory Representatives who regularly display new mod - els especially designed for the College Man. Below are a few of the Universities where Regals are the accepted footgear styles-and the recognized standard of shoe values. Princeton Lehigh/ Stevens PennvlvanialUfl11 Dartmouth Brown Washington Califotrn ia Northwestern Ohio State Oregon State Illino~is 11 i Q