I TIUESDAY, FE 3RUARY 23, 1926 'NORTHERN ONTARIO' 4'15 LECTURE[TOPIG THE MICHIGAN DAILY TI1-1_a YM1\C1 1 ]-\ r L flTLY "Top H.at Replaces The 4Fez In Turkey Fresh Air Camip Director WYill Speali At 8 'eoe 'n~,fiotIn Na ns III citing the attitude of many of the ALUMIWR ON REDUTIO OF UNION ! W / Vdelinquent subscribers, Mr. Heath re- }DE TB COLLECTION OAF S UBSIPTIONS i marked~ that a largo number of alum- ni and students are of the opinion that the Union's indebtedness is due, ; ! Plan1 For Colectioni Of 1)cliiiquenia ciation. It heas preceded the system office in Ann; Arbor. The National at least in part, to the operation of the building. "This, of"course, is an en- Pledges Carried Out fnit Many of collecting delinquent subscriptions Alumni association is also co-operat- trl icnevdve ftesta e "~ f by mail in a finial effort to wip)e out ing in the movement by solicitingiedvie o the . ,, . theCitiesdeO.f Vasistace ofYoca olictlubsting tion," he said, "because the buildingi t1) Ili n d bt. ass sta ce o loc l A u mn i cl ub in fun d and th e U nion in debtedn ess are DEBT TOTALS $309,000O 1' dc r the present arrangement' cities where committees have been aip- entirely foreign tcQ.the operation of the nearly :)(0 local coinumittecs, comlpris- pointed. uidig - -;ed of ti'oil Itwo) to fifty aluni, are be- The. total indebtednless of the Uni- "tws(ee ntne«ta n As the result of a new pln for the i lig f«rued iii cities fromt coast to iona is now $309,789.72.. The amount of profits realized in the maintenance colecton f dlinuen suscrptonscoosI ntiin anaa. , fr interest. that has been2 paid because of of the Union building should be used to th ruligfn 1teEno ntne hreteeae60aun past duc subscriptions, many of which I to pay off the debt," explained the gen- Imore than 150 alumni commiiittees arc! 1tohe appiroachedl, a large commiittee have stretched over as long a period eral manager. "Instead, it was plan- now functioning in various cte is necessary. The commlitteemnen make1o------------_--_-_-__-_-, -. ment fund should be established, fronm Scence Auditorlum i WILL ILLUSTRATE TALK,; In a,-Lecture illustrated with slides lend moving pictures, Lewis C. Rei- 'manni, dircctor of the University fresh air camp, will speak on "Northern Ontario" tonight at 8 o'clock in Na- tural Science auditorium. Reimlann will talk also on the Can- adian canoe trek, which he will con- dluct this summer, from Aug. 1 to 30, through the famous Mississuaga river and forest reserve of Northern Ontar- io. The trip will b~e limited to ten older high school boys, and the per- - sonnel of the party will include a Michigan medical student and an In-f dian guide. Tphe trip is b~y steamer voyage fromI .Detroit to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, through the chain of lakes from Bis- cotasing through the Mississauga for- est reserve, clown the Mississauga riv- er, past thec old H-udson Bay post, l i i i I ' i.; 1 ;, 4 1 throughout the United States andi Can- lpersonal calls on all alumni whose ada. According to Homer Heath, gen-' building fund subscriptions are un- eral manager of the Union, who is di- paid, or partially lmaidl, working with, recting the campaign, many of the f lists furnished them by the central comnmittees have already reported as making favorable progress toward{ - the collection of subscriptions and the n d flQP 5ubequSiit reduction of the total Uri-ji mving oIIII ,i BS C ion idtleltedness. ICHO{DS N i I as tell years, is $1392-2 ned, some years ago, that an endow- )subscriptions," hie said. Educator Shoe 44V i.. ra ..F T : . wi I L 1tiVewpiln was iU Muttd lat fall and endorsed by the board of di- rectors of the National Alumni asso- ORTHOPEDIST ,0)7 N. University Ave. Phone 2122 I r p. g All Wool Pre-Shirunk in Beautiful Fabrics That Will Not Fade. SUITS AND OVERCOATS $ 0 I r4 s w~iJI slue tr1ips toLL xe o i sh f 151 or trout, muskies, bass, and pickerel. In- struction will be given. in canoeing, campcraft, and, woodcraft, in a countryf practically unvisited by man, and1 abounding with moose, deer, and oth- er wild game. No applications will be accepted after June 30. May Suggests Gym Schedule Latest style notes from Turkey say the silks top 'hat is "the" thing for l formal wear. Pres. Mustapha Kemal Pasha, who recently replaced the fez1 with the' new world soft hat, eveni causing the execution of some who re- fused to forego the fez, is shown above introducing the formal hat. PARIS,-A 'summary of "the treaty recently entered into at Angora Ue-F twl n \ T)L L ULf anal(II , Vxrria1, fU~ S 1h A. The Famous Manufactured by N IASH &CO. Golden tale '1 'hiorsof (Cincinnamti. Of Four"Years ihn adtiond to regulating, the uses naOf _____ agdd rilwy, itprovides for compulsary arbitration of all disputes In suggesting that the University and establishes neighborly relations require four years of compulsory between the two countries. physical education and allow corre- sponding. hours credit for the time spent each week, Dr: G. A. May, of the DETROIT THEATRES department of physical education THS W E stated in an interview yesterday after- noon that it is the duty of thre Uni- versity to' see that its graduates are K ICEven. - 50c to $2.50 equipped physically as well as men-i Sat.dMat. t.'c00to;125001 tally to meet the requirements thatI "Remarkable for its story and powerful presen willbe trustuponth"tation," said Helen C. Bower, in the Free Press, This system of required physical j j" F ui~ education is in effect at the Univer- ; t hUn FrutU sity of Illinois and Pennsylvania-i with 'These Three Stars State college, asserted Dr. May,,,an( Aiaardtiigl RO1Io Peters Harry Berestord has been found to be highly satsfac-} Next Sunday the famnous"Kosher Kitty Kelly"j Its fouhentiueriowevr, illNights75 to $1.5e toryweer atthsiisitton.Bonslelle Playhouse ats.'ue Thur. Its ounatin hee, nd at.,500 750 of necessity have to be dlelayed until W.oodward ait iFwbt Tel. Glendlale 9792 the proper facilities have been ob- The BONST ELLS Ctn. tained to cope with the number of In John Ekert Goodmnan's Thrilling D~rama studlents taking the course, Dr. May I pointedl out. At present, Waterman i"THE MAN WHO CAME BACK" gymnasium is crowded to the utmost N cixt Aon., G eorge\1 Al. oan's "Song and in taking care of the freshmen alone, - iaiic M an. Phone 9736 n4rask thiat a. representative of the NAShI CO. call Upon, you to show samples and styles. STLE, FITq, WORKM1ANSHIP AND WEARING QUALITIES GUARANTEED. weof the best dressed people you meet are wearing' Nash clothes. vv 1, NTHEATRE ON.-T ES. I SEATS Choice ON SALE AT: BOX. QFFICE Locations Available for Both Performances $3.30, $'2.79 $2.20, $LQ5 ii i and it is probable that a newv building with more complete equipment would have 'to be built before the course' could be extended to juniors and sen- iors. Dr. May, in advocating the change to the four-year compulsory physica l' education plan, is acting on the rec- ommendation of the University son- ate at its last meeting. TODEAY AND From Wigwa LECIL B. DEMI LE presents -V~ D LApI'R CQi fi/ a Y' Qi~hahnr kfuni* Laayette at Shelby IUJI ShbrLUIUJetlei Nghts, Soe to $2.50 at..Mlat. 5 20C-$? I Pop.Thurs.Mat. 5oc to $1.50, plus tax, Cad. 8705 The Colossal Musleal Show (Gast of Go Conless hareston(Charmiers. f PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION N OW. TOMIVORROW IV . , 4 I I I i im to Varsity 041CIWWMP (Y f108 t#-N EW/, " LeC HORUS' Entire Production VUnder the Persontal [mrection of ,i J, Ar. 4, J. Shaubert I I I1 i I -'Vr An All Comedy Bill FILIAN RICH Rd IEDESON TRNE POWER JEN ACUREI 1. G RI FF IT H i I "HANDS UP" Also A Good Comedy "THlE FIGHITIM; TAILOR" Latest News 'VARIETIES 0 LUPINO LANE -In-- "The Fighting Dude" 4or 0 ' ' ;,, _ ii - -Keith Feature- EM ILIE LEA With Sam iNatfutan and Burr Divain "AYIN THE RENT'l ,roinised you a -great star in. a paicture every weviek. what's coming S S1111 e~AIMi e - --Also- INEW AESOP FABLE I C ARTOONU I mf I t j