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October 06, 1925 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-06

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.30; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: :Editorial, 4925; business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman, Editorial Board... Norman R. Thal
City Editor..........Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor............Manning Houseworth
Womeh's Editor..........Helen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor.............osephWaKthoer
Telejraph Editor..........William Walthour
Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson
Night. Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Willard B Crosby Thomas V. Koykka
Robert T..DeiVore W. Calvin 'Patterson
Assistant City.Editors.
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito
Gertrude E. Bailey Evelyn Pratt
Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed
~arnubi" Ruth Rosenthal
Buckingham Milo S.. P ky
Edgar Carter '' Abraham- - )vsky
Katherine : Fitch Wilton ipson
Eugene H. Gutekunst Janet
janres T. Herald 2ourd1 Smith
Russell T. Hitt amer Prowl
Munro Innes Henry iurnau
lizabeth S. Kennedy john H. Thurnau
Marion Kubik David C. Yokes
Water H. Mack Chandler . Whipple
Stanton Meyer Kenneth . Wickware
Helen Morrow Howard S. Williams
Herbert Moss Cassam A. Wilson
Margaret' Parker Thomas C. Winter
Stanford N. Phelps Marguerite Zilszke
Telephone 21214



Advertising.............. .-. J. Finn
Advertising. ..........T. D. Olmsted, Jr.
Advertising............ Frank R Dentz, r.
Advertising...............Win. L. Mullin
Circulation..... .......H. L. Newman
Publication..........Rudolph Bostelman
Accounts.................Paul W. Arnold
Ingred M. Alvin F rank ~. Mosher
Ge orge H. Annable, Jr. ulius C. Pliskow
W.'Carl Bauer Robert Prentiss
John H. Bobrink W: C. Pusch
George P. Bugee Franklin 3- auer
Elden W. Butbach Thomas Sunderland
Tames R DePuy Wi. H. Wearne
Myra Finsterwald Eugene Weinberg
Oscar A. Jose, Jr. Wi. J. Weinman
1. F. LittleI
Night Editor-ROBERT T. DE VORE
"It is of small counequ4nc if
we secure a pefect legal dfinil-
ion of crime And a highly impll.
Red and reformed criminal pro-
cedure if the methods employed
for the detection and apprehen-
sion of criminals is of the stage
coach era, directed agInst crimi-
nals who make use of high power
automobied; if the offlies of pub-
li prosecutors are b&ly organ-
ice and subJ.t to sinster p6ll-
teal inihience; if we continnAlly
pass l1;ws without reference to
the essential administrative diffi-
culties in their successful en-
forcement." - Justice Harland
Fiske Stone of the United States
Supreme Court.
Veterans of the World war, attend-
ing the convention of the American
Legion at Omaha, are preparing to
enter the lists in the national air-
craft tournament which Colonel Wil-
liam Mltichell set iI motion a month
ago when he launched his sensational
charges against army and navy offi-
cials, and which have since held the
center of interest in military and con-
gressional circles.
The Legion will throw its weight
on one side of the battle or the other
-the feeling of the men who will
carry the fight to the floor of the con-
vention is too strong to allow half-
way measures. Just what effect this
weight will have on the scales of
justice which are being - cted 'by
the President's investig N ommit-
tee at Washington is a -ion, but
Legion officials believe' it -ill have a
great influence on the final decision.
The Legion is composed of military
men, many of whom were in the
aviation service during the World
war and afterward;, and they are
probably as- well informed .on the is-
sues in question as any other body of
men, except, perhaps, the investigat-
ing committee which has been listen-
ing to heated accusations and denials
for the past few weeks at Washing-
Colonel Mitchell will not appear in
person on the convention' floor, but
his messeage will be read and his
aides are ready to launch a vigorous
campaign that they hope will bring
a hearty endorsement of the colonel's
plans for a separate air service de-
partment from the convention. The
battle over Mitchell is the, issue which
the delegates are planning 'ver-

met, which will promptly become
the scene of a verbalvolcano, if the
the colonel is in form. The air board,
having survived a few days spent on
Mitchell, will now begin in the task
of getting opinions from naval air
Army officers advocate the creation
of a separate air corps in the army;
navy officers recommend a separater
air corps for the navy; Colonel Mit-
chell advocates the establishment of
a department of national defense,
combining both; the American Legion
will advocate something, but nobody
knows what as yet.-At least, theret
is very little talk of leaving the entireI
situation as it was before the Shen- s
andoah disaster and the ill-fate'l
Hawaii flight, which precipitated Col-
onel Mitchell's charges and started
the entire affair.
Regardless of the Legion's decisiont
and the final result as given in the
formal court-martial which will start
next week, it is certain that the air,
defense of the United States will be
improved.. Colonel Mitchell should be
thanked for giving the entire situa-
tion a national airing that has spread
through San Francisco, Omaha, Wash-
ington, and Lakehurst, New Jersey,
and which will culminate 'in very
definite action for the improvement
of the air service, regradless of which
of the proposed reforms is adopted.
In the past we've had everything
from Varsity football teams to Var -
sity inns, but it remained for three
ambitious students who are attempt-
ing to work their way through school
to give us-the Varsity barrel, bar-
rels filled with apples, for which the
purchaser was requested to deposit
five cents.
This is not an advertisement for
the barrels, we are not financially or'
otherwise interested in them (beyond
the fact that they furnish a conveni-
ent way for us to buy our favorite
fruit in small quantities), but we find
that they have made a distinct con-
tribution to the campus from an ex-
perimental standpoint. During the
first three days of their existence, the
proprietors are said to have lost more
than $17. Instead of money to pay
for apples worth that amount they
found broken glass keys and metal
slugs of every description,-evidence
of the fact that the pseudo purchasers
are afraid of the gaze of public
opinion, but are cowardly and under-
handed enough to steal such petty
things as apples, worth five cents
We don't want to preach, there's
nothing we hate more, but it does
seem wrong to educate people whose
code of honor is as degraded as this,
with education they may go in for
bigger and better thefts.
(The Boston Evening Transcript)
Rumor is uncertain about the debt
negotiations, the Security Agreement;
meeting at Locarno may result in
anything, the Mosul question is
in a delicate condition, but we
know at least that Mr. Jack
Dempsey has signed a protocol
by the terms of which he is to
meet Mr. Harry Wills in September,
1926, at Michigan City, Indiana. It
can thus be seen that while diplo-
matists, soldiers and international
financiers are fooling away their time,
or, worse still, making insinuations
about each other, these two silent,

strong men have done what they
could to still a world's fevered pulse.
One item of vital importance at least
is out of the doubtfiil index-Mr.
Dempsey and Mr. Wills are to meet as
one comet impinges on the are of an-
It is to be, so we gather from des-
patches, a meeting or tourney mark,
ed by the absence of commercial con-
sideration. Neither man has been
guaranteed a cent; they will box on
a percentage; Mr. Dempsey has post-
ed a trifling $100,000 and Mr. Wills
a negligible $50,000; these gentlemen
will each receive a derisory $25,000
as preliminary expenses and we are
glad to hear that it was paid them
last night, as was proper for the sim-
ple wants of true artists. This is
most fitting, for if the percentages
should be nothing, it will be seen
that they would have had all that
trouble and fatigue to no purpose, ex-
cept some very healthful exercise.
The actual signing of the protocol
took place in an office over a drug
store in Niles, Mich., where no doubt
a commemorative plaque will be af-
fixed. It is in these modest sur..
roundings and in this quiet way that
a great historical event has taken
place and let all congratulate them-
selves that here at last is a definitei
bit of world news. Needless to say all
details in the lives of the two princi-,

... ..


In a letter to the 'Ensian recently, TillYPSILXNTI P l E
requesting that the names of local The Ypsilanti Players, who thou h
ministers be included in the Student their efforts of the past ten seaoims
directory this year, Rev. Sherbert have come to be recognized as one of
Gump gave as a reason that the ed- the more important of the Little Tb-
itor of Rolls might like to know how atre groups in the country, have an-
to spell "Jump." That seems to be nounced their program for the elv-I
enth season, which will open October
Mr. Chump's greatest worry in life, 26, with a performance of Lord Din
and he seems to be continually fight- sany's "If."
ing it, for we see the name "Dump" The players have attempted this
in print continually. We realize that year to offer as rich a variety of plays
as their facilities will admit. In a(d(-
Mr. Lump is probably right and wetI
flon to their first production they will
fear that we have misspelled the name present Charles Vildrac's "S. S.
"Bump" many times in this depart- Tenacity," translated from the French
ment. Hump is a hard name to spell, by Mabel Britton, one of the players.
you know. Never mind, Mr. Stump, "In spite of the pessimistic opinion
we'll get it straight some time. among some of our play-reading com-
*. * * Imittee," says the Players' Leaflei.
"this play commands the admiration
THE COLUMN that of a few. We are soil for experiment
and a failure to please is not a catas -
K. C. B. used to trophe."
WRITE in the A third long play on the program
ANmmay be Martinez Sierra's "A Ro,-

I R- _ -_ --"_ ,..


Exchange that Misfit Pen for a
The Pen of the Past--Tu e Pen of the Present--The Pen of the Future
We will make you a good allowance.
The "Fi ler Masterpen" made by J. G. Rider Pen Co.
Ann Arbor, Mich., is in a class by itself-nothing like it or
to compare with it.
If there is such a thing as a "non-breakable" the "Mas-
terpen" is that pen and it holds a whole barrelful of ink
(230 drops). Fitted and serviced by Rider himself at


HE STILL does, but
ANYWAY HE had just
AS MUCH space to
FILL as we
HAVE but he
HAD a lot
MORE nerve.
HOW HE used to
DO it every
* * *
It has been pointed out th
the M. A. C. band are cost
footmen the Michigan Band a
ed as doormen.,
* * *
A brilliant young grid
For he gave all his oppon
II increased the score
And will do it some more
For he greases from his
his hip.
SPassage by foot from the
um of University hall to the
front of James Burrill Angel
volves the negotiation of 92
these 66 are walked down
walked up going and 66 w;
coming and 26 walked down.
of these steps are straight-a
remainder involve turns o
From this we not only ga
it is much more desirable to
to come by this route, but
show clearly why there is
congestion in the halls du
morning, and why we haves
football teams.
* *
There seems to be a pecu.
tion established among the b
fountains. The minute you
the waiter hastely brings yo
of nice cold ice water.
leaves to your own devises
quenched your thirst you
and wait for your order tol
We don't want to start anyi
we don't see why sometime
does finnish the glass of w
having achieved his purpo
the place........ Or maybe
* * *
Fifi says she can't unders
they call the bleachers at Fe
stands when everyone sits


mantic Young Lady," and two pro-
grams of short plays, from which th"
final selections will be made, inclut',
Schnitzer's "Tie Farewell Sutpper,'
"The Apricot Tree" by Clifford B
"Sweethearts" by W. S. Gilbert, an!l
'The Forsaken" by Amy Lowell.
Other works which also are rect'ivin g
serious consideration are th' gypsy
scene from Tolstoi's "Fedya," Anton
Tschekov's "The Swan Song," F , r
enc Molnar's "The HMost," ".Joe" b

Pea Specialists

302 State



Jane Danefield. Gloria lundi''
tmed as IPatricia Brown, and "Salvage" b I i
re dress- Doris Ransohoff
The Players this year have been
offered a larger theatre, but wbhili
they may do one production in tl;i
theatre, they are not aiming at any
star was great expansion in this respect. Onj
the contrary, they hope to preserv
nents the the individaul qualities which a lit Ie
theatre usually fosters.
The director of the organization M jA
Daniel L Quirk, Jr.,and the play, p
knee to are staged by Paul Stephen on. Mr.
Quirk, incidentaliy, was elected na9
tional president of the Drama Lcague
of Ameria at their annual con yen -
auditor!-( tion in ('ineinnati.
plaza in Membership in tbhe Ypsilanti :Play- 1
1 Hall in- ers is of three kinds: active xchich is
steps, of by inv-it ation and elective: subscrB,
n and 26 ing, which entitles the member to O1 ,
valked up ticket at five dollars for the seas'on
Only 40 and sustaining, which was cr'ea ted towe
away; the include those friends of the playr c,; hem
f various who desire to make donations in ad- OU
dition to the regular price of the su. d i
ather that scribing membership. whi"h
o go than The schedule for this year's pro to the
we also gram is as follows: October 26 to a vay
so much November 3; November 30 to Decemi- 'hsa'
uring the her S; January 18 to January 26:
such good Febraury 15 to February 23; Marc> F
15 to March 24. Subscriptions ('0 7
Saturday, October 17, and all applica- ("EIV ii
liar tradi-- tions for membership should be mail-
local soda ed the First National Bank, Ypsilanti,
sits down Michigan.
u a glass For the convenience of Ann Aibor
Then he patrons arrangements have bee'n P;
Having made wkitbh the Ann Arbor-Detroit
must sit bus line to stop at the door of tbe
be taken. playhouse.

ng armohts,D S C
6 1117'4? 1s11 A-N,
I : ",d't' r4'~ I'Iioiw,211I2




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s _-
Tk Y


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a Dollar or More at the
r Sreet l'hone 7415.
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Second Semester



Sophomores with a grade"
average or better are eligible
try out for the business side


on a Real Newspaper


"The Daily."
Call at the Daily Office

in the

Press Building any afternoon this
week and we will gladly demon-
strate practical opportunities for
your spare time.
The Michigan- Daily

thing but,
ater and.
se, leave
they do-
tand why
erry Field
down on

* * *

She also would like to meet
Waterman, you know, the one
named the building after.
* * *


Strange as it may sound, it is the
absolute and unadulterated truth,
that rubbers come from rubber
plants. What inspired that great
thought we fail to remember, but art,
after all is the seeking of the truth,
and in that we create beauty, and
abovementioned fact is a truth there-
fore this paragraph is a beauty.
* * *

The Sunday Detroit papers con-
tained the highly inte resting aan
nouncement that Sabatini's; dramati-
zation of his own novel, "The Caro-
linian," which is to open 'T'hursday
evening for its world premiere at th"e
Bonstelle Playhouse, is being staged
by Hamilton AIacFadden. Mr. Mac-
Fadden, a graduate of Harvard Uri
vresity, first attracted attention as
the producer of Kauffman and Cot-
nelly's "The Beggar on Horseback'
in Santa Barbara, California, viLk'
the play was still running in No v
York. This summer, however, h.
came into national prominence as th,-'
director of The American Theatre at1
Salem, Massachusetts. Here' he or-
ganized a repertory company of se
of the most distinguishedBrdwx
players, including lanche Yurk
Betty Linley, Mary Hone, Gilh't I
Emery, Mrs. John Barryniore( M ic hao
Strange), Alan Birmingham a)I
Thomas Chalmers.
The season listed such exceptional
plays as Shaw's "Pygmalion," a
rne's "Mary Bose," Oscar WAilde's "'Thb
Importance of Being Earnest," SIyn-
ge's "The Playboy of the, -Westcr,
World' and George I Cohian's 'e-


f Ly E ' A S
i. N'T .4 1
Ni 1 H E
' , xa$' ; ,

We wonder whether
chorus boys thing that
theatre is going to waste
* * *

the Opera
the Mimes
or not.

ME N N I- '~
mF 4 oMM 2 E

Under New
Qua CI i- 'airl Service
.tt lpiwe', lI'ies
(1PSi'hY A NI
f'Ar .tv Inn

NgtGranger' s
Throughout the whole of last year the
Wednesday night dances at Granger's
were popularly attended. The same has
been true of the mid-week dances this
year. Coming when they do they offer
the students who care for dancing an
opportunity for a few hours of recrea-
tion during the week. The crowds at
these Wednesday night dances are of a
nice size. The music, as on Friday and
Saturday nights, is furnished by Jack
Scott's Club Royal Ten Piece Orchestra.
Dancing every
Wednesday, 8-10
Friday, 9-1
Saturday, 9-12
Tickets for these dances
may be purchased at

Something ought to be done about
this situation. It seems
to be getting worse daily and no one
is giving it the slightest attention. It
shows just what this country is com-
ing to when a situation like this con-
tinues to grow worse right under the
noses of the people and they are pow-
ers to act because a few cheap graft-
ers are running the government.
Please fill in your own particular kind
of situation. You must have one.
Everybody does, these days, you
* * *


Palmer Christian will present the
following program at the second or
gan Recital tomorrow afternoon a:
4:15 o'clock in Hill auditorium:
Rhapsodia Italiana .............yon
Andante Cantabile (Sym-
phony 5) .........Tschaikoxvskw:

6 RS E


fter. Th ey a otL ived happily ev
after. They always do. - l arcle Champetre .........




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