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January 20, 1926 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-20

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Black Quill May
Affiliate With LAU
National, ocieiY 5pJ "




Milady is particular and discriminat- Mortar Board is offering, these
iug in her choice, Mortar Doard, sena- gloves on sale in Barbour gymnasium
for honorary society for women, iS for the rest of this week. Members
offering its exclusive litre of French! are soliciting the various houses and
gloves for approval. Favorites are # everyone on campus will be given the
those dainty designs of ivhite chamois same opportunity to economize and
or black and 'white kid. They are so! purchase the gloves at their reason-
chic with an ensemble of black and able prices.
white. For more formal occasions, I-
there are long 12 button styles of Little investment--big returns, The
white, black, tan or grey, of finest kid. Daily Classifleds.-Adv.

4 ..
: .

- ISI~C~ ~1~i1 WUH~U ~ lliLClass ma"nagers were elected in in-
~et 17,JO9lijLif )Ieibeslip 1riv; cety of thre Lniversity of iMichigan ,
Nre $7,0 I Lie emersil Drve 1has been offered membership in Chi Sc1 iprR A TenttiveDale o iterelIass basketblall lpractices held yes-
F'our houses I'Je(!ge Delta Phli, national literary fra~ternity, i lecei Of fficers For terday afternoon in. Barbour gymna-
1041 'Per Cent Black~ Quill vras organhized last yea , 1 Womeni's Leag;'ze shun.M rarion lawless, '261, was elect-
'~r fr hn's utwo~ned senior manager, Alice Felske,
primariyfo sophoorsbu wme '27Ed, junior manager, Helen Bean-
SOLICIT INDIVIDUALLY jof the other r per classes were eve- CON;TIN''UE TEA DIAN~CES moat, '281E1, sophomore m~anager, andl
Ita yamiId i s h ny~ ____ ouise (Cooley, '29, freshman manager.
Finl rturs fr he ifememer-lien's society of its kind in the Unii Election of next year's League o f- ('lass practices be'gan this week, hut
Fhinampigr o te omn' lage versity, andl it is purely literary. Tfhe fth omnsfeguicers will take lakce April 5, accord- ; women who would like to try out for
p m~~~~~~~n e mubership is lim ited to 2 w ne ,ing to the present calendar of event"; 1the team s m y still sign lup w ith their .ywi h h s b e a r e u u i g t e w o a e d v d d i t r u s o o h s s m s e . C a s r p e e t -it] ~n g r . F e c s D n e i d
pasttwowees soweda pedgng f eah. he eetngs re n te frmtives will begin consideration of the !'26Ed, iN gcneral basketball manager.
$17,000 last night when the campaign of informal discussions at which the onnfosnx hrdy henr. ' eshdl o necasbsebl
was closed%, The amount represents work of the groups is read andl ci'iti-j ination list then goes to the fial coin- gamne:,or the first squad is:
340 life memberships in the Women's cized, and occasionally a social meeti uite osstn ftepesdn fMrh ,41 ';ck-uir s
League by undergraduate students.. ing is held. Members are required; the Wozmen's league, the Women'., Seiors; 5, :00 ock Szzohomore
$6,000 more was raised by th'is year's to write at least t wo manuscripts a Athletic association, and the Y. W. } .:resmen
campaign than was raised last year. semesĀ¢ ter, which ilay be in the fornA. tgthr it;woseio.epeFMrch1shm1e oclckSphmo.
More than 100 women cooperated in =of esysYraa1rvewsh , sutogtierofthtbordnofrdretors.
soliciting individually student pledges. i stories, or poetry. Thnese manuscripts t , , weeks before elections the final Vs. Juniors ; Fres:hmen vis. S>eniors.
Groups were visited during the first ;are due on a definiite (date, nominzations will be published. I3oolk- ;March M3 4:10 o'clock--Sophomores
week, but the second week of the cam.- R. NW. Cowden, assistant professor lets will be sent to all women's hour- vs. Seniors; 5 o'clock.-Freshmen v7.
paign was given, over to personal In1- of the English department is a patron es and will contain the description of ; unior s.
terviews of those students who hesi- of Black Quill and Robert Frost, noted! the nornifle~s for president and vice- -Mardi 7_S, 7:1~5 o'clock -Freshmnen vs.
tated in pledging as a result of a first New England poet, whlo is at, the pies- I presidenft of tlhe league. Sophomores; .Juniors vs. Seniors.
iit. cat time holdting a fellowship in (lcd- Following the elections an inaugur- M arch. 23, 4:10 o'clock--Sophomores
Four houses showed 100 per cent; tive ar ts at the University, bas offered i ationspe ilb 111i a hn v.Jnos cok-Fehe s
pledging. These were Sheehan, Fauh- assistanrce to the sociretyr. 1 theunew resd will '' edieceive the vse niors 'l:k1''szml s
man, Forsythe, and Delta Gamma No freshrmeni are eligible to Black thne prsdtwil ecvehffSio.
hlouses. Martha Cook: led the dormi- ill u pprcasne h r gavel from the old one. ;\xarcll 30, 4:10 o'clock -Sophomores
tories with 80 per cent of its mem- tre rested inlriting ay ,,yot yI ' has year's prIesidlent together withi vs. Seniors; 5 o'clock- Freshmen vs.
submittint, maritry ut y the newly elected president for next jnos
hers signing pledges. Betsy Barbour sbitn aucitfor yerriiatnctescnvntonufnio A rs.~~inrxs.Fcly
house came next with 68 per cent, and nMr erwilatnlh ovnto fWz' p ,--inrvFcly

Barbour Gynasium -
Tuesday's rehearsals ill be has fol-jt
lows: chorus D at 4 6o'clock in SarahA
Caswell Angell hall, chorus R at 4:30
in Sarah Caswell AngeMhall' ihorus
L at 5 o'clock in the p~rjors, and the;
cast also at 5 o'clock .in fthe parlors,
chorus B at 5:30. i the parlors,!
chorus C at 7 o'clock in the parlors,
and chorus H also a ; , o'clock~ in
Sarah Caswell Angell hia 1, chorus N
at 8 o'clock in the parlors, and the
Russian specialty als'o at' 8 o'clock.
For members of the outdoor club
and for others who a're interested, a
hiking party wll leave Barbour gym-
nasium at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Any teams may practice in the gym-
n~asium from 9 to 12 o'clock this morn-
'dewberry I4
All money ,indlpled-e card=s still
duxe for the Y. W ."O. A. 'finanF-e cam-f
paign must be turiied ini at NoN berry
hail by Tuesday. .
Comning of Eldter
Popularizes Sale
Of Dainty Gloves

UP ww~~m 3~7

aiwri awa

(Sm n " L-
- yes-
ta -
- lfinzSatin, Felt, Silk and Straw.
_ Combination styles shown in Gigilo
a crowns, creased crowns, narrow
- and wide brims.
- -

Newberry residence third with 34.S
per cent.
Seven $50 pledges were paid in full
Trhe committee, though hoping to
equal last year's quota, expressed a
great satisfaction at raising $6,003
more, representing 120 additional
While the $17,000 appears small
when compared with the $1,000,000
which must be raised before erection
of the building may be started, it isE
expected that the support of th'e un-
dergraduates in pledging life member-
chips will indicate to Michigan alum-
nae the significance that a league
building would have to Michigan stu-
Solicitations among alumnae for the
new building are being carried out by
the alumnae office. More than $3,000
moust be raised by undIergraduates be-
fore June of 1927 if the erection of
the building is to be started.
Want a room? Read Page Seven
and use the Classified columns.--Adv.

mens ~e~fGoverning association Apr,.!Il Time schedule of gamnes for the see- Mld ilso eseigdit
1., 22, 23, and 24 at Indiana umiver- (Miladyu wil : loveson.becse itgisaint
honor Council To siy loigtn 1(.Ivarchl 9, 7 :15 o'clock-- uniors vs. near the Easter season, and because
k Thei largest social event: of the so- Seniors; Freshmen vs. Sophomore,.
ive Bridge Tea iesterz will ;)e tine fancy dress llar(yty arch 1.1, 4:10 o'clock--Sophonor es -
_ hich will be held next Friday night vs. Juniors;3 o'clock-Freshmen vs.
#Freshman wvomen will bo entertain- 1 in Barbour gymnasium. After this af- Seniors.s Saturday Speclal
ed by 'the honor co(ii 2t lat bridge_ fair, which will be attended by the ;March 16, 7:13 o'clock-Sophomoresti
t e , F r i d a y , F b . 2 , f r o m 4 t a o r i t y o f M i c h i g a n w o m e n l i s t u d e n t s j v s . ti o r s ; F r e s h m e n v s . J u n i o r s . c o k h r s P IMoe n e e o t n d h o i l c o m t e f t o ; M r h 1 8 4 1 ' l c- r s m n v .CE NT O
thle University tins semester as wvell league will continue to give afternoon: sophomores; 5 o'clock-Juniors vs. CES
as those with whom the honor coup- dances once a month at least. Seniors. SA DW C
cii worked last semester will be i In an effort to make tile Judiciary! Mar lh 25, 4:101 o'clock-Sophomlores S N W C
guests. Margurite Yfmniker, '28, was I council of tile league more effective, 1 v J uniors; 5 o'clock-Freshmen vs. HOT FUDGE
appointedl chairnian of the affair it a Normia Bicknell Mansfield, president,! Senior.
m~eeting of the honor council yestcr- statedl that circulars were being mail- M larch 430, 7 :15 o'clock-Sophomlores CAKE
dyThplcwhrthtewilb eebytaboytfidothwray s.SnosFrsmnv.Jnos EALAgivenl will be annrounced later.1 women consider themselves for mnore April 0---Winner vs. Faculty. CO FE
_____active studeont governnment. jC F E
AlIpha Gamma Delta sorority an- I WNl- thme coinstituition mal~y not be 'Ch11i Ornega and Delta Zeta won tile
pounces theO pledlging, of Addy Crofts, fireprinlted this semester some sugges- it ramlural gamres to have been1 play-
'28, Virginia Ray, '29, Filroence Wid- itionzs for revision will be made to thi ed0( at 4 o'clock yesiterdIay afternoon, 2 5 c
maier, '28. board of (directors for next year. 1 by (defauilt. The dfaulting, teams.*
--- wer e Alpha Epsilon Phi and a com-
Delta Gamma annouinces the piedg- Clhi Omega announces time pledging i ainatioiiof cizne I and Zone VII. THE ARBOR FOUNTAIN
ing of C. El izabe'thl 1Hubbarid, '29, froam ,(lb Content Lansing, '28, Frau cis I a- j813 SO. STATE
Mt. Cflenenw", iMich. Iconi, '253, and Eleanor Hol~t, '29. PAY Y'iUR UBhSCRIPTION NOW.


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121 Soutlh ufaill

4 l c 1


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for $1.00

Smocks have proved their usefulness as cover-all
garments for wear about the house. You'll find
these attractive and serviceable! Selection of
(Second Floor)

A. lot of cheer for a little nmoney? Printed lamp
shades sell today at two for $1.00). Crystaline
shades; are pricedl today at $1.00 each.
(Main Floor)




a duraible satin
pink and white.




These bandettes are fashioned of
faced material. Sizes 30 to 36, in
Regularly priced, inc.
(Main Floor)

Full-Fashioned Hose
$1.00 Pair
Pure silk, full-fashioned hose in all the good
Spring shades, as well as white and black.
ReAl Dollar Day bargains guaranteed to wear'.
(Basement Store)

Castile Soap, regularly 20c .....10 bars for $1.00
Hard Water Soap, choice of any
10c grade................13 bars for $1.00
Toilet Soap, choice of any 25c
grade....................5 bars for $1.00
(Main Floor)
Bath Towels, 3 for $1.0
Bath towels in a heavy knit quality thai is dur-M
able, yet soft. White and blue patternfs. Size
19 x 39, 3 for $1.00. Size 24 x 28, 2"four $1.00. 'x
(Main Floor Annex) ' "



Paper Baskets


Ties, $1.04:'

Spring Colors

Spring Shapes

Spring Hats
The colors of spring flowers and new grass-
Smartly folded, dented or creased crowns-
weather-worthy fabrics, felts and straws. gust the
kind of hats for immediate wear-yet hats that
will be smart right through the spring !
Only by a visit to Goodyear's hat department can
you get full information of the new Hlats for
Spring -style and color variety is extensive.
Plenty of saucy style to please students' whims
and fancies.


Attractive waste paper baskets enameled in blue,
greenl, grey or cream are useful and decorative
for tile college girl's study.
(Second Floor)
Novelty Kerchiefs
2- for $1.00
Silk crepe handkerchiefs in thmese gay novelty
prints are smlart and colorful peeking from the
pocket of tihe tailored frock.
(Mlain Floor)

Perky Windsor ties in bright colors 'i'd figured
patterns give a sprinlgtime touch to the winter
frock. Regularly $1.25, today, $1.(0.
(Main Floor).,



Three pounds Crushed Bond paper aild two
pkgs. envelopes, $1.41 value .........$1.00
Two pounds Louisene envelopes and two
1)otirls paper, $1.35 value ...........$1
(Main Floor) f



$1.00 Reductions on Spring



and Slickers




It. Wile -L'-"W * 111 II lhill I

Ili 21 ( 0

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