... -v rr -ra s u M9' ^ *-1r.#k tttYztvt(ta -mt-. ,WCt tt~. s-rn s-. -, ~,.; - .. r r PAGE ' ORT THE iMItHICAN ALY . . . . FRIDAY, JANUA; , 1 DAILYOFF*ICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume VI FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1926 Number 91 Engineering Mechanics III: A demonstration of synchronous vibration and critical speed will be given on Friday, January 22, at 4:15 in Room 330 West Engineering Building. Any one interested may attend. I . T. Liddicoat. Mechaniaal Engineering 7: Examination schedule for all sections is posted on the bulletin board. C. F. Kessler. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Max Bayne M. Gould Beard Baumgartuer University Lecture: Mr. William Bowie, Chlef, Division of Geodesy, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, will deliver a lecture on. "Mountain Forming from the Geodetic Surveyor's Point of View" on Friday afternoon, Janary 22nd, at, 4:15, Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture will be illustrated. Students, mdmbers of the faculties and the public are invited. F. E. Robbins. To All Members, of the University: In so far as possible, copies of the 1926. telephone directory haYe been. distributed to the various University Offices. Anyone not having received a copy of the new directory may have one delivered by notifying the Secre- tary's Office. S. W. Smith. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The Committee on Classification will continue to function through Fri- day afternoon,' January 22. Students who have -received the approval of the Committees on Elections and who have not yet been able to finish their classification may do so on this day without the payment of the late fee. Representatives of the Committee on Classification will be in the Re- corder's Office in the morning to meet Juniors and Seniors, and Freshmen and Sophomores may consult with the Committee from 2 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon in Room 1025 Angell Hall. The Recorder's Office will receive class and election cards throughout the day. Florence Mohr, Recorder. Committee on Student Loans: There will be a meeting of the Committee on Student Loans, on Friday, January 22, 1926. Students applying for loans should present themselves at Room 2, University Hall, at the following hours: School of Education ...............................2:00 Graduate School .......... ...........................2:20 Literary College ......................................21:30 Law School ...........................................3:30 Engineering College ....... ...........................3:50 J. A. Bursley, Chairman Committee on Student Loans. February and June graduates who wish to meet representatives of firms looking for men for commercial positions, may receive notification of. visits from representatives by filing requests on forms which may be se- cured at the office of the School of Business Administration. Edmund E. Day. New Course in Elements of Business Administration: This course is designed to meet the needs of those students, not mem- bers of the Business School, who desire a general survey of the field of Business Administration. It will be of interest perhaps to three classes of students-those planning to enter upon a business career but not carrying a comprehensive program in the Business School; those preparing to enter other lines of work in which nevertheless they are likely to meet many problems of Business Administration; and finally, those who are interestedj in the study of -business problems in order that they may understand im- portant social institutions. The course is open only to seniors. Those in- terested in taking the course should consult Professor J. P. Mitchell at Tap- pan 202. Edifndt . Day. Bureau of Appointments-P, Q, R, and S: 'All candidates enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments whose names begin with P, Q, R, or S and w'ho have not called at the office for personal interviews this week should do so today during the following hours: 10:30 to 12:00 A. M. and 3:00 to 4:00 P. M. On account of the great number of candidates to be interviewed this week, consultations will also be held from 10:30 to 12:00 on Saturday morning. Margaret Cameron. Edu. F 1. Introductory Hygiene: Hours have been changed from Monday and Wednesday at 10, to Tues- day and Thursday at 11. Room 20 Waterman Gymnasium. Emory W. Sink. Students in Drawing I, II and III: All of the locks on lockers and drawers, and materials in drawers, in Drawing Rooms 418, 419, 421, 423, 424, 436, 437, 438 and 439, West Engineer- Students Eleting course of Professor C. Cestre (French. Required Reading: A. Daudet, Fromont Jeune et Risler aine Estaunie, Le Ferment Boylesve, La Becque P. et V. Margueritte, Femnihes nonielles Romain Rolland, Dans Ia Maison (Jean-Christophe, Rene Bazin, La Terre qui meurt .--- --- H. Bordeaux, Les Roquevillard E. Henriot. AriCie Brun Perochon, Nene F. de Curel, Le Repas du lion Les Fossiles E. Brieux, La Robe Rouge Les Americains chez nous Recommended Reading: Estaunie, L'Appel de ia route L'Ascension de M. de Baslevre M. Prevost, Les Vierges fortes J. H. Rosny, Sous le fardeau A. de Chateaubriant, Monsieur de Lourdines H. Lavedan, Le Duel Anatole France, L'Anneau d'amethyste Marcel Proust, Du cote de chez Swann 195): VII) Robert L. Blakeslee L. M. Blumenthal Malcolm Boylan E. N. Bryant Alvin -. Cahiem Laurie Campbell Susan Campbell Agnes Carr t Vurginia atzore Morgan Chan Nelson NChanrg Miss Yan'g Dzoen Chuig Mr. and Mrs. ,Clarenc' Clark W. M. Coates Prof. Stewat .; Cour-C l ..tis Peggy Crain S A. Curtis. Mrs. Anna-Dan- L. Dannecker Ruth Darsie Clyde Davidson Sarita Davis Mr. and Mrs. Blaine DeLancey Dr. Edwin DeBarr Jane Duemling George L. Ehman' John L. Elliott M. Elliott Bolin Emrile Gladys E. Evans Mary Finnegan Dor Flick Eileen Foley Beatrice Ann Fraschi Prof. Karl Guenthler Hazel Hannon Louise Hastings Ralph A. Hayward Henry Hazelton H. Henderian W. L. bleu G0o: C. Heusel Mb. Ruth Hopper Prof. R. D. Horn L. R. Hough F. W. Hutchings John K. Ihling J. G. Jantz Julio Jauregin Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Jenkins Edward W. Jones Mollie Jones Violet C. Kammerer Clifford Keen Geo. Kennohan Geo. Kiekendall Lens Kirkpatrick Elvet Lewis Rev. and Mrs. Lonsdale Catherine Maclarep Mrs. F. C. Macomber Additional D. 0. B. on Page Three I-. Make ndw. Noc be safe thax T The only peu SKILLED REPAIRING sure your pen is ready for exams, charge for looking it over. Better n sorry. ider's Pen Shop makers In Ann Arbor. It costs no more for our skilled service. 24 HOUR SERVICE rrrw rnorrq rrrrrrrr rr rwr r r.,r rr.,.u ,r., . . Le cote de Guermantes As the copies available in the Library are limited in number (from 2 to 4 copies of each), students electing this course would find it greatly to their advantage to secure personal copies of at least some of these books. If ordered at once they would be on hand within the first week of the semester. A. G. Canfield. Department of Mathematics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Final examinations in courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 51 will be held Tuesday, January 26, from 2 to 5 P. M. according to the following schedule: Courses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7: Prof. Karpinski's section, Room 1035 Angell Hall Prof. Bradshaw's section, Room 35 Angell Hall Asst. Prof. Coe's sections, Room 1035 Angell Hall Asst. Prof. Anning's sections, Room 25 Angell Hall Mr. Johnson's sections, Newberry Hall Auditorium Mr. Peterson's sections, Natural Science Auditorium Mr. Field's sections, Room 231 Angell Hall Mr. Reid's sections, West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall Mr. Raiford's sections, Room 231 Angell Hall Mr. Craig's sections, Natural Science Auditorium Mr. Maslow's sections, Room 25 Angell Hall Mr. Lemon's sections, Room 35 Angell Hall Mr. Menge's section, Newberry Hall Auditorium Course 51: All sections, West Gallery, Alumni Memorial I-Tall Any students who are taking course 51 and any of- the other courses listed above at the same time will report as here announced for courses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7, and report for the final course 51 in Room 3003 Angell Hall at 7 P. M. Tuesday, January 26. J. t. Marldey, Chairman. Faculty Concert: The following program will be offered Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in I-Till Auditorium by Andrew C. Haigh, Pianist, and Royden T. Susumago, Tenor, with Helen Blahnik, Accompanist: Prelude and Fugue C sharp major (Bach), Improvisation, Op. 31 (Medtner). Mr. Haigh; Se il mio nome (Barbiere di Siriglia) (Rossini), Pur dicesti 0, bocca bella (Antonio Latti), Bluie are Her Eyes (Winter Watts) Mr. Susumago; Balade, Valse, Nocturne, 3 Etudes (Chopin); Aria "La Doma e' mobile" from "Rigoletto" (Verdi) Mr. Susumago; Prelude (Haigh), Poem (Scriabin), La Jongleuse (Mosz owski) Etude-Caprice (Dohnanyi) *-r. Haigh. Charles A. Sink, Secretary. Mail addressed to the followin.g persons will be on call at the General Delivery window, main office of the United States Post Office until January 30, 1926: Dr. and Mrs. Roy Abbott Dr. R. Bailey Ida C. Baar Prof Harold Balou Geo. Babcock Abraham J. Barkman Mabel Agnes Bailey Mrs. Daisy Barritt BLUE BOOKS and FOUNTAIN ' Cash Paid for Second-hand Books KUNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE i :..~- ' DON'T SKID When you can equip your Car with strong weed tire . chains. We carry sizes for Balloon tires. Cord tires at reasonable prices. Now is a good time to buy skis, skates, sleds and all other equipent that makes the winter sports a howling .success. Call at our store and be convinced that this is the cheapest place to buy. street Hardware Co 310 SOUTH STATE. Quality, Quantity and DIAL 5015 Prices Right. ing Building, must be removed before February 4th. Tw "So Long, Bill! j See You on the I To kext Frigat our r We hear this every week. cash on The Fairbairn is the meet- also iv ing place for hundreds ofalogv regular fellows who make during t it their home every time they come to Detroit. It's selection a good habit. Youll like it yourself. until lat $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 purchase With Bath, $2.50 and $3 W Columbia at John R. and our For Men and Women. Phone 9 Tread the Want Ads, H. W1. Miller. -mwvlmmw -F U .ll 1 1 ' enty-Eighth Annivesary Sale celebrate our twenty-eighth anniversary of business present location, we are giving a 10% discount for every dollar purchase until February L We are ing a 20% discount on all 1925 wall-paper patterns, his anniversary sale. We advise you to make your is now, even though you do not anticipate using them er. You are saving one dollar in every five dollar' e. R A j2> Thn Fifty-two A :university Tuxedo combining comfort of the sack suit with the correct dinner coat. Styled and tailored with the utn for .,details--its alue is excep RitP yipo Dollars Shirts, Collars, Ties, Studs and the other correct accesories. GRLL NWOOD AND STATE STREET UPSTAIRS 2 the easy formally most care rtional at -, 1 II o2{I . , j 1 e carry stock only high grade, dependable goods, aim and purpose is to please. 3 13 M2AJ ER & on. 9313 203 E. Washington St. Dress vests in black and white, both single and double - breasted. KILGOR E OVER CALkINS it. 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