ESTABLISHED 1890 pro, fri .0 Ar matt MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS m~rffi .............. . V014. XXXVI. No. 102 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS RIGGS POINTS1 OUT FUTURE OFl FIFTH CHANGE IN TRANSPORT METRODS NOW AFFECTS PUBLIC UTILITIES STREET CAR TO GO Metropolitan Street Car Systems And Large Railroads Will Not Be Affected By Truck Era Classifying highways as an integral part of the nation's system of trans- portation, Prof. Henry E. Riggs of the *civil engineering department, pointed out the future of highway engineering in the fifth change of transport meth- ods that is now materially affecting1 our public utilities, in an address last, night, before a dinner of the Michi- gan association of road commissioners and engineers held in connection with the twelfth annual conference on high- ways. While it is deemed impractical to predict the various phases of this change, its principal features were ex-. plained as greater prominence of co- ordinated motor transport, accom- panied by a corresponding decline of the small state railroad and the small town street car system. On the other hand, explained Pro- fessor Riggs, the large railroads will be little disturbed by motor truck transportation, and the metropolitan street railway system must be main- tained in one way or another. Thea five and half billion dollars invested, and the heavy morning and evening peaks, cite this business as one that, cannot be replaced by busses alone. For the present, at least, the freigh~ traffic of the large railroads is secureT because there are not enough trucks in the country to handle one-fourth the amounts carried. Highway Engineering Field Widening The present transport problem was characterized as the maintenance of all means of transportation for the best service to the public. While the exact procedure is not evident, it is clear, said the speaker, that the high- way engineer will soon find his field broadened to include the principal forms of land transportation. Chief among the other speakers in- troduced by Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the Engineering college, who acted I as toastmaster, were H. U. Wallace,1 director of the Detroit municipal; street railway, and George H. Pride, highway transport engineer of New York city. Speaking on the "Transportation Problems of the City of Detroit", Mr. Wallace stated that the capacity of Detroit streets for transportation has been reached. The next step, he ex- plained, must be the construction of a subway system, or the use of street cars on an express basis, making stops a mile apart, and using busses to servemthe intervening territory. Recent studies indicate that traffic is heavy enough to support the latter system which would extend four miles outward from the city hall. Other problems in transportation were sketched as delays caused by an excess of railroad crossings andl the congestion experienced from the auto- mobile in the central sections. Solu- 1 tion of the latter difficulty will lie in wider streets, no parking sections, and one way streets, according to Mr. Wallace. Discuss Management Problems Discussing the personnel problems involved in the "Management of Men", Mr. Pride enumerated more than 15 rules which tfe intelligent and suc- cessful supervisor will use in direct-. ing the labors of subordinates. In the business session after the speakers program, reports of various committees wereheard and a new board of directors, which will choose 1 the president for the next year, wasf One year ago today, on Feb. IS, 1925, President clarion Le- Itoy Burtoni died at his home on the campus. We feel it to be very fitting that this anniver- sary should be recalled by the members of thIe University coin- munity, and to that end have di- rected the flag to be placed at half-maist during the day in President Burton's honor. C. C. LITTLE. I '+a 1 '' i TO RACE RUSSIA IN SEARCH FOR NOR THERN LAND, GIRL, AGE 19, IN OPERA DEBUT (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Feb. 17.-The Metro- politan Opera House threw open its doors tonight to the thousands who had fought for seats to witness the debut of 19-year-old Marion Talley, the youngest American girl ever to make her debut on its stage. An eager delegation from her home town, Kansas City, Mo., arrived early to be on hand for the opening curtain of Verdi's "Rigoletto". Firm in their faith in the girl whose youthful talent they had underwritten since she was 16, they had come from their Missouri homes to behold the first triumph of her career, which to them had become a municipal enterprise. TEACHERS KEPT FROM POLITICS (By Associated Press)) MEXICO CITY, Feb. 17.-Mexican school teachers have been ordered to stay out of politics or quit teaching. Dr. J. M. Puig Casaurano, minister of education, has requested the resig- nations of all teachers who intend to become candidates for any political office. No proper right of a teacher will be interfered with, it is stated, but politics will not be permitted to influence teaching or to interfere with Mbxico's educational program. COLD FORCES COOLIDGE HOME (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-Suffering from a heavy cold, President Coolidge cancelled a majority of his engae- ments today and retired to the ex- ecutive mansion to rest, and later in the day returned to his office to dis- pose of accumulating 'routine busi- ness. The President's indisposition ap- peared to have yielded to treatment, and assurance was given at the White House that there was no cause for alarm over his condition. Just before dark, he took a stroll half way around the White House grounds, wearing a top coat which he often has discarded on previous occasions when the weather was much more chilly. HOFF, HUBBARD SMASH RECORDS (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Feb. 17.-Charley hoff of Norway, tonight exceeded the world's indoor pole vault record for the fifth time establishing a new mark of 13 feet 4 inches at the annual ath- letic games of the Norwegian Turn society. De Hart Hubbard, former Univer- sity of Michigan colored flash, equal- led -the world's indoor record of 7 seconds for 65 yards, in outsprinting a field of five contestants in the sec- ond feature event. MINERS SIGN COAL CONTRA CI UIAH fHLSULI5 IN, DEATH OF 28 AVALANCHE SWEPT DOWN SIDE OF )IOUNTAIN BURYING OVER 5 PERSONS 30 REMOVED ALIVE Crch, Miners Cabins And Boarding House Carried Away By Rush I Of Snow And Debris (By Associated Press) BINGHAM, Utah, Feb. 17.-An ava-) lanche of snow and debris that swept down the steep mountainside in Sap !".tuic, nrt n ere l , uu ni u-ntitg, re- I (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Feb. 17.-A race with the air squadrons of Bolshevik Rus- sia to claim land which might be used as a military flying base north of Alaska or Siberia probably will be the! result of the Polar Flying expedition which he will command, Lieut. Leigh Wade, round-the-world army flyer, told the Associated Press today. "It is the firm opinion of every member of our party," Lieut. Wade said, "that the Bolsheviks plan to beat us to it in finding the continent which we feel assured lies in the uncharted seas above Alaska. While we have no direct evidence of this, there is so much circumstantial evidence, that. we are planning our trip definitely with the idea of getting there ahead of the Bolsheviks if we can." QUIE[T RESTORED IN1 AMaY AIR SERVICE1 Two Officers Face Reprimands As The Result Of Investigation Of Propaganda Activities PATRICK EXPLAINS (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-The avia- tion storm precipitated by Sec. Dwightj Davis, when he ordered an investiga-I __ _ __., OF ARTISTS FOR ANNUAL 1MUSICAI EVENT WIL IE PRESENTEDI IMAY 19 TO 22 INCLUSIVE HILL, '26, TO SING Two Choral Worlis, "Elijah "The Lament For Beowuilf" Included On Program and { I Gulch, near here, this morning, re~- sulted in 26 known deaths, with the jpossibility of the toll being swelled considerably with the estimate early tonight that 50 men, women, and chil- dren remained buried. In addition to the 26 bodies removed during the day, 30 persons were taken out alive, 151 of them injured. As the mass of snow, accumulated from the heaviest snowstorm of the winter, let loose on the mountainside above the gulch, in whicl are located the Utah-Delaware and Utah-Apex mines, it swept trees and rocks with it and filled the narrow canyon, which is only several hundred feet long. Men, women, and children were caught without warning when the ava- lanche struck the McDonald boarding house and a smaller one nearby, con- ducted by a Mrs. Simby. A small church and about 20 miners' cabins, lining both sides of the gulch, were buried or swept away. The boarding house and cabins, heated with stoves, | caught fire as they were crushed in the snow slide. Many of the victins were terribly burned, and identifica- tion of the bodies was extremely dif- ficult. } Virtually the entire first shift of the Utah-Delaware mine was coming off duty when the slide swept the gulch sides clean and filled it with debris. It was with a sudden thund- ering roar that the slide tore down the mountainside, said persons out- side its path. As the mass gravitated down, houses that had glistened in the snow caved in like eggshells and became a part of the moving mass. Rescue crews pried their shovels in limited areas that had been ropedI off. Their efforts were speeded up late today as the fires died down un- der the mass of snow. More than 2,000 persons from the countryside and neighboring towns had gathered about the scene before dusk. INSURANCE IS SUBJECT OF TALK IN LAE HALL tion of propaganda activities within the army air service headquarters to determine responsibility for unauthor- ized attempts to influence legislation affecting the air service passed away today. In its wake two officers, Maj. R. R Arnold, and Maj. H. A. Dargue, were left facing reprimands to be given by Maj.-gen. Mason M. Patrick, chief of the air service, who conducted the in-; vestigation with the assistance of Maj.-gen. Ely A. Helmick, inspector general of the army. Major Arnold will "be sent to an- other station," while Major Dargue will be left, so far as is known, to carry on at his present post as chief of the war plans division of the air service. "Both of them," General Patrick! said, in a formal statement, "will be reprimanded, and one of them, no longer wanted in my office, will be sent to another station." The atmosphere, which has' been! more or less tense at the war depart- ment, particularly in the air service headquarters, and at the capital since the investigation was initiated, was I further cleared by an explanation giv-I en by General Patrick when he an- nounced the results of the inquiry. 'Taking cognizance of statements which emanated primarily from con- gressional quarters while the propa- ganda inquiry was under way, and! hinting that the war secretary had it in mind to force General Patrick out of the air service, the general volun- teered the assertion that he believed, "there was absolutely no foundation of fact for any such sensational state- ments." In presenting his views on the air corps bill to the house mili- tary committee, he had in no way dis- I pleased Secretary Davis, he said, al- though they differed from the attitude! of the department's administration on the proposal. LL GVEHISTORY A9NO nnnnnrn- nr rpnrna iTni May Festival week, May 19 to 22 c inclusive, will offer the residents of f Apn Arbor the opportunity of hearingb a number of nationally known vocal t and instrumental soloists as well as I two choral works, "Elijah," by Men-s delssohn, directed by Earl V. Moore, jt musical director of the Festival, ands "The Lament For Beowulf," written and conducted by Howard Hanson, musical director of the Eastman School of Music, Rochester, N. Y. Both of the works will be contributed 1iy the University Choral Union. Florence Astral, English dramatic ! soprano, and Guiseppe Martinelli leadj in the vocal soloists on the program. Miss Astral will apear in the role that has been her greatest success, "Elsa." Guiseppe Martinelli, who is a Metro- politan Opera tenor is not new to mu- sic lovers in Ann Arbor, and will sing numbers of his own choosing. Rich- ard Bonelli, this season a barito e with the Chicago Civic opera, w i nake his Ann Arbor debut in the role s of "Telramond" in "Lohengrin." l Homer Will Choose Own Numbers ii Louise Homer, contralto of operatic" and concert experience will sing, 1 choosinig her own numbers. Other vocal artists scheduled to appear are Marie Sundelius, 1\Metropolitan Opera I soprano, Augusta Lenska, of the Chi- cago Opera company, Jeanne Laval, contralto, who has appear'ed withi the j Detroit Symphony orchestra and then New York Oratorio society, Theodore i Harrison, baritone, identified in Brit-d ish circles and with the Apollo club' of Chicago and James Wolfe, bassoI of the Metropolitan Opera company. u Levitsky Will Play Concerto 2 Mischa Levitsky, piano virtiosi t known to three continents, will play D a concerto with the orchestra Satur-t day afternoon, making a special trip! to Ann Arbor for the occasion. Albert I Spaulding, American violinist, whose c name has been associated with Kreis- I ler and Heifetz will appear as a soloist at the Friday afternoon con-I cert. I Of interest to Ann Arbor residentst is the role of the "IHferald" in Lohen-I grin," to be sung by Barre hill, '26,c a musician prominent locally. Mr.t Hill has appeared for three years in the Michigan Union opera, and is a{ leading singer in the University Glee1 club.I The Friday afternoon concert will be featured by the Children's Festi- val chorus under the direction of Joseph . Maddy. The Chicago Sym- phony orchestra directed by Fred- erick Stock will participate in both the choral and miscellaneous pro- grain. Outside Reading Lists Prepoarcd By Rhetoric,$taiff LAUDS HEROISM OF SEAMEN AS AID TO SHIPPING (By Associated ress) NEW YORK, Feb. 17.-American eamen, by their courageous rescue >f foreign seamen from sinking ships luring the past three months, have lone more to build up trade for the American merchant marine than the United States government with all its nillions of dollars of resources, the ofiicers and men of the steamship President Roosevelt were told today. J. Barstow Smull, chairman of the ocal chamber of commerce commit- tee on harbor and shipping, speaking at a luncheon in honor of Capt. George Fried and the crew of the Roosevelt, said that in the last three months in- land freight from London carried by American ships had increased 55 per cent. This was due, he said, to the aith in American seamen which had been instilled in foreign nations by he heroic rescues of recent months. These acts, he said, had dispelled the skepticism of other nations in regard o American seamen's ability to handle ships.1 HUTCHINSON WIL DISCUSSFAR EAST, Student Of Chinese Affairs To Talk On "Far Eastern Question In 1 Its Relation To China"t FIRST TALK IN StRIES As the first speaker on the lecture eries program of the School of Re- igion for the second semester, given n connection with the Seminar on 'The Moral Issues of Modern Life," Dr. Paul Hutchinson, author and stu- dent of Chinese affairs, will discuss; 'The Far Eastern Question in its Re- ation to China," at 4:15 o'clock to- day in Natural Science auditorium. Doctor Hutchinson, who has been closely associated with China and its moral and political problems for at number of years, has recently made a detailed survey of its internal chang-i es and international relations. From 1916 to 1921, Doctor hlutchin- son was editor of the China Christian Advocate of Shanghai, and also execu- tive secretary of the China Centenary Movement for the last two years of that period. He was chairman of the China Christian Literary council from 1922 to 1924, when he took over the editorship of the Christian Century of Chicago. Doctor hlutchinson is the author of several books dealing with Chinese I problems: "Guide to Missio Sta- tions in Eastern China," published in 1919; "The Next St'ep,"' which appear- ed two years later; "The Spread of Christianity," in 1922; "The World Service of the Methodist Episcopal Church," appearing in 1923, of which he was part author; and "China's Real Revolution," published,in 1924. Re- cently he has contributed a series of articles to the Atlantic Monthly, in which he treats the crisis which re- sulted from the impact of the West upon the Orient. He was sent as a delegate to the In- stitute of Pacific Relations held at Honolulu last summer, at which more than 200 representatives from China, Japan, Australia, Phillipines, andl North America discussed the last phases for the Far Eastern question. Enrollment in the School of Relig- ion, under whose auspices the lecture is being given, has doubled that of last semetser it was announced yes- terday. The initial enrollment of last semester was 33, rising to 43 during the early part of that period, while 90 students have signed in the school for the second semester. PHIDELA09gT H RICE, HERE TONIGHT INTERPRETATION OF "DAVID GARRICK" TO BE GIVEN IN HILL AUDITORIUM IS LYCEUM SPEAKER txreat Impersonator First Gained Fame In Playing "Hamlet," And Now Acknowledged Peer of Booth Phidelah Rice, recognized as a master reader and prominently iden- tified with a large school of expres- sion in the East, will rad and inter- pret "David Garrick" at 8 o'clock to- night in Hill auditorium. He comes here as the ninth number of the sea- son lecture course of the Oratorical association. Mr. Rice is well known to Lyceum audiences, and wherever he has ap- peared those whd have heard him have been highly pleased with his clean-cut delineations of character, his swift and easy transitions from type to type, together with his ability to portray emotion. He is known to have a wide repertoire, and officers of the association feel that his program here will show him at his best. "David Garrick" is a comedy of English life, and is one of Mr. Rice's most popular presentations. The characters and material of this pro- duction are said to be admirably adapted to the impersonator's art. Started as Comedian The artist first won success in the monacting profession as a comedian, and later found fame in impersonat- ing "Hamlet." In the opinion of many of his hearers, Mr. Rice is the peer of Irving and Booth and other great Shakespearean actors. His versatil- ity in carrying his audience through the maze of numerous characters with remarkable delineation of each, is said to have justified his reputa- tion as one of the greatest imperson- ators on the American platform. Christine Thomsen made the fol- lowing comment after witnessing a presentation by Mr. Rice: "I have seen 'Hamlet' for the first timb! This was my happy sense when I had wit- nessed the play as interpreted by Phidelah Rice, the monactor. It was by no means my first contact with Hamlet. Born a Dane, he seemed al- most a member of my family. Also I had seen Sothern, Forbes, Robert- son, Barrymore, and Hampden in the part. But no performance had ever satisfied as did the reading of Mr. Rice. Was it because the trappings of the stage scenery were gone and 1 could devote myself to the wonder and beauty of the lines? Partly, I am sure. But my imagination was awak- ened from the very beginning to a vivid sense of being face to face with Hamlet himelf-mind and body! Every character was touched in pass- ing with the sure outnes of an etch- ing, and each given his deserved place, but Hamlet, the Prince, reign- ed." Charles F. Horner, manager of the Redpath system of Chautauquas said, "I consider Mr. Rice an artist of the very highest type. He ranks above all others in his line because there is a finesse in his work, and an elevat- ing atmosphere about his whole pro- gram that transcends that of any of his contemporaries on the platform." William S. Taft, head of the Roches- ter, Pa., public school system, says, "During the last 15 years I have heard at Chautauqua, N. Y., in summer, and on lyceum courses in winter, the rep- resentative readers of the United e~n , Ti,,, ildom t Phid al h (By Associated Press) SCRANTON, Pa., Feb. 17.-The an- thracite contract providing for a five- year wage scale was signed at 5:15 o'clock this afternoon. This was the. Arthur Bradley, director of the De- troit branch of the New York Mutual Life Insurance company, spoke on "Life Insurance As a Profession", last night in Lane Hall auditorium. Mr.1 Bradley opened the series of voca- tional talks, sponsored by the Student Christian association, with a practical discussion of life insurance as a pro- fession, and what it offers to the col-j Ilege man. "Twenty years ago," stated Mr. Bradley, "life insurance was looked upon as a last resort, being every- where disfavored. Today, life insur- ance is a profession." To show the growth of the business, the speaker gave figures of the new business done between the years 1900 and 1925. In 1900 $1,850,000,000 in new policies was sold: in 1925 $15,600,000,000. "The reasons for this growth are the pro- tection insurance offers in old age, in disability, and as a security," said Mr. Bradley. "Time profession, in consid- ering its opportunities for the college man, has permanency, no investment is required, and each man is his own master. The qualifications for it are much the same as in other fields, cour- age, honesty, enthusiasm, and ability to master one's self." Concluding, Mr. Bradley pointed out that out of 25 college men who worked under him recently, only two failed to make good. Mr. Bradley is a graduate of Ober- lin college and Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology, and was for soy- s eral years a member of the faculty, of Case school of applied science in Cleveland. He was for twelve years director of the Cleveland branch of his company. ,Parents,Teachers, elected. In regard to the special ses- sion of the state legislature, which is now considering appropriations for the 1926 road building program, a resolution was passed advocating the payment of reward money to the coun- ties, which was recently provided by the legislature, in regular installments and in increased amounts, if possible. In the afternoon session, at which Frank S. Rogers, Michigan state high- way commission presided, three sub- jects of highway engineering research were discussed by Prof. Lewis M. Gram of the civil engineering da- partment, J. L. Harrison, highway engineer of the U. S. Bureau of pub- lic roads, anl C. E. Foster of the state highway department. In regard to the "Relative Economy of Steel and Concrete Bridges", Pro- fessor Gram defined the advantages of steel construction to be ease of a definite design, standardization, f i i. .1 final act in ending thre great coal strike. The men will return to work tomorrow. Secretary Of Civic IBody Arrives Here , ; i ., , , :N 1 y i t I -E t( l _} t ' .I t 1 a I 1 t t e 3 c c l t 1 l i i I ' } I ' a I i hUf 'rtb I UjW. N I U Instructors in the rhetoric depart- ment have compiled a list of books for collateral reading in the freshman "Esperanto" will he the subject of I rhetoric courses. The list is divided the third public lecture to be given into three groups. Students are re- under the auspices of the Tolstoy quired to read five of the books, league, when Dr. F. S. Onderdonk of choosing two from group one, one the architectural school will give an from group two, and two from group. address on the history and prospects two or three. of that tongue at 4:15 o'clock this The following books are -included in afternoon in room 1025, Angell hall. the list. Group one: one of Steven- Dr. Onderdonk has long -been a stu- soil's novels; one of Conrad's novels; dent of this language, and it is one hudson's "Green Mansions"; Norris' of the expressed aims of the Tolstoy "MeTeague", "The Octopus", and league to support the movement to "Greed"; Stephen Crane's "The Red make Esperanto the international Badge of Courage" and "Men, Women, tongue. and Boats"; Hardy's "Return of the Considerable progress has been Native"; one of Hamlin Garland's made in this way since the war. The works; I-lemon's "Maria Chapdelaine": International Police Federation, meet- and Willa Cather s "My Antonia". ing at New York in 1925 adopted the ( Group two: Pocock's "Pen and Ink", tongue as the official one of that Brown's "The Writer's Art", Wendell's body and of all international police I"English Composition", Quiller- journals . The same action was taken Couch's "Art of Writing" Lawrence recently at an International Radio Courad's "The Author's Mind", Hearn's conference in Paris, and the project "Talks to Writers", and Bradley's of making the language official has "The Making of English". been suggested in the League of Na- I Group three: Gissing's "Private Pa- tions. pers of Henry Ryecroft", Thoreau's Prof. Clarence L. Meader of the "Walden", any one of John Burroughs' Latin, Sanskrit, and general lin- books, Darwin's "Voyage of the Bea- guisties department. says of the gle", Huxley's "Lay Sermons", East- tongue, "Esperanto is the most widely jman's "Appreciation of Poetry", adonted of all the so-called 'world Greenlaw's "Familiar Letter's", Laf-. ReservetMenTates. In my j 1 men e Re~rveMenToRice' leads them all. No other reader Get New Uniforms has been so richly end-owed by nature of voice, in literary appreciation and i interpretation; no one else balances In accord with the recent adoption his work so carefully, or presents it of the lapel-collar service coat by ; with such artistic finish." army authorities, University R. o. T. The Christian Science Monitor com- C. men will be so equipped, as soon nients on Mr. Rice as follows: "The as proper procedure is negotiated. audience that greeted Phidelah Rice Orders for the new coat have been in his reading of 'Great Expectations' sent out, but some time will be neces- accorded him an attention that was sary before the new uniforms will at once critical and inspiring. After be received. At the very latest, the a clever setting of the stage for the new coats will be ready by next fall, first scene between shivering 'Pip' and probably some time before this. and the 'fearful man,' Mr. Rice suc- The new collar is the same as the ceeded in bringing these two char- English one, and is more comfortable acters very vividly before his audi- than the old stand-up collar type, es- ence. Mr. Jaggers, the lawyer, who pecially in the summer. announces Pip's great expectations, 0. 0. Mc Leish, newly appointed secretary of the local Chamber of Commerce to succeed Percy P. Wood- bridge, has arrived in Ann Arbor ready to assume active duties March 1. Mr. Me Leish, a graduate of the University of Illimois, has held similar executive positions in Rockford, Ill.; Findlay, 0.; and Columbus, 0. 4 X f Bay City To Hear Brandt, Crocker Bay City Woman's Club, Kiwanis club, and Men's Presbyterian clubI was something of a triumph, coming cmn as he does when the stage is al- ready crowded, according to the Dickens wont." Repertoire Inchudes "Candida" And Others His repertoire consists of "Peace- ful Valley" by Edward E. Kidder; I ure heM ri I i i i