TTUES-AY, OCTOBER 6, 1925 THE MICHIGA\N DAILY PANE F!V S ow l -- - --------- - ) 'IVY P14 LAGOON or Play Was MEMBERHSHIP DRIVETO Organize Golfing I [IF EOiALS~nancial Success MN T AJY(oIvis tc oIsi/ omeni NO T IO S T111N0 FqIAAI I q H- I1)0 p -Dearlure Ifrom tIetraditional he olin is t he c,; irt tisj to discuss circus. the plans for the sophomorle NO TICES U uY I u L.~ U uLI uI1spb eiiIan~'ieiito blie h 11g4' ~21 are of F~ormier WILL CANVASS H-OUSESI z' A, 11 c; In rmemoriamr to Charlotte 1 llagdon. ilk25, former p resident, of t he Women's J1egiie, fa scholarship und(Ii: to ibe eta I ti'11('(by ItheVWoen's League under itheC direti0on of the house or- ganization commiiittee. "Cortibttions for this scholarship will be personal and voluntary," stat- cd Dorothy (line, '27 chairman of the house organizaton1 committee. ''While we da not know t he amount of the scholarship, we have set a minimumn of hre hundred dollars, and a goal ol e h 111(red dollar s.' M\embers of tIe house organization conmmttee will start canvassing (each Lea gue-house in about a week, ac- cordinlg to Miss Cline. Requiremnents for thle holding of thliis scholarsh i have been stipulated by the board of directors of the Wo-- men's League. Any Micieigan woman will lbe eligible for t he scholarship. providing the IflOUCy is returnedl with interest, tis interest, to be-turned back in to the scholarship fund. .rA commit tee will later be appointed s ?'to determine the woman (deserving of the schearshil. ''this connittec," stated Miss (line, "will be apinOitel either by tie Women's League or the oifice (of the iDean of Women." Mihigan women are to be0 present- ed with an eliargedl picture of Char- lote T3agdon, 2, former president of the Women~i's League. The picture will be lhe, gift of Mrs. Arthur S. llag(on, of Jackson Mivcigan, moth- er of. (ha riottec Bagdon. In aplrciation oft this gift a repro-I dut ionr of this pctur will be made . and sent to Mrs. llagdon according .to 'Drthy (Cline, '27, who is in charge ,_of the inemorial. .' The picture, which will bear an n- grae inscription, will be hung in Sara li Caswell Ang'ell hall. The exact1 wording of the inscription has not yet1 teen deided upon. Aftor the seletion of te photo-t graph. the enlarging and framing will1 be done by the Dey Photograph studior of Ann Arbor. HOf COUCIL ADDS SIX HOUSES TO LISTt y Adams, Coghey, I al, Nelso, Reogh and 'Witherby houses were elected to Honor Council t a meeting1 Saturday of the Executive 1Board of t1e Women's League. Th~lese houses were recomnneld b ly (Constance S :.Carke, '23 vice-president of the W- S men's League and tporary chair- man o the I tnor Counci until No- veunber, when a' president will be f elect ed. E ~The six houses were chosen because of high scholarship and 'interest in campus activities. The one require- met which kept manny League houses from consideration is their failure to1 number among their present resi- dents 20 per cent of old residents. That is, if 10 girls lived in a League house tbhis year, two of them must have resided thre t he pevius year if the house is to be eligible. The record of the house for the previous year is consideried in the lec io. A meet ing o' the house presidents and one reprsentat ie from each honor house will be held Wedesday in the parlors of the gymnsium for the purpose of orguiizaton. Other houses will be( elected to :honor Council later in the year on the same basis.I The constitution of the Honor Council s~i tes its pupose in the fol- lowing waords : To organ1ize arpuQ. life in a manner that will bring op-1 portunities for service andl develop- ment to all independent girls in the! fullest detgree. To) iromlote a spirit of mu tual itIerest bet ween League houses. To be responsile for all :mtaters commnit td t( its charge by other League organizat ions. ArYtists-5Meet In Interest Of layj act play ,,nd the produtction of an un- usual and fantastical erie alit play proved very successful for the senior class last year, for the total rcaliza- ion ca m e to a rounnd $1.00. Thre play wvas given afteri the senlior' )rea kfast l'at spring in the Union 'gall room under the dir ction of Mrs. ,ta they Lowe, formerly Bernice Jones, '1.8. "Aria da Cape'", the pilay given, asw ii t len by a young,. American xv n dn tia St. Vincent Mlillay. Discuss IPro blems Of Entering Women Tvo leadership ( omnnn ion 1groups fthe U~nivers ty Y. WN. C. A. will 'Ttcct at 4 o'clock this afternoon at Newberry hall under the guidance of MIarion Blan chard, '28, Louise Piggott, '28, Alice Calendar, '28, and Marion Van 'Pyle, '28. D~iscussions for the afternoon will be along the informal trend, according to Mliss Ruth D)eemer, secretary of the association, hitting upon tire points that arc of paramnount; interest to the entering women, and including campus activities and how to get into themr. Two groups met at 4 o'clock yes- terdiay at Newberry hail, leadl by Do rothby Morehourse, '28, Marjorie Mnlh- lit ncr, '28, Mary White, '28, and Anie iBrowrn, '28, discussing also the cain- pus pr'oblemrs of new women. Former Director Is Dean Of Women Miss hlelen C. Bishop, formerly social director of Helen Newberry residence is at present D~ean of Wo- men at the University of Wyoming, 1,aramie, Wyoming. Miss Bishop is a graduate of Columbia university and received her Master's (degree from the University of Michigan. D~uring the World war she was aibroad for two year's with the Ameri- canr Ited Cross, after which she camne to Michigan as tire social director of Hlelenr Nexwberry residence, a position which she held for five years. Before the position of dean was offered to her Miss Bishop was considering cointinuing her studlies in New York, with Miss Mary B. Ross, formerly secretary of the Y. W. C. A. in Ann :arbor. Miss Bishop's home is in For- es't Grove, Oregon, Mrs. Louise B. H-astings is the present director of the dormitory. BUENOS AIRES, 'Oct. 5.-Reports are that the dreaded fish, pirai, is more common in South American river waters this year than ever be- fore. 1!!!lfl#DS l##Ii#1 E!E#lI!!! I YI " t . No credit will be give'n inl athiletiI sport Acordintg to Aa i't ax lor, A rrimisprnint, anrnouncing the time of 1 ironer points towarid the privilege to '28, t he sturde I t Iv1I r f Ow ' Lour a tlnrsletrea :3P' 'rear ani''AT' sweater, inmtor armi- nanrent , 1trt'tu(ilt. tit P '';1sl 1m, \ ( l! t ii C-ieitton;igh aperdi udys hiand, beyond the 100 poinrts reqluired Ita de for thliis Sport.xv 1h i i snow open Ii .'letir fteletrsi *to all lnivers-v xltollw ). Ai,,-jor-I 'I fo cL etie et uers 11p in the Axoicn(' vill he placedfin lvarteutr t'ttiiittragic..Woen'wo are required to Atltcasoitnn nesten ' ouo--w i ~tctt ini5( 'Sill siil -atn Dean Hamilton's lecture may Atly t due s o ci a v n e s en pa i ' -It om r o ,oe h ch t o,, alc clRifle classes started yesterday in come, to tie tryout after the lecture. 'drive which the %v. A. A. is comrdhwl-may in frte Iotro 'i edlllwli omtte o m 330, 0old Engineering building Great sill is inot i'ce.,-, ;as 3 ,Ilie Y1'. .. A. will meect at 4 'clock Ary women wholsif'jed~ for the Monday1)pasdbfrgon intec- ring this week is Liorlthe lirpose (if - dayiiN berhll psdbfoegngiitea- reachiing all those students who have athletic horor poil s o g orPyhiNxviy al sect ion andI did nt report yester~hyos h usa-hrday eto eitrance andlIt)for-ceach roun itd orm - The 'in ake upthe firstlectureoa corned thre 100 point s and are thtus "ia-mk i hefrtlcuea will .ieet at 4:15 o'clock today, at eliibl fo acivemerihrshp ;it l-above the seceoid ; evel Ge first I'fle house presideits and one "4:15 o'clock in thre Tuesday or Wed-thcaoliey TefeIs$.0o round shertlf]( jwvsIdo avalahkc iresent ative fi'omnall lHonor council nesday section. b ada h ao iey so provides an opporturnityv fori' those penienpaidfot'htieaaoe- tivury senio>rs and gr'alate studIeits who (icce o lo,.wlftr lft c~ai( i'uested to meet at 4:15 'liswl ispoe1oltenf(loclc,1'drdyi h alro - Swis-h to play on tearns to take out ,"re ilh iaeI01tt ne~cekWdedyi lehn'o All women interested in education- Theta Sigma, honorry Journalistic associate mrembei'ships if thley ar'e nothl iiest ic s~l r ir'J- i'Ortynsmal problems are urged to come to thc f society, will hold a 'meeting at 8 o'- eligible for active memrbership. ('ated only oine ck froill(, IhIolalh;tt-- opeining meeting of the Women's Ed-' clock tomorrow night, in the library All women who wislm to join tite' State bus line. Dnra r5 s wil prolst Sly 'tiovnts for the University Girls' rc ational club at 7:30 oclock Wednes- on the second floor of Martha Cook association and who are not reachedI be made t t Le ciultdofI this xweek.! lee c-lub will be continued at 4 0'- Iay evening, room 1.09, Tappan hallj building. 'by the soliciting committee may re-1 The I ourniaitnii xwill be ind itidtal cl ock today in re0011 216, University Ur. Davis will speak. port betxween 3:30 and 5 o'clock, to- rather tihan interclt'hts. driool of MuIsic. --- Tea will be served from 3 to 5 Sday or Thursday in Blarbour gyita -, womet irinerested in the elective o'clock every afternoon in the new simr. A list of thnose eligible for' ac- 1 M ake Changes Inf,,,all s)Izoniner-e womien are urged Ite anoing classes will have at last p- W. A. A. tea-room in the basement of Live membership is also pos0(then're. ; l' ' t tend the class imeetinig at 4:15 o' ort unity to pass the preliminar'y Barour* gymnasium. An added at- t All women students, ecept tie sell- League lDirectorsi clock i otar in oriaoh Caswel Angell switirig testt 1:15 o'clock today traction is a victrola to ,supply music iors and graduates, autonratically he-' h ia I. '1'20e purpose of the Ineeting is itn Barbour gymnasium. The test must for the guests. caeo associate members (f the W. A.I A. by the payment of then' timitioit. I~ an e l h oa"1o lrc~s 1111111111111111111111l1111[11111J 11111l ('itil a 11ges11in11I liel boalld 111N11hi reel o i-s 1111111 SThey may earn athletic honor' points i at'tuze NWomnens IA'agme Nwas an- uip to 100, before taking out active ounciedl at I te irst itmeeting of the mrember'ship in tire associat ionr. Points! board yCSI erd: y. Mam'jorie Mille r, '27. may be earned. in such major' sports was electeod 0as3junion'reisimIaie as hockey, lbasketbiall, or' baseball; inof im1oa ,dnetoIliclogmcakutI 3 '--~-iceY -( dI rN gof ensand fencing; in hiking. nIe, '27,was elce't ranhrro dancing, swimnming and other' sports. I tire lca'Zgticre stiligthe out les o («t jThe drive will close with a W. A3Irinali lFit,hr '7, whao oh -oo1i not=.' A. p~arty to b~e held from 4 to 6 o'clock, back at t he iiversit rqiie o oleegr' Friday, in Barbour gymnasium. Ally,- - LIYIL the first rqiiefrtieole gegil' women on campus are irnvited toi at- i'rig iir hir' ad visnes not to miss I iis l=eeyaadrbFok ha r ayt tend, ando a special invitationr is ex- irst party of the v. A. A_" sidl Iliss I vrda adrb! Frcsthtac ayt tended to tI-e centering women. Nor'ma; Clai-lke. The folloiniig xvotmt cit 1stye=-'slip ) ito-.frocks that save time in the hurr-ied rush tor Clarke, '26, who is Iin charge (f the I been invited to a(-ct i atx1oiess-;s c arly niorning classes! pr'ogram, has promised several fea- IMI-. C'oax(ence C'otk ,iltie" lo aml *ean= tunes which will be announced to-!I lanito in'. ,Alt t;'argil.Bel~, AGr' This year's modes fit in well with the college Imorrow in The Daily. "All advisorslIAllan1' ~ney a in M.\ihn fu n drm lwmi should assutnie the responsibility of wall. gtrl's requirements, for flannel and balbriggan are- --1fashioned so charmingly in liies both new and simple I that she cannot help being pleased. A number of 2 frocks like this will mean that she is always smartly When One's Duty .,Atnin 'desd J-to Beaty?, the Path Is (JibvOUs ! LUEK BE AUTY S PRPE = ,p Serves a Select Clientele of AnnAbrsS-vreti1111119111111n11En111n1nn111Ar111111nors Sin-111nlllll111i111111i-test11t1t#11ti1 [2330; Maynard St. 1horne 7171 -2 Opposite Nickels Arc ade PuiyALreIe P :EIY1111111111111~i1111[111111111111i1111111111111111811i114111 1y N r -I Iy..rIyGeX.A .a-m u~nmiui i 1 Three wonmen who left t heir ubrel- has at the check roomri(during registra- tion may obtain them from Sai'ita Davis, '26, fromn 3 to 5 o'clock this afternoon at Barboumr gymnasium. Memrbers cof the cabinet. of the Un- versity Y. W. C. A. will mecet at 4:15 I 'clock tomrroi-w at Newbrrv hall. Literary Society To Hold Tryouts Portia Literary society will hold ti'youtn at 7:15 o'clock tonightI in the Portia Club r'oonm on the fourth floor oif Aurgell hall. Those desiring to try eout are requested to come prepared wvithr a three minute speech, mem- orized. It may be current, comic or I -~-, I; iqe PlichigaanDal nvishes to announce that Class ifjedAd may be phoned into the, DiailyBusiness Office 1 in Laundry Work Sanitary methods used here saf e- guard your health. Every garment is. 100% clean. Phone 4219 Corner Liberty Street and Fifth Avenus dial 21214 IAvonxvn nt'aimeesteid in mloirmgan-y! cwofm't at xven-hifor' the J1union' Cirl'i'm Inl-a re n(-qltrstc A to atte'nd a meet- t la ttok-oc WXednesday in theI pa ml u, of P1 ilah'ourm'gyawtxtinr. Jun- I ic r Xti'harmlfcwmirthe ar'chit(etuir-al i Sc. mOO, are esecially in vitedm. A coin-1 piw i XVill be(held this year for: I e idtShet- - ntiregplay.oTe! You 'Iobtain servsice and sure resiuIts a kx ~l to be lone iniclut s' both ps 'sand set thigs. 1 >A Y ("I'Y, Oct. 5. ---One persomn wars hiih id fve o h r l a, o e l11111111111111111IIIIIIamtNIIl11111111111IIIII 111I1l11111 lllIe others91 irriitll, one I U