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January 20, 1926 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-20

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SATti-RIW1 , I J'PRAUR:Y 20, 1926



.i olj , I ,


t li fer a r y T o i n c lu d e I x t e n s i v e V i si t s
TFo Entgundl, Italy, Germanmy And
4rienta ICountries
Det iled announcement concerning
those features of the college tour
around the world which are not close-
ly connected with the educational
plans, has been made by the Univer-
sity Travel association, the organiza-
tion sponsoring the trip. While the
students will be free to choose cours-
es according to their own individual
interests, the trip has as its purpose
the broadening of their minds, not
only by way of facts and information
gathei'ed in th6 countries visited, but
also t rough personal contact with in-
dividaals and obscvation of peoples
and frms of life hitherto strange to
Arrangements for tennis, baseball,
rugby and basketball matches with for-
eign students are being drawn up.
Some. form of sport will be consid-
ered obligatory for every member of
the company. Social events will in-
clude' several large receptions to be
givent-aboard the ship at such places
as Hawaii, Yokohama, Canton, and
1oniuy, while in many of the coun-
tries,'the students will be entertained
by the students of the foreign univer-
Trips ashore have been planned to
cover the most important points of i-
terese,,in each country. Japan, Java,;
India Egypt, Italy, Germany and lng-
land iwll be visited. more extensively
than the other countries, and detailed
arran gements for these trips are al-
ready under way. As far as possible
the shore tours will be utilized for
field Work for the various courses of
Announcement has been made of a
number of additions to the faculty
whici will make the trip. Dr.,Eugene
Oberhumer of the University of Vien-
na, v4Ill instruct in geography, while
to the economics department have
been added Doctor Weidenfeld of the
University of Leipzig, and Doctor
Webe of the University of Heidel-
berg. ;Prof. Piero Giacosa of the Un-
iversity of Turin, a noted physiolog-
ist, hls also joined the staff. Lionel
Crocker of the public speaking depart-
,ment. local manager for the Univer-
sity Travel association, will also make
the tour as public speaking instrue-
tor. .
"Li e History of Automobiles," a
study; will be published in the near
futur; by the bureau of research of
the School of Business Administration,
accor ing to Prof. C. N. Schmalz, as-
sistan director of the bureau and pro-
fessor of retail store managementin
the business school. The purpose of
this study is to indicate the length of
life of automobiles, and was compiled
under the direction of Prof. C. E. Grif-
fin, professor of marketing in the]
School of Business Administration.
Two other studies, which will be is-
sued n pamphlet form, will be pub-
lislied within the next two or three
montl. One of these is on the sub-
ject of the analysis of national mark-
ets fpr automobiles, compiled under
the dection of Professor Griffin, and
the other on the subject of the capital


Uncle Sam's Newest Terrors Of The Air Exhibited
As Congress Figures On $100,000,000.



SAT14~tDATI I'1~BI1ATJRY 20, 1926' PAQfl 'rrni1~

...,.... .M._ .. ...,

In the winter of 1792-3 two pi-
rouges (canoe-like boats) were de-
tached from Detroit passing withdift1
interruption from the Huron River.
Entering Lake Erie, they glided on to
Grand River, which falls into Lake
Michigan, by means of the risen4
the heads of the two streams. Tis
statement, taken from an 1817 number
of the Western Gazetteer, along with
numerous maps, some of which are
more than 200 years old, have aided
Prof. Wilbert B. Hinsdale, cutodian
of Michigan Archaeology at the Mu-
seum, in wrtiing his latest paper, "In-
dians' Modes and Paths of Travel in
Chapter one of this paper deals1
with the waterways, and is illustrated
by a map made by Professor Hins-
dale, which shows in detail all the
waterways and portages in the state
used by the early InhabitantZ4..f"
fore the forest and brush cbvr__Ws
removed," states the author,. "the
depth of water in the channels was
more regular and never got so low as
it does since clearing was dohe, thed
swamps drained, and the ditIes ug.
The steam shovel, as well as the
woodsman's axe, has accelerated the
run-off of the surface water which

at one time was sufficient to buoy
up an Indian's dug-out... There was
more long-distance travel upon the
water than there was overland, ex-
cept during the winter months When
the lakes and streams were obstruct-
ed by ice."
The writer further asserted that
"streams brought the primitive hunt-
ers into immediate contact with a
hafge quantity of their food supplies,
such as wild rice, fish, geese, ducks,
aifd swans. The best fur-bearing ani-
m is as beavers, mink, muskrats, and
s eral others whose skins and flesh
we e desired, were never found -far
from the water."
iErofessor Hinsdale's map collec-
tioa ig comprised of many valuable
old originals. A 1723 map of the
"Country of 5 Nations" (northeastern
United States and southeastern Can-
ada) shows the principal trails and
portages of this district at that time.
Another original, drawn sometime
'Previous to 1-32, shows the old paths
of -travel of what is now Washtenaw
county. This- map also points out how
many of the present highways follow
practically the same course as did the
former trails. For instance M-17 be-
tween Detroit and Ann Arbor follows

almost identieally a trail which, ac-
cording to this map connected De-,
Professor -mIiusdale plans to begin
work soon on the sccOnld chapter of
"Indians' Modes and Methods of Tra-
vel in Michigan." This section will
deal with their overland travel.
Prof. Campbell TO
Speak At Manison
Two lectures will be given 1 y Prof.
Oscar J. Campbell of the English de-
partment on March 17 and 18 at the
University of Wisconsin. Professor
Campbell will discuss the plays of
Shakespeare, tracing Shakespare's
development through the period in
which the Italian intiuence .on his
work was most pronounced, to the time
of the greatest originality in his writ-
MEXICO CITY. - Mexican school
teachers have been ordere to stay out
of politics of quit teaching.
Visit Our Optical Department

Exponents of a big air force policy for the United States are jubilant over the action of House military
affairs committee in showing its approval of a $100,000,000 aircraft building program, providing for two dir-
igibles of Shenandoah type and several fleets of planes. Many of the planes will be of the types shown here, lat-
est developments in war aviation, and pictured for the first time. At top, the "Condor," which carries three tons
of bombs at a speed of 100 miles an hour, and designed for heavy attack formations. Bottom, the "Falcon," a scout-
ing and observation type, with a speed of 154 miles an hour.

M id d l P oi t I n 9N NO NCE A~ f S FOR ndictes hat he Swss g verwould'O lregardde sasouanreofficial affrontafrontaany
"Old Irons ides"
HLdecisonby the council of the League
u n se a cf Nations to transfer the disarma-
F ndIsR eachedt pourparlers outside Switzerland
Dates for the eliminat-ion debate because of refusal of Russia to send
BOSTON, Feb. 19.-Rear Admiral series of the Michigan high school do delegates to Geneva.
Philip Andrews, Commandant of the bating league have been announced by
First Naval district and Chairman of G. E. Densmore, state manager of the .\IOSCOW. - President Zinoviev, of
the National committee of the Save I the executive committee of the Third
"Old Ironsides" fund, announces that league. The 64 high school teams Internationale, quoted figures pulr-
approximately one half of the money which have been successful in their porting to show that 40,400 revolu-
needed for the restoration of the old preliminary debates will meet on five tionaries were imprisoned, 13,000
ship is now in sight from the collec- occasions: March 5, March- 10, April wounded and 4,300 executed and tor-
tions by the Elks in 900 sections of the 2, April 16, and April 30. On May tured in different countries last year.
country. "School authorities in the 10, the final championship contest
big cities are gradually becoming will be held in hill auditorium.
aware of the great possibilities of the A complete list of the schools eli- DETROIT THEAT1R ES
campaign fromn an educational and gible for the eliminatiom series has; T H I S W E E K
patriotic viewpoint," says Admiral been made tup, and is being sent out
Andrews. -to all league members. Both the Ann
The educational and patriotic value Arbor and Ypsilanti teams were su- ARRIC Wed. -a50c to $2.50
to the nation was the feature that im- cessful in the preliminary series, and j Sat. Mt. 50c to $2.00
pressed Admiral Andrews when he will be among the other competitor, Detroit Ychoe mlroadway's Praise of
examined into the plan of campaign. for state championship debating title. S o Fruit"
Also the fact that had Congress ap- Three schools from petroit are en-
propriated the money, the old ship tered: Central, Northern, and North- . wit] iT hese Three Stars
and the lessons of patriotism that are western, while teams from places as n Ak Hary arrnr R I@rPeters
_______y IFarrRre ford
now carried with its history would be remote as Sault Ste. Marie, and De- qBa hN9hts 75c to $1.50
forgotten, was seen by the Admiral, tour are included in the list. ni is t1 ePahouse-
I when he said, "Ten million children woodward at 1' hot Tel Glend'ale 9792
have had vividly presented to theme NEW YORK. - Graft disclosuves "y The BONSTELLE CO.
the story of the deeds and adventures Joseph A. Warren, commissioner of
of '011 Ironsides," and four million accounts, indicated that $2,000,000 of In John Ickert (,ood'nan's Thriliung Drama
have already contributed - their mite. the money appropriated for New YorkI T E MAN W HO
Had Congress voted the money, all City's sniow removal in the last fewCAB C
this would have been lost." weeks may have been wasted or stol- ___ ___
eCl. hf Lafayette at Shelby
financing in the automobile indistry,
is being worked out under the direc- MXIo ' -- Orders have been rop.TIYurs.Mat. 5oc to '2.20 '. .ailac 805
tion of Lawrence Seltzer of the econ- issued for a general strike of all the Aithiur 'Hammerstein's
omics department of the College of the mechanics of the National Railroads
City of Detroit. of Mexico effective Feb. 25 unless I- F.
meanwhile the difficulties between the
MOSCOW. - The spread of sleeping men and coumpanies are settled. R g.Feb.22-"RAINOWROSE"
sickness in Moscow is assuming
alarming proportions. An average of-
one new case a day 's being reported. I A C'T TTA Q O A V


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