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rnn~nI Woan Interprets
1Pi0N1 LST L eading Role COf
YEARS CA PINS~MimesProduction
j "Be;('germuaf1," I-ol erg's 1broad Ibur-
Alplihi Xi p)erm D efeat icta Gammua I lesque translatedl by Prof. O c,,r
InII Vunmd Of Intramuraliira James Ca la phell of the ]gilish (10-
Tournamnt, I artxnent will be presented~ by the
L" IJ SCOR RESUL S ;%IIIunco illMilme-, th1ea:ter Tu ltesJtday W ed-
CLOE SORERESLTS nezday and .Thursnday, Feb. u3, 24, and
I '
Alpha Xi Delta defeated Delta Gain- In "BIeggernman" we have the com-
ma, for two years the winner of the edy of Jeul-e. a happy hen pecl('d
intramural basketball tournament, in pedaan who was change.d in a single
a game at 4 o'clock yesterday, in Par- ;day as thae sport; of a drunken jest,
hour gymnasium, by a score of 15 to !from beggar to king and badk tao beg-
12. The game was closely fought, gar again.
although Delta Gamma was ahead at Thn only woman appearing in the
no point of the game, Ethel Crowe, cast is AI y ILooinis, direct or of Mas-
'29, made all 15 points for Alpha Xi sue and Juanior Girls' play, who is
Delta. Katherine Wilson, '28, Delta!I the first woman to play a part in a
Gamma, scored 4 points for her "team,; production of the Mimes. Miss Loomi-
Elizabeth Nutt, '28, 4 points, and is talces the part of Nille, the "goode
Louise Cooley, '29, and Aleen Miller, woman."
'27, each scored 2 points. Jessica The entire production is Clircted
Nixon, '27, and Alice Felske, '27E(I., ' ly I. Mortimer Shuter. All seats
refereed the game. The line-up was: are reserved, and are on sale at
Delta Gammia Alpha X1 Delta. Wahr's, Graham's, and Slater's book-
L. Cooley ..... R.F.........E. Crowe stores for 50 and 75 cents.
A . M iller ....... L.F. .P. A rm strong C o t . . . . . . . . P a h e
,. W ilson......R.C.......J. 'Wendell 'NTV OTMSM
M.Lawlor..R.CT......0G. Swinton NAIILOUIMR I1
11. Miller ...... I,.G....... F. Walserr
Kappa Alpha Theta defeated Alpha
CiOeawtascrof5to8 lHO RHin a game held at 4 o'clock in Barbonr
gymnasium. The game was not near- Miss Ao PInj, special history stu-
ly as 'closely contested as the Alpha dent, living at Martha Cook. dormitory,
Xi Delta vs. Delta Gamma game, and does not b~elieve that bobbing of hair
it was evident from the beginning of and wearing American dress is the es- game that Alpha Chi Omega was sence of Americanism. "I r.2cognize
outplayed. Florence Wolfe, '27Ed., some qualities of Americans," she
scored the most points for Kappa Al- said, "and these I wish to take backY
pha Theta, making 34 points, while Ito China, I also believe .strong-
Ellen Grinnell, '29, scored 21 points. ly in some of our own customs
Lois Parks, '28, scored 7 points for and these I wish to retain. Tfhe Cbi-
Alpha Chi Omega, and. Pauline Diehl, nese (iress has p~roved a very prac-
'29, scored 1 point. rThe line-up was: tical garment here, and I caln see no
Alplu h CIIOnelpa :appai Ailpha. Theta reason for changing."
L. Park.......R......... F. Wolfe Hide Shohara, '26, of Tokyo, Japan,
P. Diehl....... L.F......Grinell Inow a student living at Betsy Bar-
G. Welch ........ C....... L. Murray h our house, had adopted American
J. Rielly............. E. Thompkins. dress before she came to this couin-
3B. Staebler ...G........ V. Burkej try as more convenient than the dlab-
C. Fagan ..... ........... H.Kempf orate garment of the Japanese woni1-
en. For parties or Cosmopolitan
"--And All1 For a Fairy's P'etticoat",1 functions Miss Shohara applfars in the
a fairy story written by H-elen Whip- distinctive fashions of the eastern-
ple, '26, p~resident of Black Quill, hion- ers.
orary women's literary society, has UsIlao Lu, of Shantung, China, tells
been accep~ted for publication by St. 1ci' f omne Aiiiericai-riends who p~re-
Nicholas, a well known children'sl sented her with an American girl's
periodical, outfit. "W hen they saw me in it," she
----added, "they advisedl me to give it
MEXICO CITY. - One convent here !away. Never again has anyone tried(
and a convent and a college at Coyoa- to force Americanism oan mn--it just
can have been closed. doesn't fit."
1 1
Y. W. C.A. Mem bersIPIPAIAfMrI
To Hear Uill i IIIIJIi V1iIL ,
it y JousI s, K agne lhou 5 811ti(l (Ul'I1I T ENTER LEAGUEi
toiis onl the "'am ipus are taking cart' I
of the sale of tickets to the F. W. C .
A. membershlilp banimethit l tt al t F- LU () 1' atiojniSuffrage Orgai-l
held from 5 :30 to IS o'lo~c 'cb.i~ lt Is Planntied; Drive
in the Methodist 'hurtl.It is 4 pens rri(lay
for' the niciahiers of the annitll
amiong the atlldent b)ody, alnd bet HOLD MASS MEETING AT 4'
ullty wives 01r tflwvi::jiopewho have _____
contrib~uted to the or; anization. Molm- Organization of a Michigan chapter
hers ]Sare thoEse who ha1;-le si: ned t' the Leagu h oenVtrswl
_ h egeo omnVtr1il
i emo2ership card at any c iiae. b" (irectell at a mass meeting to be
President Clarence C.Li Ics to lie hI Id lat 4 o'clock this afternoon in the
the principal spea8ker1 of th evenlill.. a;itliriium of University hall. It is.
Commit tee songs represeniting the a lmAallenge to women to prove their
work of the different co0i2nmitt~es will 'actual interest in their right of suf-
be 011e of tile priniaimi cat ures '"If faaj*,je.>Iviss Ann 1Whitson,' state seec-
the usi onthe ro ,1'11111. eg rEretai'y, will conduct the meeting, andi
tions for the tables will lbe 1elresen- li-s betha uell, of Ypsilanti Nor-
tative of the committee work. Ils~l advisor of the Ypsilanti chap-
Dor is Gilines, '26, is7 general c"hair- ill x'Ii speak.
I man of the banquet, Alice Porte], .2t7, "eproeo teLauhst
Ichairman in charge of the sdcab ~ Tepupsff h egust
tickets, and Arlene tis frtr2Ioi'gan'ze women for campus electionsi
I cairan f tle ecoatins.all)d to post there on matters of pojiti-
in speaking of the lpurplose of tl ne.Th ogaiatoni
memlber'ship banquet, Miss Ruth Doolil-. to be non-partisan and all independe nt
ci', secretary of the U~niversity Y.W womlen as well as every organization
oi A., saidl, "It is to give th ie mebers oil campus are expected to back the
a sense of common fellow;ship in thet movement. Miss Jean Hamilton, cleani
association work on the envious, andl of women, and Mrs. A. S. Hobart, as
to dlevelop fellowship among the ie~n- sistanit dean of women, have already
1)0's or he urpse t aqiiiilac- given the idlea their wvhole-hiearted
ship. It is to pronmote al ong the ; aproval.
members, the sense of participation Professor Joseph Hayden, of the
in the whole association on the ca-an- political science departmnit, speaking
pus." of the movement stated: "This is the
Through the recognition ser-vice( only organization of its kind which
which is to b)e held at the end of the is ge'tting womienl scientifically inter-
banquet, members will make a lw.- M estedl in politics and education."
statement }of their loyalty to the as- ( Miss Elva M. Fornerook, social di-
so('iation, repeating thle p1 edxge, andl rect or of Martha Cook dormitory, has
new members will be taken into tihe lbeen chosen f'or advisor of the Michi-
organization. gan chapter, and a list of nominees
Members who are n~( leinig soliiet for the officers of the new chapter
for tic'kets for the b)anlquet ar'e re has been prepared. They are: Doro-
questedI to call for thecm today or to- thy (line, '26, president; Violet Kid-
morrow at Newberry auditoriumn. rThe der, '26, and Helen Starr, '26, vice-
price of the tickets is 75 cents. jpr'esiden~t ; andl Harriett Weston, '26,
secretary and treasurer.
A masquerade (lance will be held The drive comes as the result of the
by the Ann Arbor Women's club at; action of a group of Michigan stu-
b o'clock tonight at tll~e Michigan dents interzestedl in voting andl in poll-
Union. Prizes wii be awarded to timez tical affairs. It is a movement wvhich
women having the most unusual cos- should 1)e of' personal value to all wo-
tumies and to the best. danlcers. imen as it offers them training along
lines still neCw to most of them. A
For every article tor sale, there is plea is therefore made that they ans-I
% buyer. Reach hime thru Classifieds. we'r tihe challenge issued.
Ilarbour Vynasiuu
Publicity committee of the Junior
Girls' play will meet at 3 o'clock to-
'Tomorrow's rehearsals of the Junior
Girls' play will be as follows: chorus-
es A and B at 4 o'clock choruses, C
and D at 5 o'clock, choruses H and L
at 7 o'clock and the Russian specialty
and the Waltz Speciaty at 8 o'clock.
Saturday's rehearsals will be as foi-
lows : choruses H and A at 9 o'clock,
choruses N and B at 10 o'clock, chor-
uses R and C at 11 o'clodk, choruses
L4 and D at 1 o'clock and the Waltz
and Russian Specialties at 2 o'clock.
The honor council will meet at 4
o'clock today.
Meeting of the League of Wonmer,
Voters at 4 o'clock today in the Uni-
versity Hall auditorium.
Tmryouts for the University Girls'
Glee club will be held from 4 to 5:.15
o'clock this afternoon in room 216,
School of Music. All women except
freshmen are eligible to tryout.
Wyvern will meet tonight at 7 :3
o'clock at the Kappa Delta house, 602
Monroe St.
Delta Delta Delta announces the en-
gagement of Elizabeth Hastings '27,
to C. Russell Pryce, '27, of Acacia
Undergraduate campaign commnit.
tee will inhet at 3:30 o'clock today
at the Kappa Alpha Theta house.
Members of the finance committee
of the University Y. W. C. A. and
team captains of the annual finane
drive were entertained at a tea from,
3:30 to 5 o'clock yesterday afternon
in Newberry hall. A meeting of tie
members was held before the tea and
final reports regarding the finance
campaign were turned in. Results of
the reports have not yet been tabulat-
ed but they will appear in tomorrows
Daily. A list of the houses which' con-
tributed 100 per cent to the drive will
also be published. Margaret Eaton,
'26, was general chairman of the camn-
Physical Education Department
Presents Exceptional Growth
I"Our school shows a very interest- IfBadgley, from the University hospital.
ing growth both in quantity and inj Students from the professional school
quality," said Miss B. Louise Patter-l of physical education have practice
r;soii, assistant professor of physical teaching ,it the Angell school and at
edlucation, and head of the women's ltimeUnvriyhg school.
physical education departument, "andl "We have no trouome at all in plac-
tof course it is the quality we are most ing our students after graduation,"
proud of. We had a very exceptional said Miss Patterson, "In fact, there
record for the past semester, in view is a far greater demand than wet can
of the fact that, as the recor~ds now supply. Since practically all high
show, there was only one failure inIsc'h ools inow require physical educa-
only one subject in the wvhole p~rofes- tionl to be taught, there is a great
-sional school. It is tile policy of the .field in p~hysical education. One of
professional school of physical educa- our two February graduates has now
" t ion to encourage a high scholastic .takeni a p~osition in tlie orthopedic de-
record, and no transfers are admitted1 partment in the Uiiversity hospital.'
zfrom other colleges of the University I-
without at least a "B" average." Miss Hl~cen C. Bishop. former social.
The Board of Regents authorized director of H elen Newberry residence,
time establishmeint of a professional lnd preseiit dean of women at the
'school of physical education at for-, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wy-
IUniversity of Michigan in May, 1921. oining, will visit in Ann Arbor, March
Starting with an enrollment much-1 and 5 on her return from the dean's
smaller and a curriculum much more !ainual ,convention at Washington, D.
liimited than at the present time. Thme C. February 22-27., Miss Bishop was
5school now numbers approximately 50 well known to the students of the Uni-~
;,ipersons. The enrollnent in the school versity of Michigan as dean of women
t was increased by 9 this semester. As during three summer sessions and as
the number of graduates has ben nec - social director of Helen Newberry
0 essarily very small, no alumnae or--I residence for five years. Represen-
2ganization has been formed as yet, but tatives from the Michigan dormitories
plans for one are now under way. will be present at the same conven-
_ According to Miss Patterson, excep- tion. One of thme main purposes of
r tional opportunities are offered the the convention progranm consists of
~professional students of physical edui- round table discussions of the problems
fcation in the medical school, where that arise in each kind of school from
they may take anatomy under Dr. Carl wvhich the general program for the
y Huber, work in physiology with Dr. ensuing year is outlined.
Robert Gesell, and reconstruction
work with Dr. Hugh Cabot and Dr. PAX' YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW.
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