WoJ THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, TI-IF MTCI-ITCAN DAB N O R GANIZE FOUL TO EAT WORL Europe aii Adieutfirers Are Exected To ffer Compeition Tro Arctic -Invaders H1AVE 'PRIVATE BACKING By Jo n T. Lewing. Jr. WASH.INGTON, 'Feb. 2.- With at least 'four expeditions preparing in the Vnited States for aerial assaults on' the unconquered Arctic, and three or four others being organized by advent- urous European spirits, it looks like the polar. regions xwil be f avorite summer resort .this year. Perhaps tie most ambitious of the expeditions is that being sponsored byat the .AJnerican Geographical society and the fDetroit Aviation society, under thedleadership of Cat. Geoge Hf. Wil-' kins, Australian explorer and aviator.:. An expedition financed by Iarrisoii Wjllais, and George Palmer Putnam, to gather +specimens for the. American , Museum of Natural History.xwil have Capt.' Robert Bartlett as leader, and! Robert'E. Peary, son of the man cred- ited with discovering the North Pole, will be in the, party. Capt.,Bartlett ac- comipanied Peary on some of his trigs 'to the Arctic. Lt. Leigh Wade. one of the world fliers, will lead a third. group of ad- venturers. The fourth expedition definitely an-! nounced is that which wil be con- m nded by Lt. Cor. Ricard.E. Byrd, i7.S. N. Meanwhile there is being overhaul- ed a dirigible in which Roald Amund- L seni, Norwegian explorer, now in the United States, hopies to be able to fly to the Pole over the course on which E he was nearly lost in attempting -a i plane flight last year. y Although none of the leaders will -admit' the possibility, it is pobable that the invasion of the Arctic by anr ,wil develop into a race for what ever honors are- attached to being the fisti no ail a fag to the North Pole.. Lieutenant Wade is preparing to re- sign from the army air service in order to give all his time to prepar- bions for the venture. His buddy on the world flight, Lt. H. H. Ogden, will act as his assistant on the polar dash. In personnel, eqipmet and fianc-} ing, the. expedition will be all Ameri- an. It is backed by prominent alumni of Harvard, Yale, Princeton and the1 University of Pennsylvania and will be3 known as the American university's;~ alumni expedition. The expedition is negotiating for a steaiYner to transport its equipment to PI't Arrow, Alaska, which is to be- the base also of the Wilkins expedi- tion. organized for the same lpurpose.' Lieutenant Commander Byrd is con-1 vinced by hisrexperience as coiman-I Ater of the navy section ot te MVacMil- lan expedition, last summer that ex-' ploration of the Arctic by aircraft is practiAl Officially, the navy is not to be co- _nected with the expedition which is to' be financed with the aid of proninent Americans, amongAvlom arc John D Rockefeller, Jur.,.Vincent Astor and d-j sil Ford.l At the same time, although its o- jest .will be somewhat si~ilar, it willj not operate in competiti~n with the other expeditions. Although the navy will not oficially, be connected with the expedition it miay" furnish some engines for the air-' crafts. Commander Byrd expects to have four aviators with the expedition as I well as what ship and groundl crews are necessary. It is his hope that the navy will permit Floyd Bennett avia Lion -pilot, of Waterbury, Vt.. to ac- company himt as he did on the M1a(- Millan expedition. Bennett has ben; in aviation work since he enlisted( in 1917. -I DUBLIN.-The Free State govern-1 nent'suffered a setback in a byeelec tion in County Dublin in WhIich WAii- Iiam2 Morton, Laborite, defeated Thomn-I. as F. Hely, the government candidate. i 15,166 to 14',303. MEDITERRAN-CRUISES 1 40 ROUND Thff WORLD, WST INDIES, TiC. Any Lime, Any Steamer, .Any Where make -Reservations NOW A Small de Ait garanessaei n ls ize642 tE. B.G. -KUEBLER icda tAL IN 601 E. Hure, S, A Arhsr, Rch5 UNITED S TA TES EXPEDITIONS IN A OFFERE D IN RACE TO CONQUER POLE BY AIRPLANE'K AA1~ OPN ~ A unounceinent has been inuadeb ~ he Interiational lMagazine company, t~x::". .:7::"::":::<.;;:.;>, Inc.. that the sumr of $150,000 has >> asde, z itto helpambitious t .. ::: J :<:<.:. :: ::.::" ;":"": :" ::. youths through college during 1926. s r>::":::'::.:.......:::ore than a hundred young mcin ~. . ....took ai dvantage of the company's of- , rr ~fer' of summer emplloymrent in 19235 3.rs?{ :,;:::fr :.......,,r_::::::,::::."": :.: :......:::.:. {.In addition to pzaying them a salary r...:."."r~j r;;,;that met their living expenses,, the :":>:>::": : ".;}4;;,, ..,..:.s :.:._:r::"::::>a<;::::::company sent checksny se t corks theirhertuitionz Sp in erld darrival's p~art to convince the town P'Cledthait his bgird calendar wvas correct, By First Robin: Ie ipparcatly douhted Ihis welcomte, self up into a shivering silence. (Lndlismn.yed by the heaxvy fall 01! n-ow whh hindlered Ii is food sul,, Suriim's first harbinger was observediLeTeDalslltfoyoVm coe Classified coluirnus.-Adv. at 7:30 o'clock yesterday nierniig at. the corner of State and Madisoni streets. A vigorous chirp disclosed S4to lpassers-hb a feathery ball perchied Iia , vs litiymf ; S fl 1 - ihigh i a tree on a. Snlow-covered I~I~V fIUI5 "braineh, and gave unmistakable cvi- i 11)'flT' I dente that the first robin has arrived fORTI{PED'IST for the spring season in Ann Ar:z. ,0 N. Unive~rsity Ave. Phone !121) £ to the treasurers of more than a, score of promninent colleges, including Ts-Th yard, Yale, Dartmouth, 'Brown, La-; "q0 fayette, Johns Hopkins, Ohio State,- and Pennsylvania. The response of ambitious students to the Coffer of this company goes far to disprove the recent asserions . t educational experts that the mnotive which draws young men to college is the love of luxury antd spores. Agents' of the coiiipinii are. now ,visiting pirn-, cip.al co~lieges to enroll '300 students for work: during the summer of 2q26. It, is. estimated that each man en- rolled will earn $500, for, in addition! to earning the yearly scholarships, the. men, have also the oppor tunity to earn. large bonuses. Last year the star men were lien- ersusly entertainedl for sevcra~l. days at the company's expense in New' York. Th'is reward will also be given to the men nmakiiig the best rec(ords in 1926. WASH-INGTON.---The Watson-Park- t er bill, which would set up boards of adjustment and medliation to settle railroad labor disputcs, was favorably reported to the House yesterday. T GHANCE at $7.85 and $8185 ,ed--Sale Ends Saturday. - ,etate )etery30Sot .. " - . .°.''it'"ar!".. " i """a'd 'tl.. ". * . " .I°°./ ,r1"".d ~". . ",I°°'. ./". ' ",pI'".rr', /' ".rl '.d " . "'./" «/M'"«Ip" .ij " Ydour Printing Pro blerns Can ,easily be solved by dropping in at the Craft T'ypesh op. WVespecialize in Era tern-. ity and Sor"oity pr~titing. .II -1 .eatiers of the Williajuis-Putijati expedition, (left to right), Robert E..IPeery, Bartlett, studylig snap of the popular regions, and the le~rders of three ard Byrd, Leigh Wade. and George 'HI. Wilkins. Georwe °ain'er . aid CaIt. Rolwrt otlher'. aneric ai expzeditius: IRich - I ,. . L&Iib6la'p "?rrr 6etter impressions COOKIES Our Wednesday Special d of delicious will make an YOURLAS -TO I $10.00 Florsheims All Other Styles ilReduec Campus Bc p r _. { ., , 3 . 711 N. ,Univ., 2nd floot Doer Geo. Mloe's cookies at 9c a dozen - a-- excellent dessert for your dinner. v;he CITY PASTRY SHOP P 516 EAST LIBERTY PF-lONE 5501. .. f For the Telephone Subscriber There Is -Little Trouble 1n Placing a Want A. Just-call Jimmie the Ad- Taker, Dial 21214, and give the details-and Jimmie will aid you in arranging an at- tractive ad-or if you prefer write out your watnt as you wish it to appear and dictate it to him. This service costs no more than the cash classifieds when paid within ten days, and the results are very satisfactory. Phone 21214 Jimmie The 1Ad. Take+r ( ;;r\ P ,' TX CCACLACOsoYuA{NT, A Buttons replaced, socks darned, rips and tears repaired some of the fea- tures which make White Swan laun- dering so popular .4 ~i~(~I 1' Dial 4287 4, xI Me for y ou and You for Me- Coca-Cola ti s the shortelst -dstanice between thirst' and refrshm ent White Sa LudyCo. :Ann Arbor's Leading Cleaners i .4 :j IT HAD TO ,$E GOOD TO GET WHERE IT IS -7 ,MILLION A DAY _,,., - -. r~rrr~l r rr -1 I.; I i I Strict economy tells you to eat where prices are lowest., Good sense demands that you eat only finest. foods. There is a111y one answer we know-- I .1. 00Inle 4AA 1'e k'204".0 F