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January 17, 1926 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-17

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Jill, .;1, 1 11i1' 1 i, 1926


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MN'S NATATORS Varsity HurlersI
CaViED To Draw Bye
f 11Y WIN Today's Practice

Wolver ne Swimmers


Coach Fisher is planning to give hisI
hurlers -- rest today because of the i

''Take Fnrst 'Piace m Every u c cc u cUa;) LLl
Event On lProgram excessive work they have been forced
to do pitching in daily batting prac-
NO ADMISSION CHARGE tice to more than 50 aspirants for
the baseball team. Today's three hour
workout will consist entirely of field-
Fresh from their overwhelming vic- ing practice'and "pepper" games.
tory over the freshman, squad Michi- The numerous calls for candidates
gan's Varsity swimming team will this season brought out more than the
meet M. S. C. in a dual meet at 4 I1ordinary number of candidates for the
o'clock this afternoon in the UnionI team, and due to the large number of
men practicing in the small cages it
pool. There will be no charge for ad- is impossible for Coach Fisher to give
mittance. 1 his most promising candidates per-
With'a record of three victories and- sonal attention. To relieve this dif-
no defeats against Conference oppon- ficulty, the first cut will be made Sat-
ents, Michigan is favored to win easily urday.
from the State tanksters as they have With the exception of Thorne none
one of the weakest squads in the his-, of the batterymen are the worse for
tory of swimming at the Lansing their strenuous workouts of the last
school. week. The hurler mentioned has ac-
With Thomas, star back stroker of quired a slight soreness in his arm
last season, missing from State's and has not done any throwing for
ranks, it is probable that they will be the past few days. Jablonowski and
shut out without a first place,, pro- Walter are satisfactorily rounding in-
viding that Harrison and Starrett per- to form, and should have their biggest
form their best in the fancy diving. year on the diamond.
Capt. Jack Gow and Robert Darnall Edgar is getting most of the atten-
are favored to finish first and second tion which the coach has been giving
in the 50 and 100 yard free style races ti his catchers. He has an ideal buildI
over Katsumma and Whitlock of State, for a backstop, heavy shoulders, large
while Fred Dunakin and Al Mayer hands, and is fast. He is a junior
should encounter little difficulty in de- on the campus and has had a year of
feating Cook and Whitlock in the competition at Hillsdale college.
quarter mile grind.
Clarence Batter, John Halsted and DETROIT.-Charles Dorias, athlet-
Robert Halsted will be the Michigan ic director of the University of De-1
entries in the back stroke event, two troit, has called off the post seasonj
of them swimming in the 150 yard series between his basketball teaml
race and the other taking the lead and the Detroit City college.
off position on the medley relay squad.
Whittingham and Shorr will be the
Varsity entries in the breast stroke. I
State may not bring a water polo f STAR X-OUNTRY RUNNER
team to the meet, but the freshman I RETURNS TO WISCONSIN
and Varsity will meet in an exhibi- I
tion game if the Lansing team does I MADISON, Wis., Feb. 16.-
not come. George Petaja, a member of the
i Badger cross country squadI

Northwestern, Wisconsin, Ohio And{
Chicago Enter Trackmen In!
Saturday's Affair
EVANSTON, Ill. Feb., 16.-Four Con-
ference track teams. Wisconsin, Ohio,
Chicago and Northwestern, will com-
pete at Patten gym here Saturday
night in the third annual quadrangu-
lar relay meet of the schools. The
meet has come to be one of the out-
standing classics of the Conference
Indoor season and becuase of its
stress of relays, has proved popular
with both athletes and fans.
Four relays, besides a list of field
events, are on the meet's varied sche-
dule. The relay races are the mile,
two-mile, four-mile and medley. The
medley will consist of one half-mile
race, two quarters, and a mile. The
field events include the high-jump,
pole-vault and shot-put. There will
be one sprint and hurdle race.
A number of Conference track stars!
will be seen in the competition.
Guthrie of Ohio, fo-mer Olympic hurd-
ler, will be the attraction in the
hurdles. He is one of the leading
college hurdlers in the country. Wis-
consin will bring McAndrews in the
sprints and Burge in the high-jump
and pole-vault.
Just what the competing schools
will show in the relays is doubtful.
Only Chicago has engaged in a Con-
ference dual meet so far this season.
Jim Cussa0k, star middle distance
man, will be about the best entry of
the Midway squad. Northwestern will
present Captain Bill Martin for the
approval of the track fans. Martin
will run in the mile and two-mile re-
lays and may enter the medley.
Coach Frank Hill of Northwestern
has several sophomore men who are
still in the making and while they
may pick up some points in the forth-
coming meet they are not expected to
be outstanding. In Bob Tannehill, lie
has a sprinter who should be heard
from later on. Rettig in the high-
jump is improving and will be a capa-
ble performer before long.

Michigan will be representedj
in the A. A. U. swimming chain-
pionship meet, which will be held
Saturday night in Detroit, by two
relay teams and a pair of entries
in the 50 yard free style event.
The relay events which Coaca-
Mann's men will compete aro the
200 yard free style relay, each
man swimming 25, yards, and
150 yard medley race. Six men
will compete on the latter team,j
two swimming free style, two !
swimming breast stroke, and two
back stroke.

Decided InF
Fraternity Race IN HON NING UIOIIM
Winners of three of the 12 leagues
wer s*decidedo the 12 Beaer yy Jacques O'Grady Ten with three victories and no de-
were dcided in the inLterUaterIIl Still for from being counted out of the feats at the close of the first term, but
basketball league, in the games play- Western Conference basketball race Cherry's ineligibility and Kipke's in-
ed Monday while other contests were Michigan's Varsity court five will be jury to his knee cost the Wolverines



Two Mile Relay
Quartet To Meet
Ypsi Team Today
For the first time this season, a,
Michigan relay team will swing into
action when a two mile team compos-
ed of Thoits, Wagner, Pfluke and
Beals will meet a quartet from Ypsi-
lanti Normal college this afternoon at
the Field house.
This will be the first opportunity
that Coach Steve Farrell will have to
see any of his half milers in actual,
competition. With the exception of!
the time trials held last Saturday, the
squad has had no competitive prac-
tice this season. The race today will
give the Coach an opportunity to see
what his men can do under fire.
Besides this race, a quartet of fresh-
man quarter milers will meet a team
composed of Varsity men at 4:30
o'clock this aftternoon. This race will
afford Coach Hoyt an opportunity to

played in the fourth and fifth round sent through a hard workout today the title.
in an attempt to determine the group and temorrow in preparation for the
Saturday night invasion of Columbus, It is an axiom among basketball
championships. where Ohio State will strive to regain experts that three good players can
Delta Chi, group three, was the only her lost prestige. I"carry" two fair playersand make
team seeded from last year to repeat -th"cary two fair players, ndk mexp
ta seddfo latyatorpa}f'with a victory in its division. Kappa, those two, fair players look excep-
Swith astritse.innervsonuppour, Although tied for fifth place, the tionally good, but it is impossible
Nu, was the winner of group four, Wclveriues are close to the leaders. for two good players to "carry"
and Theta Xi of group seven. Iowa and Ohio State are equal wifhI three fair players. This is given as
bthroughh the qualifyingroun earllieyiigan in percentage, each having the reason why the loss of a single
be through the qualifying round early i,0, but each has played two more star in basketball may completely
flight will then begin. games. A victory over the Buck- shatter a team.
The results g of Monday's games fol eyes Saturday, and a win in the
T hi Cshi f i4 y gaesfo-Wisconsin game that is scheduled:,
low: Phi Chi 14, Pi Kappa Alpha 7; ifor isind ai th e hie, ild That is what happened to Michigan
Delta Chi 18, Tau Delta Phi 10; Kap- forl otay atthr cileld house, wil two and three years ago. Whereas
pa Nau 17, Psi Omega 12; Delta Si,- place the natier clan close to tie Kipke, Haggerty and Cherry carried
ma Delta 38, Delta Alpha Epsilon 5; 170o1, if not ifirst place. Deng and Doyle, the first two men-
Delta Sigma Pi 12, Tau Epsilon Phi tioned could not carry three men. This
7; Sigma Phi 11, Chi Phi 10; Theta L oss of four of the first seven play- year it remain% for Harrigan and
Chi 29, Theta Kappa Psi 11; Omicron ers on the squad is considerable of a Chambers to "carry three fair men,
28, Triangle 5; Theta Xi 22, Xi Psi blow to any team, and Michigan's two I'and the task is quite impossible.
Phi 5; forfeits: Chi Psi to Phi Delta defeats over the week-end were not I
Chi; Phi Epsilon Pi to Hermitage; entirely unexpected by those on the is cha in th i
Alpha Tau Omega to Sigma Pi; Phi inside. lieltgancancen the
Delta Epsilon to Sigma Phi Epsilon. - I games depends upon one of the
T]his season's occurrence is simil- three men developing so as to aid
look over some of the yearling nm- ar to that which happened two and Harrigan and Chambers In "carry-
terial in action. three years ago. [In 1924, Michigan mnga'the team.
- ..was in first place at the close of the
ITHICA, N. Y. - Yale, IHarvard, first semester, and was practically Coach Mather started Rasnick and
Pennsylvania, Columbia, and Cornell I conceded the title, when Bill !sill- I Doyle, guards, Oosterbaan, center,
have been invited to send their crews er, all-Conference forward, became Harrigan and Chambers, forwards,
to take part in the 90th annual re- ineligible and George Haggerty was against Minnesota Monday night. Ginn
gatta of the Hamburg Rowing club lost through illness. and Reece substituted for Rasnick
of Hamburg, Germany, on July 10 - and Doyle, the latter going out on per-
and 11. Two years ago Michigan led the Big sonals.

.. . .. a . v ~ ....,. .... ..., . ..___ ...

Semi-final round in the all-campus
handball tournament has been reach-
ed and two matches must be played
by Thursday so that the finals can
be played off Friday.
Reilly, last year's winner, is the only
man to repeat this year entering the
semi-finals. He will meet Gorelick,
3966, in one of the rounds while Olian,
8417, will play Rifkin, 8981. The win-
ners will play for the title.
In the doubles the finals will not be
decided until Tuesday. The combi-
nation of Segall-Ratner, 3936, will
meet Langlois-Greene, 3990, in the
finals of the lower bracket. The win-
ner of this match will play Olian-
4eilly for the team title.
Fencers To Meet
M. S. C. Saturday
With the Michigan State meet sche-
duled for Saturday, the members of
the fencing squad are working out
daily at Waterman gymnasium. Al-
though it has not been definitely de-
cided, it is probable that the men to
make the trip will be Captain Petti-
bone, Dempster, Wiggers, and Ire-
It is likely that the team will com-
pete either in Cincinnati or Chicago
later in the season.
URBANA, Ill.- Eighty-five candi-
dates have answered Coach Bob Zupp-
lie's call for grid candidates.

which two years ago won the
Conference championship, has
returned to school and will be
eligible to compete next fall.
He will help fill the gap left by
Captain Kubly of this year's
squad who graduates in June.

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