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January 24, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-24

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President And Dean Will Address
1rM Physicians At Union
Friday Afternoon
President Clarence Cook Little and
Dean Hugh -Cabot of the Medical
school, will address the American
College on Internal Medicine conven-
ing here for a part of their tenth an-
nual clinical session, tomorrow after-
noon in the ballroom of the Union.
The Congress is meeting this week in
Detroit,. but will spend tomorrow in
clinics and demonstrations at the Un-
iversity hospital in the morning, and
in meeting at the Union in the after-
. President Little, who will talk on
"Methods of Sterilization In the Light
of Biological Investigation", is to
make his second address before the
Congress at this time, as he is also
on the program of the annual banquet
of the organization to be held this
evening in the ball room of the Book
Cadillac hotel, Detroit. The President
stands out pre-eminently as a biolo-
gist and an authority on eugenical
matters, and the members of the Con-
gress are eager to learn his views
on this subject.1
Dean Cabot is also appearing for
a .second time at this session. He
was one of the speakers at the open-
ing meeting Monday afternoon, com-
menting on Dr. A. C. Ivy's speech.
on pancreatic secretions. Tomorrow
the dean's subject will be the "Avoid-
ance of Surgical Operations in Pa-
tients With Certain Types of Person-
In addition to these two speches,
there will be a clinical pathological
conference in which three diseases
will be demonstrated. These will be
cases of cardiac disease with hyper-
trophy of the right ventricle, a case
of aortic aneurysm, and a case of
coronary thrombosis. Several mem-
hers of the medical faculty will take
part in this conference.
More than 1,500 physicians are ex-
pected to arrive for the session at 9
o'clock tomorrow on a special train
from Detroit. They will be taken by
bus directly to the hospital, where a
full program of demonstrations and
clinics will occupy their attention
from 9:30 to 12:30 o'clock. Lunch
will be served by the hospital at that
hour, after which there will be a gen-
eral tour of the buildings and equip-
ment. At 2:30 the doctors will go
by bus to the Union where the after-
noon mjeeting will begin at 3 o'clock.
Reports from Detroit indicate that
there is a considerable amount of in-
terest in the. Ann Arbor session, and
that not only have the majority of
-the fellows of the Congress signified
their intention of attending these
meetings, but that also many mem-
hers of the general medical profes-
sion of the city have accepted the in-
'vitation of the organization to be
their guests at this time.
MADRID.-Foreign Minister Yangu-
as announced yesterday that the Span-
ish government had tacitly agreed to
support Poland in her claim for a
permanent seat on the ITeague of Na-
tions council.I
HAVANA. - Two Cubans have been
arrested and another is sought by the
police on the charge of counterfeiting
income tax receipts.
Our Weaher.'Aan
- -
,.* * !

i (By Associated Pres)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.-Mrs. Cool-
idge is suffering from a cold which
caused her to cancel plans to attend
a dinner to be given tonight by at-
torney general and Mrs. Sargent.
Assurance was given at the White
House that Mrs. Coolidge's indisposi-
tion was not serious. The president,
practically recovered from the cold
which laid him up for several days
last week, went ahead with arrange-
ments to attend the dinner planned
in honor of himself and Mrs. Coolidge.
Last week, at another "prominent
dinner" given by Secretary Davis of
the War department and Mrs. Davis,
fthe President at the last moment felt
unable to attend.
Flavel Shurtleff Of New York City
Will Illustrate Speech Today
In Science Auditorium
"Metropolitan Park Systems" will
be the subject of a lecture by Flavel
Shurtleff, secretary of the National
Conference on City Planning and
field secretary of the Regional Plan*
of New York city and its environs to
be given at 4:15 o'clock today in
Natural Science auditorium. He will
use slides, chiefly of the par of Bos-'
ton and of Westchester county in his
talk, according to an announcement
issued last night by Prof. Aubrey
Tealdi of the landscape design de-
Mr, Shurtleff, a graduate of the
Harvard Law school, is the author of
"Carrying Out the City Plan," a study
of methods of making city planning a
practical undertaking. Professor
Tealdi stated that he is a recognized
authority on city planning, having
been an official of the National Con-
ference on City Planning since it was
organized, and field secretary of the
New York regional plan since 1914.
This organization has charge of the
landscape arrangements for all of the
territory within 50 miles of New York
Mr. Shurtleff will discuss the ap-
peal which parks make to the citizens
of any community, and the practical
means for acquiring an attractive
landscape. He spoke yesterday, and
will speak tomorrow to Professor
Tealdi's classes in landscape design.
Judge Ben Lindsey of the juvenile
and family court of Denver, recently
declared in a speech, "I defy anyone
Ito show that one city or state wit
film censorship is any better in this
regard than other cities or state like
Colorado, where there is no censor-
He further stated that the influence
of petty politics had done much to
make the existent censor plan im-
practicable. "The result of govern-
mental censorship would be to invite
all of the evils that come from any
governmental censorship to intoler-
ance, bigotry, fanaticism, and tyranny,
the like of which this country has
never seen.
In regard to the child problem he
said, "Far more children have been
made good by the movies than have
been made bad. We must know how

to wisely teach our children to be
their own best censors."
December Freight
Surpasses Record'
Freight traffic handled by the class
"i" railroads of this district in De-
cember 1925, which amounted to 37,-
868,884 net ton-miles, an increase of
eight and two tenths per cent over
the same month in 1924, was the
greatest for any December on record,
according to reports filed by the car-
riers with the bureau of railroad eco-
nomics. With the exception of that
of 1923, the volume of freight traf-
fic handled in 1925 was the greatest
ever handled in one year, the statis-
tics indicate.
In the eastern district, in December,
the freight traffic carried by the class
"i" railroads showed an increase of
eight and five tenths per cent over




President Little Will Talk Friday At
Luncheon Of Conference, WhIeh
Business School Sponsers
Under the auspices of the Michigan
Real Estate association and the School
of Business Administration, a con-
ference for brokers and subdividers
will open at 10:30 o'clock today at theI
Union. According to an announce-
ment of the convention, this confer-
ence is designed to gather together
the realtors of the state for the pur-
pose of discussing their every-day
problems with hopes that their meth-
ods and practices may be improved,
and that more highly efficient meth-
ods of operation may be developed.
The conference will be called at
10:30 o'clock by Guy S. Greene of
Detroit, president of the association.
After the call to order, Leonard P.
Reaume, also of Detroit, and presi-
dent of Paterson Brothers and com-
pany, will speak on the subject of
"Real Estate Brokerage." The speech
will be followed by a discussion led
by Edward G. Hacker of Lansing. f
At 12:30 o'clock, a*luncheon will be
given in honor of Harry T. Clough,
secretary of the association and 1
executive secretary of the Detroit
Real Estate Board. President Greene
will preside.
Dean Edmund E. Day of the School1
of Business Administration, will speak
on "Economic Factors Underlying Ap-;
praisals" at the meeting to be held I
at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. The ]
discussion after this speech will be'
led by Herman Wyngarden of Michi-
gan State college. "Appraisals" willj
be the subject of another talk at this
meeting, given by James S. Holden
of Detroit.3
An informal banquet will be heldk
at 6:30 o'clock this evening at thej
Union. The speaker at this event will
be Nlavel Shurtleff of New York-City,
secretary of the National Conference#
on City Planning and field secretary
of the Regional Plan of New York
and its environs.
Two other meetings and a luncheonI
will be held tomorrow; Presidentj
Clarence Cook Little will be the prin-
cipal speaker at the luncheon. His
subject has not yet been announced.
The conference will adjourn at 4:30
o'clock tomorrow.
A registration fee has been fixed at
$3.00, including admission to the
banquet this evening. A registration
clerk will be on duty at 8:30 o'clock
this morning at the Union, to furnish
admission badges and the dinner
Any students in the School of Busi-
ness Administration interested in
realty work will be excused from
classes to attend the conference meet-


Faculty Hears
New Entrance
Plan Outlined
Various aspects of the University's
proposed new program for admitting
students were presented to the faculty
of the literary college yesterday af-
Registrar Ira M. Smith told of prog-
ress which has been made in the
preparation of the new application
blanks which freshmen will use for
the first time next fall in applying
for admission to the University, and
which have been prepared largely
through joint action by the University
committee on admissions and the com-
mittee of the high school principals'
department of the Michigan State
Teachers' association on college en-
trance requirements.
Proposals for the institution of
'freshman week" at the Universtiy
next fall along lines suggested by
President Clarence Cook Little, were
outlined by Prof. W. A. Frayer of the
history department, who is chairman
of the committee. Dean Edmund E.
Day of the School of Business Admin-
istration, told of the work of the new-
ly organized Senate committee on vo-
cational guidance.
Has Examined Foremost Zoological
Institutions In United States
And Great Britain
Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, director
of the Museum, who will speak on'
"Museum Ideals" at 8 o'clock tonight
in Natural Science auditorium, has
investigated museum conditions not
only in this country, but also in Great
Britain. Two years ago he went to
London, where he did spec:al work,
and then proceeded to visit and ex-
amine all of England's most import-
ant zoological institutions.t
Tonight's address will deal generally
with the ;aims and purposes of
inuseunis, wificli have been a hobby
of Doctor Ruthven's for many years.
le also hopes to develop the general
policy that has guided the University
Museur up to the present time, and '
to establish that policy which may
be expected when the new larger
quarters are opened. Present plans
for the new building call for actual
work to begin early in 1927. The
structure will be located on Washte-
naw just south of Volland.
Doctor Ruthven is a member of
Sigma Xi, national honorary scien-
tific society, under whose auspices
the talk will be given. He has writ-
ten numerous papers on zoological
subjects, and has had charge of vari-
ous scientic expeditions. Ie grad-
uated from the University in 1906.

Lower Body Wrangles On Inheritance
Tax Issue; Immediate Passage
In Senate Predicted

(By Assoc ited IPress)
LONDON, Feb. 23.-A Constanti-
nople dispatch reports that the Turk-
ish government has reached an agree-
ment with the Standard Oil company
of New Jersey, whereby the govern-
I ment will get its oil supplies from
the Standard depots at Constanti-
nople, Smyrna, and Samsun. This is
interpreted as a monopoly for the
The new Turkish monopoly law for-
bids the importation of kerosene, gas-
oline, and other products except
through government monopoly. This
law has given concern to foreign bus-
iness interests in Turkey, and confer-

(By Associated Press) ences have been held recently between
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.-The $387,- officials of the Standard Oil company,
000,000 tax reduction bill agreed upon the largest American interest effected,
by Senate and House conferees, was and the finance minister, regarding
approved today by the House, 354-28, the future of the company in Turkey
where its investment is valued at
and its final passage was put up to $3,500,000.
the Senate.
The compromise measure has privi-
lege in the Senate, but leaders were T
uncertain tonight whether they would VUIIH AY1 C III
call it up for approval before Thurs-
day in view of the absence of several !
Confidence, however,'of an early and
favorable vote on the bill by the Sen-s
ate, predicted tonight that it would be Can Foil Surrender OfT
in the hands of President Coolidge Amerilean Ideals
before the end of the week.
. Although the amount of' reduction OPENS FRAY IN CHICAGO
is above that prescribed by the
treasury, there were definite indica- ----f
tions today at the White House that (By Associated Press)
President Coolidge will sign the bill, MILWAUKEE, Wis., Feb. 23.-Car-I
making it effective immediately. It rying his appeal for recession fron
was stated there that the President I n aeat for e orom
feels Congress has assumed the re- the Senate vote to enter the World
sponsibility for any deficit in the court to the "only, power that can
treasury which the bill might occa- denounce and damn this scheme, the
sion. people," Sen. William Borah, Re-
Two hours of fiery debate in the publ Ida,. made his fourth speech
!House over adoption of the conference anu ida, mae hi h Hech
report centered almost entirely on the in three days here tonight. He came
Inheritance tax, which the Senate here after three addresses in Chicago
voted to restore to the bill. where he said the fight which
A motion by Representative Drain, would spread throughout the country
Democrat, Fla., to send the measure was opened.
back to conference with instructions "There was la time when those who
that this tax be repealed, was reject- believed in peace might have sin-
ed by a thunder of "no" without a roll cerely believed that we should join
call. the League of Nations," said Senator
The membership arose and cheered Borah tonight, but "after seven years,
Representative Garner of Texas, who can contend now that it means
ranking Democrat on the board of peace?
House conferees, as he assailed the "It is robbing and domnating the
action of the Senate in repealing the weak. It is trampling upon the back-
inheritance levy, and attributed it to ward peoples. This and the tr bunal,
the "wicked, vicious, and indefensible which is the advisor and the councilort
campaign of the American Bankers we hbave decided to join.
League." "We ask in all sincerity that the
Mr. Garner charged that the League people who want peace who must pay
had paid the expenses of members of the taxes and do the dying for suchI
several state legislatures to come to a program, to face these facts. I ask
Washington "and seek to influence our in the name of those who must come
views." Pointing out that all Senate after us and gather the harvest cf
Democrats had voted for the inheri- disappointment and distress, that we
tance tax in 1916, he inquired what refuse to give our name or our en-
' had come about to make them change dorsement to these policies."
their views. The Versailles treaty is the interna-
"You members from the southern i tional law of Europe. Its spirit cf
states," Mr. Garner continued, "must Imperialism pervading the continent
take issue at home with your senators and holding in subjection and despoil-
on this question, or change your ing millions of people, and the League
views." of Nations is faithful in carrying it
Senator Simmons of North Carolina out in letter and spirit," the senator
rankingo D ocr t. h lp dn declared.

General Membership Meeting For The
Consideratlon Of Amendments
Postponed Until Report
Determined to offer every oppor-
tunity for the proper consideration of
constructive criticism pertaining to
the maintenance of the Union, th in-
vestigating committee, at its sixth
meeting yesterday afternoon, decided
to welcome such criticism from mem-
bers of the Union at any of its meet-
ings in the future. William L. Diener,
'26, president of the Union, further
announced following yesterday's ses-
sion that the general meeting for the
consideration of proposed amend-
ments to the Union constitution will
not be held until the investigation
committee completes its present work,
as the result of the unanimous deci-
sion reached by that committee yes-
"The investigation committee is
ready to invite constructive criticism
from any interested member," said
Diener. "This may be submitted in
writing to Prof. H. C. Anderson,
chairman of the committee, 1610
Washtenaw avenue, or may be pre-
sented in person at any of the meat-
ings which will be held from time to
time until the investigation is com
c plete."
The next meeting of the committee
! will be held at 2 o'clock next Friday
afternoon in room 302 of the Union.
Other sessions of the committee will
be held from time to time which will
be publicly announced in The Daily
Official Bulletin.
"Any students or persons appear-
ing before the committee, or submit-
ting any criticisms will be treated in
strict confidence," Diener added.
In discussing the postpone general
membership meeting which was
scheduled some weeks ago with the
f signing of petitions charging ineffi-
ciency within the Union, and which
recommended certain amendments to
the constitution, Diener stated: "It
has been agreed by the investigation
committee, with Mr. Adams in ac-
cord, that the general meeting be
postponed until the committee has
made public a fair and unbiased re-
port, not only concerning the alleged
inefficiencies, but regarding any other
findings and recommendations which
may be made. We believe it is only
Pair that no abrupt changes Ue made
in the present organization of the
Union, which has existed for several
years, until a thorough investiglation
of the criticisms has been completed.
"The committee is, and has been
considering the list of alleged ineffi-
ciencies, objections, and complaints
which were submitted by Mr. Adams
some time ago. Testimony is being
taken in many cases, and discussion
follows the consideration of every
The committee has held meetings
on the afternoons of Jan. 9, Feb. 12,
13, 15, 19, and 23. It is composed of
ProfI H. C. Anderson of the Engine-
ering college; Prof. Joseph R. Hay-
den of the political science depart-
ment; Albert Adams, '26; Thomas
Cavanaugh, '27L; and Diener.

j (By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2-A militant
1 ni thnf tf thep nh ,,vihnc, h n.r} ,,r.lnkn


,_ l-Service to America, as summarizedi
Fie Gatherings i;by Peter W. Collins, lecturer on edu-
cational, economic, and sociological
Cheisra ts To U.ld subjects, in his address yesterday be-E
fore the members of the Chamber ofE
Commerce luncheon club, consists in1
sacrifice, education, republicanism,
(By Associated Press) vision, ideals, the constitution, and !
NEW YORK, Feb. 23.-Chemists s enthusiasm. The word service is E
from all parts of the world will attenl spelled by combining the first letterr
five great gatherings this year - in in each word, the speaker pointed out.I
America. To the guests of the club, men and
The first will be the spring session women naturalized during the pastf
of the American Chemical society to year, Mr. Collins stressed the need of
be held on April 15, at Tulsa, Okla., becoming better acquainted with the ,
at which the chemistry of oil and its constitution and what it means to
by-products will be discussed. This America today. "Indeed, I think that

1 nlrL~ioijcon e oara oI
Senate conferees, had lead the fight'
for repeal of the levy in the Senate.I
Asked to name some of the state leg-
islatures whom he said had been I
"bought" by the American Bankers i
League to advocate repeal of the Fed-
eral inheritance tax, Mr. Garner nam-
ed Speaker Brown, of the South Caro-
lina House. .
Representative Tillman, Democrat,
Ark., said members of the Arkansast
legislature by the name of Hill and'
McCall came up here to lobby for re-1
peal of the inheritance tax.

I iILuiIiuiVIfl nifRfL I u

will be followed by a symposium in !
which five noted foreign chemists and
,twenty-one leading American chemists I
will participate at Columbia Univer-
I .itv J. lA Aunt 12

S Ly, July n LO UgULI L
In August, a world symposium on
chemical warfare will be held at the

-predicts fair weather, today
slow rising temperature.


Want Ads.
Quick Results
A ,


1926 conference of the Institute of
Politics at Williamstown. Many
'American chemists contend that chem-
ical warfare is more humane than
warfare with shrapnel and bullets.
The Fiftieth Annual Convention of !
the American Chemical Society will
be held in Philadelphia during the
week of September 6. At this con-
vention bio-chemists will tell how
they are searching for the secrets of
life in the activities of living cells.
In the week of September 13 the
first meeting in this country of the
International Union of Pure and Al-
lied Chemistry will be held in Wash-

every family in the land should spend I iElIUIIIIU I i1 1 IUmU I i I
at least one hour of every week in .
the year in gaining a thorough under- : Leonard R. Wagener, instructor in
standing of our constitution," he said. the College of Pharmacy, died at 2:30
o'clock Sunday morning. Mr. Wagener i
,o was taken to the hospital on Monday,!
1Ensian To Close Feb. 8, where pneumonia rapidly de- I
Final Drive Soon veloped, and since Wednesday of the;
same week his recovery has been
Today and tomorrow offer the last There will be no classes in the Col-
opportunities to obtain copies of the, lege of Pharmacy today because ofj
'1926 Michiganensian, as after tomor- his death.
Irow no more books will be printed Mr. Wagener was born in Grand'
than those which are ordered up to Rapids, Aug. 13, 1883, entering thel
that time. The tentative order with University at the age of 34, in 1917.-
the printers was placed at 3,000, and He received the degrees of Ph. C.,
2,700 were ordered previous to the 1920, B. S., 1921, and M. S., 1924, and
present campaign. This leaves only was made instructor in 1921. He com-,
300 copies, and no orders will be tak- pleted both his high school and Uni-
'en beyond that number. versity work here in four years. In
The full price, $5.00, must be paid his senior year, he was pharmacist
at the time the subscription is made, at the health service.
it was announced, but checks may be He is survived by his wife and three
dated ahead to March 1. Orders will brothers, one living in. Grand Rapids

Large Number Of '
Seniors Pay Dues#
Dues day yesterday for the class
of '26 was observed by a large share
of the members, Charles D. Spencer,
treasurer, stated after a check-up of
the books last night. Opportunity
will be given soon to order announce-
ments and invitations for Commence-
ment, and it is essential that receipts
of class dues be presented at the time
the order is given. Three more dues
duays, the dates to be announced soon,
will be held in the near future, Spen-
cer said.
Buckley Returns
From Pacific Trip
Paul Buckley, assistant secretary,
was back at his desk in ! University
hall yesterday after a ten weeks' va-
cation trip to the Hawaiian islands.
Leaving early in December, Mr.
Buckley sailed from New York,
through the Panama canal, and touch-
ing at Pacific coast ports, arrived at
I the Hawaiian islands where he spent
a month, chiefly at Honolulu and
Heilo. The return trip he made by
way of San Francisco and Los An-
geles, and thence by rail across the
I State Registrars
Convene Tomorrou
Registrars of Michigan educational


UenlaL UL Me curc esn ave -weaxen
ed in their support of prohibition was
issued here tonight over the signa-
tures of high officials of the Metho-
dist Episcopal church, the Episcopal
Church South, the Methodist Protes-
tant church, and the United Brethren
The joint statement characterized
the recent prohibition survey of the
research department of the Federal
Council of Churches, as "an inexcusa-
ble betrayal of many church bodies,"
declared there hid been on apparent
change in the sentiment of the people
as a whole; and appealed to church
members to unite in support of the
It was the first time high digni-
taries of the four churches had joined
in a common outline of their views op
prohibition. The statement was signed
by Bishop James Cannon Jr., chair-i


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