TuriEsDAY, PEB~tUARY 23, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN , ... ..,,,., .a t ;,. I I - I I I '' mWk*Wmmlww - - - - ".11 - J,, I- - 0 1 W'"; I ". - i " I - I li I iNew Rpbican'W.hips' In House'. 4< 1 Ask 1 I f amdi~s, Again on his old Job 'ix res I I I I I 1 After a ong searceh the old Ad Taker returns tothe Daily Lost Two Years Ago in the List of Ineligibles TWO years ago Jimmie strayed from the beaten track-and °enroll- ed himself with the ineligibles. Uncle Amos came to the res-.. cue and for a time functioned well but his old age and the stiff strain of taking care of ''all the wants of a great student body and of a most important towns- population4 was too much for his wearied old joints. So the old man was put away in the mauso- leum of unknown ad getters or in the morgue as newspaper men would say. Immediately . a great search started toy find the lost Jimmie. Detectives were even employed but with little avail. Last Christmas time a member of the Daily staff stopped: with some friends in Chicago. One afternoon he wandered through the Bohemian quarter on the near North Side and into the "Dill Pickle Club." Hardly had he stepped into the quaint old place when his, eyes fell upon "Jimmie." It was a peculiar sight to see him in the midst of notable radicals and leading in the discussion. Well, 'to cut the story short, "Jimmie" was persuaded to retu.rn to his 'old place on the "Daily," and thus we present him to you. r* Statement of Circulation February 17, 1926 Local; Paid, Students and Townspeople 2,941 Paid, Fadtyr 725 Paid, News Stand 92 Complimentary 216 Jimmie start -a has set it upon himself to great campaign and help His service implies every litate help to everyone in Ann Arbor Here in Ann Arbor there are a lot of services to perform and 3,974 i :i: ...._.r:....... Out of City PComplimentary I 515 45 560 66 x600 I Rep. A. H. Vestal, Ind, (left), and Rep. C. J. McLeod, Mich., new Re- publican "whips" in tale I-ouse, are oiling the mnachinery for quick and sure action in that wing on legislation the President andl the p~arty want to put through. McLeod, 29, is the youngest man ever to be made a party "whip. The ticip n ail < I NICE: youar atelphucstl)Sri~e cal imieNOTICE---Medical students supplies, the .Ad-tak1er, D ial z1 T4, acrd )your want adl Microscopes, Haemacytometers, and will be charged. Stethoscopes, etc. See us before' The I ichigan I Daily reserves the right to classify all want ads under appropriate head-1 buying. We will save you money. ings aand to revise' or withhold objectionable Phone orders will be,(delivered This column doses at 3 P. Ml. date preced- poplMcia ilgclSp ing pub~lication. Notice of any error must be ply Co., Corner William and 2nd Sts. given in time for the secondl insertion. Phone '7191.' 6. CASH, RATES Ten cents per reading line (on the lbasis of 1I~Y six average w ords to the line) for one or two ASIN insertions. Nine cents perC reading line for three or more Washing and ironing to (d0 at home. in Csh tols. I Mrs. Van Fleech, 444 5th St. Dial 7109. C'ash classifieds reeeivetl at tie Daily offiee in The Press Building on Miaynard Street.. 6-7-b. CONTRACT RATES S~'ecial standardlized Jrates given on applica- XPEN REPAIING~ t ion. ____________________________________ LOST Your fountain pen is a delicate in-; strument. Let no tinker work on it. LOST-Phi Gamma Delta pin. Namie Rider's Pen Shop has the parts, ma- on ,back. Please call 6017. 6-7-3 chinery and skill to do it right. It ________________costs no more. Quick service. 315 S. LOSTAn . T O.fraernty inI State St. Tues, T7hurs, Sun. tf. tials R. M. P. on brack. Call 8327. -1 ~ WNE 5-6-7 IIELP _________ ___ANTED ____ LOST-Girls' white gold ring with HIELP W ANTIED- TDay work for men Isetting, possibly in Jyaterman Gym. and Women-W4aslitenaw E+mploy- Liberal reward. Phlono x993. ;ment Agency, 224 Detroit ,St., Counter 'Sales and Office Files Papers printed Feb. 117;,11926.- Net paid- Circulation Complimentary and Office Ui 4,273 327 5-G-7.7 NOTICEI NOTICE-If you have had typewriterI repair or selling experien~ce, I have .a message worth MONEY to YOU.I Sales manager, 503 Dwight Bldg., Jackson, Mich. 3-4-5-6. WHEN ITS any thing in Music or Musical Instruments see Schaeberle IfEl. PWANTED-Typist to work lialf days, either morninxgs or afternoons. Apply a once. Michigan Biological ISupply Co., Corner Williams, hnd iSecond Sts. 6-7-3. FOR RENT FOR RENT--One block from campus, 11 double front room, well furnished .and warmi. Second floor,."$3 each 5-6-'Z. I It 4,600 The )'ichigan Daily Has Ober 20,000 Readers Every Day A large portion of the Daily circulation goes to Fraternities, Soror- ities, League Houses, Dormitories and House Clubs where there are five or more readers for each paper. For this reason the circulation figures are not an accurate gauge "in estimating the field that the Daily covers. Sketich of Jimmie at the M. C. Station Here m i I old Ann Arbor in taking care of one of these services. That service is supplying wants. He, is going to go into every house on the University side of Main street and into a great many on the west side of that famous thor- oughfare and find something that someone has and wants to sell, & Son, 110 S. Main St. tf. boy. 320 Thlonmpson, Phone 3292.Wa FOlJNTMX PEN I!INK FO ETLrefrihdroBuy your fountain pen ink at C'ider's, for one or two p~ersons. Dial 9135.' Yeni Shop and you will "get R~EALJ ink, Reasonable. 6-7-. fresh ink. Ink that fixes itself in the paper and won't fadie or entirely dis- ! FOR RENT-2 apts, 1;2 block from appear after it has set when moisture( campus. Tphree roomus furnished, is applied. Ink substitutes are dar~g- Four rooms unfurnished. Both with erous and spoil your pens. private bath. Dial 5779. RI I IIF PN SHOP 5-6-7-6-9-10. P en and Ink Specilist~s 31 S. State - IFOR DENT-Microscopes; Michigan TYPE WRITERIS , Biological Supply Co., Corner Wil- Rebuilt and second hand of all makes liams an(d Second Sts. 6-7-8. bought, sold,' rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- FOR RENT-C('amputs (one block), ten est stock and best service depart- room house, newly decorated, mod-' ment in Ann Arbor. ern. Phonec 7022. 4-5-6-7-8-9. 0. D. MORRILL, -"- " 17 Nickels Arcade, FOR SALE The Typewriter & Stationery Store! Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona !FOR SALE-Underwood typewriter, t. $40, modern model. Mr. Vanderlip, ~614 Monroe St. 56 Arnold's State St. J'eweler is now carrying a complete line ofI fountain pens-all makes, all priceJ. Whatever type you may need, come in The Leading and see us, we can satisfy you. 4 STUDENTArodSteStJwlrTO R 302 S. State St. tf. j1t Europe A 77 Ex--enses _ Afloat - A - Asor Old Timers remember him from his old position and how well he helped folks find what they wanted. Today he is more active and more mature than ever, so in the next few months Jimmie's column is 'bound to as- sume huge proportions. Jimmie in the Bohemian Quarter "~Theyrnmalie fan _o' -the' what tries blowin' outto has 3ight before goixe to bed. But "I' a-thin] n' that bird. has lirst as =mich b'rains as the fella who says he can. ran his business withotAciverisin' r *0~ 0 } f d 0 p ,D e I trade or dispose. going into another house in the same locality and find someone who wants to buy, trade, or take something from someone-But- The big but-he wants your help, too. He wants you to call 21214 and tell him your want- and for a small percentage of the gain to you will satisfy that want. Then he is TYPEWRITING & M1IIEOGRAPIIING Promptly and neatly done by compe- tent operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for seven- teen years. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter & Stationery Store tf. TRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water'j Shampoo, face and scalp treatment. Special prices on all appointments. Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phoned 5535. tu, th, sat.-tf. $290 Up T RAVL Student fashion, with us, the only organization having the entire Tourist III Class of two Ocean Liners reserved exclilsively. Find out the rason. Our greatest Student Sail- ings, with special orchestras and enter- taininents: S. S. ANDATZJIA ...........June 30 M. S. GRIPSHOLM ...........July 3 Over ioo colleges represented on our 1925 tours. Write for illustrated book- lets of the leading 1926 Student Tours to British Islcs, Continent, EgyTr, Palestine, North Cape. A4,float and ashore, all arrangemnents are made according to the intelligent demand of the youth of toda~y. Students Travel Club 1440 Broadway Pew York I Easy, isn't it? Well-'there is I Phorxe 1Zlq Z ' someone on State street, Main street, or any street in Ann Arbor who has something you want and is willing to sell. Remember, when such a time comes don't fail 1 - V. I I PERIPETUALJ CALENDAR'I A magnetic arrow finds the day of] the week for any date. Send 25c ($1 for 5) for this device together with the mathematical formula upon which- i0 m-I ) U