PAGE MOiRT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, F'li:3RtARY 19, 1 i 4 a..f " i a a. a i + n.oa is r " a ".. s... + -2 IV., I'M Ion, Wyvfl DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume VI FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1926 N:mler 103 University Lecture: Mr. Waldo Frank, American critic and novelist, author of "Our Amer- ica," "Holiday," and other works, will speak in University Hall, Friday, February 19, at 4:15 P. M., on "The Revolution in Art and Literature." Prof. O. J. Campbell will intr6duce the speaker. The lecture is free to the public.^ F. E. Robbins. Graduate Students: Graduate students who have not filed the second semester election card at the ofilce of the Oraduite School sh ould do so at once. Also will the stu- dents who do not expect to re-elect the second semester please notify me. Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder. Interfraternity Council: Attention is called to the recent ruling of the Judiciary Committee: "Any fraternity initiating without certificate of scholastic eligibility from, the Dean of Students will be placed on scholastic probation at the dis- cretion of the Judiciary Committee." Jackson Stith, President. Bureau of Appointments : All persons enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments who have not as yet filled in Location Blanks should do so today; office hours-8:00 to 12:00 and 1:30 to 5:00. This is very important and should be done with- out fail. Margaret Cameron. Debate Tryouts: Students who wish to compete for places on the debating team for the trip to England will meet today at 4 o'clock, Room 302, Mason Hall. Thomas C. Trueblood. Examination, Greek 161: The make-up examination in Greek 161 will be held Saturday, February 20, 9-12 in Room 2009 Angell Hall. J. G. Winter. Senior Engineers: Assembly this morning at 10 o'clock in Room 348. A. 0. Lee, Class Mentor. Economics 196: I shall be unable to meet the class today. Z. C. Dickinson. Out Door Club: The Out Door Club will have a hike, Saturday afternoon of this week. All those wishing to go will please sign up on the poster at Barbour Gym- nasium. The hike will leave at 3:00 o'clock. Women Ask Deportation Of Earl Of Craven Onderdonk Favors Esperanto As Step Toward World Peace Claiming that the Esperanto move- in some detail, telling how interna- ment is an active step toward world tional groups of students sent dele- peace, Dr. F. S. Onderdon of the arch- gates and held booths at this meet- itectural college, delivered the third ing. Tolstoy league lecture yesterday af- "In my opinion Esperanto is the fu- ternoon in room 1025, Angell hall. ture auxiliary language of the world," Language he told his audience is a he said. "The day is coming when vital national issue and the biggest neither this University nor any other distinguishing difference getween one will admit a student who has not group and another. When we have learned the tongue in high school abolished this difference of tongues," From the little seed of that Polish, he said, "we will have done away 1 doctor's idea has sprung a great tree with one of the world's biggest trouble that no storm can overturn. The ware makers." was such a storm and Esperanto ha- He traced the history of the lang- survived that storm only to be strongr uage from its conception by a Polish er than it ever was before." doctor who lived in a town where five At the conclusion of the lecture Df different languages were spoken until Onderdonk announced that he would today when annually more than 4,000 be glad to consult with anyone intert persons gather in some European city, ested in joining an Esperanto class to speak Esperanto with one another that he would conduct for the rest and to do what they can for the ad- of the semester, which will be initia, vancement of that language. He de- ed at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday afternoon scribed the 1923 conference in Vienna in room 1021, Angell hall. r . d - . __ -__ _ - - - -- A heavy barrage of criticism i s compelling United States immigration authorities to take action against the Earl of -Craven, who was admitte d to the country without question while his partner, the Countess of Cath- cart, was refused and sent to Ellis Island. Photo shows members of National Women's party protesting be- fore Washington officials the government sanction of a double standard of morality. W. W. Husband (left) and R. Carl White, assistatt secretaries of labor, whose department has the power of deporting or admitting the countess, are hearing the complaint. [I ... 4 44 4 + +*+.~ ~ ~ 444 44**~ 44*4 4 4 444 4 44 Ii At AL Aa I -i i has inaugurated a graduate course in gas and fuel engineering. This course will consist of one year's work at the institute followed' by six months' field work in manu- factured gas plants and in other in- dustries affording a varied experience in fuel utilization. Princeton. - Psychological exami- nations to be taken in conjunction with the regular College entrance board examinations have been sche- duled for the year 1926, according. to Prof. C. C. Brigham of the psychology department of Princeton university and chairman of the committee recom- mending the innovation. Under the present system only students wishing to attend colleges who will require such a plan will be allowed to take the examinations, while the grade re- ceived will not be sent to the stu- dent but to the institution for whom he is taking the examination. LOCAL EVENTS For notices not otherwise mentioned in The Daily. Items will be published on two successive days only. Copy must be submitted to the Local Events Editor by s P. M. GENERAL Friday Members of the senior ballcomm2it- tee will meet at a o'clock in room 302, Union. Wolevrine Outing club wiil meet at 7:30 o'clock in room 304, Union. Saturday Under the auspices of the Intra- mural department, an all-campus ski tournament will be held at 2:30 o'- clock on the Boulevard. RE L I G1) U S Friday Baptist guild Washington's birthday party will be held at 7:30 o'clock in the Guild house. Presbyterian Washington birthday party will be held at 8 o'clock at the church. A sleighing party will leave at o'clock from Wesley hall. 8 11 CLOTHIES ',,, . .. . ; I The Luxenberg Sack Suit has won its wide- spread popularity among college men through strict adher- ence to a distinct style. I t. fi I1 '4 4 4 4 4 ;. ' ' 1 / i b t .:.: $ ' l" L . 1 HEN style is combined with quality and long life, as it is in a Stetson, there can be no question as to the hat you should wear. STETSON HATS k j i Cynthia C. Hawkins. Phi Delta Kappa : Luncheon-Business meeting at the Lantern Shop today. Membership committee should have a report. President Horn. Military Ball Committee Meeting: Military Ball Committee Meeting will be held in the Union, Room 306, Friday, February 19, at 4:30 P. M. George C. Weitzel, Gen'l. Chairman. News From Other Colleges Drugs - Toilet Goods - Chemicals - Laboratory Supplies Its not hard to find what you want at Eberbach's. A big, complete stock is at your service always. Eberbach & Son Co. 204-242 E. Liberty St. NEXT SHOWING AT CAMPUS BOOTERY 304 So. State St, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 26and 27 Nat LUXEN BERG Bro. 37 Union Square, New York Between 16th 9 17th Sts. Styled ea tor young men'. 11' .... SECOND SEMESTER i TEXT BOOKS Evanston. - At the recent meeting' of the Athletic Committee of North- western University an expansive ath- letic program was accepted, which, called for,- among other things, the; erection of a field house to care for; indoor sports on the Evanston cam- pus. The proposed field house is to accommodate more than 10,000 people,I and the cost was estimated at $600,000, but it is thought by the consulting en-+ gineers and architects that the final figures may exceed that amount by several hundred thousand dollars. Many business executives of Evans- ton are behind the move, and at a forum meeting, they expressed their desire that work might begin upon the structure when the ground is broken for the new stadium. Madison. - Glenn Frank, president of the University of Wisconsin is not1 et ready to weed out the lazy stu- dents in the institution, according toI a statement issued recently. His re- marks were the result of a mis-state- ment accredited to him in the univer-' sity publication. President Frank maintains that the methods of educa- tion are not yet advanced to that point where students can be dropped from the enrollment because of poor grades; such action should not take place un- til everything possible has been done to awaken their minds. The presi- dent recognizes the fact there are those in every university community who are accomplishing practically nothing, but it is his opinion that the blame for such a condition does not rest entirely with the students. McGill University. - Valuable Gre- cian relics have been recently re- ceived by the museum here, which are estimated to bebetween 2500 and 2800 years old according to a statement made by Prof. Ramsay Traquair of the architectural department. "The Greek antiquities," continues Profes- sor Traquair, "consist of manyrfrag- ments of pottery of Corinthian design set upon a background of red. The.'e are also a few votive offerings in lead and a set of knuckle-bones used in playing a game." The remains come partly from the temple of Athena of the Brazen house and partly from the temple of Artemis Orthya. The finds are of especial in- terest as they show the dress of the Spartans of that time. It is of inter- est to note that the shrine of Artimis Orthya, which yielded some of the ob- jects was the place where the youths of ancient Sparta received their ath- letic endurance tests. Cambridge. - In response to a de- I mand for specially trained gas engi- neers and for technical men with a broad knowledge of fuel utilization, Massachusetts Institute of Technology HISTORY QUESTIONAIRE GAHERS SURTEY OATAH Information concerning courses in Latin-American history is sought in a questionnaire recently received by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, sent out by the Pan American Union. The survey, which is being conducted in all Amer- ican colleges and universities, in co- operation with the American Histori- cal Asssociation, is intended to as- certain what texts are used, how many ,hours are being devoted to the sub- ject, what library facilities are avail- Spanish American countries. able in the various institutions, and if any efforts are being made to train students for the consular service in I I Mm H i ll, 1 .2 -10, 1.1 1 1, - Walk<.-Over ' .YA "- .7 ' "' B -~ Mm FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS A UNIVERSITY A BOOKSTORE 1,_. 11 f rrsa ri rnra rir - --- 1 , ; . ,i I 11 COLD WEATHER DVANTAGES , ; #I Tough as a pig's yet soft as; nose a kitten s Have You a Window Refrigerator? This is a modern convenience that saves much time and energy in your work about ear Our electric display is complete. Electric heaters... ...$5.00 and $7.50 Electric Toasters......$5, $7.50 and $8 Electric Grills'........$2, $5, $12, $15 Electric Lamps... . .$2.50, $3.50, etc. We also have a complete line of Mazda Bulbs from 10 to 300 watts. Clear, Day- light and Frosted styles. Come in. We can supply you with a good light. If you must mistreat your shoes, pick Walk-Overs. Tramp your slushy sidewalks or crunchy country roads in this smart style. Walk through one hard winter in shoe leather as soft as a kitten's ear, tough as a pig's nose. This is a true Walk-Over, with foot-fitted comfort to match its value as the best shoe you ever wore at the price. the kitchen. We have them in all sizes to fit any style window. It provides a won- derful place to keep your milk, meats, but- ter, and other perishable foods. - PA.DfRV ?Id4 a- CoesI' Ta(MaK I4 .s wrap BOOT SHOP 115 South Main St. STATE STREET HADWARE 310 South State St. Dial 5015 Quality, Quantity and Prices Right. 11 I .. M Jeppe of the Hill was a happy lout born in that far-off day when the whole world laughed, and he loved them all wine and rum and song! The. Mimes present "BEGGARMAN," Holberg's' coarse comedy translated n.1-1--111-