P Ant TWO 1 THE MICHIGAN - DAILY SATURDAY, FEBRAI PA WO"TH ICIANDIL ATR,. EBA Ex-Kaiser As He Looks Today 17 _ _ _ - .. .- J I I I ,A: p K ,T ° U' I w A~x Srie',That Attracts and Pleases TUTTL'E'S LUNCH ROOM 338 Maynard ,{ The Staff of Life! Why accept mediocre quality for such an essential staple as BREAD? Our special RAISIN BREAD, made every Wednesday from Sun Maid raisins, will please you. CITY PASTRY SHOP' A -i "What's in a Sandwich?"~ The Barbecue Inn will Tell You- Everything that's Good! Everything that's Wholesome! . ~Everything that's Delicious!t Come Inn and See! REm Across fro'M Literary Building3 Phone 4481 We will Deliver anywh1ere in City. i y I GAUSS PRYD 316 EAST LIBERTY PHONE 5501 ,i, s ! I . t "The Pride of the Towvn" First portrait of the former Empero abdiction, 'shovs how he appears toda3 Schwarz, noted German artist, at theE MAYOR SUGGESTS REMOVNGBUSE or William to be painted since his y. The portrait was painted by: Alfred ex-kaiser's retreat at Doom., Holland. Sees Liberal And Socfalist {Power Gaininig lWOV LV E RI NE CAFE We are making lots of friends by varying our menu with a selection- of appetizing foods. 4 , . ,. r I. I 4 +MriHilutnoe Ne.or.Action Resullts Front rent PSPreetPoor Mri iiut oe e Saervice A 11(1 Failure_ of Socialist and lawyer, in a rcn com- 0a$.00 Company To Negotiate meat, stated that the 'chief critics of' CH CEIi -Ithe League of ations have beenC I EN D N E . -!Socialists of all nations. Hilquit, Saturday and S n a CONC RN LAIS LOS fthogh erhas uconcioslytheR S nda Removal o? the bses of the Peo-i pointed out that in France, the powers' Ale's Motor: Coach company, and the lof liberalismv and socialism have been "-at- granting of a contract to another steadily increasing, that Belgium ha proved service on the lines, Was sug- mark and Sweden are ruled by "So-iS LNE IH gested by Mayor Robert A. Campbell; cialist cabinets. in Austria, Ge-i at. the last meeting of, the city coun-'Imn, admayo the smaller coun- MEN cil. Failure. to obtain satisfactory IMN an'd" to reach some favorable concin- largest political parties, and are fast sinb eoitonwstecueo apprroacing .the point of majority' Queen Olives Pepper Relish Sweet Pickles ~the drastic action.chre rule.thesiaonftelwyr u-S etr Spring Chicken ci n Fried Butter iav pany with inefficiency and failure to roe has now reached a stage otin- Tender Sweet Peas Cranberry Sauce compl withcertan proisesable o1)tcalbalance in which theBae Apl tomthe cit.ceItwasnagroeshateyforces of capitalist, imperialism, andotect.ItWsare thttte.!BakBed(Oup Own Pel CBraiBeadccreOwm should submit monthly reports -onfl Pacific Socialism contend for mastery. Apead upnWI C their finances,;h said, and 'only one uiigthstrglheLaeA Coffee Milk Tea has been madte in more than a year. o Nations will faitfully record every5 In, this, covering a period of nine step of general political progress, and SreCotnusfm120to80P.. Phone Saline 63 months of operation, the comnpany adjust itself to the new world re-evsCotnusfm12:30o8:0P.M d aihned a, loss of $5,00 a month A ui rnemrents by steady reformation of . ,.~ /.E/1Y/41//'l/,,J~GJ J/I//JrO second pint was that of the car eless its constitution; function. ,and practi- ;..". ,. driing itwasbroghtout seeraIIcal 'operation,. n so doing, it will cases .of such being reported to the not be necessary for the League toI polic deprtmet. Iwait until every nation has developed) d- Officials of two other bus, comny a high degree of international solidar- ! il n C11 ~ r h a panies have been interviewd by May~or i ity before it becomes an effective and Va h n t n sB r d y Campbell, one of which would agree permanent instrument for wor" to place 15 coaches in operation w ithI peacee i l- va la br'ie'z 10 minute service .throughout the cty. In conclusion Mr. Hillquit said that _ It was pointed out that therotn in the League of Nations, the' rea- - '4.1"at he=_~" " pln fthsecmpniswoldcim-tioiary governments have attempted Iwith L a hatcheIcente plnte thesne cessitouthdtrnsfer to create a new and all1-powerful In - system.~ strument for. the enslavement of the h rx Ayte. emtion esuggesting that members world. It remains for the people, of VI - Fidlce your k -~of the railroad committee confer with the working people, under Socialistic Ii- officials of the People's Motor Coach leadership, to wrest that weapion from ord"er early, for delivery companry, and also interview repre- their hands and turn it into an inJ ~.~~ XJ sentatives of_ the two companies al-i strument of world liberation. I ~.- ready consulted by Mayor Campbell,!a ou o ve i n e waswdoped.Will Give To SIN" CIIPELANI CNSUES Delinquency Cases I U~flbI~L~ Consideration of the cases of dclii-Dial14101 II A1 IO fflNA~ quent suet is now in the hands w of he dmiistatie bardofthe Sen. Royal S. Copeland, of New1 University who determine what action "- Yp k h o k u hfg t a ant s alb li aeyt k n i a n'the deportation of Countess C'athcartj nounced by Dean John R. Effinger of i in the Senate., stated that "Americanj the literary college yesterday. Th tcitizens should blush with shame ati first board meeting for the purpose:. he a ti s of t e u ea f n mi r = f di c ssn t e ca e w s hA n l'g E tion in the case" H-e contrasted the Thuirsday night, and it is hoped that n A rb o r D a iry C o. i thgratiscetofnhebreof he migara of discurksingl te caslee wihas e Craven, with whom the Countess eop- 4l4 ew days. TH , HOME F P R I.L K ed some "years ago, with the refusal) In explaining whry the final actionJ- of the Ellis Island authorities to admit; is so long delayed. Dean Effingerfi' ,tilll1i;IItiN1iN11#aiilll~lllh~liilltUltiiiiiiiiilIItllll1111ij her. stated that it was to enable the au- Ir Senator Bruce, of Maryland, opposed' thorities to give each student person4 arnz h s d ets r Senator Copeland.,(defending the i- al consideration of his case. After allP to ie T es d etsr migration officials by stating that the °the grades have been received and statements of the Countess were such i recorded, the election blanks -munt a hycudnt, eovrooeef WNW___________________________________________ tha teycoldno b oerooed srtddiidngthsewhchshweed, dividing____________those_______which_______show______de___ how ~linquent work: into -threeclasses: LUo~f _________prospective,___"home" list, those thoi.t arIobewredo laced on pro- AT L h THE THEA TER n lation, and those that are to be c oni-Ts \, o eT "I tiniuedI on warning or probation " them under the first classification are, Aad-iteAniRony" then given the opportunity of appear-i INMakes M Feel with -Mary ickford. ing personally to state their case b- I Maesti-"Th Maked ride" Ifore final action. is taken by the Ad- '1th Mae M'urray..intrteloa. You will be surprised how a bottle < ILONDON. - Sir Josephl Isherwood,. blWuer.h-"When the Door Open fmous naval architect and inventor, ; y u ucenw l i u a e m n ed.' is at sea oil his way to America. o" supervise the construction in thefo T y-Stake 7 vited States of a Diesel tanker un- t e a t r o n $~ o. der one of his patents.; 1 Garrick (Detroit)l -,"St ol1en # I--- pp, Pot 03 01 "6JUST ERSEY" MILK "Every day is a visiting day." Ii 'I I a4 14 .4 329 South Maip St. Opposite Wuerth, Theatre s1 i rr hri .. ...: I t. 1 II ." Meats of Quality plus our Service We Feature Quality. \of ours A.R EL 223 North Main 'St. Phone 4208 The -I4 DAnn Arbor Mich. PHONE 8088 OW.. I I c 0 v2odloopPopa CADY M ol pill IN W, 100 woom w 0 = Cicil OV40404 0 4 THE -SWEETEST GIFT ON EARTH. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU CAN GET THE PURE AND DELICIOUS HOME-MADE CANDIES THAT YOU ,AN ORDER AT PREKETE'S. IT IS A WELL KNOWN FACT IN ANN ARBOR THAT ONE WHO DESIRES REAL QUALITY AND FLAVOR; IN CHOCOLATES SHOPS HERE. PR- E KETE'S SUGAR BOWL " '. fn UR _ n_. 11 1A r 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 k ib 1 , 1 ,. 1 J 1 ,t