'JIlL llt)AY ,-PEI31ARIY 25.192(; THP MICHMAN DAIVY (A TRA~M .. .. .. ,. ... a 1 1 L 1~- ~ -~ V2 t; A A...1 11± 1 V L '-Y1 L i, .,.......... ....A......, r- A .t nnr A~S.Mh :"t TELLS Of FORESTS' rrrrn-r'ninm Iai Karolvi May Rule In 'ungary Aain I r" C J f AT THIE THIl LrftbiIIUN HAIN~ ZnClaimnsI Coniservation Necessary Por Vroler Distribution 0 J3 Jr;j P'recipit ation J" ILLUSTRA'TES LECTURE General conceptions of the layman.::{:;:<:" that. the usefulness of our forests are l limited to their desirability for struc- tural purposes and as a fuel, was de- nied by Raphael Zon, Director of the r;":: Lake states experimental station, ian a lecture in Natural science building yesterday afternoon, when he stated that they have a direct effect upon the distribution of rainfall in the United States. According to Mr. Zon, if our forest's give out in thirty years engineers will devise substitutes for use in con- structing buildings but they cannot replace the forests with an agent to '~ealIao insure equal distribution of precipi- 3leie aoyl tation. It is being predicted in Budapest The talk was illustrated by graphs that Michael Karolyi, who. was presi- showing the effect of, forests upon dent of the first Hungarian republic, rainfall in the United States. Obse - will be head of the country's govern- vations taken by Mr. Zon's department ment again soon. showed a definite relationship between forests and precipitationt on land NO LONGER D)IRECTOR. many miles from the vicinity.f Lewis C. Reimann, who spoke on The rain-bearing prevailing west "Northern Ontario" last night in the winds entering the North AmericanI Natural Science auditorium, is no continent from the Gulf of Mexico, he l longer director of the University fresh explained, soon lose their moisture. air camp, as was stated in The Daily However, in 'their passage over the yesterday. Mr. Reimnann has not been intermittent forests of the eastern associated with the camp for more coastal plain, moisture is picked up than a year.- from them and dropped further north,' and thus, a continual cycle of evapor-- ation and precipitation takes place I PA with the forests as invaluable sources BEST PRIES -of supply. Without the presence; of For Men's Used Clothing. these forests the greater part of fthe Phone 4310~ 116 W. Washington Central States region would be arid, H. BENJAMIN Mr. Zon concluded. Today-Sereen Arcade-"The Eagle," w olph Valentino. EATER I wit h Ruid- a tion, to be heldl at Holland, have justI The convention will assemble at a Cadillac, Big Rapids, Cheboygan; Al- b e e c o p e e . T i i t i t t k s i n r J n 5 a h c i l i g 1.3P n , M d a d e o k y h r ~ o x I i al bt hesoutheast corner of the$ Yost, director of athletics, will be the Greenville, Holland, Grand alaven, lowerpenisula or all territory west principal speaker, Business sessionsI Ionia and Allegan. rra "~ ~ ~ ~~~o a line drawn from Bay City to Ad-f and some recreation will fill the fol- A h it ititcuelo M E I I NGSI E' T nIran and also includes in its terri- lwn a.Cusi h ititae tory some of the strongest Michigan; Lansing, Battle Creek, Jackson, GrandI Port Huron, President Clarence Cpoif alumni clubs. Ridils Sturgis, Three Rivers, 'Little" will be the speaker. finar ti .r A ,nnnnonc: Prone. c, L Pr..l.r - - Majestic-"Bright Lights," with Charles Ray. Wuorth - ".Flaming Waters," with Mary Carr. 11 3 + j i I i t i 4 I t ,I . , ..u f''' i 5 X 1fl f ues 5 ~Iij l UJ.Vol- J1. IfuronAnd iHollandl Com-, tions In Early Spring PRESIDENT WILLSPEAK n m..a., __ c:f.,...,, t i .stodi-ay-zge ( Dates for three district conventions Garrick (Detroit) - "S t oIe n of Michigan Alumni within M~ichigan Fruit." were announced today by T., Hawley~ Playhous irfTa)pinig field secretary of the Alum- Bonstelle:.lyhue(Detrot)- iniassociation. "The Mlan Who Camne Back." .1 The first will be held at Port Huron -a I; May 15 and 16 when delegates of the Shubert Lafayette (Detroit) - ninth district will convene. The tenth "Rainbow Rose." 1(district convention will be held June I 25 and 26, and the eleventh or upper ' New Detroit (Detroit) - "Amt-J peninsula district will hold its con- erican Born," George M. Co- ventthe Oct. 7 and 8 at the time of han. the district convention of teachers. I Plans for the tenth district conven- A QUALITY OF FOOD T K THAT CANNOT BE EQAE TUTLE' LUN H OO r 33ranad- I 11 A Sign of Cheer, "Hello Bill" is used so frequently in our lobby it is often called the "Hello Bill" Hotel. Just an evidence of * popularity. Enjoy our "Hello Cheer" on your next trip. You'll feel * right at home. $15,$1.75 and $2.00 Daily; $2.50 and $3.00 with Bath Columbia at j 3 (--)J e tIL d'- All popular Brgue models at t a John R. DETROIT (Open to 3Men and Womien on displayj GUY WOOLFOLK & CO. 330- South State Street Ann Arbor, Rich. ass anld Patterns eXdU-sivety our own des~qn QW.V.wI i 11 JOHNS# 31V/$ 4 t,(JJ2p1iY , WHITEH USINCORPORATED BROADWAY AT 40THSTREET 144 WEST42N) STREET METROPOLITAN OPERA 1hOUSE BLDG. KNICKERBOC'KER B3UILDING 84 BROADWAY- AT WALL STREET: S . f I1 4--PERFORMANCES DAILY-4 VALENTINO IS PRAISED SKYI'HGHlA-T) HANDSO IE- Ih . ;. Ili THE ROLE OF THE EAGLE I*] , , . _ . . Mk "I I .. ,,; d : on I I DoETfROIT THEATRES T HIS WEEK 11 r Eves. - 50c to $2.50 G ARRI C I Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.50 Sat. Mat. 50c to $2.00 "Remiarkable for its story and powerful presen- t ion,' 'aid Helen. C. Bower, in the Free Press, of "Stolen Fruit" With These Three Stars Ann Harding Rello Peters Harry Dereslord -xtSundav the fnirtous"KoshfrIitty Kelly." Bonslelle Playhouse Mats.Nih7cTurs. ,Thn r. and] Sat., 50c-75(2 Woodward at Ulot Te-l Glendale 9792 The DONSTELLE CO. In John Eckert Goodmnan's Thrilling Dram "THE MAN WHO CAME BACK"1 Next Mon., George M. Coian's "Song and D~ance Man." tehber LfaytteNilifyts, at5>.eobj Schuert atayHI5Nights, 5oc td $2.501I Sat.Mat. 5OC- $2.00 1 Pop.Thurs.Mat. 5oc to $i.5o, plus tax. Cad. 87051 The Colossal Musleal Show RainbowRosel Cast of 6o Countless Charleston Charmner. Whitney ::Theatre Mon., Tues., Mirch 1-2 Seats on Sale $3.30, $2.75, $2.20, $1.65 M~essrs. Shubert Present IN HEIOELBEfRG ~60* MALEQtORUS -60 Book and Lyrics. By i[ rotlhy Donnelly music by Sigmund Romberg Entire Production Under the Personal Direction of Mr. J. J. Shubert Tom. 1 !' 1 f r s _ t I ! ; ! / G . ' isc } orb NNW M COt4I'i IIVLIJ JTJ, I ,, rnrge0us .., X' udit th t'ivg' t , 11 ' t \ JUA w --like a woolen sock twice to the laundry. Trans-,= portation, communication, etc., have so improved in th.e last few years that now Europe is less than a week away- and the cost of a round trip only do _I- You don't stutter- why should your pen? Round Tri*p TOURIST THIRD CABIN Ask about "Cunard College Specials "-the "New Highway" to Europe for college men and WOMMn. Enjoy a DIFFERENT vacation this summer-an OCEAN voyage, Londcn, Paris, the Continent! Write for Particu1lars It) C 1-A D 0 ANCHOR Lr.'0 1213 -WashIinlgton Blvd., lDetrolt or Local Agertss } i1 I{ !I { r { .. 1 ;kk[- t3 I Clou prom rflueSd' 'Y & m~~ it {r ..' Arcd ana with A. vivid, o f01 R iussian 1'tivat ; Whici9r wins hgh ids el n ath tdir oun careas Quee~the ~xentle .e, rj'b Eat h fli evine s important Valorentino11It is roonte.the i OUT de theateral since t ataAre * w e( ict Pe . t tnre. NO others nd byi Ot a Y ~rolester SI 1e the theirvC c~.b. ~l-A 4 n rat ss " Dresser, onhetW a eit i n T Pspe ' .no- ev i t her i '1 I3 ctY s a COU "v bu idol ,(Cefleno, nooi.s en 'ov, : suia dl h I Starting Today TO TAKE notes at lecture speed --to answer 482 exam ques- tions and sub- _ .: . , "'r ; _. _ = - 1 i ACK: SENNEiTT I Preents es~uin9 're ~JPH GRAVES 3fieligan Locals Topical Commnents Alice Cartoon Pictorial News Arcade Review Orchestra and Organ From. the Studios of United Artists MMMUMM.4 I Policy 2:00 83640. Biacony B34 Main Floor 50c Children, 10q 7 :0( 8:40) All Seats, 506 CJdldren, 25c Swan points are craftsmen -- in the old sense of that abused word. They maintain stand- ards of accuracy that simply aren't, equaled' .1m "N . -I , - -- -- - the relativity- equivalent of 15 minutes - you need a pen that isn't subject to fits of balking. that doesn't clog or blot or hesi- tate or stutter. A glib and willing pen. The kind of partner-in-the- updertaking that you can count on. There is such a pen. The Swan Eternal. It doesn't have to be shaken down in order to persuade it to work. It doesn't get out of rrder at inconvenient moments. It begins to write the instant you touch it to paper. It keeps on writing--evenly, smoothly, easily ~-until you want it to stop. iThere's a reason for this Swan dependability. It's this: The Swan jmore carefully and more skil- fully made than any other pen. The men whlo shape and grind the 'It's Ga' -but she learned that a little bit of Broadway y'! Glittering! KC elsewhere. "For nearly fifty years the Swan has been the choice of the people who know, both here and abroad. You'll see why, the moment you try one. Ask the dealer to show you the fine oversized Swan Pen illus- trated. Because this particular Swan Pen is so exceptionally fine, it, carries the special name of Swan "Eternal." With reasonable care it will' never wvear out. You will find it to be a finer pen than you have ever owned before. Its price is $7.' A still' larger size is $9; a smaller size $5. Take your own choice as to color and style o.cf point. Mabie Todd & Co., expert pen makers since 1843. goes a long-R way. ------- - - y 4fn PIGTL %E STARTING Do GENIUS ABILITY SLTRP) HIS OWN RECORD F SCREEN ARTISTRY WITH OF THEm Otte of tile Six Best Produc- tions to Be Made During tile 'ASSES FOR itfTills f.. We Gifi/k's SUNDAY ;, _, 4' I '-NNW 445 Its - a 1! Ill141VA ffA 8! Al 1.107A 1 .. : :. : lil : h