THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1926 THEI MICHIGTAN DTAILY PA GB THREE LEADER NEEDE Business Man Gets Credit For Set IN 5DM MER CAM PSU Cnra r Of Coal Struggle Which By Jeion T. Liewing Jr. Cetrl.resStaff Correspondent M1an4 Requests For Nen To Instruct WAHNTN'e. 7-W~st W~b 7-h e- i Athlletics And Social fork tied the~ anthracite coal strike? Recelved At Lane Hall ______President Coolidge? A~hLE ES W NTEDJames J1. Davis, secretary of labor? --Gifford Pinchot, governor of Penn- sylva-ia .Stu~dents interested in positions as Senator Royal S. Copeland of *New leaders and directors in summer York? :$::": c pscan seuedfnt nomto ohnL. lILewis, international presi- regarding o requirements and types of det.f:iers.nin work by applying at the Summer Camp Richard F. Grant? J Leaders employment b~ureau at the The pjublic? Student Christian association. This rhe question is one of political imn- bureau has recently been established portance. All of those named with as a. result of the numerous requests the possible exception of Mr. Grant, w ihich have oet h soito would like to Have the credit, and tlie hv aet h soito -: :: . .. asking for suitable young men to lead is the only one who isn't in politics. groups of yugbyo otk Settlement ot the hard coal strike , -- charge of special work in a camp. presents an anomalous situation in the! Such requests as, "I will need a man national adlministration. for athletic work capable of instruct- President Coolidge is quoted as say- ing in swimming and canoeing," or ing the agreement to resume mining "Ican use a men to take charge of was brought about without his in-' '" :, , the social and religious work in tervention, but Secretary of Labor > campl for which it is necessary that James J. Davis dleclares that the he have a good singing voice," show terms of the settlement were pre- the need for university students who pared at his department, and that he are capable of gvn athletic instruc- proal held a series of secret RcadF rn tiono n conducting songs and meetings with the representatives o;' -__________________ m tig. the miners and operators. Iigo h White House and demand- Those students who wish to register Some of Mr. Davis' closest associ -!in action. so as to secure interviews with camp ates aver President Coolidge was kept Credit for the work that led to the lireclors when they come to Ann Ar- cnttladieofhepgrsofnewx agreement is given in Philadel- bor, or who wish to correspondl with the negotiations. phia, where the peace was made, to suchmen shold et n toch ith The strange situation is thereby pre- Mr. G'raftoi at Lane hall between the sented of the chief executive claiming! hours of two andi six daily. A di- no credit for the termination of the' rector from a camp in northern Mich- strike, admitting only that represen- igan will be at Lane hall from two to tatives of the department of labor kept six o'clock today for interviews withi in close touch and advised. Secretary , IN ' any students who are interested. Davis of what was going on while the, ______________________________cabinet member himself has given a Theatre, Ann Arbocr ___________________detailed account to his friends of the ; I ETROIT THEATRES part he played in the conferences:; The Artistic Eve THIS WEEKI leading up to the settlement. - T HIIWEKSharilig the Glary B pca Simultaneously with the settlement, .Thne )aniiaittai Opera A R InK Eves.- 50e to $2.50 some Republican papers in Pennsyl-1 Presents on Tuiesday ARRIC~Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.50 vania suggested Mr. Davis as a G. O.! i 111 Sat. Mat. 50c to $2.00 Detroit Echoes Broadw ay's Praise of P. nominee for governor of that state, 4 1M A" A5M ., and an effort was made to show that, pStolenu rtuit he had helped to bring about a set- ,~With These Thre stars tdement of the strike while all efforts Ann Harding Rollo Peters I in that direction by Gov. Gifford Pin- with TAMAK. Harry Derestord chot had failed. Gov. Pinchot, it is ; oet~ePahueNgts 750to $1.50elimd 8 ntilalyhue s.TuCS.,Thnr. lamd hoped to erecta presidentialz Demetri Onofrci, Graha' and Sat., 50c-750 3 boom on publicity gained through aI Woda4at idiot Tel. Glendale 9792 strategic settlement of the mine war. X E N S A The DONSTELLE CO. j One thing is certain, the- presidentIE NE A r In j9bn gckert Goodmaw's Thrilling Drama did not act on, and showed that he + N ,did not intend to act on, th'e "request"& uU A H of the United States senate made af- I1 C AME BACK ter a fight led by Sen. Copeland, that1 he ivit th minrs nd he pera wih M RIN Lafayette at Shelby itorsnt the WhierHose forahconfer- ihM R N Schbert Latayott Nights,50c to$3.30 tr oteWieHuefraclir bat.Mat. 5oc-$2.75 ence.i Julian Oliver, .Manuelj Pop.Thurs.Mat. 5oc to $2.20 Cadillac 8705 But regardless of how the strike Arthlur Hammerstein's was settled, whether the national ad- Y Y RHE miitrto played an important part, Aldo) Frtiiche R o-s a owla rise or no part at all in bringing about the agreement, there is a feeling of MI RESPI Beg.Feb. 22-"RAINBOW ROSE" - elation in official Washington over the M I RESPI settlement at this time when congress NOW $3.30, $2.75, PAi YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. from both ends of the Capitol was fir -_______________ [' tl ~ e tIARICA, Chile.- The Tacna-Arica VIENNA. - All actors in nine ne e tplebiscite comnmission has promulgat- Vienna theaters were notified by man- fhi.m ~~lQ Pol+tc" ans Cla"m ed the law which is to govern the agers that their engagements, which 19rWiflb VIU IIui,U gC off the two provinces. The commis- I owing to insufficient funds.I ORTHOPEDIST sion postponed commencemnent of reg- SIj?07 N. University Ave, Phone $191$ Richard F'. Grant, president of Sus-I istration to March 15. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. _________________ quelhanna Colliers Co. and vice presi- dent of the M. A. Hanna Co., Cleve-11.11 laind. '' C '1 Were Public Conmes InIPEF O M N.? But h<= sidesteps the honor with the E j4 sta'tement; "I call attention to the i geat common sense and wisdom of The IPresident C ooiidige. It is my firm con- f T eW rdSO m'S eter viction that if he had yielded to the Nefber Aas JMore Siveetlyj great pressure upon him and had Ips o acntnl tried to intervene, this contract would not have been signed when it was." veautiful" On the other hand, "Exhaustion" is saidl by some of the best informed men j Hrwneflcrso in the fedleral service to be more re- sponsible for the settlement than any I gl r ln rea h other one thing. Exhaustion on the romps through a story so+" -,, ; part of the miners, who had been splendidly heart compel, without work since Aug. 31, and who ling that the tears of syrn- were suffering from hunger and even, pathy are driven away by lack of coal in the hearts of the an- swift wrinkles*o agtr thracite region. Exhaustion on the s part of the mine operators, whose properties had been on a non-produc-K ing basis for the longest time in thef ahistory of the industry. J "The public won the strike," is the, E statement of others. Undoubtedly the, public suffered inconveniences and^ evenhadhp through forced use of I anthracite substitutes at prices :often ,Uie higher than hard coal brought, but Artists it (lid prove to the hard coal miners ?prd,' ,Pic axldl operators that the country would PaoliV2:0 not freeze without anthracite.. 3:40 i 1 7 Tw~o Nighits Only .nt of the Season yNighit, Februaryv'23 I MIURA and Lm Marr and Ada Paggi NIlGHT, FEB. 24 IA AA"9 POLAZZI and N unez, Yulande Rinaldi -Also- Alice Cartoon ""topical Commaent ' Pictorial News Michigan Locals COMNGSUNDAY LET YOUR MEMORY TRAVEL BACK TO "THE FOUR HIORSEMEN" AND YOU WILL~ HAVE TILE NEW RUDOLPH VALENTINO in "THE EAGLE" TRA CHIORIUS ICE'S ,52.20, $1.65 SEATS FRIDAY L'I 0 U 9 - NOW SHOWING MATINEES 2 :00 3 :40 PRICES lOc 25c e NOWS SHOWING NIGHTS r7 :00 8 :40 PRICES l Oc 35c r JAMES OLIV RCU OOD'S MIGHTY DRAMA OF THE GREAT NORTHWEST I 7 / ldfo despai*r- . and-crashed a int Izap~ins I ~URWOtD _ c W. AP ,X CQUU ~ /MRA 111~lIIIItidi1N 11d1tI111i11 111 I1U 1IIII~11N EI~t~i~liI 111111fil 1[illIIIIII~i lliiillllliliii~i 11t1111i1Riilgiill - Starting Now 7TdaV Shoving - I ASpirited Romance of Parisian*Beau Monde - p - - -a a / l -- -r . w 9a f i y" - ~w. IIIa -- 1= - a. _ j~a - in the Arms D4[R OD' of erApache Lover .- t sought to forget the man of wealth who- was tnvbe the victim of their greatest crime. C B N N 3 r o Bd Caid~sdoes n of his strangest tricks in this vibrant Stonv by s~osnance of a daughter of Paris-Qtueen of its underworld LE i ON ABRA MS . -Who -w imsregieneration through an amazing love._ {Keith Feature- Special C'omedy- - = I - Aw ZT t; VT A Vl U 4, GbmT.. "G' 'G'T' "" 9 I COME-SEE-AND BE 'THRILLED! im A Imperial Comedy [1 I i w w PM pm I