ESTABLISHED 1890 A AdL- Ar -A-Ah AN 0 fiRtr t n atl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS OL. XXXVI. No. 92 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICH. SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS H orrjWoollcott Favors Modern Garby LHV I LU LIIn GivingShakesperean Plays U EY EXP LAI N S Characterizing the revival a the 'thing. It is more natural today to tendency of actors of Shakeserian see Hamlet smoking a cigarette.1 ° u N plays to dress in modern-day garb as Again you put an actor in elaborate [ORM NS VO somewhat 0f a failure financially ini costume of the Shakespearean days all plays except Hamlet, Alexande:r and he becomes stilted. When the NTAI--=ru Woollcott in an interview last night, actor is wearing modern garb, the BOWIE SAYS SDDIMENTATION, expressed sympathy with the move- audience is more attentive to the play EROSION CAUSE CHANGES ment. for these costumes give less distrac- IN EARTH'S CRUST "There is something in the idea to tion. which playgoers have an antipathy "The idea is not a new one. Garrick OUTLINE S PROCESS and as a result will not go to see a wore modern clothes in playing Ham- Shakespearean play, which is to be let. Booth, too, often played Hamlet presented with modern costumes, but in street clothes, often, perhaps, be- Causes Of Earthquakes And Volcanoes all those who have seen Hamlet pre- cause he had forgotten his costumes,1 Given; Government Investigation sented in this modern fashion like it. but nevertheless he did it. Supports Isostatic Theory very much." Hamlet, he pointed out "The theory of this revival is said F was played with much more success to have started in India. A company Declaring that the earth's crust is in London than New York. was playing Hamlet there. It was so "This idea of wearing modern cost- poor that costumes could not be pur- cumes while presenting Shakespearean chased and regular street clothes equilibrium on the plastic material ! plays is, In my mind, a rather good had to be worn.e constituting the interior of the earth, - - William Bowie, chief of the Division of Geodesy, U. S. Coast and Geodetict survey, discussed the formation of CLOTOREMOINO L C H1 F R mountains from the standpoint of the isostatic theory yesterday afternoon Theprncpa cuseofmontinO~ATE ON GOURV. LECTUREPROGRAM' in the Natural Science auditorium. forming, said Mr. Bowie, is the up- Bitter Debtte Leads Toward Agree. Oficial Photographer Of Mt Everest lift of the surface of the earth due ment To Limit Debate On Expedition To Describe Ascent to the change in density of the crust. Senate Floor Of Highest Mountaint below it. This change in density is l first begun by a continuous erosion SUGGESTED BY BLEASE WILL ShOW PICTURES and sedimentation on the surface ofSS the earth. Through a long geological period, the rivers throughout the '.y Associsted Press) Capt. John Baptist Noel, organizer I world wear away the surface of the WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-The long and official photographer of the last highlands and eventually deposit the threatened move for cloture on the famous Mt. Everest expedition, hasc material of erosion at the margin of World Court was made tonight in the been secured to give the tenth lecture the oceans. The weight of the sedi- Senate. It was followed by a bitter been seso give the hltre ment thus deposited causes the par- debate of an hour, with signs atteo the s ticular block of crust beneath it to end that some sort of an unanimous association April 1, in hill auditor-I sink several miles into the plastic consent agreement to limit debate ium, Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood,c substance of the interior of the earth. without resort to cloture might yet be chairman of the lecture committee,c Finally, the extra heat experienced reached. announced yesterday. nearer the center of the earth causes Bearing the signature of 48 sena- Tyetha ay. the crust to swell and rise as a moun- tors, 24 from each side of the aisle, The story that Captain Noel tells is tain. Then, it goes through the sec- the petition for cloture was presented one of failure and triumph, and ond phase of mountain making, and is by Senator Lenroot, Republican, Wis- through the aid of motion pictures he denuded by rainfall, thus supplying consin, leader of the pro-court forces. brings a complete graphic story to the material for the formation of an- Under the rules it must lay over for his audience of the attempts to scaler other montain range. According to one calender day, so in no event can the dizzy heights of the highest moun- the government geodesist, this cycle a vote on it be had until next Monday. tan in the world. has been repeated seven tidimes in the Administration leaders declared As the pictures are thrown qn the present geological age which covers I they could muster at least 72 votes screen, Captain Noel tells his own more than a billion and a half years. for cloture which upon its adoption personal story of the purposes, work, This theory of geological formation, would limit each senator to one hour and tragic results of the historical which is supported by government in- in the court debate. This number is expedition. Not only do the pictures vestigations of the last decade, dis- more than the necessary two-third show the actual work of the attempts proves th'e explanation, heretofore of- majority to envoke the limitation to scale Mt. Everest but they visual-e fered, that mountains are formed by rule. ize the people, customs and country of the wrinkling of the earth's crust as The petition was presented after an quaint Tibet, the land of Lamas, pray- the interior cools and shrinks. From effort to bring about a unanimous er-wheels, tlandy, as, ay- alt egineeing vewpontr-wheelse fpolyandry, Yaks, and but-; an engineering viewpoint it would be consent agreement to limit debate. to tered tea. impossible for the surface of the 30 minutes for each senator on each The climax to the expedition came. earth over a large area to contract 1-eservation, beginning Feb. 10 had in 1924 when two of the party of and to force part of the crust a mnile been blocked by Senator Blease, British explorers, Mallory and Irvine, t above its original altitude, as required I Democrat, South Carolina. with oxygen tanks strapped to their by the former theory'I backs reached a point 800 feet below The cause of earthquakes and vol-Believes the top of the mountain, only to dis canoes is also explained by the ISO- appear forever. m t o o tatic theory. As the portion of the France Leads In a r. earth's crust which has been receiv- ing deposits from the process of ero- Cancer searcT I sion swells and rises, the stress is of- ten so prolonged that the final rupture That Europe leads America in re- comes with a shock. It is the forma- search against cancer was the state- T tion of a new range of mounains on ment made by Dr. Francis Carter the Western coast of the United Staes Wood of Columbia university in an that Is held responsible for the re-!Wo f ouba nvritIna cent isturbne at Sapn taBarbarhainterview last night. He said that Will Discuss Federal Subsidizing Of and for the earthquake that destroyed France is foremost of the European) Commercial Air Service San Francisco in 190t. According to countries in the fight against the di-' Mr. Bowie a greater frequency of sease, possessing five valuable clinics Michigan's negative team which re- shocks reduces the general strain and where physicians and medical stu- cently won from the Ohio State trio dents receive instruction. Research at Columbus in the Central League damage which they might do if 1om work has also made rapid advance- debates, will debate the Knox college' bined into one force. ent in England and Belgium in the affirmative team Feb. 9 at Galesburg, In like manher, most volcanoes are last few years. IIll., before Kiwanis members of that in the regions undergoing sudden up- Lack of sufficient funds was express- city. Thomas V. Koykka, '27, Philip' lift. Due to a break in the crust, an opning is D etended to the hot nina-ed as the reason for the inadequacy N. Krasne, '27, and Harry L. Gervais, tein i thexiterido whih flowstoof cancer research' work in the United '27, make up the team. terial in the interior which flows to States. "Five times as much money The question will be: "Resolved: the surface, or, in the presenceo- is spent in the manufacturing of that the federal government should water vapor bursts forth in an exp o radio tubes in one year than in cancer subsidize our commercial air service," aiveamanner research in the whole world," Dr. the same question which was debated In leading up to the explanaionkiWood added. in the Central league. After the for- resented the work ofming, the Division peaf Ill answer to the criticism that sec- mal speeches general discussion willi GeoesntDurkin the astfewersi tures on the subject of cancer did follow, with the debaters answering Geodesy. During the last few yar little more than frighten the listeners questions which are asked. the principal work of this branc Dr. Wt is far better -. ...~ r ood said.,"ti frbte to IThme Kiwanis club at Gialesburg is .the government has dealt with h t v nscarepersonsthan to let them die. particularly interested in our commer-I charting and measurement of e A scared man can be cured but it is cial air service, and the purpose of the earth. For the purpose of taking not se easy to cure cancer." debate is to acquaint the members of gravity measurements and__ k___ the club with arguments for and other observations, 250 stations have t cagainst subsidization. been established in the United States, , elberg Better, There will be no decision renderedj while more than 100 posts have been in the debate. Expenses of the Michi- placed in other parts of the world. Physician States gan team will be met by the Gales- Throughout the lecture, Mr. Bowie burg Kiwanis club used lantern slides to illustrate his I Mjburg Kiwanistclub. subject, Views of the various rock Major Rienold Melberg of the R. formations found in the United States T. C., who was taken seriously ill S.s ad Monday with a collapsed lung, is re[ weeshw o eit h rsn a,,ported by his physician to be much II TR LCI OI falling action of parts of the earth's 'pred.b his physcia ts uchI- improved. Major Melberg 'is confin-Ir.rhIl crust. I ed to his home, but is expected to be 4 out within a week. . - Mercier May Die -m BRISBANE.-The Queensland gov- Five men and three women have BRUSEL, Jn. 2.-t 830 'clckerment has decided to form a cotton been elected to membership in DeltaI USSELS, Jan. 22.-At :30 o'clock nt ad Sigma Rho, honorary forensic fra- ,~rr hantnrmat ame from I control board. tza d nmnpl ~terda~ WOOLLCOTT TRACES EVENTS IN PROMINENT AUTHOR'S LITERARY CAREERS DEFENDS GOSSIPING States That Back-Stage Is No Place For Ordinary Layman Desiring To Keep Illusion Revealing secrets of the world back-stage, tracing the interesting events in the lives of great authors,I giving an insight into the real cir-j cumstances surrounding the produc- tion of most popular plays, and dis- cussing the position of a dramatic critic to his readers, Alexander Wooll-f cott, reported to be the foremost dramatic critic in Amierica today, amused and was well received by a large audience last night in Hill audi- torium. Mr. Woollcott, who is dramatic cri- tic of the New York World, appeared4 here in the sixth number of the sea- son lecture course of the Oratorical program. William C. Dixon, '28L, president of the association, intro- duced the speaker. "Behind the Scenes" was the title of the critic's lecture, and his first object was to discuss the statement that when the ordinary layman goes back-stage for the first time he loses his illusions. Mr. Woollcott pointed out that back-stage is no place for the ordinary layman to go, for unless"his mind has reached a certain stage, he will thereafter fail to appreciate the wonders that are apparently produced on the stage. He told his audience that the pre- sentation of a play does not represent merely the production of an author, nor the performance of an actor, but a collaboration of many elements. Denouncing the idea that people! should not be interested in their neighbors, Mr. Woollcott said, "I am a gossip and I am not ashamed of it." By being a gossip, ,he said, he greatly, amuses himself by constantly discov- ering things of interest about actors,! playwrights, and the production of plays. To illustrate the many personal ele- ments connected with a play with which the average audience is un- familiar, Mr. Woollcott gave in brief the history of the production, "Alias, Jimmy Valentine." This story, he pointed out, was a dramatization of 0. Henry's story "The- Retrieved Refor- mation." George Tyler, play financier, had a company playing in Chicago with H. B. Warner as the leading; man. The company failed within two weeks and it was necessary for Mr. Tyler to secure another play for his company. LITTLE ENTRA9NCE' PLAN WILL REACH COMMITTEE TODAY ADMISSION, RETENTION SYSTEM SCHEDULED FOR CONSID. ERATION NEW BLANK ISSUED Will Also Discuss Practicability Ofj Adopting Ientor System As In EngIneering College Proposals for carrying into effect President Clarence Cook Little's planst relative to the admission and reten- I tion of students in the University will be placed before the President's spe- cial committee at its initial meeting today. Discussion at the meeting today is expected to center around the appli- cation blank which henceforth is to be used by students applying for en- trance to the University, and which, in eight pages will give a wealth of information about time student, his academic record, private interests, and family history. Questions relating to the value of this information, and methods for making use of data so gathered in the student's interest, will also probably come before the com- mnittee. Registrar Ira M. Smith, chairman of the committee, yesterday indicated that other questions which will be considered include the feasahility of interviewing students prior to their registration in the fall; the practic- ability of adopting the mentor sys- tem, such as is in practice in the engineering college, by other colleges' of the University; the wisdom of in- viting high school teachers to visit University classes; the value of con- ferences between University officials' and principals of the state's high I schools; and other matters relative to registration next fall. At present, high school authorities in recommending students for en- trance in the University, are request- ed to outline courses of study for which they believe the student is es- pecially fitted. The practicability of extending this work, will also be dis- cussed. Those serving on the President's committee, aside from the chairman, are: Professors J. B. Edmonson, W. A. Frayer, C. C. Fries, H. F. Adams, j Emil Lorch, C. C. Glover, C. S. Yoak- um, L. A. Hopkins. Dr. Margaret El- liot, and Dean Jean Hamilton.j Service Game IWill Dedicate Chicago Field IPRESIDENT LITTLE TURNS IFIREMAN; DISCOVERS BLAZE Seeing a curtain on i fire in the home of E. C. Nicholson, at 1 444 South State Street late yes- terday afternoon, President Clar- ence Cook Little entered the house hurried up the stairs in order to put out the blaze. By the time he reached the burning room, however, the oc- cupants of the house had also discovered the conflagration, which was speedily extinguished. The fire was caused by a lighted cigarette dropped into a waste basket. Sargenit Calls Violation Of Laws Natural, (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Jan. 22.-Attorney general Sargent has studied the re- lationship of prohibition and crime waves, and has reached the conclu- sion that there is logic in the position of the person who, paid a bribe by re- spectable citizens for breaking the liquor laws continues in a career of crime. In his first public discussion of pro- hibition enforcement since taking charge of the Department of Justice, Mr. Sargent asked the members of the New York State Bar association whether "it is any wonder that ban- ditry, murder, bribery and corruption flourish," when' devout citizens con- stantly are paying the criminal in- clined to take the risk of violating other laws.I The 18th amendment and the Vol- 1 stead act, he said are settled laws of the land and must be enforced, and he urged the lawyers to give thought, to the problem how enforcement may! be accomplished. The attorney-gen- eral added that he would not be drawn into a discussion of other phases of the question, inasmuch as Congress has acted on the whole matter, but decided to talk over the "situation" with a view to solving the enforce- ment problem by finding the "real root of the trouble." "Every person who sells liquor does it solely and only because some one will pay a price high enough to make a profit sufficient to offset the chance, of detection, conviction and punish- ment. To put it differently, everyl such sale is the direct result of the offer and payment by the purchaser, or a bribe to commit the offense. Is there any escape from this as a logi- cal conclusion?" "Whether the policy of envoking and exercising the power. in this par- ticular matter when and as it has been exercised was wise or unwise is no# longer open to discussion. It has, been done. It is an accomplished fact. Not only is the law settled but to all a teahrances if we can tude eof P S) A, dE te di 4m m cC m a ai ti tc m to b, H B ini m it aj g) Sbr w ju 10] tc ci ti el a ti 0 a t. S Ic 'a a t: n 10INROR CONSTRUCTION: ENATE EXCITED BY FALSE RE. PORT OF SETTLEMENT OF COAL STRIKE PRESS BESIEGED ppropriation Of Millions To Build Aircraft Taken From Measure in Committee Fight WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-The Navy partment appropriation bill encoun- red a choppy sea in the House to- ay, and was stripped by points of rder of sections carrying approxi- ately $9,000,000 for new aircraft instruction during the next fiscal ear. Those steering its legislative urse were unable to guide the easure to port before adjournment, nd tomorrow face a vote on an mendment to eliminate another sec- on to provide $300,000 for the Navy contract with the Aircraft Develop- ent corporation backed by Ford in- rests for an all metal airship. The legislative sea was churned up y an open breach between the two ouse committees charged with the andling of naval affairs, chairman utler, of the Naval committee charg- g the appropriations naval sub-com- ittee with infringing on the author- y of his group. Mr. Butler lead the fight against the ppropriations for new aircraft on the round that the expenditure had not een authorized by his committee, hich under House rules, has original risdiction in such matters. The chair sustained him on points of rder against provisions in the bill appropriate $4,962,000 for "new onstruction and procurement of air- raft and equipment" and to authorize he secretary of the navy to make con- racts up to $4,100,000 for other new quipment. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-Congress nd a good part of the national capi- al, were agitated for a time today ver a "fake armistice" in the anthra- ite controversy. Senator Pepper, Republican, Penn- ylvania, apparently believing he had uthentic information interrupted the World Court debate in the Senate to dvise his colleagues and the country hat the strike had been settled, When told a moment later by the ssociated Press that this announce- ment was erroneous the Pennsylvania enator replied that his information ame from sources he believed rehi- ble. He declined to withdraw the ,nnouncement, which meantime took he usual rapid course of ureliable eports through oflicial Washington. Davis Will Make Study Of Plants In Jamaica Soon Prof. B. M. Davis of the botany de- artment will leave for Jamaica Feb. 7 to make a study of the plant life o that island. He expects to make his base at a coffee plantation and rom thmre make excursions into the mountains and rain forests. While there, Professor Davis will study the tropical rain forests, sugar, coffee, and banana plantations, and the vegeta- ion along" the coast line. According to Professor Davis, there is probably no area the size of Jamaica that of- fers such a variety of plant condi- tions to the botanist. Professor Davis will return to Ann Arbor for the Summer session. THREEGIVEfPAPER AT, ZOOLOGY CLUB MEETING Three papers were given before the zoology journal club at its meeting Wednesday in the Natural Science building. Roscoe C. Bullock, grad, spoke on "The Physiology of the Sple'en"-; Clarence E. Green, grad, on "The Migration of Animals"; L. A. Golezynski, spec, on "The Relation of Transplanted - Eyes to Developing Nerv4 Centers. MEXICO CITY.-It is reported that the volcano., Colima has resumed ac- tivity after having been quiet for 12 years. To get proper results, Mr. Wooll- ANNAPOLIS, Md., .Jan. 22.-The the minds of the people by the votes cott said, the fimancier would neces- Navy-Mlichigan game of Oct. 30 was 1 of their representatives in Congress sarily have to find a playwright who today awarded to Baltimore stadium. the determination that it shall remain was financially embarrassed. Paul The Navy schedule now includes three settled and be obeyed is broadening? Armstrong was in this predicament, games away from home, the maximum day by day." and after the dramatization rights allowed under the regulations. The had been purchased from O. Henry i Navy-Princeton game of Oct. 16 was * C for $500, Armstrong wrote the play. arraniged fnr Palmer Stadim, Pr s The play &as perfect except for the I(4on, and the Army-Nagy tilt for Chi- W '/h L 1A, t fact that an additional character eio would necessarily have to be added to + Tells Local Clubr the company. A pretty, young, inex- ANNAPOLIS, Md., Jan. 22.-Chicago. - pensive actress was needed. A pretty Irish girl, Laurette Taylor, playing today won the service football classic ' Alexander Woollcott, dramatic editor t in an obscure company was secured. 1 of 1926-the Army-Navy game on No- ' of the New York World and Vanity I This accomplished, the company was1 vember 27. Fair, whose lecture comprised thet givenm the play and it was produced as Th cots Ilddct hcg' sixth number on the Oratorical pro- a decided success in Chicago. The cotest will dedicate Chicago's I gram, last night gave an informal "Real actors come from those of World War memorial stadium, Sol- address in the lounge room of the theatrical blood," the critic said, and I os has agrieed to transport and fur- Lawyer's club yesterday following I to prove his point he referred to the s bit and itm luncheon, at which both he and Prof. life of the great playwright, Eugene I Oscar J. Campbell were guests of the O'Neil. From his birth in Chicago of and the West Point cadet corps from club. parents interested in the stage pro- the time they leave their respective Mr. Woollcott's talk consisted large- fession he traced his career to the adly of humorous reminiscences of his I fsson e racd is arer o heacadenmies until they returmn. The j own encounters with the law. le re- present day." Army and Navy athletic association counte sin on w. he was received an allotment of 30,000 tickets fciyte ctasfon N ew as I n n1apiece for their own use, and in effect theater because of previous unfavor- UUION P UIDalo the revenue from 10,000 more, the I able criticism of the talents displayed gross allotment to both being 80,000 ( therein. He brought suit against ther fwhich numberChicago. 20,000 are to be pur- management, protesting that it was ii- hasuperintendents oftlegal to exclude any individual on ac- The superintendents of the two count of his profession. The statute ' Any students scholastically eligible academies, in a joint agreement, of New York state, however, provided y awarded th'e game to Chicago over the -i who are interested in working on cars ti e gam t hia erphe that the only restriction to be placed Union comnittees, may again consult caims of Baltimore ad Philadelphia, i on such managements was that mdi- I the new Union president, William L. viduals were not to be excluded be- Diener, '26, regarding the nature of I of the Chicago dedication be not con- cause of race, color, or creed..:"As, I thenwr ,bycalling at thetres sidered a precedent for future games. hadsnonerothese Mr ooicottob- th noorkofreshe-e,"___________ob- dent's office in the student activities served, "I lost my case." After the department between 2 and 5 o'clock trial had been reviewed in the su- today. Diener interviewed a large I uwrIrHNOSpreme tribunal of the state, the Cir- + number of prospective committeemen cuit Court of Appeals, the matter was yesterday. OFfinally righted and the critic received A meeting of the appointment com- I VIEMBERS "O FiUULTT a note from the theatrical manage- mittee of the Union will be held early ment saying that they should be made next week and it is important that imore than happy to see the eminent those students interested in Union ac- MIodern Language Association Chooses reviewer once more in the audience. r -n - Michigan Professors IMr Wnn11ntt nnfided hnwever tht tonight the announcement came. Ik the sick room that Cardinal Mercier would not live through the night. FEIL 1 SET AS LAST DAY FOR J-HOPGUEST'LISTS terility, it was announces yes uuy.' They are: Thomas V. Koykka, '27, J. 0. Yeasting, '27, J. H. Elliott, '26, Harry L. Gervais, '27, and Philip N. Krasne, all of whom represented Michigan in the recent Central League I -u __ .. 1T,, -. _ ; n T n iif n 1 ,r ed-her an DAILY STAFF COMIPETITION All second semester fresh- I I Ii i