TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6," 1925 THE MICHIGAN. DAILY . ®.®... .. IN S9CK SEASON ~Vair I~~iI~5Five Ne(w h~ooks' and W~e ii.c I (} hr For Memiabers of 1'j-;elfitjg Staff SCHORLING ISSUES TWO 'Thatt thae University faculty turns its h;,nd; to writintg (luring the sum- lner onh Li evidenced by the fact that ;:everal new books andl revised edit ions of old books by mennbers of the teaching staff have been published during August and September by George Wabir of this city. Prof. Charlesi W. Edmunds of the pharmacy school, bas recently writ- ten a text, "Experimental Pharma- cology." The third edition, revised, of !'Dissection Methods in Anatomy," by Prof. R. R. McCotter of the medical' school, ha s just been published. "Compound Interest Function" by Prof. James W. Glover of the mathe- matics department, and two books for teachers on mathematics by, Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the education school,have just come from the press. Professor Schorling has added "A Tentative List of Objectives In The Teaching of Junior High School Math- ematics" and "Instructional Tests in Algebra" to his list of titles. The of- fice of president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is held by Professor Schorling. Prof. Saniuel Moore of the English department, has one new book called "Hfistorical Outline of English Phonol- ogy and Morphology." This outline inclu~des medieval hand modern Eng- lisb. Arbitrates Rows ~INTfET NS ACIITE ! t n , C' i n the (2i > O ;,3 sits debating experience as well as! 'l"II' t.1A l fH, 1ieh , (Oct. 5. tiraining inl literary societies. # c~lny I11,000,000 tons of freight, 11 I GOfficial tryouts for men seeking adI-'yrg iron ore, passed tlhrought the q mission to A(Teiphi House of Repro-' 1o(-1tis dIt jog Septem iher as coi n pa r;[ II~Ui~fl LLJ)5Oiiativtc, -Fill ihe held at 11e0 iflertiNg -vit'li A61210 tons in Spebr 91 oAll ;ell hail Tuiesday at 7:30 o'clock. accordinug to t he rep ort of o...1 1, c~ i-- I'!he h ouse will vote on the tryouts D ent legineer, anad. L. C. ..i:. it- 3 c3 tori' iS nearIO E lie clogse of the meeting. Ierintendent of the locks. It. G. Dlo By' the appointment of IT. G. Dalton, For the Quality. For the kind of t more pleasai For the kind of litres to eat."~ I DETROIT THEATRES t THIS WEEK I TUTFI, LUNICH 338 31V year t1:aii ever lwf, fi f!'t'5 of the Oratorical ossoci at ion and itdhe vair-- ion1S deba It jiagaid 1lit01' a1y SoyietieS "I believe tiat l here is grea t ee in-- EXCELLENCY teresL in 1public swaikitig on ftihe earn-; william C(. Dixon, pt:iot of the( In hand work is our proven motto. W~e pay speciil atten- (Jlrestni aIn, eoeiyare o ,iov~i e. 1 t~ ion to young men's woolen garments. We call for andi real intferest . Nuinorou;;re(11105t deliver. have been recciv(laIth e officsof thie associatiou from first 3yeair en asking for inlorrina .fioil (aicerninjg; tpast yeti '; stio -,,th flt;1-1(31 requnestsi -ii T'~~lg l:~~t'i eCr:o ' A NA T EMare g rea i.,r this yearil than e'vil1 be- fore."I Olliicers ofl1A] pita NuIandl Del pi ,ay ___________________ t at applicat ions to r tryots for tIheir-j cluibs are .so1 nmi'ou5 that all can- IIIIIIII~Ilt1t1lflllllllHl111l~i111111"~l11[1nlI1is~. not bo aceonnoloda ted. 'I'r ounm -- ter'ial is said to bie exceptionally goodi,\+e , /jtlJ piaiiv haeaving had high sc(hool var- Cleveland, as arbliter, llresidenlt Cool- INOF iam i V1 I iige hopes to bring order out of Chaos ini the U. S. shippting hoard. You'll be surprised ;twa ec a of Frenchy baby 4 doll our Constance ~f tie kid offoodmakes; you'll be thrilled when she comes surronding-s -fhat jquake your ineaiIs dancing down at the head of the snappy n f. Follies Bergere show! service that makes you say: "One -And how the b '31he learned a Wi en do fall for * xtiecd or hvo onl her - she knows - her laictIPar'is RO Mhow to get 'em1. -visit-~ COOOMN real alu.eey- im9ou0~ eady information on wordI :ly yours in 6-\ is Ago Dictionary-Based upon VT INTERNATIONAL________________ finitions, etymologies, pro-Im KEITH FEATURE "lMOV'E LOVE" y )ns and use in itsl1,256 pages. f OTIS MITCHEL-Io ( 2 eT illustrations. Includes dic- - r:FoAn('the y 'jes of biography and geog- -~ M1ARYLAND SINGERSFRIS ll~~lM y and other special features. CmiT HTIE BEGGAR ON H-ORSElBACK" inted on Bible Paper.;Illifli111lliltllillltll Uill9ii1lllill11ib11111i14 eeI tYu olg oktr r Write for information to the Publishers. Free specimen pages ifyou name this paper. A1_ N'f RR tte QQpjayOU~eNights $1 to $220 '5c to $1.50 Woodyard at iUiot Sat. Mats.$i to $2 SIDNEY BLACKMER In Sabatini's American Romance E THE CAR OLINIAN" SO ubedt Lafayette Lafayette at nSheib Cad. &705 Wheni in Detroit otii't fail to ae °, The STUDENT PRINCE At last The 100% Operetta : igh ts: 5oc to $3. Sat. Mat., 5oc to $2.50. Popular price Mat. Thursday. Best seats. $2 Weed. - 50¢ to 2.50 G ARI I(Wed. Mat. 50c to 15 Sat. Mat. 50c to $2.0 19i9th Time-23rd Big Week ANNIE NICHOLS' OI 'S IRISH ROSE S1EE IT! Vo a Will Eventually! Will NOT NOW? -Cg phi a y ,a.i VP )IT V, mOut., Oct. 5.-Expors sY eofn ho cc irom (ana(:Ia to countries of -5a6_et R;-i f' w Norl lucre:sed 100 tper cenit in -Qttai-7 ypenctt Itic 1f tomiths eruiiaa«' ug. 1, saida a_* z1Y1,01r1 :- uc I y theint )'u1ion b)uir XW -Q a n l o tf m a , M N!black 1I TIS FOIR Y OU! degrees Super~ti ¢ -in quality, V '7r Ie(llov student is a naturt - tTbe u -famous fono eaieyu al Ii tconsiderablie money Onl opyini t''~ clothes,.\ve strip the middle- 0 :tO]i~~Wappim I ugcollege repl- is-iivs veryagn will receivs give best service and .II r ~ - llIeAnd comnpact outfit of longest wear. Buy Plain ends, per doz. $1.00 )fl~0~ 11~1 4t1-ti~ltsl~ank. ape. Rubber eds pr doz. 1.20 ~~~' C 1r10's It.. 'I'ozen~ 0 i; 3 "E r~i red--OU (1 ee t11. e4aic. "de _+ ' \O t'cud-, . -, UZ~fl 22Ok,hr ve., N. . -Ii'g pa el d l:% Rit as your profit--we;v rcclic <:-1on lv when we deliver Ithe gt'id1}iil& 'ii I isfor you!? ~YAI s~vii:'r COTIIES 11,11i11w World Over. ~ cd te W n ! :: f Fi~ A v(e-New York p .A Smart Comedy- Conc nc, Hoar. h'itlz "His High flat High 0it RAYMONDRIA 1~ m eisf sYl Y-.6 ely prdu b,~ ii:~owncomey unt o exprtI NOR MAN S EA E Ir' INA eugIul ~~eo ~ei md i +' and I),d Y'la se Ii 11 _ _z , >. . t o. You'll never be thrown for a los, "ItZ IT, rau:r d' v l _ ate s r I . .,,;/ " 31, 3 V3 . 1r t P t Kf + r f . .b ,{ ft . 1. t rf. dl c aYr 4 ', J r t"b ' 1'zcture ' 3 ; s:9 S 4~o WE SPARIE NO EXPE]NSE IN OUR NiAO TO FUJI!NISII GAOOI) MUSIC rA by this pen COiMiNG SUNDAY- Mi,,igtier Than Anything I 4, Ithe g'old band ]~e,sthe capfom Spliting The Conklina -Endura was built . for the man who "slings a mean sentence". Try one the next time you' re near a penr counter. Conklin Endura, at $5 and $7, in redl, black, mahogany; long or short; clip or'ring cap. A wide variety of other Conklin pens and pencils, in rubber and all metals-. priced ai low as $1.00' for pencils and $2.50 for pens. Conklin ij ii 2 :00-3 :30-1 :00(-8S:30 Admission _______'_hi 'ta, Wie Wy12;1c i The play that broke the world's record JOHN GOLDEN'S TRIUMPH i ii , " AO THERE's never any slip-up with the Swan Eternal. It doesn't fumble its job, doesn't get caught behind the line. The minute you touch it to paper, it's away. It's like one of those back-field ge- niuses who can always be depohded on to make the distance in an emergency. Some pens clog, as you know to your sorrow. Others balk and have to be shaken down to get them started. Others leak and sweat. The Swan does none of these things. It begins to write the instant you touch it to paper. The flow of ink is easy, even, smooth-neither too much nor too little. The zpoint is sensitive, responsive and everlasting. There is no other pen like the Swan. The men who make it have been at the job nearly half a cen- tury. No other pen 40"m"fh is made with such scrupulous care and accuracy. No other pen is nearly- so perf ect in perf ormance. You can test these state- ments for yourself. Go to any of the university stores and write there with a Swan. Compare it with other pens. You'll never again be content with an ordinary writing instrument. Ask any dealer to show you the fine oversized Swan Pen illustrated. Because this particular Swan Pen is so ex- ceptionally fine, it carries the special name of Swan "Eter- nal." With reasonable care, it will never wear out. You will find it to be a finer pen than you have ever owned. Its price is $7. A still larger size is $9; a smaller size $5. Take your own choice as to color and style of point. Mabie Todd & Co., expert pen makers since 1843. i } Ii i I I I 4I f a I r k . r ! I J 5 1 t i i i S T O R Y B y . P 1 A P p s 9anrvowit w (inease"f'c 7 Q ..-.'SC -.' . ..,, . . . . :.?... ": f r$ r T ,:J f .}),j Q~m'N! J~A in 0~>p I *.y. Me~oramaic i Alar>J Mdamatic in Am Fic yclopaedic in Sc ()% -? Aun cs of S!Lr Have Ever Seen Bcl'i t' JIay 3Ladge EthelI Hunit Bellamy Clayton J. Firrell Il ae1)o nI it 0)1-s Iarlant Edythe (llapillal I~°lriinlu Hurs-t Iflay by Franuk 1hm'nd n ~id ilciwl i 4iiI, Scenario 4y 'FI'iiWcs 31'a io. JohniiFord lProdl ui'iov, WUERTH SYMPHONIC ORCI--ESTRA I N. 1). FALCONE, Director IT T 1T T'T T.rD nD' A X~T I l 7f CI If I