0 DAILY OFIBIA L BULLETIN Publication in the Bullec;-n is constructive notice to all members of the University. Coley received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). Volume VI WE~SDAY, FEBRUARY- 2, 192, Yunilber .106 SAFETY ADVOCA TES SEEK LAW TO COMPEL IJudge Wants USE OF ROCK DUST FOR MINE PRO TECTION Abolish, Exploediing ("oiI a~ oStu rea I2 AlinesK {r,>.* TAI-i PASSES STA'7TUTE:. Because of the recent coal mine ex- fatalities, safety advocates are prePar- ua' to ask Congress to enact laws! ilteuewhich wllcompel t e eof rock- dus a nareaut ion against the, dis- To'in Divorce AT THE THEATER Today-Screen .Arcade-"The Eagle," with Rud , olp~h Valentino. Miajestic-"Hands Up," with Ray- mondl Griffith. 4 f tA Mir. Fladel Shurtless secretary of the National Conference on City Planning, and field sceretary of the Regional Plan. of New York and lin- virons, will give an illustrated address at 4:15 P'. Mv., Wednesday, Feb. 24, inNatural Science auditorium on the subject, "Mletropolitan Park 'Sys- tes"The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins, piversity Lec.'ures: Professor William S. Cooper of the Univcrset of Minnesota will deliver (woletur!;in the _ u 'itoriuni of the Na tural -cience Building on Thurs- day, February 25, 1926,, at 4:15 1-1. TT. and 8:00 P. A1., respectively. Trhe sub- ject of, the afternoon lecture is "The (glacier Lay National Mvonument, Its Sceptic and Scientific Features" and will be illustrated with lantern slides. The evening lecture is entitled "Light Days on t~he Desert" and will be illus- trated by colored slides and moving pictures. The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins. Faculty, College of Liter-al ire, .1cienc e and the Art : The February meeting of the Literary Faculty will be held Tuesday, February 23rd, at 4:10 I'. M. in Room 2225 Angell Hall. The new Freshman Blanks will be discussed by Registrar Ira M. Smith; Personnel work with Freshmen, by Professor W. A. Frayer; and the work of ithe newly organized Senate Committee on Vocational Guidance, by Dean ~. E. Day. J01zi11 . Effinger. IT. of If. Section hoc. of Amnericani Military Engineers Scabbard and M~ade: *A 'combined meeting will be held at the Union, Tuesday, February 23rd, at 7:45 P. M. Col. H.: W. Miller will speak on "Post War Developments in Anti-Aircraft, Defence." Jobni G. Perkzins, :tres. S. A. 11. E. 1Wratematical Club: Luncheon. will be served for the Club at the Michigan Union, on Wednesday, February 24, at j2:10. W. W. lMenton. Zoology 32 (H~eredity): Written exercises should NOT be handed in until seat numbers are assigned, since papers must bear correct seat numbers. 'The final time for handing in the first exercises is therefore extended to Feb. 25. Botany 1: I will be unable to meet Botany 1 students in lecture or qluizz today. Wv. W. Tupper. ILuerth - "Bravehe art," Rod La Roque. with astrous blasts. Under the modern safety practice kniown as rocs-dusting, finely powder- ed stone dust is, strewn along the floors and sides of the mine rooms and passages. At various points f'ock- dust is also stored on the shelves of specially constructed platforms or bariers. The initial blast of air caus- ed by an explosion in one part of the, mine, forces this rock-dust into a clom& or curtain of non-combustible noiT- explosive rock particles, which cool and shut in the onrushing, exploding coal dust. Had not the New Orient mine at WVest F'rankfort, Ill., which is design1 ated as "tbe world's best mine," been( thoroughly treated at the time recentl explosion killed five miners, author- ities believe that many more, possi- b)ly all of the 1,200 workers, wouldl Have perished.' This minor, gas exp~losion; which wudhave likely ignited accumula- tionsd of loose coal dust andI thus spread into every nook and corner of the mammouthi mine, was checked and hemmed in by the clouds of finely pul- verized stone (lust which was project- ed into the air by the advance s~hock of the. explosion. The rock -dust is usua4ly distribumted throughout the mine by means ;1)f a "reck-dust train," which used 'om- .pressed air apparatus to project the dust stream against the walls and ceiling. ATHIENS-Former Prenmier George Katandaris, who Friday was asked to leave Athens for the Island of San- torin, in the Aegean sea, in connection Swith the government's plan to rid IGreece of alleged subversive elements, has been arrested. Today-Stage Carriek (Detroit) -,'S t ole n Fruit." Bonstelle Playhouse (Detroit)-- "The Man Who Came Black.", Shubert Lafayette '(Detroit) - "Rainbow Rose." New Detroit (Detroit) -- "Am- erican Born," George M. Co- han. I I 1; it G f ed at the Stillman divorce trial andl~ Rhinelander annulment suit, favors abolishment of divorce. Readh the Want Ads9F 1Joseph Morchalser, just'ice of thei New York Supreme court, w~ho presid- I In those Dark, Out-'of-the-Way Places, an Eveready Flashlight will show the way. W\e carry a complete line of these convenient lights. Price, $1.50 to $4.50 Eberbach &Son Co. 200-202 E. ]Liberty St. I Showing hOw rock dus~t is used in and about mines to prevent explosions WISCONSIN WILL ERECT NEW MEN'S DORMITORIES MADISON, Feb. 22.-The first sign. of results in the efforts of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin to more properly house its students are beginning to 1 appear. The business manager of the. university, J. D. Phillips, reports that Headway is being made on the new men's dormitories and they are ex- pected to be ready for occupancy by next fall. These dormitories will consist of some 480 rooms, and each room will be directly connected with a recrea-, .ion suite. They are ideally located on, a lake near the campus. The stu- dents desiring to occupy them will be specially; chosen, and for each 30 men thorn , will hP a nrnentnr- FROST CITED A9S B[iNG GREATEST MODENPOET CHAMPAIGNE, Feb. 22. -- "Robert Frost is one of the greatest of mod- ern poets", stated Prof. Bruce Weir-' ick, of the University of Illinois, at' an English reading. Various works' by Professor. Frost- were read to show his whimsical, narrative style, among which were "New Hampshire", "One Hundred Dollars" and some short examples of epic poetry. The reading was concluded with "The Death of the Hired Man", Frost's most famous poem. tProfessor Frost hiolds the perma- nent fellowship in creative art at the University of Michigan.t LOCAL EVENTS For notices not otherwise mentioned in The Daily. Itemns will be putblish, on two successive days only. Copy must be submitted to the Local Events E~ditor by 4 P. M. GENERAL Tu es day1 Work of Michigan artists will be displayed from 1:30 to 5 o'clock dailyj in the West gallery of Alumni Me- morial hall until Feb. 28. Tau Beta Pi will meet ait 6 o'clock in Lane hall. "Pracitcal Mysticism," the subjectl of the address he gave at Evanston conference recently, will amain be dis- cussed by Howard McClusky of the School of Education at 6 o'clock in Lane hall. The Mimes present H~olberg's "Beg- garman" in the Mintes theater at 8:30 o'clock., LONDON.-Salt junk, otherwise salt pork, which has been an important I part of the British navy's rations for centuries, has been banished by an or- der of the admiralty. Tatli-, Your Notes in T rf NWrite Your Notes, Tleieis aid lTheses byj TPEWRITING as Tav-alt at State and William, Sts. MEDIT[RRAN[AN CRUISES AyLin., Any' Stetner, Any Where Make Reservations NOW A Small deposit guarantesa cpres in any clas I'om~l. siio.E. G. KCUEBLER j ALL LINES 601£E. tkran St. AiiaAAtor, IEd ri A-A*-A t- A-J 7..K All popular Brogue Miodels on display at GUY IWOOL OLK~ & CO. 336 South State Street Aun Arbor, Rich, a f 1 T1 stru w'hi occi geth grey tion it is here is also in process of cont- Report$9 Alea sic Ltion of the new IFascomi addition, ich will probably not be ready for Cases On Campus upancy before' 1927. This, to-...... her with the new dormitories and With nine student cases of measles proposed Memorial Union, will reported since Christmas, Dr. Warren! atly alleviate the crowded condi- IE. Forsythe, director of the Healthj is now present in the university, service is taking every precaution to sthought by the officials, prevent an epidemic of the disease. In spite of the fact that every case has U. IE'V ES "PULL"9 been contracted outside of Ann Arbor t an as fr asthe staff can ascertain IVEQUISITE FOR no exposures have resulted from these ,PUBL C -, jcases, the Health service is anxiousi iL~E'1'72c'to warn the student body of the preva- lency of the disease and to urge all Pull, not brains, get the public of- those who have never had measles to ," said William R. Hopkins, city ;report at once for examination if they' ager of Cleveland, recently in an feel the slightest traces of fever or rvietw.As niihlie offices !are nfx' o ld._ ,.7 7aid Thnt fans excIive& our ownfts INCORPORJCATED BROADWNA T40TH STREET 144 WEST 42"D STREET METROPOLITAN OPERA IHOUSE BLDG. KN.ICKERtBOCKCR,8Ul~.DNG 04 Bi(OADMWAY-AT WALLSTREET + 400- )t HlERE is rn I no hat worry for the Stetson wearer. He is as sure of the style of his hat as he is of the quality. tsr .+ man inter STETSON HATS" Styled for young men f Exclusive features in por- traits. The fine finish of today's styles in "French Gray" and "Muratones." I elected, ability to fill the office is not the most important requirement in or- ~der to secure the office, and is often mot., required at all, is the further' ]belief of Mr. Hopkins. "Personal attractions, organized support, the ability to be all things to all men, and~, above all, the ability to arouse great hopes without making definite commitments, are the things that usually get a man into office and help him there if he succeeds in stay- ing." However, in many of the smaller cities, Mr. Hopkins believes, there is 4evidence of a new and growing ap- Xreciatlon of the "ever increasing necessity of putting government on z basis of efficiency." * Lttle investment-big returns, The Duily Classifieds.-Adv. B3RUSSELS.-A proposal to repudii- ate Belgium's foreign debts, contract- ed before the armistice, and to pay post-armistice debts on the rate of the Dawes plan receipts from Germany, was introduced in Parliament today by Sen. Charles Maguette. Y~or every article for sale, there is a buyer. Reach him thru Classifieds, Learn the Latest Dances of 1925i The Charleston. 1926 The Merry Widow Waltz Adult classes every Monday' and Friday 15 one-hour lessons, $5.00 , 22 Wuerthi Arcade j TERRACE GARDEN STUDIO f For appointment Dial 8328 Ii .R+ + ..y.+Y +fc T' ' ~T T Y' 4 T iYL YtIO iYI[ iY '.1 .z-7r-ry - 4. 4.-c 4. 4 . *, --.,, 4 . 1 II -- rr---- SECOND SEMESTER 1 1 I I A I TEXT B 0 OKs ta"M° FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS UNIVERSITY WL-M 1' BOOKSTORE ^ -1.1i '.# ; Y t4.:: (.fit k i , jzi Photographer Phone 5031 Studio 334 South State St. Make an appointment by calling 5031 i ......K..,...1...,...,... _.. .. M.,....v.,,.,.. .. 4 a _...._ h . -N* 1 ~1 sI xl THE FIRST PERFORMANCE IN AMERICA! HOLBERO'S COARSE COMEDY A' It ga m AM-A, re nlw .- ww u_.s. w w