ESTABLISHED 1890 rom 140 44W -A!h. VMS.owfihw -NOW t 1$ an t1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS . .. . ......... . VOL. XXXVI. No. 103 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1926 EIGHT WAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS HUTCHINSON GIVES MORAL ASPECTS OF CHINESE OUESTIONI' ASSERTS CIIINESE TREATMENTI BY WESTERN WORLD IS E I S G R A C E F ULR PREDICTS DISASTER ______._ EIGHT PAGE LATE lPRES~IDENT' RURTON'S MOTHER D)IES IN IOWAj News of the death of Mrs. J. A. Gilgen, mother of the late "resident Marion Leroy Burton, in Melbourne, Ia., on Wednes- day Feb. 10 has been received in Ann Arbor.E According to the report re- ceived here, Mrs. Gilgen has been ill for about 17 weeks and on the first of February suffered a! stroke from which she never re- covered fully. It is noteable at this time that one year ago yesterday, Feb.1 18, 1925, President Burton diedI at his home on the campus fpl- lowing an extended illness.j 'SLIDE FAT9l NUMBER 38:1 EFFORTS COI LITIES RELIEF ~~TINU IDIN(A MORE ER ABAI)O- HOPE OF FIN iIVING UND A VALANCIIE Chiraeterizes Entrance Into Chin As Being Gained By "Force, Ruthlessly AppUed" Denouncing the treatment of China by the Western world as infamous and disgraceful, Dr. Paul Hutchinson indiscussing the moral issues of the Fair Eastern -question yesterday in Natural Science auditorium, declared, "I believe that black lays are coming. I am not at all an optimist as to what is ahead is Asia. I believe that we shall pay terribly, for the record we have written through the years. Had I time I rmight have given you the story of our lying, our stealing, our blood guiltiness in infinite detail. Un- less we go far beyond any point of repentance or restitution which I now can foresee, we will learn to our bit- terness that where there has been moral outrage, there is a debt to be paid." Sees Moral Issue aI II LCRITIC TO EXPLAIN HE VOLUTIO0N IN ARTI Author Of "holiday", "Our America", And "Chalk Faee", Will Describe Modern Trend Of Art HAS LIBERAL TENDENCY After several unsuccessful attempts to secure the services of Waldo Frank, famous American critic and novelist, Prof. O. J. Campbell of the English department, announced yes- terday that Mr. Frank would speak I d"~~~~'i ll or + io r T,;r~c;t 30 STILL MISSING Fear Recurrence Of Disaster As Sun Melts Drifts On Peaks; Governor Considers Aid For Survivors (By Associated Press) BINGHAM, Utah, Feb. 18.-Workers continued digging tonight in the debris resulting from the snow slide; in Sap Gulch, near here yesterday, despite the abandonment of hope that any of the entombed persons mightI yet be alive. It was believed that they would have frozen to death by this time. The number of known dead was in- creased late today to 38 with the re- covery of the bodies of ai man and a boy from the ruins., About 30)ire- mained missing. The exact number killed many not be known until spring, when the snow melts, officials said explaining that only a small por- tion of the devasted area could be cleared of all snow. Twelve persons are in a hospital but they have been declared out of danger. Governor George H. Dern ar- rived at the scene of the disaster late today and made a thorough investiga- tion. He will consider the matter of calling upon the people for a relief fund for the survivors. Sentries were patrclling the ridges surrounding thef gulch in fear of another slide. Much snow remains on the mountain side and it could easily bring about an- other disaster since the lives of hun dreds of miners now digging in the debris would be in danger. A bright sun today was declared a dangerous' factor as there was likelihood that some of the snow on the peaks would be melted. Display Cover And Views Of 1926 'Ensian Portions of the view section and the cover of the 1926 Michiganensiar will be placed on display today in the main corridor of the Library, it was announced last night by C. T. Lee, '27, circulation manager. The pictures are etchings of familiar campus scenes done by members of the 'Ensian art staff. The cover is in medieval pray- er book style, having the appearance of being hand-tooled. It is finished in rich colors. The purpose of the display, he said, is to correct a false rumor that as the price of the annual is lower this year than in former years, the quality will be lessened. Arrangements have been made for the printing of 300 additional copies of the 'Ensian, Lee stated, and anyone wishing to order an annual can do so on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs- day of next week. Staff members will be stationed in the Engineering build- ing, in the main hall of the Library, in University hall, and in the lobby of Angell hall. The price will be $5.001 This'will be the last opportunity to place orders for the 1926 yearbook. Although there are social, political (aL :..) o'cck tody iiversity and economic phases of the problem 3Hall, on "The Revolution in Art and Literature.'' which must be considered for a com- plete understanding there is a moral Mr. Frank should present a lecture issue back of it all, the speaker said, of particular interest on this sub- dating back to our very entrance into ject, asserted Professor Campbell, China. He characterized our entrance since this tendency towards radical- into the country as being gainet by ismeistone of the outstanding char- "force, ruthlessly applied, in a war acteristics of his style. Mr. Frank Is Which had the penetration of an un- the author of "Our America," "Holi- ,willing country as its political and the I day," and "Chalk Face," .as well as legalization of the opium traffic as its several critical essays. economic end." "The great danger in literature and The second conspicuous thing that art today, according to Mr. Frank," the Western countries did when they Professor Campbell added, "is that found China unable to resist them the so-called psuedo-literature is lia- was to establish colonies, concessions, ble to be mistaken for the true. It and spheres_ of influence on her ter-.must be remerbered at all times that ritary,Doctor Hutchinson asserted. Be- true literature is not public taste. Mr. lieving that the Oriental nation could Frank has tremendously high ideals offer no effective resistance to their and an adventurous spirit, and sets arms, and that because of it the forth his opinions with a spiritual yet, breakup of China was inevitable, the robust honesty, regardless of adverse Western nations began a frenzied criticism." Mr. Frank, who will ar- competition for concessions and rive this afternoon, will be entertain-I spheres of influence which would put ed by Mr. Oakley Johnson, of the rhet- them in a position to annex the rich- oric department. est regions when the complete break- I up finally came, he explained. State- Wide Bible Notes Oppressive Measures Ceenc e In still further ways was China's Conference Set sovereignty violated, the speaker con- For February 261 tended, citing the control of tariff and the system of extra-territoriality as instances. It has been said that the Delegates to the Bible Discussion system "while and an admitted in- Group conference from all the col- fringement of China's sovereignty, legiate institutions of the state will was made inevitable by the lack of se- gate institon Fesate will cu rity for foreigners if left at the gather in Detroit on February 26-28 disposal of Chinese courts-and judicial at the First Congregational church. processes. But was there ever any Dr. A. Bruce Curry, professor of the hint on our part that the conditions English Bible at Union TheologicalI which we said demanded extra-terri- seminary in New York City, will con- toriality for our nationals in China duct the meetings and will give spe- should, when found to exist here, lead cial instruction in the arrangement to the granting of extra-territoriality and conduct of discussion groups to I for Chinese nationals in this country?"' the attending delegates He pointed out that there is a moral Dr. Curry has for the last three issue involved "in such a one-sided years been making an intensive study situation, which every Chinese will I of student life and problems, in the maintain." course of which lie has visited nearly ,Doctor Hutchinson further explain- all of the large universities of the ed that we have outraged the coun- East and Middle West. He is one of try using force in pushing the coin- the acknowledged leaders in this mercial penetration and frequently ! particular field, together with Har- exploitation, declaring that in China, rison Elliott and W. W. Horn. From "where the concession hunter has run his experiences has grown a book en- wild, the ways which men have taken titled "Facing Student Problems." to seize an easy fortune have fre- The Student Christian association quently been shameful ones." ie also I and the Y. W. C. A. are fostering the accused missionaries of taking advan- registration of the delegates from the tage of certain '"toleration clauses"' of University, and it is lhoped that 25' treaties to enter, not only territories or 30 students will represent the Uni- which are generally open to foreign versity at this conference. trade and residence, but anywhere they desired, using military force when needed. Campbell Transi He lastly accused the westerners ofi asserting a sense of social superiorty On "B- ggarm which denies them treating the peo- ple among whom they take up resi- dence with equality. I P _0r.Campbel*ofthe English R t 3 l i , 3 AGREEMENT SEE[N Ileasure Will Become Law When Sign- ed By C'oolidge And Redictions Effective Immediately FINAL ACTION MONDAY (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.-An agree- ment on the tax reduction bill between the Senate and House conferees by to- morrow night, permitting the final rat- ification and enactment of the measure early next week, was predicted to- night. At the conclusion of the fourth day of conferences on the bill Senator UIL I Smoot, Republican, Utah, head of the Senate conferees made the prediction that the differences between the two branches of Congress would be com- promised. ' Phidelah Rice, interpretive reader Both sides stood firm again today, and dean- of the Power School of however, on their differences involv- Speech of Boston, who lectured in f ing $125,000,000 in additional tax re- Hill auditorium last night under the duction voted by the Senate above auspices of the Oratorical association, those approved by the -louse. was entertained by the Lawyers' club Adjournment of the Senate tonight! at dinner, following which he gave until Monday made it impossible forl two readings in the lounge room of final action by Congress on the bill the club. His first selection was a before next week, but if the hope of brief one-act play, an English com- the conferees for an agreement tomor- edy, "The Use of the Word," which row is fulfilled it will be possible for Mr. Rice defined as "a study in mas- the House to act on the compromise culine reticence," the play being a Saturday. This Would permit Sen- dramatization of the relations be- ate action Monday. tween a typical father and son. As The measure will become law when an encore he gave an impersonation President Coolidge signs it and many of one of Mark Twain's mining char- of the reductions including those on acters. income taxes and a large number of' sections repealing excise levies, will rbecome effective immediately. FUT NE RN 10 , i , .j ~ENGINEERS CLOSE TWELFTHANNUAL jHIGHWAYMEETING RETURNS SH0W THAT OVER 700 COMMISSIONERS ATTEFNDED CONVENTION 1EETNGS OFFICERS ELECTED Fraik F. Rogers Declares Consider- able "Loose Figuring" In Aanalysis Of Highway Statistics After passing a resolution of con- fidence in the state highway officials, the twelfth annual conference on highway engineering adjourned yes- terday morning from one of the most successful sessions in the history of the institution according to those in ( charge . Partial returns from regis- tration showed that more than 700 I road commissioners and engineers at- tended the meetings of the conven-i- tion. During the final session, Frank F. Rogers, Michigan state highway com- missioner, discussed the past and future road building programs of the state. If sufficient funds are provid- ed for maintenance, he said, the de- partment can continue to give satis- factory roads to many sections of the state, having heavy traffic only a small portion of the year, without the construction of expensive pavemnts. In this connection, Mr. Rogers as- serted that the state has not lost money by building many of its pre- liminary roads of gravel and asphalt, and that he is well satisfied with the results obtained from the $50,000,000 bond issue. Declaring that there had been con- siderable "loose figuring" in the analysis of highway statistics, the commissioner told the conference the circumstances involved in the state's program. He made particular men- tion of the highways in the east and central part of the state. Problems of highway maintenance were discussed by O. S. Iess, man- aging engineering for Kent county, and B. C. Tinney, maintenance en- gineer of the state highway depart- ment. Mr. Tinney explained the re- cent reorganization of the mainten- ance division which has obtained bet-1 ter engineers and more regular repair of the roads. The particular signifi- cance of the forests in highway main- tenance was pointed out by Mr. Hess. Reports from the county commis- sioners in regard to the township road improvement plan showed that the majority of the townships were opposed to the county control of their road program. Officers for the ensuing year chosen Wednesday night by the board of di_ rectors, were announced yesterday as follows: president, Warren Townsend, Grand Rapids; vice-president, W. W' Cox, PortHuron; secretary-treasurer, K. I. Sawuee, Ishpeming. The conference was held under the auspices of the Engineering college in co-operation with the Michigan i state highway department and the Michigan association of road commis- sioners and engineers, with the pur- pose of considering the problems of I highway construction, finance, main- tenance and personnel management. *1* Briton Asks Aid Of Newspapermen LONDON, Feb. 18. - Sir Austin Chamberlain, the foreign secretary speaking today at a luncheon of the Foreign Press association, urged the newspapers of the world, as well as politicians, to be temperate in discuss- ing the tangled problem of how the I council of the League of Nations shall be constituted. He referred to the question of allotting permanent seats in that body to other nations besides Germany. His audience included the French, Belgian, German, and Italian ambassa- dors. Check Bloodshed Plea To League ROME, Feb. 18.-Hope that the man- date commission of the League of Na- tions, now meeting here, will "check the bloodshed in Syria," by support- ing a proposal for a local inquiry by a neutral committee was expressed by Emir Shekib Arslan, head of a mission representing the Arab committee for Syria abroad. "The situation in Syria has not improved," he said. I i EI I II, LEADERS MAY CONFORM (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.-A group of prominent House Republicans agreed at a conference today to put the legis- lative brakes on any move to start in- vestigation by House committees. This decision is in line with that reached by Senate Republicans to check in- quiries in that chamber. The action of the House group was aimed directly at investigations in general and indirectly at two resolu- tions, now pending before the House rules committee. One to investigate the anti-saloon elague and the other the anti-saloon league and the other traffic committee to make a survey of conditions under prohibition. The group took the position that the country would receive no benefit from an agitation of the prohibition situa- tion at present and that an investiga-I tion of the league or a survey of con- ditions would contribute little, if any- thing, to dry law enforcement. The view also was held that investi- gations of any kind impair the ef- ficiency of the House in considering other legislation and that the inquiries themselves seldom result in any tangi- ble benefits. ° At least one of the recognized Re- publican House leaders is in sympathy with the position of this group and is expected to oppose any inquiry pro- posals now pending before the House. Whether the House members general- ily will fall in line with this course, however, is problematical. Representative Britten, Republican, Illinois, who introduced the resolution to investigate the league has announc- ed he would press for its adoption while only recently Representative Hudson, Republican, Michigan chair- man of the liquor traffic committee wrote the rules committee asking an early hearing on a proposal that his group conduct a survey of conditions under the dry law. WADE TORACERUSIAN FLIER TO ARCTIC LANDS Says Soviets Plan To Beat America In lisco'verhg Uncharted Area (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Feb. 18-A desire to beat the bolsheviks is one reason for the polar flight to be headed this sum-1 mer by Lieut. Leigh Wade, around-the- world flyer, who is to resign from the army. Every member of the American un- iversities expedition believes, he says, that "the bolsheviks plan to beat us in finding the continent we feel as-- sured lies in the uncharted seas above Alaska" SThe reason is clear enough, he de- clares because "a military base could be established within a day's flying distance of most important cities of the northern hemisphere." He cited the closing of Wrangell island, the Kamchatka peninsula and northeastern Siberia to foreigners as evidence that soviet Russia is plan- ning an expedition to head off dis- coveries and claims by other nations. nAmerican airmen know that Russia has as large an air force as the Un- ted States and as much equipment he insists. Russia now is manufactur- ing its own planes. , . GENTLE EARTHQUAKE JARS SOUTH CALIFORNIA COAST (lIv Associated 1Presio Los Angeles, Feb. 18. - The coast area of soutthern Califor- nia from Santa Barbara south to Los Angeles was gently sway at 10 :18 o'clock this morning by an earthquake of the rolling variety which apparently cen- tered in the Sini valley, 12 milesj inland from Ventura. . The quake varied in intensity from a sharp tremble at Santa Barbara to a light rollaat Los Angeles. No damage could bej confirmed on re-checking tonight. At Santa Barbara clocks were reported stopped and school sessions halted temporarily when the children marched from the 1 buildings. REPUBUICANS TO END HOUSE PROBES Prominent Representatives Agree Quash Any Investigations By House Committees To' LECTURE CORS TO AID FUND FOR BURTON MEMORIAL STEFANSSON WILL OPEN SERIES TO STIMULATE INTEREST IN CAMPANILE SERVICES DONATED Student Council Aranges Appearance Of Explorer March 12; To Show Pictures Of Arete Stimulation of interest in the Bur- ton Memorial Campanile will be the purpose of a series of lectures planned by the Student council, the first of which will be given March 12 by V1- hjalmur Stefansson, Arctic explorer and lecturer. The. noted explorer was a close j friend of the last President Marion Le- roy Burton, and the last time he spoke here, the night before the President was stricken with the illness that end- ea with his death, President Burton introduced him. That was the Pres' ident's last public appearance. Stefansson's lecture, which will be illustrated, will deal with some of his experiences during his Arctic explora- tions. Due to his friendship with f President Burton, he is donating his { services for the evening so that all proceeds may be turned over to the campanile fund. President Clarence Cook Little will introduce the speaker. STheOther Speakers Coming The Student council is negotiating with other speakers for the series among them being William A. Mitchell, formerly colonel in the United States army air service. The second ad- dress of the series will probably be given during the week of March 25, although no definite speaker has been announced as yet. Stefansson has probably had as ro- mantic a life as any other living hu- man being. He was born of Icelandic parents in Manitoba, Canada. When but a child, his family moved to the United States and he was. brought up on the prairies of North Daktota. In 1903, he secured an A.B. degree frou the University of Iowa, after which he took postgraduate work at Harvard, holding a scholarship for one year and a fellowship for two. His interest soon turned from teach- ing to exploring, and in 1906 he joined the Lefhingwell-Mikkelsen expedition and traveled north through Canada to the Arctic ocean. During the winter of 1906-1907, he lived among the Es- kimos inhabiting the region around the MacKenzie river and studied their language and mode of life. Lived Among Eskimos Since that time, he has spent 10 win- ters and 13 summers in the polar regions, and has conducted two expe- ditions of his own. His first expedi- tion covered the years 1908-12. Dur- ing this time he continued his study of the life of the Eskimos, those liv- ing on Coronation gulf receiving the greater part of his attention. Many of the tribes among which he lived hd never before seen a white man. These are the so-called Blond Eskimos. Accompanied by a large staff of sci- entists to study the geology, zoology, and botany of the polar regions, Stef- ansson again returned to the North in 1913. During the five years fol- lowing, he discovered four large is- lands which he named Borden, Brock, Lougheed, and Meighan. He also made a number of long trips across the ice of the Arctic ocean. His theory that it is possible to "live off the country" was established on his expedition of 1908-12. The following expedition in 1913 carried the princi- ple even further and showed that it could be applied not only to inland travels but to trips over the sea ice as well. It is -supposed that by the use of his methods, regions that havse never before been explored will be ac- cessible. Theory Becomes Famous The establishment of his theory will probably go down in history as an even greater achievement than his dis- covery of new lands. It had always been considered before that it was necessary to take enough provisions on an expedition to last throughout its duration. At the time Stefansson first announced his plans to go into the polar regions and attempt to "live off the country", scientists declared that it was impossible. Following his return in 1918, the leading geographical societies -of the world have recognized his contribu- tions to science by conferring upon him their highest honors. He has re- ceived gold medals from thee Ameri- can Geographical society of New York, the National Geographical society of I .u.ii U U ~ JORNALISTIC SOCIETY! At the semi-annual initation of Michigan chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalistic fra- ternity, yesterday afternoon in the Union, eight students of the Literary college were admitted to member- ship. Following the initiation cere-I monies a banquet, was given in one of the private dining rooms. The eight new members are as fol- lows: Smith Cady, '27; Stanley ! Crighton, '27; Theodore Hornberger, '27; Wilton A. Simpson, '27; Court- land C. Smith, '28; Henry Thurnau, '28; Chandler Whipple, '27; Cassan A. Wilson, '28. 'KANSAS AND MISSOURI BURIED IN SNOWSTORM (By Associated Press) KANSAS CITY, Feb. 18.-A heavyj snow storm accompanied by a gale from the north swept over northwest Missouri and Kansas today and ex- tended into northern Oklahoma and the Texas panhanadle. One death is known to have resulted, train service was delayed several hours on some railroads from the west, wire com- munication was hampered in some sec- tions, and highways were choked by impassable drifts. The storm broke before daylight and followed a downpour of rain that began yesterday. As the rain changed to sheet and snow the phenoien of flashes of lightning through time fall-S } iug snow was observed at Kansas City and at various towns in Kansas. Approve Fund For 1926 Celebration lr !' ates Article an"; Cast Chosen The story of "Beggarman pictures with typical medieval fr'ankness a, henpecked, drunken peasant, not un- likelike Rip Van Winkle in the first part of Irving's legend, and takes him Change Book List Due to an inadvertency in the list of collateral reading books for fresh- man rhetoric which appeared in yes- terday's edition of The Daily, "Greed" was inclued in the collection. Instead, this should have been "The Pit" by Norris. I OurWeatherMan- department, in addition to doing the translation for the Mimes' production of "Begganman," to be presented in the Mimes theater Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday evening of next week, was translated from the Dan- , ish a detailed article on the tradi-. tional interpretation of Jeppe, the I. leading character, by George Brandes, the noted Scandinavian critic. Prof. I L. I. Bredvold is also assisting Prof. fessor Campbell, and every effort is, being made by the Mimes to intro-; duce into the farce a correct his-I torical atmosphere. WASHNIGTON, Feb. 18.-The Sen- through a series of burlesque adven- ate today approved the joint resolution, tures in which he is changed from I;previously adopted by the House, au-I beggar to king and back to igthorizing participation by the goven- bggar t igai akt beggar! ment in tihe Philadelphia sesqui-cen- again. The cast includes Amy Loomis, director of the Junior Girls' play and assistant on the faculty to Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, in the role of the wife, Robert Henderson, '26, as the tennial celebration. The measure ap- propriates $2,186,500 for the govern- ment's part in the celebration, $1,000,- 000 being for buildings and $1,186,500 for its direct participation.