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January 25, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL XXXVI. No. 108






CfflN CII ODJAINS Physicians Hear President
IlThy Outline Doctors Training;
4S '14.*9 T1C M £ HI/17.f) I 711, T1 d '..

]Notion Passed Requesting Publication
Appointments Be Made Soon So As
To Faelltate Electons
Appearing for the benefit of the
Burton Memorial fund, Prof. William
Sandoz. Swiss traveler, will present
his series of pictures entitled "Visions
of Art" on March 29, 30, and 31, at
11111 auditorium, under the auspices of
the Student council,.
Professor Sandoz, whose consent to
appear in behalf of the memorial to
the late President Burton was an-
nounced at the council meeting last
tight, will offer the second number
on the council's program, the first be-
ing Vilhjalmur Stefansson's lecture on
March 12, which will deal with some
'of his experiences on his Arctic ex-
ploration trips.
Uses Own Machine
"The "Vsions of Art", a series of
slides prepared by Professor Sandoz
and projected by means of a specially
constructed machine of the traveler's
own design, were shown in Ann Arbor
last May, but a number of new pro-
grams will be added this year, due
to the fact that Professor Sandoz will
offer a nerformance in the auditorium
for three consecutive nights, instead
of just one evening. His first pro-
gram will consist of pictures of "Pa-
ris through the ages-the social and
cultural capital of the world", and "A
visit to the accumulated treasures in
tilhe celebrated museums of the Iuvre
and the Luxembourg."
On the two following nights the pic-
tures will be selected from the follow-
ing groups: 'Bewitching France,'
"The Marvels of Artistic Spain," "Nor-
thern Africa," "Visions of the Orient,"
"The Egypt of the Pharoahs," "Ver-
sailles and the Trianon" and "India
and its Splendor."
In addition to Mr. Stefansson and
Professor Sandoz, the' council is nego-
tiating with former Col. William Mit-
chell, and may secure him for an ad-
dress in March, the proceeds of which
will also be devoted to the Burton
Memorial fund.
Endorse Convention
At its meeting last night at the Un-
ion the council also approved the ac-
tlon of John Elliott, '26, Michigan
delegate to the Student World Court
conference , held last December at
Princeton, in making Michigan a mem-
ber of the National Pederation of Stu-
dents, an organization composed of
college students of the United States,
formed for the purpose of discussing
and formulating student opinion on
national topics, such as the World
court, and prohibition. The council al-
so endorsed the plan of having the
next annual convention of the federa-
tion in Ann Arbor next December.
Plans for the reorganization of the
Student council, to become effective
next fall, which have been under con-
sideration for some time, were dis-
cussed last night. The proposed change
will abolish the Student council in its
present form, and substitute a College
council in each school and college of
the University, to be composed, in
each college, of members from all four
classes, the senior member obtaining
the highest number of votes to be the
president. The All-University council,
under the proposed change, will con-
sist of the various presidents of the
class councils.
Due to the radical changes embodied
in the new system, no definite action
will be taken for several weeks, but
the new arrangement finally decided
upon will be put into operation before
the all-campus elections this spring,
which select the members of the.'stu-
dent governing bodies next ybar.

A motipn was also passed by the
council, addressed to the Board in
Control of student Publications, re-!
questing that the staff appointments
on the undergraduate publications be
made as soon as is practicable, in or-
der to allow publications men who will,
not be busy at the Press building nextj
year to enter the all-campus elections,
and in order to let the new men in
charge complete the organization of
their staffs well in advance of the final
examinations in the last week of May.
Collins Declares
Harmony Greatest

Little Fears Passing Of Country Prac-1 Will Cote From Detroit On Special
titioner Due To Increased Train; To Attend More Than
Specialization In Medicine Twenty Clinics
DETROIT, Feb. 24.-Expressing the More than 20 clinics and demon-
fear that the genearl practicing phys- strations and one general meeting are
cian might soon be eliminated from on the program for the Ann Arbor
the rural districts. President Clarence Aeican Congre ral cn Ms ot
Cook LUttle spoke at the annual ban- cine to take place today. The Con-
quet of the American Congress on In- gress which has been in session all
ternal Medicine here tonight at theweek in Detroit will arrive here at
rBook Cadillac hotel. The president about 9 o'clock this morning on a
special train and go directly by bus
speaking on the "Preparation and to the University hospital where the
Practice in Medical Education" point- morning will be spent.
ed out the danger of a "to universal While there are more than 1,500 fel-
,,a i tlows of the Congress in Detroit, mem-
specialization and said that the re- ers of the local committee expect
sulting thinning of the ranks of gen- that no more than 600 will attend the
eral practitioners is "very serious in meeting here.
its possibilities." I Will Attend Clinics
"Tle same needs for general wise The morning will be spent entirely
medical advice and counsel exist to- in clinics and demonstrations con-
cday in the rural portions of our coun- ducted by members of the medical
itry as they did decades ago," he said faculty at the hospital. Dr. F. N.
"It is true that hospital facilities have Wilson will demonstrate the electric
been improved, that it is easier to stethophone as a part of his clinic on
reach the hospital and easier to get the "Significance of Cardiac and other
1 out, but the pressure for wisdom and Auscultatory Signs of Heart Disease."
friendliness in the care of the sick is This stethophone by means of which
as great among farming communities it is possible to transmit breathing
today as it was formerly. Young men sounds and heart murmers to any
will not subject their wives to th number of ordinary stethoscopes
dangers of the medical risk of neglect- wired to the central machine, is one
ed rural districts, nor will they set- of the first instruments of its kind
tle and try to raise children under cir- installed in the country and is at-
cumstances likely to prove fatal in tracting considerable attention. Dr.
case of emergency. Some t method Preston M. Hickey will run a con-
must be devised for the development tinuous demonstration in the ,roent-
of a greater number of general prac- genology department, having six as-
titioners willing to act for a time at sistants who will perform ten min-
least as 'country doctors.'" ute demonstrations throughout the
Outlines Four Classes morning.
President Little suggested that en Dr. Reuben Peterson will conduct
couragement to undertake general a clinic on the points of contact be-
practice "might rest upon idealism and tween internal medicine and gynecol-
the development of interest in human ogy and obstetrics. This clinic will
problems and contacts." He divided be divided into two sections discuss-
the medical profession into four class.. ing "Pregnancy as a Complication of
es covering general practitioners, sur- Pulmonary Tuberculosis" and Steri-
geons, physicians, and research work.- lization in the Presence of Organic
ers. He said that the education in Disease of the Lung, Heart and Kid-
medical schools should take some cog- ney." Doctor Peterson is a member
nizance of the requirements of these of the American Gynecological so-
four groups. Next he took up the di- ciety and an authority in his field.
cussion of specialization, dwelling at Tour hospital
some length on the history of this Luncheon will be served at the con-
field of medicine and on the factors elusion of the clinics at 12:30 o'clock.
that lead so many students to special- There will be a tour of the hospital
ize. He also discussed the need of dif- buildings at 1:30, after which the
ferentiating between men skilled in Congress will move to the Union
the science and those in the practice where the afternoon meeting will be
of medicine . held. This meeting will be addressed
Considering the pre-medical course, by President Clarence Cook Little on
the president outlined four groups of the "Methods of Sterilization in the
subjects which he considers essential Light of Biological Investigation" and
to medical work. The first group in by Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medical
cludes courses in the subject matter school, who will discuss "The Avoid-
of medicine such as chemistry and ance of Surgical Operation in Patients
physics, tools later to be used in the with Certain Types of Personality."
student's professional training. The Both President Little and Dean Cabot
second is made up of subjects which are addressing the Congress for the
deal with human behavior. In the second time this week.
tlhirdi group are found cultural sub-.
jects in literature, fine arts and his-
tory, which the President believes will
"add more than almost anything else lotenrcmtofSUnILIa
to the enrichment of personality and
to the establishment of lasting friend-
ships with patients and their families."
; ss i s w t p a i n s a d t u f a i isTh e fo u r t h g r o u p , c la s s ifie d a s e q u iliim n o r e , c o c r o e n l n
inent courses, concern modern lan-
guages and elementary business train- Professor Of Medicine At Colorado
ing. To Talk At Washtenaw County
The minimum length of the pre- Society Dinner
medical course was set by President
Little as three years. He urged the WAS INSTRUCTOR HERE
medical colleges to insist that th
student take sufficient time for the ac-
quisition of an adequate foundation, Following the afternoon session of
outlining the advantages to be gained the American Congress on Internal
from such a step. I Medicine, the regular monthly meet-
Tells Advantages ing of the Wastenaw County Medical
First, the studert would have a; society will be held at 6 o'clock tonight
longer opportunity to discover wher - at the Union. The program consists of
er his strong point was research work dinner, a business meeting, and an
or the practice of medicine. Second. address by Prof. James R. Arneill of
i lie would have more time to appreciate the medical school at the University
the value of cultural subjects. In the of Colorado. This meeting is designed
third place, men would, were a longer to accommodate the many members
preparatory course required, reach the of the society who will accept the in-
medical school at a more mature age, vitation of the Congress to be present

and would adopt from the outset a at its local sessions.
more attentive attitude. The fourth Doctor Arneill is a former active
and fifth advantages, are that the stu- member of the society having spent
dent would have a longer time to make several years as an instructor in the
up any weakness he might have in any internal medicine department of the
subject and would gain a broader vista Medical school after his graduationa
of his profession. The President ex- in 1894. He became a professor of
pressed the belief that these advan- medicine at the University of Colo-
tages could definitely be gained from rado in 1904, and has remained at
a longer and more adequate founda- that school until the present time. 1-e
! tion for the study of medicine., is the author of a volume, published
The banquet was also addressed by in 1905 entitled "Clinical Analysis and
Dr. Charles G. Jennings of Detroit, Urinology," and has contributed many
president of the Congress, and at the articles to the "Reference Handbook
conclusion of the speeches a (lance on Medical Sciences." Tonight Dr.
was given for the doctors in the ball Arneill will discuss the "Value of the
room of the hotel. Law of Probabilities in Diagnosis."

. (

Newsnapers In Berlin Assume British
Will Support French In Fight
To Enlarge Council
(By Associated Press)
BERLIN, Feb. 24.-The German
cabinet today designated Chancellor
Luther and Foreign Minister Strese-
mann to represent Germany at the
Geneva meetings of the League of Na-
tions next month, at which Germany's
admission to the league will be dis-
While some uneasiness is felt in
official circles over the vagueness of
the speech made at Birmingham on
Monday by Sir Austen Chamberlain,
in which the British foreign secretary
referred to the possibilities of con-~
troversy over the question of enlarg-
ing the league council, nevertheless
the German representatives will go
to Geneva with the assumption that
the same spirit which characterized
Locarno will be in evidence there.
Sir Austen's speech created alarm
in the Berlin newspapers, which pub-
lished it with headlines such as Ger-
many's entry into the League doubt-
fnl," "Chamberlain' sevasions," and
"Chamberlain in tow of French."
The newspapers seem to take it for
granted that the British foreign sec-
retary at Geneva next month will
support the French argument that
the council should be enlarged by the
granting of permanent seats to coun-
tries other than Germany, and they,
emphatically affirm that should the
German delegates be confronted with
a fiat accomphi in the fornm of an ex-
tended league council, they should
withdraw the application for admis-
sion to the league.
Final action on the proposed new
football stadium, seating more than
60,000 persons and located outside the
boundary of Ferry field, will be taken
tonight when the Board of Regents
holds its monthly meeting. The stad-
ium question, which was postponed
last month, will be the only subject
for discussion tonight.
The new stadium has now been ap-
proved by the Board in Control of Ath-
letics and the University Senate and
awaits only the final action of the
Board of Regents. .

His Life A Romance
Fund Will Permit Contracts To Iue Greene States Keynote Of Meeting I
Let For Construction Of Two To Acquaint Students With
Special Built Planes Professional Problems
Opening the canpaign for $100,000 Stating that the purpose of the con-
to provide planes for the University ference for brokers and subdividers,
expedition which Prof. William 1- which is being held at the Union un-
Hobbs of the geology department der the joint auspices of the Michigan
will lead into Greenland late in Julne, Real Estate association and the School
Arthur T. Waterfall, vice-president of of'Business Administration, is to dis-
Dodge Brothers Motor company will I cuss the everyday problems i the
sponsor a dinner Thursday evening, :' ~:-::'. realty business and to familiarize bus-
March 11, at the Detroit Athletic club. '" - . iness administration students with
At this dinner plans for the expedition those problems, Guy S. Greene of De-
will be discussed, and the project will George F. Nixon troit, president of the Michigan Real
be formally launlched in Detroit. The story of George F. Nixon, Chi- Estate association, called the confer-
Among those who will speak are cago, who willaddress the joint meet- ence to order yesterday morning. More
President Clarence Cook Little. Regent ing of the Michigan Real Estate as- than 150 members of the associatiox,
James 0. Murfin, Dr. Vilhjalmur Stef- sociation and students of the School students, and others interested in real-
ansson, arctic explorer, and Professor of Business Administration at the ty work are attending the meetings of
Hobbs. session starting at 9 o'clock this the conference which will continue
Propose Flight Tests morning at the Union is one of tie through this afternoon.
According to announcement yester- romances of American business. ILeonard P. Reaume, of Detroit. pres-
day, the $100.000 fund will allow con- Born in Chicago in 1892, Mr. Nixon, ident of Paterson Brothers and com-
tracts to be let, and immediate con- now 34, attended the public schools pany, and former president of the De-
struction to start on two specially de- in that city, and supported himself troit Real Estate board, spoke on the
signed planes which the expedition by selling newspapers before and { subject of "Real Estate, Brokerage" at
will take into the arctic. Tests will after classes. At 18 he became clas- I the first meeting of the conference. He
be held before the start of the expedi-~sifted advertising solicitor of the old stated that the essence of the broker-
tion with a view toward determining Chicago Record-Herald., age business is service.
whether the two special planes will be Within the past 13 years he has be- Advises Beginners
able to take off from both snow and come one of the 34 leading big city Shifting to what he termed more
ice, a thing which never has been done area developers in the United States, constructive criticism, he spoke of the
heretofore within the arctic, leaders of owning or controlling $55,000,000 advantage, of establishing and using a
the expedition say. To accomplish worth of greater Chicago property. reputation. He also advised young
this, the plans. of amphibian type, will - --men starting into the business to con-
be fitted with retractable wheels and nect themselves with some one of ex-
skids. - perience, rather than to attempt to
Leaving Sydney, Nova Scotia, the ex- jA imaster it by themselves. He also made
pedition will go to Holstenborg on the a plea for making the brokerage busi-
southwest coast of Greenland where a ness a profession. He prophesied a
base for operations will be established. H tendency towards monopoly of the
Te expedition will fly more than ribrokerage business by large trusts, un-
100 mnilesl inland to establish mneteoro- less the smaller establishments amal-
logical stations to be used largely in gamate.
forecasting weather. Aerial maps will Maor Party Leaders Join In Defense i After the morning meeting, a lun-
he made of the entire area between Of Measure--Will Affect Next cheon was held in honor of Harry T.
Baffin bay and the edge of the polar Income Tax Cluff, secretary of the Michigan Real
ice cap. Mountains, lakes, and other Estate association sinces its inception,
natural features of the land will be REFUSE RECOMMITMENT and executive secretary of the Detroit
named after prominent graduates of Real Estate board.
the University. Studies of the upper (jDean Edmund E.. Day, of the School
air strata will also be made. The ex- !(By Associated Press) of Business Administration, was the
pedition will be composed of 25 men. WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.-Congress principal speaker at the afternoon ses-
At the dinner to be given early in today ordered the $387,000,000 tax re- sion; his topic was "Economic Fac-
March, members of the Detroit Ath- duction bill sent to President Coal- tors Underlying Appraisals." Treating
letic club will be present. Mr. Water- k the subject from a scientific viewpoint,
fall who is sponsoring the event, has coDean Day emphasized the necessity of
travelled extensively and is vitally in- probably most important piece of leg- appraising, not on present, but on fu-
terested in exploration. Harold H. islation of the season. ture values; he spoke of the relation
Emmons, '991Z Detroit attorney, will The President is expected to make , of such factors as the value of money,
act as toastmaster. the bill viti a t building prices, and the growth of ter-
Stefamnson To Talk th ely daeffective wt heis siguatie at ritory and the increase in population.
The day after the Detroit banquet an early date, although lie is allowed His talk was illustrated by a chart
Dr. Stefansson will speak in Ann Ar- ten days 'ii which to study it. ( showing the increase in value of real
bor under the auspices of the Student Final congressional approval of the estate in Ann Arbor since 1913.
council in its Burton Memorial fund measure came late today with the ac- After Dean Day's talk, James S. Hol-
campaign. aden of Detroit, president of the com-
Tomorrow evening Professor Iobbs(ceptanmeeby the Senate, 61 to 10, of pany which bears his name, also spoke
will deliver an address on the "Univer- the compromise reached in confer- on appraisals; he reviewed the prac-
sity of Michigan Greenland Expedi- ence with the Clouse. By a similar tical side 'of the subject, and illustrat-
tion," over the radio from station overwhelming vote, the House rati- ed his various points by the use of
WCAP of the American Bell Telephone ifled the compromise yesterday. concrete examples.
company at Washington. Early this Carrying provisions for relief of An informal banquet for the real-
week Professor Hobbs addressed the virtually every federal taxpayer, its tors was held last night, at which Fla-
Chicago Alumni association at the City effects will begim to be felt when first vell Shurtleff of New York city, sec-
club in Chicago relative to the com- imincome tax installments fall due retary of the National conference on
ing expedition. March 15. More than 2,300,000 persons city planning and Yield secretary ot
who paid income taxes last year will the Regional plan of New York and its
ick W inners I erelieved of all taxes under the i environs, was the speaker.
measure.. I Mr. -Shurtleff's subject dealt with
First Oratorical Both Republican and Democratic city planning. He stated that subdi-
leaders defended the measure in the I viders should plan their subdivisions
League ConteSt four hours of Senate debate today on to fit into the plan of the city, and
the conference agreement and a pro- that there should be a master plan for
Robert S. Miller, '27, and Myron posal to recommit it to conference for every city.
Winegarden, '27 ,yesterday were nam- further tax reduction was defeated on Tells New York Plan
ed winners in the junior class trial a point of order. Senator Neely, "When a master plan, or city plan,
eliminations being held in connection Dem., West Virginia, made his mo- as it is sometimes called, -is in effect.
with the Northern oratorical league I tion which would have instructed the the city can be planned for the fu-

contests. iVlyror L. Cole, '28, was ad- Senate conferees to insist upon repeal ture," said Mr. Shurtleff. "If New
judged the sophomore winner. Seniors of the taxes on admissions, (hues and York city had not had a city plan in
will give their orations in the elimi- ; automobiles. Leaders on both sides I 1811, its streets on Manhattan island
nation series at 3 o'clock today inI argued thns would cause undesired would not have been built as wide as
302 Mason hall. delay, and Senator Robinson, of Ark- they are, and it would be impossible
After the two senior winners are (ansas, the Democratic leader, made to handle the traffic on those streets
named preparations will begin for the the point that the motion was out of today. City planning also means sta-
finals which will be held here in order since it would not provide a bility for investments, as property val-
March. At this time the speaker who means of getting the bill back before ues will be protected from loss be-
will represent the University in the the Senate. cause of different types of buildings
Oratorical league contests will be se-- Vice-President Dawes upheld the being built."
lected from the five. men surviving the l point of order and an appeal from his Mr. Shurtleff also added that, parks
eliminations, Prof. Thomas C. True- ruling by Senator Neely was ordered and playgrounds are not ornaments,
blood said yesterday. The league down, 62 to 8. The roll call on adop- "even though some people consider
contests will be held at the Univer-1 tion of the conference agreement im- them so.
sity of Wisconsin May 7. Prizes will I mediately followed. Preceding Mr. Shurtleff's talk, Dean
be given to the winners of the ehimi- 'Tway explained the purpose of making
nations here as well as to the winners the business administration course cf
of the intercollegiate contests at' fve years' duration saying that busi-
Madison. ness, as other professions like mddi-
cine and law, needs prerequisite
trann. As the school has just re-
lYuFIRL Iull tly started, one should not judge its
OwtrWeat l~erMan O- i - -


Outlining the development of


. j
i t
1 3
? '
t !

modern museum of natural historyi
and presenting a study of the aims
and methods guiding the administra-
tion of such institutions as the Uni-
versity museum, Prof. A. G. Ruthven,.
director of the museum, told members
of the Sigma Xi society last night
that the public has not had a proper
conception of the meaning of the
word "museum," or of the principles!
under which museums are managed.
Professor Ruthven spoke of the old
idea of "dime museums," and of the
lack of scientific purposes embodied
in them. He showed the need for an I
understanding of the natural history
museum as "a center of learning, a
nursery of living thought, an agency
for the enlightenment of the people,"
and a repository for valuable scien-
tific data.-
I To meet the unusual denmand for
' seats, a fourth performance of Hol-
berg's farce "Reggarman," will be
I given tomorrow night in Mimesj
I theater. The entire house for last
night's production was sold out by 5
o'clock, and only a few seats are left



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